CH37 The Skyrocketing Price!!!

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As soon as Haru's announcement came out, the world chat channel suddenly boiled because the wild monsters in the endless continent do not drop equipment.

The 'humanoid monsters' have equipment, but they are the intelligent creatures. These local forces from the Endless Continent are so powerful that they cannot be beaten at all.

So at this stage, most Castle Lords don't even have low-level equipment not to mention the high-level equipment created by the materials of the Tier 8 Earth Dragon Commander.

High-Level equipments, for the current Castle Lords, are real artifacts. Not only can it greatly improve the combat power, but it can also be used for a long time.

[F**k! High-level equipment?]

[I haven't even seen the most common low-level equipment, let alone high-level equipment!]

[At this stage, this is a super artifact!]

[The big shot Haru is really extraordinary!]

[He is even willing to sell high-end equipment, does he still have more awesome equipment?]

[Haru is invincible!]

In fact, Haru himself does not have equipment. However, he collected a lot of materials from the corpse of the Tier 8 Earth Dragon Commander. There are one hundred and eight dragon scales the size of a palm alone, as well as materials such as dragon skin, dragon teeth, and bones.

They're enough to create more than one set of high-end equipment. At that time, he will get a set, Lily will get a set, and the rest can be put up for auction.


[High-end equipment is good but will it be a waste to use it to arm the troops?]

[Indeed, if you want to buy High-Level Equipment, it will definitely consume a lot of resources and its cost will be very high. In the end, you can only improve the strength of a single unit, which seems not worth it!]

The materials of the Tier 8 Earth Dragon are obviously limited. It is impossible to create hundreds of sets of equipment. To be able to create ten sets of equipment is already very good.

Obviously, Haru will not auction high-end equipment in groups, but will auction them separately.

That is to say, only very few lucky people can get a set of equipment. Some Castle Lords believe that the cost-effectiveness is too low to consume a lot of resources to buy only one set of equipment.

After all, the strength of a Castle can be seen as its overall strength. A single powerful unit is difficult to increase the combat power proportional to the cost of buying the High-Level Equipment.

However, soon, some Castle Lords stood up to refute this.

[This person is simply out of his mind!]

[Is high-end equipment worn by troops? Obviously the Lord will equip it himself!]

[Once the Beginner period is over and the protective barrier of the castle disappears, at that time, the safety of the Castle Lord is the most important thing!]

[Even if all the troops under his command are destroyed, as long as the Castle Lord does not die, there is hope for a comeback!]

[High-end equipment is not to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops, but to protect ourselves!]

[Not much to say, I have sent the castle troops to collect Refined Iron!]

[Sad! Why does Haru only need Refined Iron? Why won't other resources work?]

[I don't have any Refined Iron. Not even a single unit.]

[Me too!]

[The big boss Haru is obviously preparing for the upgrade of his castle to town. Only when upgrading to a town, a large amount of refined iron will be needed!]

[Envious! So far my castle is only intermediate!]


World chat channel is buzzing with excitement. The trading area on the side is also very popular. It is definitely too late to collect Refined Iron now.

Hence, the only option is to buy Refined Iron. Many Castle Lords are selling food, wood, and stone for Refined Iron.

At the same time, some Castle Lords started a reselling business. While buying Refined Iron for a relatively low price, they sell it at a higher price.

For a time, the price of Refined Iron skyrocketed. During the cheap period, one unit of food can be traded for three units of refined iron. Previously, there weren't many Castle Lords who were willing to buy Refined Iron for higher price because they were reluctant.

But now, the price of refined iron has almost tripled.

It quickly reached the point where one unit of food was traded for one unit of refined iron. There are also Castle Lords who are using wood and stone to buy Refined Iron at high prices.

In short, Haru's short announcement detonated the entire trading area and significantly raised the market price of Refined Iron. In the process, many Castle Lords benefited from it and made a fortune first.

The ones who suffer are only a few powerful Castle Lords who have the capital, and who are confident to compete for high-end equipment. After all, if they want to collect a large amount of refined iron, they need to pay a price.

Of course, this has little effect on Haru. On the contrary, it is beneficial for him. The concentration of Refined Iron in the hands of a few Castle Lords will only drive up the auction price.

On the contrary, if it is scattered in the hands of many Castle Lords, the auction price won't be that high.


"It seems that there are many top Castle Lords who are excited! This is a good news!" Haru looked at the lively trading area. From time to time, he could see some familiar figures buying Refined Iron at high prices.

For example, [Black Dragon Castle], [Elf Garden], [Silver War Castle], and Aria's [Golden Castle], etc.

The masters of these top castles also covet his high-end equipment. Although the strength of the troops under their command is strong, they themselves are weak.

The beast tide event is coming. No one knows how many monsters will attack the castle. In case, the castle troops resisted the beast tide, but the Castle Lord himself was killed by monsters in the battle, wouldn't that be a big loss? Therefore, even the Lords of the top castles needs to use high-level equipment to protect themselves so as not to die under the attack of the beast tide.

Even Haru didn't dare to be careless, he would put on equipment and participate in the battle of the beast tide.

"According to the current situation, tomorrow's auction is bound to be very hot!" A smile appeared on Haru's face. The biggest winner, after all, is him! That's the advantage of being at the forefront! At any time, he will be the first to get benefits.


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