CH41 Soaring Strength And Hostile Castle Lord!!!

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"Did this news spread?"

At Angel Castle, Haru looked at the information in the [World Chat Channel]. He really did not expect that the angel team that was out hunting would be discovered by other Castle Lords in the dark forest and he'd directly post it to the world chat channel which made the countless Castle Lords learn of the existence of angels.

"This person is not good!" Haru decisively labelled him as a hostile force. It was still enough to reveal the existence of angels but he actually encouraged the Castle Lords in dark forest to kill his Angels.

He won't take this lying down! He'll kill that guy to relieve your anger! It will also give a warning to other Castle Lords.

Currently, although no one has linked the angel to him yet, it has nothing to do with whether he destroys the castle of the hostile forces or not. Haru didn't care whether the angels' existence would be revealed. Otherwise, he would not have directly name his castle [Angel Castle].


At dusk, all the Angels returned. After a day of hunting, the little angels have gained a lot of experience. Some little angels were directly promoted.

The most gratifying of them is the promotion of the Four-Winged Archangel Mary. After exterminating the dragons, Mary's rank has reached the peak of Tier 7, and she was only one step away from Tier 8.

After a daytime of hunting, Mary was successfully promoted to Tier 8. Her rank is once again equal to the Angel of Love Seraphina.

Now, he has a total of two Tier 8 angels.

Tier 7 Angel - None.

Tier 6 Angels - Fourteen.

Tier 5 Angels - Five.

A total of twenty-one little angels.

"My lord!" The four-winged archangel Mary flew over and reported to Haru. After being promoted to Tier 8, Mary's height has reached one meter, and her charm is rapidly emerging. Her own state has also entered a growth stage.

[Mary: Four-Winged Archangel]

[Current Status: Growth Stage]

[Strength Level: Tier 8]

[Loyalty: 100 (Die-Hard Loyal)]

[Complete Body - Four-Winged Archangel at the Peak of Demigod]


Mary folded her wings and stood in the air. Her small hands were crossed and stacked in front of her.

She bowed to Haru and said respectfully, "Reporting to my Lord, according to your order, the angel team searched for hidden local forces in the surrounding forest while hunting and Michael found something. He found an entrance to the Gnome tribe!"

"The Gnome tribe is located in the underground world but we are not clear about their strength for the time being."

Haru nodded slightly: "Continue to investigate tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the little angel Michael.

Michael flew over quickly and said respectfully, "My lord, in addition to the Gnomes, I also encountered a group of human warriors! They attacked me first without any reason!"

"Give me details." Haru thought of the Castle Lord who exposed the existence of angels in the [World Chat Channel].

Michael respectfully said: "Reporting to my Lord, that is a group of human warriors with strength between Tier 3 and Tier 5 with inferior equipment and weak strength!"

"After being attacked, I fought back at the right time and crushed the enemy and just let one retreat. I followed the man and finally found a castle."

"The location of the castle is about eight kilometers away from our Angel Castle, and I have already marked it! In the castle, there is a Tier 3 Castle Lord, and more than forty militiamen from Tier 1 to Tier 2."

"We're just waiting for the Lord's order. The angel team can easily wipe out the heretics in the castle!"

The Angel team is very strong. Breaking through a castle guarded by only a few dozen militiamen is very simple.

"Don't worry, that castle will be eradicated sooner or later!" Haru waved his hand. Obviously, the person who uploaded the message was the Castle Lord of that castle. He actively tried to attack the little angel Michael.

Instead, when his team was destroyed by Michael, and he was traced to the castle, that person must be afraid, worried about the Angel's revenge.

Hence he put the news on the world chat channel to incite the Castle Lords of the dark forest to hunt the angel, and share the risk. This kind of person is really hateful!

However, even if he wanted to break through that man's castle, he had to wait for the end of the Beginner Protection Period. During the Beginner protection period, the castle is invincible.

As long as he hides in the castle and doesn't come out, even if the angel team attacks his castle they will not be able to kill him.

But when the Beginner Protection Period is over, the protective cover will disappear. That person can only be slaughtered by him. The premise is that he can survive the coming beast tide safely.

The little angel Michael wiped out his elite troops, leaving only a group of militia under his command. The strength of his castle has plummeted. Maybe he won't even be able to resist the beast tide and his castle would be leveled by the beast tide.

By then, Haru won't even have to attack his castle but if that person was lucky enough to survive, Haru didn't mind doing it himself, giving him a ride.

Haru said to the little angels under his command: "Continue to work hard and improve your strength! Soon, the beast tide will attack. While guarding the Angel Castle, you must kill as many monsters as possible!"

"""We will follow your orders, my lord!""" The little angels responded respectfully.

Angel of Love Seraphina said: "Under the protection of my Lord, no evil force can invade the Angel Castle!"

The four-winged archangel Mary on the side was also in high spirits: "The Angel team is willing to sweep away all evil, darkness, and heretics for my Lord!"

"""Believe in the Lord and have eternal life!"""


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