CH46 Faith Vs Truth!!!

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In the forest, the Gnome army met the angel army. Without any extra words, the two sides immediately started a fierce battle.


"Avenge the sacrifice of the brave warriors!"

"Kill all these invaders from the Otherworld!"

The Tier 8 Gnome Commander Rock, raised the mace in his hand, and rushed towards the angel team with a roar. These glowing wingmen, the most powerful among them is at peak of Tier 6 and they dare to provoke the powerful Gnome army.

The rest of the Gnomes were also very heroic. Following behind the Gnome Commander Rock, they charged towards the Angel Team. At the same time, the dense iron arrows flew out from the Gnome army and shot at the Angel Army. The little angels flapped their wings one after another to avoid them flexibly.

With this level of long-range physical attacks, it is impossible to hurt them at all. Then, they quickly fought back.

'Holy Cross Slash', 'Bright Triple Slash', 'Sword of Holy Judgement'

The angel combat skills were used. The little angels were brave & fearless, and they rushed directly into the camp of the Gnome army. Wherever they passed, holy light bloomed, and the Gnome warriors fell one after another.

"Damn it!" The Gnome Commander Rock waved his mace and smashed at the nearest little angel.

Just at this moment, holy white light enveloped the little angel and formed an indestructible shield of holy light, which directly resisted the attack of the Gnome Commander Rock. The Four-Winged archangel Mary appeared!

Mary held the holy sword and pointed it at the Gnome Commander Rock and the Gnome army around him: "The Lord said that evil will be purified by holy flame. Only holy light and faith can last forever!"

Immediately, golden flames gushed out from her holy sword and formed a sea of ​​fire. It covered the Gnome Commander Rock and dozens of Gnome warriors.

Those Gnome warriors instantly turned into golden firemen and turned to ashes. Only the Gnome Commander Rock released the magic in his body, barely blocking the holy flames of the angel.

"Damn! It's a Tier 8 Winged Man!" When the Gnome Commander Rock saw Mary, his expression changed suddenly. He was not stupid. It soon became clear that they were fooled!

The strongest of the enemies was hiding, and it now suddenly appeared, obviously to lure them into taking the bait and take the opportunity to weaken the strength of their Gnome tribe.

"What about the Tier 8! The powerful Gnomes have even enslaved dragons not to mention you creatures from the Otherworld!" The Gnome Commander Rock roared.

He raised his mace and pointed it at the little angel shrouded in the shield of light. Then kicked the legs, like a cannonball, he rushed towards the four-winged Archangel Mary flying high in the sky.

"Believe in the Lord and have eternal life! For heretics who have lost their faith, only their soul is worthy of redemption!"

Mary was fearless. Holding the holy sword, covered with holy light, she clashed with the Gnome Commander Rock.


Rock's magic collided violently with divine magic. Suddenly, a terrifying shock wave appeared. The dense forest within a radius of 100 meters was affected, many boulders flew, and some trees were even uprooted.

When the shock wave and violent energy dissipated, high in the sky, only the figure of the four-winged archangel Mary remained and the Gnome Commander Rock was half-kneeling on the ground, and the mace in his hand flew somewhere.

He was pale, staring at Mary with disbelief. As a senior late-stage Tier 8 powerhouse, he is not a match for an early-stage Tier 8 Otherworldly creature? In the collision of strength between the two sides, he was defeated!

"How is this possible! What race are you?" Rock, the Gnome Commander, was shocked. Mary had a beautiful face, and her whole body exuded a holy white light. She said proudly, "We are angels, holy creatures created by the Lord! Our duty is to spread the Lord's faith and clean up all evil heretics for the Lord!"

"I've never heard of this angel race but faith..." The Gnome commander Rock got up from the ground and said with anger: "The creatures of the endless continent do not need faith! We only pursue the truth!"

Mary: "What is truth?"

"The truth is, it is..." The Gnome Commander Rock was abruptly silent. Then, he suddenly said angrily: "The truth is the truth! The so-called belief will only erode our souls! The shameful belief in the evil gods had long since been abandoned by us!"

"Kill!!" Rock growled angrily. The war started again!


At this time, hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, stood a young man. Around him, a large group of militiamen were gathered.

"My Lord that's what happened!"

"The battle over there is very fierce. We can't get involved at all." Listening to the report of his subordinates, the young man's expression was a little ugly. Hundreds of Gnome warriors and a group of angels are at war, it's crazy!

"How come there are so many angels in the Dark Forest?" He didn't understand. The number of high-ranking beings like angels should be rare. As a result, how come a group of angels appeared on the battlefield here?

"Any other information?" In the face of the youth's inquiry, the militiamen who went to scout the news shook their heads and said, "Reporting to the lord, the strength of both sides on the battlefield is very strong, and the strongest among them are Tier 8! I did not dare to approach, but could only look from a distance."

"But for sure, the goal of those angels is the Gnome tribe hidden in the underground world! This is the direct cause of the war!"

"I see." The youth waved his hand and waved back his militiamen. He considered for a long time, and finally said: "Pass my order, stay away from this area! Go to other places to collect resources and hunt wild monsters!"

"We will follow your orders, my lord!" Soon, the youth with his militias withdrew. Just a Tier 5 or Tier 6 angel is enough to slaughter his militia team. In the distant battlefield, there are a group of angels. He didn't have the guts to stay and get a bargain.

Curiosity killed the cat, he knew that. The most important thing is that his castle units can't have any more big losses. Therefore, he decided to withdraw.


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