CH50 Truth Vs Faith!!!

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In the Underworld, at the Gnome tribe.

Nearly three thousand Gnomes live here. Among them were eight hundred Gnome warriors. Except for those killed by the angel team, there are now about five hundred warriors left in the Gnome tribe.

These five hundred Gnome warriors, under the order of the Gnome chief, climbed the four-meter-high city wall and watched the third passage vigilantly.

The Gnome warriors were all equipped with weapons, leather armor, and even some elite Gnomes were wearing rough iron armor and held sharp long swords, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

The news of the demise of the Gnome army has been sent back to the tribe but the Gnomes were not afraid because of their chief, whose strength is as high as the Tier 9. The powerful existence of their Tier 9 Lord Level chief is enough to lead their tribe to victory.

At this moment, the Gnome chief appeared on the city wall. He held a Refined Iron giant sword and wore exquisite armor. He looked sturdy and majestic. Seeing him, the Gnome warriors roared.

"Long live the chief!"

"Long live the Gnome tribe!!"

"Very good!" The Gnome chief nodded in satisfaction. Although the Gnome tribe suffered a great disaster, hundreds of heroic Gnome warriors fell, and even a Tier 8 Commander and five Tier 7 Lieutenant Commanders died in the surface world but the morale of the Gnome tribe was not low. As long as there is hope, victory will not be far from them.

"It's not the dark creatures in the underground world that invaded my tribe this time. It's not a greedy black dragon. It's a creature from the Otherworld! They call themselves angels and serve the so-called Almighty Lord, and spread that Lord's faith! This is deceiving us, wanting us to abandon the dignity of our souls & tribe, and make us abandon the pursuit of truth! Would you like to do that? Would you like to believe in the shameful belief in evil gods again?"

"I don't want to!!" The Gnome warriors roared. All the intelligent beings in the Endless Continent know that in ancient times, the gods of faith believed by all races fought against the demon gods from another dimension.

Warriors of all races, fought with blood and killed countless demons but later, the Faith Pantheon was defeated. The surviving Gods of Faith chose to abandon all races. As a result, all races were slaughtered by the Dimensional Demon Gods and they didn't know how many souls fell.

The earth and sky were dyed red by the blood of the creatures of all races. Among them, it also includes their Gnome family. It's the truth that 'saved' them! On the road of pursuing the truth, all races made concerted efforts in desperation, and finally expelled the dimensional demons from the endless continent and restored world peace.

Since then, the gods of faith were cast aside by all races. Although many weak races do not know what "truth" is but this does not prevent them from rejecting the faith. The creatures of all races firmly believe that the Gods of Faith are the cancer of endless continent, and their meaning of existence is not to protect them, but to poison their souls and bodies.

The endless continent does not need gods of faith! The things that are gone should never come back. If they return, they are enemies! The Gnome chief spoke up again.

"We are Gnomes, born weak and at the bottom of the endless continent! We can pay tribute to the dark creatures in the underground world and beg for peace! We can send food to that greedy black dragon, and hope he doesn't destroy our tribe but we will never bow our heads to the creatures of the Otherworld!"

"The enemies outside are not dimensional demons but they are more evil than dimensional demons! We will use war and fiery blood to tell those otherworld invaders that Gnomes, can also be brave and fearless! Brave tribal warriors, pick up the weapons in your hands and protect our Gnome tribe! Even if we die in battle, the Great Gnome, His Majesty will definitely avenge us!" The Gnome chief held his great sword aloft.




Above the city wall, the Gnome warriors also raised their weapons. Morale soared to its peak in an instant. Even in the tribe, there were many ordinary Gnomes roaring.


Far away, at the third entrance. In the sky stood a group of angels radiating white light. Headed by the four-winged Archangel Mary and the Angel of Love Seraphina.

Angel of Love Seraphina said: "This is a group of low-level intelligent creatures, and their beliefs are very firm! Even if their strength is extremely weak, they are still worthy of admiration! It's a pity. This is the battle of redemption!"

The four-winged archangel Mary held the holy sword and said with a cold expression: "The truth cannot save the endless continent for the second time! The only one who can save the endless continent is the Almighty Lord! Believe in the Lord and have eternal life! Only when the light completely covers the entire endless continent, the power of evil and darkness will stay away forever! Sacrifice is redemption! The destruction of the Gnome tribe is not meaningless!"

She swung her holy sword at the Gnome tribe.

"Save their souls! Let them gain eternal life in the Lord's kingdom of God!"

The faith of the little angels is even more fanatical. They flapped their snow-white angel wings, held holy swords, and rushed directly to the Gnome tribe in the distance.

The Four-Winged Archangel Mary and the Angel Of Love Seraphina were also dispatched. Their opponent was the Tier 9 Gnome chief!

The war is about to start!


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