CH107 Lydia Steele And Her Ring!!!

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{Word Count - 1050 Words}

[As expected of Mr. Haru, he is so enviable! Why wasn't I the one who got this blueprint! My troops are skeleton warriors. With two skeleton warrior barracks, I would be twice as happy!]

[Don't cry, participate in the auction! What are the Castle Lords of the undead camp waiting for? It is a huge profit! Haru had already placed a bright road in front of you! Even Blind Man could see its value!]

[I also want to bid. There are not enough Power Stones! The starting price is set at 2,000 Power Stones. It's extremely terrifying! I am not even qualified to participate in the auction!]

[Haru is worthy of his reputation as a profiteer!]

[What do you know about the blueprint? In other words, at the current stage, if this type of blueprint was put in the later stages, when the castle lords would have developed, not to mention two thousand Power Stones, even two million Power Stones might not be too much. The value of this blueprint is comparable to a Divine Artifact!]

[Speaking of which, why didn't Boss Haru use this blueprint himself?]

[Maybe Haru looks down on this blueprint. His troops are angels! What is a skeleton warrior compared to an angel?]

[I think there is another reason. Their camps are different! Skeleton soldiers are undead, while angels are sacred and belong to the light faction. If these two types of soldiers appeared in the same castle, they would cause conflict. The losses outweigh the gains!]

[That's why Haru auctioned off the blueprints in exchange for Power Stones! Without further ado, I have already made my move! Even if I had to delay the upgrade speed of the Barracks Building, I still need to obtain this blueprint!]

Within an hour, a large number of dark, evil, and undead faction Castle Lords emerged. Among them, the weakest were also High-Level Castle Lords, among which there was no lack of Top-Level Castle Lords. As for this blueprint, they all wanted it.

High Lords Council:

The Alliance Chat was in chaos. Many Castle Lords appeared and were shocked by the [Skeleton Warrior Barracks Blueprint]. It was a massive surprise for everyone.

[Has Haru gone crazy? He is even willing to auction that blueprint?]

[Haru's troops angels. It would cause a conflict with the undead army. If he didn't auction it, will he let it rot in his hands?]

[If it was me, I would hold it! The significance of the building blueprints is too great. If someone took it, it would be equivalent to that person owning two barracks buildings. The speed of their development will soar! Isn't he creating trouble for himself in the future?]

[Haru is so confident that he does not care about this. After all, his troops are Angels!!]

[Thompson, Kramnik, King… It's time for you to shine, lend me some Power Stones! My troops are undead, and they are proficient in long-range attacks! A skeleton warrior that could fight in close combat is a perfect match for my troops! Stop talking nonsense. Quickly lend me all the Power Stones in your hands.]

[I still have some Power Stones, but those are the ones I have kept to upgrade my Barracks!]

[I am also preparing to upgrade a Level 4 barracks.]

[What kind of a friend are you?]

[Friends are friends, but Power Stones are more important!]

[Shit, I will pay you double? I will even sign a notarization agreement, I'm not afraid that I'll renege!]

[With the agreement, I'm naturally not afraid of you reneging on the debt! But what if you die?]


In the end, the Undead faction Castle Lords borrowed a large amount of Power Stones from many people and all of them had signed the agreements. In two weeks, they would pay twice as much! The Undead faction Castle Lord immediately participated in the auction when they had the Power Stones.

The other Castle Lord also made a fortune. Everyone was happy! Coincidentally, in the entire castle faction, there were many Castle Lords borrowing Power Stones everywhere. To them, this blueprint was simply too attractive. Its value was comparable to a Divine Artifact! Even if they risked their lives and were in debt everywhere, they still had to obtain this blueprint.

As long as they get it, they'll have two barracks and in the future, they will probably stand at the peak of Castle Faction. This was related to their future. How could they not be crazy?

In a Dark Black castle, a figure in black armor looked at the white ring in her hand. She was stunned.

"It seems that this ring is not destined to belong to me!" This was an equipment belonging to the Light Faction. It was the reward that she received for obtaining the third place in this Beast Tide. She was Lydia Steele, the Lord of the Castle of Death Knights! As a human, it was not uncomfortable for her to wear this ring but the Death Knights under her command were unwilling to get closer to her. The light emanating from the ring disgusted them.

[Are you sure you want to use your current equipment to bid? Three thousand five hundred Power Stones!]

[Yes] [No]

She pouted in dissatisfaction. In her opinion, this ring was enough to sell at least for 100,000 or more Power Stones in the middle and later stages. After all, it was a Saint-Level Equipment used by Saint Tier powerhouses!

But now, its price could only be reduced to a mere 3,500 Power Stones. What a loss! However, she had no choice. She was alone, Naturally, she had no friends who could lend Power Stones to her. The Power Stones stored in her castle were not enough to get the [Skeleton Warrior Barracks Blueprint]. She could only lose out and trade-in this ring!

"Yes!" In an instant, the ring in her hand disappeared. In the trading area, the bidding price for the [Skeleton Warrior Barracks Blueprint] jumped to 3,500 Power Stones. However, it did not take long for the price to rise again. Lydia's expressions changed again. She immediately summoned her Death Knights and said, "Follow me to hunt! Tonight, we must clean up that cemetery!"

"""Yes, My Lady!"""


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