CH111 Huge Revelation!!!

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It was late into the night on the Endless Continent. The blood moon covered the sky, and the world was covered by a faint bloody light, giving off a terrifying aura. Many Castle Lords were already asleep. They had experienced an intense and cruel battle with the Beast Tide, and they were already feeling physically and mentally tired. They could fall asleep just by lying down.

As for the safety of the castle, they did not need to worry too much. In the Beast Tide, countless wild monsters were killed. This also reduced the probability of their castles being attacked by monsters at night. The castle's defensive work could be handed over to their troops.

As the Castle Lords, they needed to sleep well. Suddenly, a message appeared in the [World Chat Channel]. Countless sleeping Castle Lords and even the rangers were startled.

[A big revelation before being eliminated!! Haru's Angels were attacking my castle. There were Eight-Winged Angels, Six-Winged Angels, Four-Winged Angels, and Two-Winged Angels! The total number of Angels exceeded 60! The strongest angel was at King Tier! In front of Haru's Angel Army, the walls, arrow towers, fences, and other defensive structures were useless! In less than five minutes, my High-Level Troops Giant Demon Corps were slaughtered by Haru's Angels! From the beginning to the end, I did not see Haru himself, but I know that these Angels are his troops! My Castle is finished! This is my final revelation!! I don't have a map, but in the southeast of my castle, about ten kilometers away, there are two mountains about seven hundred meters tall. They are very close to each other and are almost the same height! I have named them Twin Mountains. As long as you find the Twin Mountains in the Dark Forest, you should be able to determine the location of his Castle! In addition, the Castle Lords near Twin Mountains should quickly flee! Haru's Angel Army is nearby. His next target will be one of you!!]

In an instant, the entire world chat channel exploded. Many of the Castle Lords were awaken from their drowsiness.

[Haru has over 60 Angels! This number is even more than my friend's Top-Level Troops. How is this possible?]

[Truth be told, my troops are also Top-Level Troops. Including those who had died in battle, the total number of soldiers I had recruited was forty-eight! It did not even reach fifty! Why does Haru have so many Angels?]

[If Angels are even more powerful than a Top-Level Troop, and there were many of them! Is Haru an illegitimate child of the 'Game Master'?]

[I can probably guess why! Firstly, Haru's Barracks building should be very high level! With a higher level barracks, he can summon more troops! Second, Haru's Angels are strong, and their death rate should be very low! Third, Haru must have used the Troop Summoning Blueprints to increase the number of Angels.

[I just want to ask, doesn't the highest Angel have six wings at most? Why did Haru even have Eight-Winged Angels? Could there be Ten-Winged, Twelve-Winged, and even higher angels?]

[What do you mean by the highest Angel has six wings? Have you seen them? Moreover, this is the Endless Continent! Not to mention an angel with eight wings, even if an angel with eight hundred wings appears, I will not be surprised!]

[The strongest Angel is at King Tier? Are you kidding me? How fast can they level up? After the Beast Tide, the strongest troop in my castle is only late-stage Tier 8.]

[From what I know, there are only a few Top-Level Castle Lords whose few troops have leveled up to Tier 9! However, they are still far from King Tier!]

[No wonder Haru was able to easily get the first place in the Beast Tide rankings! As soon as the King Tier troops attack, the Tier 9 Lord monsters would die easilyl!]

[If this Castle Lord hadn't revealed the truth, no one would have imagined that Haru already had a King Tier Angel! Speaking of which, where exactly are the Twin Mountains located in the Dark Forest?]

[Damn it! Why didn't the 'game' give us a map? In that case, it would be very easy to find the location of Angel Castle!]

[It doesn't matter if I have a map or not. Anyway, there are no Twin Mountains near my Castle!]

Twin Mountains? At this moment, many of the Castle Lords in the Dark Forest crawled up overnight, appeared on the top floor of their castle and looked into the distance. They urgently wanted to see if any mountains around their castles looked like Twin Mountains. Soon, some of the Castle Lords heaved a sigh of relief. There were also some Castle Lords whose faces were green!

[Damn it! I've seen the Twin Mountains! Damn it! Haru's Angel Castle is nearby!]

[My Castle is at the foot of Twin Mountain!]

[Shit! I also saw Twin Mountains and I'm prepared to move overnight!]

[If a Castle Lord can see the Twin Mountains, then run! Haru's Angel Army is already so strong that they can hunt at night. Perhaps they will arrive at your castle in a few days!]

[Why must a battle begin? Haru is recognized as the strongest Castle Lord. He has credibility, appeal and should support the weak Castle Lords! Is the feeling of killing good?]

[Is this person still living in a dream? This is the battle for hegemony. The battle between Castle Lords is inevitable! If you want peace, go and negotiate with the local factions of the Endless Continent to see if they will let you off!]


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Frozenghost (Adamantite)