CH116 It'll Definitely Happen Soon

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However, Gary no longer had the chance to ask. Auriel also swung her Holy Sword and slashed at the Golden Gryphons that were imprisoned by the Holy Light.

Seraphina suddenly spoke out, "Wait a minute!"

"Hmm?" Auriel looked at Seraphina in confusion. She flew over and stroked the head of the Tier 8 Golden Gryphon. "These humble creatures are asking for mercy from the Lord! It means that they have souls worth saving!"

Lysandra nodded at Auriel and said, "Lord, sent the Oracle to have Seraphina subdue these Golden Gryphons! If its not possible, then purify them!"

The Golden Gryphons, who were imprisoned by the Holy Light, trembled in fear. As top-level troops, they possessed intelligence which was no less than humans. At the same time, they could understand their language. When they heard the word 'purification' from the Angel, they were horrified. Fear affects loyalty! When the youth died, their loyalty plummeted. At this moment, it continued to fall. However, it did not fall below 60 points.

Once they were freed from the Holy Light, even if they did not fight back, they would still flee to the distant forest. They won't submit to Angel Castle. Therefore, Haru had to rely on the Angel of Love, Seraphina. She was responsible for spreading the faith. She was best at recruiting believers. She was the one who had recruited the Gnome followers from the Underground World for Haru. Among the Gnome believers, the ones with the lowest rank of faith were devout believers. Many of the Gnomes had even become Haru's fanatics. Soon, Seraphina's beautiful and gentle voice rang out.

"Lord love the world. The world should worship the Lord…" With the voice of Seraphina, an endless rain of light fell from the sky, gathered into dazzling Holy Light and enveloped the dozen or so Golden Gryphons present. Gradually, the hostility in their eyes began to disappear. In just a short while, they calmed down, lowered their heads towards the little angels and their mouths even let out a low cry.

"Believe in the Lord. He will protect you!" Seraphina's soft voice made the Golden Gryphons even quieter. When Lysandra lifted the Holy Light Confinement spell, they did not run away. Instead, they approached the little angels and lowered their heads and bodies.

In the Astral City, Haru was standing on the towering wall and looked at the message notification.

[A total of 13 Golden Gryphons wish to join your Castle. Do you want to accept them?]

[Yes] [No]

Haru naturally chose yes. After all, the Golden Gryphons were top-level troops. They were extremely valuable for war.

"I didn't expect the troops of the enemy's castle to be subdued. If I had known it earlier, I would have let Eveline make a light move and not kill the Golden Gryphons." Death Angel Eveline's Angel Battle Skill [Blade of Destruction] instantly killed more than 20 Golden Gryphons. Now that he thought about it. Haru felt it was a pity. Not long after, another message appeared.

[Congratulations, Castle Lord, your army has destroyed the enemy's castle heart, the enemy's castle has disappeared, and you have won the Battle of Castles!]

[You destroyed the enemy castle and gained an additional Power Stones +300]

[You have obtained the reserves of the enemy's Warehouse. The list is as follows:

Magic Crystals - x23

Power Stones - x2750.]

[Your Angel Castle's influence and reputation on the Endless Continent has increased!]

"Hmm?" Haru looked at the message and felt puzzled. How could a castle only have Power Stones and Magic Crystals but no food, wood, stones or any other materials? What's more, it was a castle force with top-level troops! He immediately asked, "Why didn't his castle's warehouse drop anything after the man's Castle Heart was destroyed?"

[There were no supplies in the warehouse of the enemy's Castle.]

"This is…" Haru frowned. Suddenly, he understood. 'It must be that the Castle Lord knew that he couldn't take the supplies with him, so to avoid the loss, he gave the supplies to his friend.' Thinking of this, Haru immediately felt a great pity. He didn't get a single unit of supplies from a top-level castle force.

"Fortunately, there are Power Stones and Magic Crystals! That guy didn't trust his 'friend', so he carried the two most precious items, the Power Stones and the Magic Crystals. Now, these things have become my spoils of war. It's not like there's nothing!" Haru whispered.

"In these two Battles of Castles with a high-level Castle Lord, a top-level Castle Lord, I got more Power Stones and Magic Crystals than the beast tide. I've earned a lot!" It was just Power Stones and Magic Crystals. Haru collected a total of 4,740 Power Stones and 31 Magic Crystals. The only regret was that he didn't get any blueprint. However, this harvest was enough to satisfy Haru.

"Now only my castle is left in the forest within 20 kilometer radius!" Haru immediately ordered the Angel Team to clean up the battlefield and bring the spoils of war back to the castle. Then he would attack the local forces in this area.

High Lords Council:

The internal chat had exploded. A large number of top-level Castle Lords were alarmed with cold sweat dripping down their bodies.

[Gary is gone! Nearly forty Golden Gryphons could not help Gary escape!]

[Shit! Isn't Haru too cruel?! A top-level castle force was defeated in less than ten minutes! Angels' strength is terrifying! Not to mention Gary, none of our troops are a match for Haru's Angels!]

[Gary's death was not unjust. He simply could not defeat Haru! By the way Rock, are the resources of Gary's Castle with you?]

[Don't think about the resources of Gary's Castle. This is the legacy left by him!]

[Brother Fire Dragon, Lady Aria, Old Blackie, didn't you alliance members come out and say? For Gary's matter, the High Lords Council would just let it go?]

[Haru has to give an explanation! Brother Fire Dragon, were you able to add Haru as a friend?]

[Don't worry, it'll definitely happen soon!]


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Frozenghost (Adamantite)