Chapter 16 Upgrade The Angel Reincarnation Pool! Green-Skinned Creatures!

Lin Yi glanced at the prompt.

The food he put on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] is being purchased by the castle lord one after another.

If it is still double the black price, no one will care.

But now, he has adjusted the trade-in price and set it at par.

In addition, although his reputation is not very good, his popularity is the highest among all castle lords.

There are more people who know him than the 'Goddess of Fengqing'.

Now, he is no longer a profiteer.


More food is sold, and more people buy it.

In the trading area, the food with the highest sales volume is what he put on the shelves.

This is the celebrity effect!

"At this rate."

"Up to half an hour, the food on my shelf will be sold out!"

"It's a pity that all I bought was wood and stone."

"There is no power stone, and no refined iron."

Power Stones can be obtained by killing wild monsters.

As for fine iron, Lin Yi doesn't know how to obtain this material yet.

Is it mining iron ore?

This is obviously not the speciality of angels.

Lin Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Turn off the trading channel and come to the vicinity of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

After a day hunting.

The angel team killed more than 200 wild monsters and harvested 58 energy stones.

Today, he has a total of 123 power stones.

Meet the upgrade needs of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].


[Whether to upgrade the unit building - Angel Reincarnation Pool? ]



Lin Yi naturally chose yes.

After three days of hard work, isn't it just this moment?

Soon, the Angel Reincarnation Pool was enveloped in a dazzling golden light.

Even Lin Yi couldn't see what was inside the golden light.

Can only wait for the golden light to dissipate.

About ten seconds passed.

The golden light finally dissipated.

[Angel Reincarnation Pool: Unique Arms Building]

[Current level: Level 2]

[Five Angels and Holy Spirits can be bred every day]

[Required for upgrade: 500 power stones, 5 different crystals]

[PS: The second-level angel reincarnation pool, there is a low probability that angels with special abilities or multi-winged holy spirits can be born]


The upgraded Angel Reincarnation Pool has not changed much.

The statue of the eighteen-winged female angel is still in its original form.

Only the pond became bigger.

From ten meters in diameter, it increased to fifteen meters.

The light emitted from the pool is also more holy and pure.

The energy fluctuation is stronger.

This is the second-level Angel Reincarnation Pool!

"It doesn't matter if there is any change."

"The important thing is to nurture the angelic holy spirit..."

"The second-level reincarnation pool can breed five angels and holy spirits every day!"

"There are three more than at the first level."

"This represents the size of the angel team, which will expand faster!"

"in addition..."

"The probability of giving birth to special angels and multi-winged angels has also changed from extremely low to low!"

"The probability is high!"

For Lin Yi, this is another piece of good news.

"Obviously, the faster the upgrade of troop buildings, the better!"

"The sooner you upgrade, the easier it is to get ahead."

"The gap between me and other castle lords can also widen!"

Want to dominate the endless continent.

Overtaking the Lord of the Billions of Castles is the first step.

The suppression of local forces is the second step.

If the other castle lords on the same starting line cannot surpass, how can they compete for the dominance of all races?

Lin Yi looked at the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

Received a prompt, insufficient energy, unable to conceive.

"Just wait until tomorrow!"

By tomorrow, the second-level angel reincarnation pool will be able to breed five angelic holy spirits at one time.

The number of his little angels will reach eleven.

The strength of the Angel Squad will also skyrocket.

You can hunt more and more powerful wild monsters.

Everything is going in the right direction.



The blood moon is in the sky.

The angel team returned, bringing back the bodies of more than a dozen wild monsters.

Decomposed and collected by Lin Yi one by one.

For food, put on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] to exchange for wood, stone and fine iron.

Other materials are stored in the castle warehouse.

The materials on these monsters seem to be useless, but since they can be collected, it means that they are still valuable, but he has not found a way to use them yet.

"My lord!"

Shirley fluttered her snow-white wings and came to Lin Yi to salute respectfully: "When we were hunting outside, we found some unusual signs."

"Detailed description!"

Lin Yi immediately thought of the local forces in the dark forest.

He received a [special reminder] for the two upgrades of Angel Castle.

Some local forces in the dark forest noticed him.

It appears now, and it's normal.

Xue Lier respectfully said: "We have investigated and tracked those traces! In the end, we found that they were not wild monsters, but a group of green-skinned creatures!"

"Green-skinned creature?"

"Yes my lord!"

Xue Lier nodded and said, "They are wearing tattered leather armor, holding different styles of weapons, possessing ethnic languages, and obviously possessing wisdom!"

"Their strength is generally around the third order."

"The strongest reaches the fifth-order elite level."

"They were numerous, over forty."

"But timid by nature."

"I noticed that we were found, and ran away in a hurry!"

"Finally, they ran out of our castle's sphere of influence. Without your order, we dare not chase any further!"

Lin Yi pondered for a moment, then said, "Those who come are not good, and those who are good won't come!"

"Be vigilant tonight."

"I didn't expect it to be bad. Under the cover of night, they might get close to the castle."

"When the time comes, the angel team will be dispatched to catch them all!"

If you come with a friendly purpose, you will definitely not turn around and run away after being discovered.

Obviously, this is an 'enemy force'.

Bad intentions!

Since it is an enemy, it is an angel's experience monster!

Kill as many as you can! !

"Follow your will!"

"Almighty Lord!"

The four-winged archangel Shirley had a firm expression.

"The heretics who invaded the Lord's castle will be purified by holy flames!"

"Only a repentant soul can be redeemed!"