Chapter 22 Little Loli In The Underground World!

Friends column.

Lin Yi flipped a message and said, "I have something to do just now. What do I need to make equipment? Do I need equipment blueprints?"

In a certain underground world, a little Loli with a gray face jumped up in surprise.

"Lin Yi has come back to me!!"

The excited voice caused the surrounding gray dwarves to look at each other.

Little Loli squinted her big black gem-like eyes and replied quickly.

"Lin Yi must be doing something very important, right?"

"Well, there are information prompts in the refining shop. You don't need blueprints to create ordinary equipment. You can use the materials on the monsters or cooperate with other materials to create them directly."

"Only magic equipment inlaid with different crystals requires blueprints."

Ordinary equipment is the broadsword, spear, mace, and leather armor that goblin warriors hold.

As for magic equipment...

Lin Yi thought about it.

A magic wand stored in the warehouse appeared in his hand.

This magic wand is inlaid with different crystals at the top.

From that fifth-order goblin mage.

Its function is to increase the power of low-level magic.

This should be magic equipment, but it is very low-level.

"The material on the monster?"

Lin Yi looked at the castle warehouse.

In the warehouse, he stored thousands of monster materials.

From thousands of wild monsters.

Fur, scales, minions, tail needles...

various kinds.


Lin Yi replied: "I have a lot of monster materials, what is the cooperation method?"

Zhong Yaoyao: "No need, Yaoyao's gray dwarf can make equipment for Lin Yi for free!"

Lin Yi paused for a moment and replied, "I don't need ordinary equipment for the time being. The equipment you build must be sold on the trading channel in exchange for materials for upgrading the castle."

"I produce monster materials, you build equipment."

"Proceeds from the sale, we are six or four cents! I six, you four, how about it?"

Six or four points, Lin Yi can make money, but he is not greedy.

Lin Yi speculates that Zhong Yaoyao's [Refinery Shop] should be the only building that can create equipment at this stage.

She can completely leave Lin Yi aside.

Buy monster materials yourself at low prices, build them into equipment, and sell them at high prices.

earn more.

When the number of [Refiner Shop] increases in the future, her income will fall.

Working with Lin Yi, she can earn six or four points. After all, it is a worthless business.

It's just that compared to getting rich overnight, you will earn less, but it is in line with the meaning of long-term cooperation.

"Well, Yaoyao all listened to Lin Yi."

Zhong Yaoyao did not consider these issues.

Lin Yi's perception of her was actually wrong.

She is not a shrewd businessman.

She bought Lin Yi's food at a high price, not a long-term investment, but just wanted Lin Yi's protection.

She was only a thirteen-year-old girl after all.

Come to the Otherworld alone.

Loneliness, fear...insecurity.

Lin Yi's strength gave her a sense of security.

After getting in touch with Lin Yi, her fear of this strange world has also diminished a lot.

So, she desperately wanted to get closer to Lin Yi.

Just like a child, trying to get the approval and protection of an adult.


"Then it's decided!"

Lin Yi asked, "How much fine iron have you forged now?"

Zhong Yaoyao replied: "Lin Yi, Yaoyao has now forged 800 units of fine iron."

Lin Yi was stunned: "Is that so much?"

Zhong Yaoyao sent a smile: "Mmmm! Yaoyao can recruit nine gray dwarves every day, including blacksmiths, miners, and warriors... They all work very hard!"

Recruitment mechanism for troop buildings.

The weaker the troops, the more recruited.

The stronger the troops, the fewer recruits.

Like Lin Yi's [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

Only two angelic spirits can be conceived per day.

After the upgrade to the second level, the number was increased to five.

Today is the fourth day.

Zhong Yaoyao obviously already owns thirty-six dwarves.

There are many, but the combat power is weak.

Lin Yi can defeat her dwarf team with just a fifth-order double-winged angel.

This is the gap between the super-top arms and the low-level arms.

Lin Yi replied: "I will put 200 units of food and packaged monster materials on the trading channel later to exchange for 800 units of fine iron, and you are limited to the exchange."

"After the equipment is built."

"You list the trading channel yourself."

"Exchange for energy stones, different crystals, and upgrade materials for the castle."

"After selling the equipment, hand over 60% of the supplies to me."

Zhong Yaoyao quickly replied: "Okay Lin Yi, Yaoyao knows!"


Lin Yi immediately put food and monster materials on the shelves, and limited purchasers.

He was not worried that Zhong Yaoyao would covet his monster materials, or even never return.

It's not worth it.

Long-term cooperation is in the interests of both parties.

After a moment.

Zhong Yaoyao sent a message: "Lin Yi, can you chat with Yaoyao when you are free? Yaoyao won't bother you, just chat a few words to let Yaoyao know that Lin Yi is by Yaoyao's side. Mom and Dad can't be found, Yaoyao is very scared alone..."

Lin Yi was silent for a moment.

"How old are you?"

"Well, in two months, Yaoyao will be fourteen years old!"

"Okay, only when you're free!"

"Hmm~ Thank you Lin Yi!"

Dark Underworld.

Little Loli, with a gray face, cheered and sang.

Yaoyao is very happy today!


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, without thinking much.

Soon after, a few two-winged cherubs returned with a dozen monster corpses.

The little angel Cyr flew over and saluted Lin Yi respectfully.

"My lord, Lord Shirley let me tell you!"

"The Angel Squad has found the location of the Goblin Tribe and can attack those heretics at any time!"