Chapter 31 Ou Huang's Breath Is So Strong That It Makes People Suffocate!

The angel team went out to hunt the dragons.

Lin Yi got up to wash and ate a hearty breakfast prepared by the little angel.

Then open the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] as usual.

The food that was on the shelves yesterday has been sold out after one night.

There are more than 4,600 units of food, which is a lot.

But compared to the base of billions of castle lords, with this little food thrown in, no waves could turn up.

Plus Lin Yi's popularity is there.

The title of the Lord of the Strongest Castle is absolutely attractive.

So the food he puts on the shelves sells the best.

"Food sold out."

"28,000 units of wood, 7,500 units of stone, and 200 units of fine iron."

"until now."

"Resources stored in the warehouse..."

"90,100 units of wood, 29,300 units of stone, and more than 1,700 units of fine iron."

"It seems that the upgrade of Angel Castle is not far away."

At present, Angel Castle is a high-level castle, and the next level is the town level.

At this moment, Lin Yi is in a pretty good mood.

Then he came to the yard.

The Angel Holy Spirit who conceives the new day.

This is the most important thing, he will not forget.

The eighteen-winged female angel statue with a height of several meters still exudes a soft white light, washing people's hearts.

The energy in the angel's reincarnation pool has also been abundant.

Can conceive!

Soon, the pool was filled with white light.

Immediately afterwards, five balls of light flew out of the sky.

After a moment.


Five newly conceived angels and holy spirits appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

His expression changed slightly.

Not excited, but a little helpless.

Sure enough, low probability is low probability, and lucky events are hard to come across.

same with yesterday.

Five new angels, the Holy Spirit, are also two-winged angels.

I don't know if Nina, the angel of love, was born before, which exhausted his luck.

As a result, for two days in a row, two-winged angels were born.

Not to mention the six-winged angel, not even the four-winged archangel who could rival Shirley.

Lin Yi was somewhat disappointed.

But soon, he put his mind right.

What about the two-winged angel?

Still stronger than the top troops in the hands of the castle lord.

He shouldn't be too extravagant to ask for winged angels and special angels.

Need to know.

It should come, it will come!


After naming the five newborn little angels respectively.

Lin Yi sent them out to join the angel team that was out hunting.

There is a special induction between angels and angels, and they will soon be able to gather together.

Lin Yi opens [Friend Information].

In the friend column, there is still only Zhong Yaoyao, who is alone.

In the past two days, there are as many as stars, and there are tens of millions of people who have applied to be friends with Lin Yi.

But without exception, they were all rejected by Lin Yi.

There are many castle lords who persevere.

Even if rejected, apply again and again.


It seems that without adding Lin Yi as a friend, I will never give up.

For this category, Lin Yi has always ignored it, adding it many times and rejecting it many times.

He doesn't need a little brother.

There is no need for a warmer for the time being.

The little Loli in the underground world left him a message half an hour ago.

After reading it, Lin Yi's mood became even more unhappy.

[Lin Yi, are you up yet? ]

[Tell you good news, Yaoyao has released the blueprint again! ]

[When Yaoyao's dwarf was mining, a black rabbit suddenly got out and hit the dwarf's shovel to death, and then the blueprint exploded, hee hee O(∩_∩)O~~]

[It's a blueprint of a fence, a castle defensive building. ]

[With this blueprint, a fence can be built around the castle to block the sneak attacks of wild monsters. ]

[Such drawings must be very useful to Lin Yi. ]

[Yao Yao wants to send the drawings to Da Da~]

Look at the message of little Loli in the underground world.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and looked up at the blue sky again.

Silent for a long time.

The depression in my heart finally turned into a long sigh.

This enviable atmosphere of the European emperor is so terrifying that it makes people suffocate!

He really suspected that Lady Luck was little Loli's sister.

Otherwise, how could her luck be so heaven-defying?

Three drawings!

Think of him Lin Yi, the lord of the strongest castle.

Thousands of wild monsters were slaughtered in the jungle that covered a radius of several kilometers, and many of them were elite-level bosses...

In the end, I didn't even see the shadow of the drawing.

It's not fair!

Lin Yi replied: "I don't need the fence drawings, you build it as soon as possible to protect your castle! In addition, step up the forging of fine iron and equipment, time is running out!"


compared to him.

Little Loli needs a fence to protect the castle.

Her luck is too strong to be exaggerated.

However, the troops under his command [Grey Dwarfs] are very weak in combat, and they need to improve the defensive power of the castle in order to safely pass the initial beast tide.

"Okay, big Lin Yi~"

Xiao Loli quickly replied: "Yaoyao will work harder, come up with more and better drawings, and send them to Lin Yi!"

Little Loli was disappointed not to be able to help Lin Yi.

But she said she will continue to work hard.

Lin Yi changed the subject: "How much fine iron have you forged?"

Little Loli replied: "Well, from yesterday to now, 1,500 units of fine iron have been stored in the castle warehouse. Yaoyao sent thirty-four dwarves, some of them to collect iron ore and some to forge fine iron..."

"until tomorrow."

"The amount of refined iron should be close to five thousand units."

This is the powerful effect of [Smelting Furnace]!

Without such a building, the Lord of the Castle could not forge fine iron at all.

Only scattered and collected a very small amount of natural iron.

Lin Yi feels that the hope of upgrading Angel Castle lies in this little Loli.

After all, wood and stone can be exchanged for food.

But it is difficult to change to fine iron.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly received a message prompt.

[Kill the third-order ground dragon, energy value +20! ]

[Kill the third-order ground dragon, energy value +20! ]

[Kill the fifth-order elite-level earth dragon, energy value +50, energy stone +1]

"The angel team has found the dragon group!"

"And the war has begun!"

Lin Yi's spirit suddenly shook.