Chapter 44 Attack The Goblin Tribe!

A tribe of goblins.

Located in the underground world, the entrance is a tree hole.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But Lin Yi believes that since the angel team has started to attack the goblins, it means that the little angels are sure to destroy the goblin tribe.

He wasn't overly concerned.

The four-winged archangel Shirley and the angel of love Nina are now eighth-tiered.

Two little angels join forces.

Enough to kill the ninth-order goblin lord.

As long as there are no goblins of the king rank in the goblin tribe.

Then the banner of victory is Master in the hands of the angel team.


in the courtyard.

Lin Yi raised his head and looked at the protective cover covering Angel Castle.

It flows with white light, still bright.

But after twelve o'clock tonight, it will disappear.

The lord of billions of castles will also officially welcome this strange and dangerous Otherworld, opening a new era of castles.

"starting from tomorrow."

"I'm afraid I will also go out hunting with the Angel team."

"Without the protection of a protective cover."

"Staying alone in the castle is the most dangerous!"

This is also helpless.

After all, once there are wild monsters or local forces, they will attack the castle while the little angels go out to hunt.

He alone cannot resist.

The best way is to go out with the Angel team.

That way, even if an enemy attacks the castle, he will not be the turtle in the urn.

"My current level is level five."


"Elite level."

"Although the real combat power is not comparable to the fifth-order elite monsters, it still has the ability to protect itself!"

"On the way of hunting, it will not be a drag on the little angels."

Tier 5 elites are no longer cannon fodder.

This is the confidence of Lin Yi to go out hunting with the Angel team.

Even if it doesn't help, it won't become a burden.

"After all, the number of troops is too small!"

"If I had a hundred little angels."

"Then half go out hunting, half guard the castle and protect me."

"Why should I go out on an adventure?"

Lin Yi sighed slightly.

He now has only twenty-one little angels, which is too small.

"But then again."

"I'm not far away from having a hundred little angels!"

"Today, the Angel Reincarnation Pool can be upgraded to level three."

"After that, more angels and holy spirits can be bred every day!"

"No surprises."

"At most ten days, or even less time, the number of little angels under my command can exceed one hundred!"

thought here.

Lin Yi's body and mind also felt much more relaxed.


At this moment, in the dense forest about eight kilometers away from Angel Castle.

The angel team has all assembled.

Today, the little angels no longer hunt wild monsters.

Instead, it went straight to the goblin tribe.

This wasn't the plan the Angels had planned from the start.

Instead, it was an accident.

When preparing to hunt, a little angel found the trace of the goblin.


A few goblins like big black mice, hidden in the dense jungle of thorns, spy on the hunting action of the angel team.

It was then discovered by the little angels.

All captured.

The four-winged archangel Shirley tortured several goblins at the soul level.

Like a goblin.

Although goblins are timid, they would rather die than give in.

But their souls could not resist the magic of the angels, and they were uncontrolled, and they leaked all the information of their own tribes.

"That's a medium-sized goblin tribe."

"An underground world hidden 100 meters underground."

"There are about three thousand goblins in the tribe."

"Goblin warriors approaching eight hundred!"

"The most powerful goblin is the chief of their tribe, who has just entered the ninth-order lord level!"

"the remaining."

"Two of the eighth-order goblins, and five of the seventh-order small goblins."

"Elite-level goblins of the fifth to sixth orders, hundreds of people."

Sheryl will inform Nina, the angel of love, of the intelligence she has received.

The Angel of Love Nina was slightly silent.

She was thinking of a solution.

The strength of this goblin tribe is very powerful, even the lord of the top castle cannot defeat it.

But with the strength of the Angel team.

It is not impossible to break through this goblin tribe.

"Luring the goblins to fight!"

"Look for an opportunity to kill those two eighth-order goblins, and then attack the underground world!"

"The two of us, join forces to deal with the ninth-order goblin chief!"

"The rest of the goblins will be handed over to the angel team."

Two eighth-order goblin leaders are the key.

If they were alive, they could help the goblin chief and besiege her and Shirley. You can also lead other goblins against the angel team.

So they need to be the first to 'die'!


As long as they die.

Shirley and Nina can let go of their hands against the ninth-order goblin chief.

The other little angels can also let go and deal with the goblin warriors in the tribe.

The 'key' to open the goblin tribe is the two eighth-order commander-level goblins!

Their life and death are very crucial.


"Oh no!"

"Master Chief!"

"The big thing is bad!!"

The dark underground world was awakened by the unique scream of goblins.

A goblin sentry.

Screaming and running in a hurry.

He walked through the goblin tribe shrouded in sparks~

Climb the forty-nine steps.

Finally got into a palace made of boulders.

This palace is not grand, but it is enough to make the other goblins in the tribe in awe.

In the square near the palace, stands a statue.

It was a dragon with huge wings spread out, with a ferocious and ferocious face.

On the back of the dragon, stood a goblin warrior holding a giant sword.

He opened his mouth wide.

The giant sword in his hand points forward.

It seems to be roaring, and it seems to be ordering to ride down the dragon and charge towards the enemy in front.

"Your Majesty the Supreme Goblin~"

"Ride a dragon, be brave and invincible!"

"May your majesty guard the goblin family and bless our tribe's prosperity!"

"No enemy can hold us goblins back..."

"Not even a giant dragon!!"