Chapter 47 Great Healing Magic! Enter The Underground World!

The corpses of goblin warriors are scattered all over the jungle battlefield.

Some goblins were burned to ashes by the holy flame of angels.

Some goblins died in a pool of blood.

The battle lasted less than ten minutes, and the army of the goblin tribe suffered heavy losses.

More than 300 goblin warriors died, and when there were still seven or eighty left, the camp of the goblin army suddenly collapsed.

The living goblin warriors began to flee.

Some fled to the depths of the jungle.

Some fled to the underground world.

But most of the goblins failed to escape, and were caught up by the little angels, killing them one by one.

No more than twenty goblins escaped.

As for the goblin commander Usha, he was beheaded by the four-winged archangel Shirley alone.

The other four seventh-order goblin leaders were besieged by little angels such as Searle, Vic, and Duru.

This is a brilliant victory!

The goblin army was almost wiped out, and none of the little angels in the angel team fell.

Because the little angels are blessed with divine power from Shirley and Nina, the angel of love, they have created a shield of light with a strong defense.

In contrast, goblins have no such treatment.

They rely almost entirely on brute force.

Even the eighth-order goblin leader Usha doesn't have many master skills.

In the process of fighting against Xue Lier, she was suppressed by angel combat skills and divine skills everywhere.

But after twenty rounds, she was killed by Shirley.

from start to finish.

The angel of love Nina did not join the battlefield, but guarded the edge of the battlefield.

Beware of the goblin chief who is as high as the ninth order.

But until the goblin army fell, the goblin chief did not appear.


"Lord, have mercy on the world."


"The world should worship the Lord and believe in the Lord..."

"The Lord shelters his followers."

"Divine power envelopes the world!"

"Pain, death, disease, disaster... believers who are far from the Lord!"

"The mercy of the Lord is everywhere!"

The dazzling holy light enveloped the little angels.

The injured little angel quickly returned to his peak state.

This is an angel magic from Nina, the angel of love - a great healing magic!

While recovering, the little angels have also been promoted.

Shirley and Angel of Love Nina are still eighth-order.

But other little angels, such as Searle, Todd, Vic, Dulu, and Wayne, have been promoted to the seventh rank.

Most of the little angels have entered the sixth-order peak.

In addition, there are five little angels who were conceived yesterday and were promoted to the sixth order.

The overall strength of the Angel team has skyrocketed!

The reason why so many little angels have been promoted to the rank is because the number of goblin warriors killed this time is too many, nearly three hundred.

There are not only a large number of elite goblins among them.

There is also an eighth-order goblin leader and four seventh-order goblin minor leaders.

Even if it is apportioned, the 'experience' gained by the little angels is very terrifying.

Enough to complete the promotion of the rank.


"Clean up the battlefield!"

"Send the goblin's equipment and power stones back to the castle and give it to my lord!"

"As ordered!"

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up.

Harvest more than 200 sets of complete equipment and more than 80 energy stones.

As for the alien crystal, it did not explode.

This is because intelligent creatures in human form do not explode anomalous crystals.

Alien crystals are only produced in wild monsters or intelligent creatures in the form of alien beasts, just like giant dragons.

After transporting equipment and power stones back to the castle.


The angel team, whose overall strength has soared, once again assembled at the entrance of the goblin tribe.

The four-winged archangel Xue Lier held the holy sword and said to the little angels: "Our mission is to exterminate the goblin tribe! The ninth-order goblin chieftain is handed over to me and the angel of love Nina. The other goblins are up to you!"

"Follow your orders, Shirley-sama!"

The little angels obeyed their orders respectfully and confidently.

Among them, there are five seventh-order angels and fourteen sixth-order angels.

It is not difficult to deal with the only remaining eighth-order goblin leader of the goblin tribe, as well as other goblin warriors.

If they are fast enough, they can also help Shirley and Nina to surround and kill the ninth-order goblin chief after the battle.

Not surprisingly.

The angel team is enough to destroy this goblin tribe.

"Set off!"

The four-winged archangel Shirley gave an order.

The little angels entered the underground cave with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Go straight to the goblin tribe located 100 meters deep underground.



In the megalithic palace of the goblin tribe.

A dozen or so blood-stained goblins knelt down on the hall.

They kept their heads down.

Dare to face the angry eyes of the tribal chief.

They are defeated!

An elite force composed of three hundred goblin warriors was killed by the enemy and collapsed.

In the end, they were the only ones left to escape alive.

It could almost be said that the entire army was wiped out.

They are disgraceful losers!

"Master Chief!"

"This is a conspiracy!"

The only fifth-order elite goblin among them said angrily: "The most powerful enemy is not the sixth-order, but the eighth-order! She was hidden in the dark, and she didn't appear suddenly until the war started."

"Commander Usha is very heroic."

"Fight the enemy to the death!"


"Finally lost and killed by the enemy."

"We failed. Three hundred brave soldiers died on the battlefield!"

"Lord Chief, you must take revenge for Commander Usha and avenge the dead clansmen!!"

Cries resounded throughout the hall.

The goblin chief did not speak.

His expression was extremely gloomy.

He was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart so as not to erupt.

Two fights.

One attack, one frontal slaughter.

The goblin tribe is completely defeated!

None of the five seventh-order minor commanders under his command died.

Of the two eighth-order commanders, only one is still alive.

The heroic goblin warriors lost 300 more.

Tribe, great loss of strength!

If not he has been promoted to the ninth order.

There must also be fears of annexation from other goblin tribes.

Damn it!

Those enemies from the Otherworld had cost him a large number of warriors loyal to him and the Horde.

This revenge must be avenged!

Just at this time.

A goblin sentry ran into the hall in panic and screamed, "Lord Chief, something is wrong! Those creatures from Otherworld are coming in!!"

"you again!"

This sentinel, the goblin chief recognized.

Before, he lied about the enemy's situation, claiming that the strongest enemy was only Tier 6, and as a result, the tribe suffered heavy losses.

Thinking of this, the goblin chief was furious and slapped the goblin sentinel to death with a slap in the air.

Then he got up in anger.

Looking down at the trembling goblins in the hall.

"Call all tribal warriors and guard the tribe!"