Chapter 61 Boiling! Crazy Shopping! Get Rich Overnight! Upgrade Your Town! World Announcement!

World chat channel.


This is the last carnival during the novice protection period.

After twelve o'clock tonight, the novice period ends, the protective cover disappears, and the situation of the castle lord will never be as harmonious and peaceful as it is now.

A crisis for the Lord of the Castle.

Not only the wild monsters, the local forces of the endless continent.

There are other castle lords.

After all, this is Otherworld hegemony.

Only the most powerful castle lord is qualified to stand on the top of all races.

The battle between the castle masters will also officially kick off with the disappearance of the protective cover.

Take Lin Yi for example.

He had already set his sights on a castle about eight kilometers away from Angel Castle.

The owner of that castle once tried to capture the little angel under his command, and in the world chat channel, he also induced other castle masters in the dark forest to kill angels and explode god outfits.

For Lin Yi.

This is the enemy castle force!

If the castle didn't disappear during the beast tide event, then he would choose to do it himself.

Lin Yi is not afraid to expose the secrets of the Angels.

He only cares about cleaning up the enemies ahead.

And to warn other castle lords not to provoke his angel team.

[It's eight o'clock! ]

[Boss Lin Yi, get on the equipment quickly! ]

[f**k! I'm coming! ]

[A lot of equipment! All are brand-new standard equipment, made by gray dwarf blacksmiths, and are considered very good among the equipment of the same level. ]

[There must be at least several thousand pieces, right? ]

[It's all sets, 2,300 sets! ]

[As expected of the big boss Lin Yi, he is so generous! ! ]

[Hurry up and grab it! First come first served, buy is earn! ]

[I rely on! Slow down you guys, I click one and one disappears, can you give me a chance! ]

[Haha... I grabbed one of them, a whole ten sets of equipment! ]

[I also grabbed a copy, now I can breathe a sigh of relief! With these suits, the great swordsmen under my command will definitely be able to skyrocket in strength and resist the beast tide! ]

[I cried! Information prompts me that resources are insufficient! ]

[The big boss Lin Yi is too black-hearted, and the equipment is so expensive that we, the castle lords at the bottom, can't afford it at all. ]

[The title of Lin Lao's black-hearted businessman is not for nothing! ]

[Roll upstairs! Rare is the most expensive, even if the price is three times higher, there are people rushing to ask for it, Lin Yi is already generous enough. ]

Regardless of the world chat channel.

The trading area next to it is extremely hot.

Countless castle owners crowded into the trading channel and frantically snapped up the equipment on the shelves.

It really confirms that sentence, buy is to earn!

It is impossible to lose money at all.

Moreover, this batch of equipment also directly affects the upcoming beast tide activities, which are related to their lives.

How about not crazy?

There are too many castle masters who are rushing to buy equipment.

At least tens of millions of people are fighting for it.

Some of them are the masters of top castles, and the humanoid units under their command also need equipment.

There are more than 2,000 sets of equipment, 230 small copies.

Not enough for them to grab.

In just a few seconds, all the equipment on the shelves was sold out.

Pieces were killed in seconds!

The owner of the castle who grabbed the equipment is definitely an old driver who has been single for decades.

At the same time, they are also very lucky lucky ones.

And the castle lord who didn't grab the equipment can only be full of resentment, blaming himself for being too slow.

Others vented their dissatisfaction in the world chat channel.

[Is this over? ]

[It's over in a few seconds! ]

[The equipment is too little! I didn't expect so much, the result is only so much, who is fooling? ]

[Lost upstairs! In just a few days, how much equipment can you build? Besides Lin Yi, who can sell more than 2,000 sets of equipment at once? ]

[So far, Lin Yi has sold nearly 4,000 sets of equipment! ]

[Only Lin Yi has such a handwriting! ]

[Wait a minute, I just found out that it seems that the person selling the equipment is not the big boss Lin Yi. ]

[The equipment listed on the shelves is 'Lin Yi's little follower', who is this person? Is it Lin Yi's trumpet? ]

[Depend on! Really think this is a game, and there are trumpets! ]

[This little follower is not Lin Yi boss, but someone else! His (her) troops are gray dwarves, and the blueprints of the refining shop have been revealed, so they can create "Nine Six Three" equipment! ]

[The little follower and the big boss Lin Yi are obviously a cooperative relationship! ]

[envious! I also want to cooperate with Lin Yi boss! Hug the big long legs of Lin Yi, and you will have a show in this life! ]

Many people are adding Lin Yi's friends.

There are also a lot of people who send friend requests to the little Loli in the underground world.

Among them, including the Lord of the castle with the top troops.

At this stage, it seems that the owner of the castle who can create standard equipment is only little Loli.

The masters of the top castles from all sides wanted to work with her.

In this way, the equipment of their troops will be available.

At the same time, there can also be discounts on the price, so as not to be pitted by Lin Yi.

This time the equipment was sold, and a lot of resources were earned by Lin Yi.

The masters of the top castles all take Lin Yi as their goal to surpass, and naturally they do not want to capitalize on the enemy.

However, none of the friend requests they sent in the past were rejected, all of which were rejected by Little Loli.

Little Loli knows very well who is the most reliable one.

Even if they promised her heavy profits and asked her to build equipment at a high price, she did not agree.

"Although Yaoyao is young, don't try to fool Yaoyao!"

Little Loli is firm.

Keep going on the road of 'little follower'.

So she closed the friend column directly.

He happily started to count the resources in the warehouse.

About 2,300 sets of standard equipment were all sold in a few seconds, in exchange for a huge amount of materials.


"187,500 units of timber harvested."

"Stones harvested 114,900 units."

"Great harvest! Lin Yi will be very happy!"

"Hee hee~"

Little Loli is very happy.

Sixty percent of these resources belong to Lin Yi, and forty percent are her own.

After the dividend, her castle can be upgraded to a high level, and it is no longer far from the castle to be upgraded to a town.

Thinking of this, little Loli quickly contacted Lin Yi.

Inform Lin Yi of the gains from selling the equipment.

Soon, she received a reply from Lin Yi.

After a few exchanges, Xiao Loli immediately put 60% of the harvested resources on the shelves in the trading area, and the designated exchange person was Lin Yi, and the exchange price was one unit of food.

"There are still auctions of high-end equipment left!"

Little Loli looked at the trading area again.

Under the high-end equipment, the skyrocketing fine iron value made little Loli narrow his eyes.


Angel Castle.

[You lose one unit of food, and gain 113,000 units of wood and 69,000 units of stone. ]

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

This is truly a bountiful harvest!

What he paid was just some monster materials, but he received a huge amount of castle upgrade materials.

A great deal!

Sure enough, equipment is the most profitable!

In terms of standard equipment, he and Little Loli have monopolized the entire industry. Because only if you have the building [Refiner Shop], you can create equipment.

Before the blueprints of [Refinery Shop] flooded, he and Little Loli could continue to make money.


Lin Yi glanced at the trading area.

Nine hundred sets of goblin equipment were put on the shelves at noon, and one thousand units of food were put on the shelves in the evening.

All have been sold so far.

The equipment was the most in short supply and sold the fastest. Even if Lin Yi hadn't announced the sale information in advance, the 900 sets of equipment were all sold out in less than half a minute.

The food on the shelves, however, sells very slowly.

The reason is also very simple. There are too many castle owners selling food, and the number of castle owners who need food is declining rapidly.


Food is a daily necessities.

It will never be out of date at any time.

Just hang it up and someone will buy it.

And compared to other castle owners who sell food, Lin Yi's food sells the best due to the influence of popularity.

A lot of the castle lord's food has not been sold for a whole day, but Lin Yi's has been sold out.

"Nine hundred sets of goblin equipment, one thousand units of food."

"A total of 93,800 units of timber and 52,600 units of stone were harvested."

"In addition to the wood and stone originally stored in the castle warehouse..."

"Total existing timber units!"

"It's really an overnight riches!"

Lin Yi was all smiles.

There is no doubt that he is definitely the richest among the billionaire castle lords.


"Upgrading Angel Castle to Angel Town requires only 100,000 units of wood, 50,000 units of stone, and 10,000 units of fine iron."

"In wood and stone."

"The supplies I have in reserve have far exceeded the upgrade needs."

"Now, just wait for the fine iron to arrive."

Lin Yi looked at the castle warehouse.

In addition to the more than 5,000 units of fine iron that Little Loli traded to him before, his current stockpile of fine iron is 7,200 units.

That is to say.

Get another 2,800 units of fine iron, and Angel Castle can be upgraded immediately.

If the amount of fine iron reaches 15,000 units, then it can also be built together with the high-level building [Holy Temple].

There is a holy temple.

The little angels under his command will increase their attack power and defense power by 10% as a whole.

This is very powerful!

In the future, when his angel team "advanced" into an angel army, the effect of this halo will be even more terrifying.

The larger the scale of the angel team, the more obvious the role of the Holy Temple.

It belongs to the "God-level Architecture" in the middle and late stages!

Even if it is an artifact, its practical value is not comparable to the sacred temple.


"This is high-end equipment!"

"Masters of the top castles, how can you not be crazy?"

Lin Yi looked at the hot trading area.

In addition to the nine sets of high-end equipment that Xiao Loli shot, he also shot five sets of high-end equipment himself, which are all the gains from the capture of the goblin tribe.

Fourteen sets of high-end equipment.

The fine iron value under each set of equipment is increasing rapidly.

Almost every two seconds, the value jumps up.

This shows that many castle lords are bidding for these high-end equipment.

two days ago.

When Lin Yi announced that he was going to auction high-end equipment, the top castle owners who coveted high-end equipment were frantically buying fine iron, wanting to shoot high-end equipment and improve their strength.

The castle protective cover is about to disappear.

The beast tide event may come at any time.

The masters of the top castles who cherish their lives do not want to die in the beast tide.

High-end equipment can greatly ensure their safety.

Although the top castle owners understood that this was 'funding' the goals they wanted to surpass, and continued to widen the gap between them and Lin Yi, they could only bite the bullet.

After all, high-end equipment is related to their lives, and even related to the scores in the beast tide activities.

And the number of high-end equipment is so small.

There are only fourteen sets.

If you don't buy it, others will.

If someone else grabs it, they will have an advantage.

At that time, let alone surpassing Lin Yi, even the master of the top castle of the same level will not be able to do it.

How to fight for hegemony?

As the old saying goes, step by step, step by step.

If you fall behind in the early stage, and want to catch up later, the difficulty is doubled.

"The crazier, the more I earn!"

Lin Yi counted the auction fine iron values under the fourteen sets of high-end equipment.

Not surprisingly.

Before twelve o'clock today, he could not only upgrade the castle to a town, but also build the [Holy Temple].

Next, he can go all out to deal with the beast tide activities.

That's the only reward for being number one.

is his goal!


As time goes by.

Gradually, the owners of castles with insufficient financial resources withdraw from the competition for high-end equipment auctions.

The frequency of the increase in fine iron value is decreasing.

But still did not stop.

As Lin Yi expected, the masters of the top castles were really crazy in order to get high-end equipment.

At this stage, refined iron is still very precious.

A high price is required to acquire it.

However, the masters of the top castles, in order to compete for high-end equipment, did not hesitate to spend a lot of materials, such as wood, stones, and food.

This also directly affects the upgrade speed of their castle.

If he wants to catch up with Lin Yi, it is even more distant.

But they have no choice, the high-end equipment is too attractive, they can only grit their teeth.

"As long as high-end equipment is photographed, my safety is guaranteed!"

"The top troops under my command are super strong and can definitely resist the beast tide. But my own strength is too weak, only the fourth rank. If I die in the beast tide activity, it will be a big loss! I need high-end equipment to come protect yourself!"

"With high-end equipment, I can get a higher score in the beast tide event!"

"The high-end equipment is mine, and the only reward is also mine!"

"There is no reward for upgrading the castle, and there is no attribute improvement. It can be postponed, but high-end equipment must be available!"

"No one is allowed to rob me of high-end equipment!"

This is the voice of many top castle lords.

It is also the direct reason for their crazy bidding!

so far.

Fourteen sets of high-end equipment, the bidding price of each set has exceeded one thousand units of fine iron.

There are two sets of high-end equipment from the goblin chief's treasure house, and the bidding price has reached 1,500 units of fine iron.

Lin Yi at this time.

It has already calmed down the somewhat urgent mood.

The auction was a success!

Even if it stops now, he has enough iron to upgrade Angel Castle and build the [Holy Temple].

Lin Yi was in a pretty good mood.

He turned to look at the [World Chat Channel].

Compared to the previous days, the world chat channel was even hotter this night.

Because after twelve o'clock tonight, the protective cover of the castle will disappear.

The lord of billions of castles, who is still in the mood to go to sleep?

Even Lin Yi couldn't sleep.

He was worried that after the protective cover disappeared, the violent monsters wandering outside the castle would come in directly.

[The big guys are so crazy! Refined iron is a necessary material for upgrading towns, and the price of refined iron is now ridiculously high. ]

[The beast tide is about to attack, how can it be important to upgrade the castle with high-end equipment? ]

[As soon as the auction ends, the price of fine iron will drop immediately! As the strength of the castle lord becomes stronger and stronger, fine iron will become more and more popular, and finally it will become a common material like wood. ]

[At that time, town-level castles were springing up, and they would appear in large numbers! ]

[expect! ! ]

[Lin Yi: No matter what you say, I will make money tonight! ]

[Envy Lin Yi boss! ]

[By the way, why didn't Lin Yi add me as a friend? I have applied many times and all have been rejected! look down on me, don't you? Come out and explain! ! ]

[How old are you? ]

[How old are you? ]


Lin Yi directly closed the world chat channel.

It's normal for him not to be friends.

In the past few days, the castle lord who added him as a friend every day ranged from 10 to 20 million to as high as 80 million.

If all were added as friends, the bombardment of information alone would make his head explode.

Not to mention ordinary castle lords, even those top-level castle lords, he did not add a single one. For example, Feng Qing, who owns the top class golden lion, has been rejected by him many times.

so far.

His only friend is little Loli.

It's very easy to chat with the little Loli in the underground world when you have time.

The more friends there are, the more things are involved.

Lin Yi is someone who doesn't like trouble.

He treats problems and likes to solve them in a simple and rude way.


Soon, the three-hour auction time finally ended.

Fourteen sets of high-end equipment, all of which belonged.

Castle [Golden Capital].

A simple leather armor, graceful Penultimate, beautiful and unusually windy, standing on the top floor of the castle in the sun, looking at the wild monsters gathered outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"The competition for high-end equipment is very fierce."

"But I still managed to grab a set, it's not easy!"

She took out the set of high-end equipment from the auction and put it on her body directly.

Immediately there was a strong sense of security in my heart.

With this high-level equipment, her own safety is guaranteed, whether it is to eliminate the violent monsters outside the city, or to deal with the beast tide that may come at any time, it is of great significance.

"The only downside is that I feel a little distressed for no reason!"

High-end equipment is not magic equipment after all.

It is destined to become a bad street in the future.

And now, in order to get high-end equipment, she has consumed a lot of precious iron, which makes her uncomfortable.

The iron is gone!

In order to exchange for refined iron, the wood and stone she had reserved were gone.

This directly affects the upgrade path of the castle [Golden City], and it is impossible to upgrade the castle to a town in a short time.

In terms of the development of the castle power, participating in this auction is a blood loss.

"Only Lin Yi wins!"

"He is the biggest winner!"

Fengqing is very envious.

She speculated that Lin Yi, who became rich overnight, would soon upgrade the castle to a town.

Once again opened the gap with the masters of many castles.

"It's also impossible."

"Lin Yi, as the first person to eat crab, is always the biggest beneficiary!"

"But that doesn't mean Lin Yi will always be able to eat crabs!"

"The upcoming beast tide event is my chance!"


Looking at the brand new high-end equipment.

Feng Qing also gradually gained the confidence to catch up with Lin Yi.

Other top-level castle masters who photographed high-end equipment, like Feng Qing, have similar thoughts.

Now, their own safety is guaranteed.

They can go all out to attack the beast tide activities.

All the top castle lords want to get the only reward to suppress Lin Yi.

Fighting for hegemony is the goal of the future.

At this stage, surpassing Lin Yi, who is known as the lord of the strongest castle, is the most important thing.


Underworld - Castle of Grey Dwarves.

Little Loli counted the fine iron he harvested excitedly.

"Nine sets of high-end equipment, a total of 13,800 units of fine iron were photographed, a lot!!"