Chapter 64 Three Blueprints! Seven Days Of Genesis! Lively Storm! Mind Blowing! Breeding Angels!

"It's really a great harvest!!"

until about four in the morning.

Lin Yi almost stayed up all night, so sleepy.

But looking at the loot piled up in front of him, his drowsiness and exhaustion disappeared in an instant.

The loot to be harvested is divided into three categories.

Power stones, different crystals, and blueprints.

As for equipment, there is none.

However, Lin Yi was not disappointed, because he was mentally prepared, and there was no precedent for wild monsters to explode equipment. Only by killing the native intelligent creatures in the form of killing, can the equipment (picking up corpses) be exploded.

At this time, Lin Yi was so excited that it was difficult to calm down.

Because the harvest is so great!

Just the power stone, nearly a thousand of them exploded.

Power Stones are necessary items to upgrade unit buildings.

The current level of his Angel Reincarnation Pool is level 3, and to level 4 requires 5,000 energy stones and 50 different crystals.

That is to say.

In this battle alone, his [Angel Reincarnation Pool] upgrade path has crossed almost one-fifth.

"I had more than 1,200 energy stones in reserve before."

"With this harvest, the power stone reserve has reached 2,240!"

"It's only about half away from the upgrade requirement of 5,000 power stones."

This is a very big breakthrough.

Lin Yi thought that the fourth level of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] was a long way off, at least ten days and a half months, but now it seems that the progress is faster than he imagined.

Whenever there are two or three more castle guarding battles of this scale.

His power stone reserves can meet the upgrade conditions of the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

"Except for the bumper harvest of power stones."

"Also Crystal has also gained a lot!"


Fourteen different crystals, plus the seven different crystals he had previously reserved, the total amounted to twenty-one.

To upgrade the Angel's Reincarnation Pond to level four, fifty different crystals are needed.

It is also not far from meeting the upgrade conditions.

But to be honest, such a dissimilar explosion rate could not satisfy Lin Yi.

You must know that the first elite monster killed by the angel team under his command exploded with a different crystal.

In this castle guarding battle, the number of elite-level monsters participating in the battle reached more than 300, in addition to nine commander-level monsters of seventh-order and eighth-order, and a ninth-order lord-level monster.

As a result, only fourteen dissimilar crystals exploded.

Some are less than ideal.

Is it because the strength of the little angels has increased, so the explosion rate has decreased?

Lin Yi can only think so.

Otherwise there is no other explanation at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi opened the friend column and contacted the little Loli in the underground world.

Lin Yi: "Yaoyao, how many different crystals did you harvest?"

Little Loli: "Well, I'm counting... Lin Yi, Yaoyao harvested seven different crystals!"

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that his lucky value is still online.

Just when he was about to turn off the friend's message, he asked a mysterious question: "How many elite-level and commander-level wild monsters are there on your side?"

"A lot~"

Little Loli: "It seems that there are more than 20 elite-level monsters, and there are also three commander-level monsters. If it weren't for Uncle Xavier, Yaoyao's castle 963 would not be able to stop it. Lin Yi, those monsters are too scary!!"

"It's okay, it's all over."

"go to bed early."

Lin Yi silently turned off friend messages.

He was silent for a long time.

In the end, all the negative energy deep inside turned into a long sigh.

Sure enough, compared to the luck of the little Loli in the underground world, even he had to step aside.

His angel team killed so many elite-level, commander-level, and even lord-level monsters, and in the end, only fourteen different crystals exploded.

On Little Loli's side, the number of monsters killed was less than one-tenth of his, but the number of alien crystals that exploded reached seven.

The patron of the goddess of luck!

This luck is so powerful that there is no reason for it.

Lin Yi did not ask how many drawings Xiao Loli had released, for fear of being hit.

There are three blueprints he harvested by himself.

If it was before, he would definitely be quite happy and satisfied.

but now.

Lin Yi always felt that his efforts were not proportional to his gains.

He shook his head and thought no more.

Then picked up the three blue blueprints and identified them one by one.

[Found an unknown blueprint, did you identify it? ]



Three lights of appraisal appeared in a row, covering the three blueprints in his hand.


After a while, the light of appraisal disappeared.

All three drawings reveal its true colors.


[Low-level architectural drawings - residential buildings]

[Available times: Thirty times]

[Effect: Slightly increase the loyalty of castle residents]

[Construction requirements: 1,000 units of wood, 500 units of stone]


[Intermediate Architectural Drawings - Noble House]

[Number of times of use: five times]

[Effect 1: Increase the loyalty of castle residents]

[Effect 2: Increase the chance of taking the initiative to take refuge in native intelligent creatures]

[Construction requirements: 3,000 units of wood, 1,000 units of stone, 100 units of refined iron]


[Intermediate Architectural Drawings - Fences]

[Effect 1: Greatly increase the loyalty of castle residents and appease the hearts of the people]

[Effect 2: Enhance the defensive ability of the castle]

[Construction requirements: 10,000 units of stone, 5,000 units of fine iron]


Look at the three drawings in your hand.

Lin Yi suddenly felt a little numb in his heart.

Of the three drawings, none of them are high-level drawings.

Even a low-level unit bloodline evolution blueprint will do!

As a result, all three were basic architectural drawings of the castle.

One low-level and two medium-level.

These three architectural drawings have a common effect, which is to increase the loyalty of castle residents.

This is very useful to other castle lords.

But for Lin Yi, it can only be said that it is optional.

Because his troop Angel, his loyalty to him is constant at 100 points, in a state of die loyalty and fanaticism, it can't go down, and it can't go up.

One hundred points of loyalty is already the highest value.

"can only say."

"Yes, it's better than nothing!"

Lin Yi does not intend to sell these drawings.

Although he believes (cddg), these three drawings can be sold for big prices.

His castle's sphere of influence is five kilometers, and his direct territory is two kilometers.

With the castle as the center, an area of 2,000 meters in diameter is an open space, with no trees or anything blocking it.

Residential and noble houses can be built. Make his immediate territory look less empty.

Fences are also needed, and critical.

He can enclose his direct territory in a circle to block wild monsters from attacking the castle.

The fence is obviously much better than the [fence] that Xiao Loli had burst out before.

After all, one is a stone wall and the other is a wooden fence.

With residential houses, noble houses, and walls, his 'Angel Town' really looks like a town. With just a castle, a warehouse, and a holy temple, how can you tell it's a town?

"Basic buildings don't seem to be of much use to me."

"But it's also a must!"

"This is the basic facility of the territory and is indispensable."

In the future, his city of angels will be magnificent and there are countless angels living in the city. If there is only one bare castle, what would it look like?


Lin Yi took out a blue blueprint.

He was the first to build the wall.

With the disappearance of 10,000 units of stone and 5,000 units of refined iron.

A wall about five meters high and one meter four wide appeared in the golden light, completely wrapping his direct territory.

Saying it is a wall is not the same as saying it is a city wall.

It is also very difficult for ordinary elite monsters to destroy it and enter the castle's territory.

Its defense capability is far stronger than the fence.

The appearance of the fence gave Lin Yi a sense of security.

This is caused by a specific environment, and it has nothing to do with whether the Angel team can protect him or not.

A person, facing a flat land with empty mines, and facing a world surrounded by a five-meter-high wall, are two different mentalities.


Lin Yi also started to build residential houses and aristocratic courtyards on the vacant land.

Residential house drawings can be used 30 times, that is, 30 houses are built.

Noble House can be used five times.

Soon, with the appearance of a large golden light.

In the open space near the castle, one after another residential houses and aristocratic courtyards suddenly appeared.

The arrangement is not messy, on the contrary, it is patchwork.

Lin Yi also deliberately left a gap, which would become a street.

Compared with the simple dwellings, the aristocratic courtyard, which covers an area of thousands of square meters, looks tall and beautiful, and even Lin Yi is a little moved and wants to live in it for a few days.

But he was just thinking about it.

Compared to his castle, the aristocratic courtyard is not up to the grade.


Lin Yi said to the little angels beside him: "The courtyard and the house have been built, you can allocate it yourself!"

"Praise you, Almighty Lord!"

The little angels saluted respectfully.

For the living environment, the little angels actually have no requirements.

They don't even need this kind of stuff.

No need to sleep either.

At night, they would surround the eighteen-winged angel statue in the Angel Reincarnation Pond, praying all night, until the first ray of dawn appeared, and the prayers would stop.

The main content of their prayers is the divine record of the Almighty Lord's creation of the world in seven days.

Lin Yi could hear such prayers every night.

It made him doubt whether he really created everything in the world in seven days.

Come to think of it, this is impossible.

If he really created the world in seven days, what are the local forces of the Endless Continent and those gods who are chasing the truth?

Of course, you can also look forward to it.

One day in the future, he can really master the power of creation!

The kingdom of angels shines on thousands of planes!


The world has quieted down.

The light of the blood moon gradually faded, and it moved towards the track of the west.

The six-winged archangel Shirley, the six-winged power angel Guy Teas, and the angel of love Nina gathered around the reincarnation pool with a group of little angels, facing the statue of the eighteen-winged female angel and praying.

As for Lin Yi, he also yawned and returned to the bedroom on the top floor of the castle.

He was really tired this night!

The castle's protective cover disappeared, and nearly 2,000 wild monsters invaded his castle. He also personally participated in the battle. He personally killed no less than fifty wild monsters, many of which were elite monsters.

His armor was already dripping with blood.

However, with the protection of high-level defensive magic - the light of nature's blessing, he was unscathed.

Nothing but physical and mental exhaustion.

After taking a shower, Lin Yi fell on the chuang and fell asleep.


I don't know how long I slept.

Lin Yi suddenly woke up.

He looked out the window, the sky was still a little dim, but the light of dawn had begun to shine on the world.

"Only a little over two hours of sleep."

Lin Yi was a little helpless.

The body's biological clock appears to be on time.

Every day at this time he wakes up.

Although still a little tired, Lin Yi couldn't sleep.

He got up to wash up, and then ate the hearty breakfast the little angels had prepared for him.

The [Hyperspace Trading Channel] was opened immediately. ]

A new day, the trading area is very hot.

At a glance, everything is densely packed with food, monster materials and other things.

Many of these are big deals.

The number of castle owners who have listed thousands of units of food at one time is unbelievable.

There are even castle lords who put a full 10,000 units of food on the shelves at one time.

This is something that has never happened before.

Even Lin Yi, at most, only had two or three thousand units of food on the shelves.

Obviously, this is the battle harvest this morning!

The castle of the lord of billions of castles was attacked by wild monsters at the moment when the protective cover disappeared.

The battle was brutal.

I don't know how many castle lords died.

But the surviving castle master must have obtained a great harvest.

The food collected from wild monsters cannot be eaten in a short time, so they are sold one after another.

It is a pity that there is no castle lord who is still short of food.

At least in the short term is not lacking.

So the food they put on the shelves is also uninterested.

However, some monster materials are showing signs of being exchanged.

This caught Lin Yi's attention.

"It must have been someone who broke the blueprint of the refining shop during the castle guard battle!"

"Buy monster materials at a low price and prepare to build equipment!"

It's not good news, because it means someone is going to steal business from him and little Loli.

"My castle power is developing."

"The forces of other castle lords are also developing."

"The basic building of the Refining Shop will become popular one day sooner or later. This is unstoppable."

Lin Yi thought for a moment, then didn't care too much.

The crab was so big that he couldn't finish it all by himself.

For a long period of time, those castle lords who owned the refining shop could not affect his income in the field of standard equipment.

not to mention.

It's not all bad either.

The struggle between the castle lords is secondary after all.

Their biggest enemy has always been the indigenous forces of the Endless Continent.


The development of the castle forces can also reduce the pressure on him in the face of local forces in the future.

As for the struggle between the castle masters.

Lin Yi is not worried, he has always been ahead of all the castle lords.

Also have the confidence to lead the way.

Lin Yi looked at the lively trading area and couldn't help but step in.

A total of 23,000 units of food were directly put on the shelves.

It also includes 4,000 units of elite-level food, 300 units of leader-level food, and 20 units of ninth-level lord-level food. These special foods that can increase energy value are all sold at high prices.

Ordinary food goes unnoticed.

But there is still a market demand for special foods.

In addition, the monster materials he collected were all packaged and sent to the little Loli in the underground world to make standard equipment.

Little Loli's gray dwarves are not very powerful, but they are professional in the field of equipment building.

Lin Yi glanced at his castle warehouse.

Some of the materials were consumed in the previous construction of residential houses, noble houses and walls.

There are still 100 units of wood left.

As for the power stone and the different crystal, he stored it in the [Ring of the Forest Giant].

This kind of rare material, he is used to keeping it by his side.


Lin Yi clicks on [World Chat Channel].

The chat channel was still lively, as if it was not affected by the castle guarding battle at all.

There are still plenty of castle lords chatting inside. [A big loss! I lost forty troops before I wiped out those violent monsters! ]

[What are forty arms? I only have three great swordsmen left, and almost all the troops under my command have been wiped out! ]

[It's good to be alive! ]

[The units can still be summoned when they die. As long as the person is alive, it is good news! ]

[A friend I made two days ago was very lucky, and randomly got a high-level arm - the harpy, powerful! But today I looked at the friend column and he disappeared! ]

[The advanced units are not blocked? This is really bloody mold! ]

[There are too many castle lords who died in the castle guard battle. According to my estimation, at least one million people have been eliminated. ]

[This is just the beginning! ]

[There is no doubt that more and more castle masters will fall in the future, because this is a cruel world! ]

[If we want to gain a foothold in this world, we can only do our best! ]

[Brothers and sisters, don't be discouraged, the early stage is always difficult. Those who have passed, we must remember and never forget! Those who are alive, keep going! We are the lords of the castle, the chosen ones! Just give us time and we can grow up! What are wild monsters? Our opponents are the local forces of the Endless Continent! ]

[You have a lot of words, you are reasonable! ]

[Actually, yes, our goal is to dominate all races and let the castle power rule this vast Otherworld! I believe that one day, this world will belong to us! Lord of the living castle, everyone is a god! ]

[I hope this era will come soon! ]

[Big guys, I think it's still important to focus on what's in front of you, the beast tide may come at any time! ]

[? ? ? ? ]

[? ? ? ? ]

The world chat channel is bleak.

The atmosphere that has just been warmed up, shouting that everyone becomes a god...

In the blink of an eye, my heart is cold!

The castle masters seemed to have only reacted. The battle of the castle guards seemed to be just an appetizer after the protective cover disappeared. The main dish [Beast Tide Event] had not yet been served.

[Oh shit! Whoever mentioned the beast tide, drag it out and kill it! ]

[My mind exploded instantly! ! ]

[Can't you let me continue to immerse myself in the joy of victory? Even if you enjoy one more minute, why do you have to remind me that there is still a beast swarm! ]

[I have blocked that guy! ]

[Transfer negative energy, pull black! ]

[Pull black +1]


World chat channels are in chaos.

Many people are berating and venting their negative emotions.

The appetizers are so cruel, how tragic will the beast tide be?

The castle lords did not want to think about it.

Because as long as you think about it, your mind will explode and your scalp will go numb.

Lin Yi didn't even think about it. He wasn't afraid of the beast tide. With the current strength of Angel Castle, it was not difficult to get through the beast tide crisis.

Close the world chat channel.

Lin Yi came to the courtyard of the castle.

The Seven Days of Creation Prayer for the little angels has come to an end.

When they saw Lin Yi, they all saluted respectfully, their eyes reverent and fanatical.

Lin Yi smiled and nodded at them.

Then look at the eighteen-winged female angel statue by the Reincarnation Pool.

[Abundant energy, does it breed the Angel Holy Spirit? ]


Lin Yi still chooses yes.

And look forward to this birth.

Because the third-level angel reincarnation pool can breed ten angelic holy spirits at a time, and the probability of special angels and multi-winged angels appearing is higher.

Soon, a dazzling light radiated from the Angel's Reincarnation Pool.

Holy and pure!

Not long after, ten orbs of light flew out of the Reincarnation Pond.

PS: Ask for power stones, thank you for your support! .