Chapter 67 The Shock Of The Goddess! Angels Are Soldiers? The Anti-Angel Alliance Is Established! Alliance Of The Gods!

On the endless Karami Prairie.

Wearing high-end equipment, the goddess of Fengqing with enchanting figure and extremely beautiful face is leading her golden lion army to besiege a group of centaurs.

Centaurs belong to the indigenous intelligent creatures of the Endless Continent.

They also have another nickname, Bandits on the Prairie.

Centaurs are chaotic and evil-aligned races, while centaurs are lawful and good-aligned races.

This group of centaurs numbered close to fifty.

Led by a seventh-order commander-level centaur, they attacked Fengqing's castle [Golden City] an hour ago, and then lost, were defeated and wanted to escape.

Feng Qing led the Golden Lion Army to intercept them.

The final siege is underway.

Today, Fengqing's Golden War Lion Legion is already very strong, and there is not much pressure to surround and kill commander-level creatures, and only lord-level creatures can cause her a little trouble.

"Kill them all!"

"Don't let one go!"

Feng Qing rode on the back of a golden lion and gave orders.

At this time, she received a message from a top castle lord.

When she opened it, her expression suddenly froze.

"Someone leaked the secret of Lin Yi's class."

"Most likely it's an angel!"

"The coordinates of its castle are located in the dark forest!"


Feng Qing took a deep breath of cold air.

Even her, it was difficult to calm down.

Angels, that are mythical creatures, are on the same level as the abyss demons.

In front of angels, top predators like giant dragons are also somewhat weaker.

As for her golden lion, it is far from being comparable to that of an angel. "sure?"

Fengqing asked quickly.

The master of the top-level castle opposite replied: "The man's castle was besieged by the angel, the castle was destroyed, and the man was already dead! As for whether the person standing behind the angel is Lin Yi, no one can be sure, after all, this is just the man There is no conclusive evidence, it can only be said that the probability is very high!"

Feng Qing: "It would be great if there was a video of the battle."

The owner of the top castle: "Haha...'Game' does not have this function enabled."

Fengqing clicked on the world chat channel on the side.

At this moment, the world chat channel is completely boiling.

[I am 100% sure, Lin Yi's unit is an angel! ]

[This is totally cheating! What is an angel? Divine creatures! I have read a novel before. The goddess of light sent a seraph to sweep across many empires in the human world. It can be seen how powerful the angel is! ]

[You said it was a novel, can the novel be taken seriously? ]

[I also think that the strength of the angels cannot be strong enough to exceed the category of arms, otherwise how can we, the castle masters, get along? That's totally Lin Yi's foil! ]

[I agree with the statement above, although we are now foils. ]


[In any case, the strength of the angel must be very terrifying! ]

[This may be the fundamental reason why Lin Yi has been able to keep ahead of billions of castle lords! ]

[As soon as the Tian 23 messenger came out, the dragons had to flap their wings to escape! ]

[Even the angels have come out, this game can't be played at all! ]

[Then you can retreat. ]

[Retreat? I want to eat fart! This is the real world! Retreat means death, who wants to die? Even if Lin Yi's unit is really an angel, then there is nothing we can do. If you want to quit, just wipe your neck! ]

[All stop! Not necessarily true. ]

[The man's castle has been captured by the angel team, and he himself is dead, can it be fake? ]

[The existence of the angel must be true, but it is hard to say whether the person behind the angel is Lin Yi! After all, other than that person, who has seen Lin Yi lead an angel to hunt monsters with his own eyes? ]

[To be more direct, no one knows what Lin Yi looks like. ]

[It can only be said that the probability of Lin Yi is very high, but it is not absolute. ]

[I agree with this! ]

The world chat channel is noisy.

Countless castle masters are arguing about whether the angel who appeared in the dark forest is a castle unit under Lin Yi's command.

Many people believe this to be true.

Because Lin Yi's castle is too strong, he leads the way and keeps attacking the local forces, first destroying the goblin tribe, and then destroying a medium-sized goblin tribe.

It's not over yet.

Lin Yi was also the first lord to upgrade a castle to a town.

He stood at the pinnacle of billionaire castle lords right from the start.

Even those castle lords with top troops can only look up to Lin Yi.

So many people believe that Lin Yi is the man behind those angels.

Of course there are people who are skeptical.

The reason is also very simple. Except for the dead castle lord, no one can confirm whether his words are true or not, and no one has seen Lin Yi hunting with angels with his own eyes.

Seeing is believing, hearing is false.

You can only believe it if you see it with your own eyes.

At this time, the Lord of the Castle spoke.


[If what that person said is true, then Lin Yi's castle should be in the dark forest! Is there a castle lord in the dark forest who sent troops to investigate? ]

[Indeed, wouldn't it be enough to send someone to investigate? ]

[This is the easiest way to directly prove whether Lin Yi's unit is an angel or not. ]

[Call on all the castle lords of the dark forest to take action! ]

[Agree! Unlock the angel's secret for us! ]

[Appeal +1]

[Fortunately and unfortunately, my castle is in the dark forest! But do you think I'm stupid? I'll investigate, if the man behind the angel is really Lin Yi, do I still want to live? ]

[That is, a group of bystanders, easy to say! Offending Lin Yi, the first to be unlucky are us castle lords in the dark forest. You are good, far away in other areas, the matter is already hanging high! ]

[Just investigating the truth, it's not that serious, right? ]

[Nothing serious? Then you go to investigate? ]

[If it is Lin Yi, then we will take the initiative to come and die! ]

[Since Lin Yi has already killed one castle lord, he wouldn't mind killing the second one! ]

[Wait, I suddenly remembered that the person who first exposed the angel in the dark forest at the beginning was not the castle lord who died this time? ]

[He once inspired the castle lord of the dark forest to kill angels and explode divine weapons! ]

[Obviously for this reason, he was missed by the big boss Lin Yi. As soon as the novice's protective cover disappeared, Lin Yi directly dispatched the angel team to level the man's castle! ]

[groove! Why do I feel cold on my back! ]

for a while.

Many castle lords in the Dark Forest are sweating.

Feel the scalp tingling.

Even though the castle masters chatted hotly in the world chat channel, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

However, this is only appearances.

The things behind it are the cruelest.

The battle of the castle, it is absolutely life and death.

After all, this is the race for hegemony among all races, and the main theme is war.

It's not just a war with the indigenous forces of the Endless Continent.

There are also wars between the lords of the castles.

Being in the dark forest with Lin Yi and belonging to the same area is definitely not good news.

Lin Yi's goal must be to dominate the entire dark forest.

There is no doubt about this.

And these castle lords who belong to the dark forest, facing Lin Yi who has angel troops...

Or there will be only two ends, either die or roll.

They don't have the confidence to defeat Lin Yi's castle forces.

[Not much to say, I am already packing up my supplies and preparing to evacuate the dark forest! Being neighbors with big boss Lin Yi, I'm in a panic! ]

[I'm ready to get out too! Stay in the dark forest, sooner or later you will die! ]

[Can the castle be moved? ]

[sure! Just take the heart of the castle and take it away. ]

[Put in, what about the buildings in the castle? For example, troop buildings and warehouses. ]

[Some people have tried, after moving away from the heart of the castle, the castle building will become a blueprint, and it can be rebuilt by consuming resources! ]

[understood! I'm leaving too! ]

At this time, someone spoke up.

[The cowardly mouse! Afraid of a der! The Lord of the Castle of the Dark Forest, there are not 100,000 or 80,000, and maybe even more! As long as everyone unites, let alone Lin Yi's troops are angels or gods, and they are not our opponents! ]

[Yes, we can form an anti-angel alliance in the dark forest to fight against Lin Yi's angel troops! ]

[Upstairs, we seem to have added friends! I remember your castle should be in the Karami steppe, right? You belong to the same area as the Goddess of Fengqing, you form a Mao dark forest anti-angel alliance, go away! Delete each other! ! ]

[There have always been sluts who are not busy watching the fun, but the alliance's proposal is really good! ]

There are many castle lords in the Darkwood who agree.

Relocating the castle is not as simple as saying it casually.

For example, how to leave the dark forest, the dangers that may be encountered in the middle, the wasted development time, the imminent beast tide... These are all problems, and it is impossible to go smoothly.

It's a good idea to form an alliance against Lin Yi.

Even if they don't fight against Lin Yi, they can prevent Lin Yi from attacking their castle.

Therefore, this proposal was supported by many Dark Forest Castle Lords on the spot.

But there are also some castle lords located on the edge of the dark forest. They are quite decisive. With their troops and the materials of the castle, they carry the heart of the castle and run away, and the speed is very fast.

They just want to stay away from this area with angels as soon as possible.

In general.

This angel incident has caused the whole world chat channel to fall into disarray.

Countless castle lords are affected and feel uneasy.


Calami Prairie.

The mighty golden war lion army has annihilated the centaur.

The leader of the seventh-order centaur also died under the minions of the golden war lion.

But there was no joy in Feng Qing's expression.

Lin Yi's unit is an angel, which caused a great blow and shock to her.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, she thinks the possibility is as high as 90% or more.

Not 100% sure, but enough!

"No wonder he's developing so fast, no matter how hard we top city lords try, we can't catch up!"


"Angel troops, this is a very reasonable explanation!"

"It seems that an alliance is really going to be formed!"

"Otherwise, Lin Yi's castle power will be dominated by one family in the future!"

So far, she has not had any contact with Lin Yi, and her multiple friend requests have all been rejected.

No friendship, no hatred.

But Fengqing felt that precautions were still necessary.

Only by forming a strong alliance can we be able to fight against Lin Yi's Angel Legion in the future and not be suppressed to the point of being unable to lift their heads.

"Even if you won't become an enemy in the future."

"Alliance must also exist. This is the capital for us to have an equal dialogue with Lin Yi!"

Feng Qing believes that the strength of an angel is definitely not something that one or two top castle masters can fight against.

Only by forming an alliance can we fight against Lin Yi's Angel Legion.

Even if there is no real war in the future, the alliance must exist.

Thinking of this, she immediately contacted the masters of many top castles in the friends column.

She has more than 100 friends.

Everyone has a top class.

This is the circle of contacts she has developed.

As early as when she first came, she began to prepare, but she didn't expect to use it so soon. When she passed the idea of forming an alliance to her friend qun.

Immediately received a unanimous response.

Because it's not just her, the masters of the top castles are also afraid of Lin Yi's angel.

Soon, an alliance named [Gods] was formed.

There are one hundred and twenty-eight members of the initial alliance, including eight members of the alliance, and Feng Qing is one of them.

After the alliance was established, the corresponding internal qun also appeared.

"By the way, if you bring Lin Yi in and become a member of our alliance of gods, won't there be wars in the future?"

"It's possible, but not absolute!"

"No one knows what kind of person Lin Yi is."

"What are you talking about? If you want to pull Lin Yi into the alliance, let's add Lin Yi's friends first! Who among you added Lin Yi's friends? It seems that Goddess Fengqing has not been added!"

"Let's change the subject..."

Feng Qing rubbed her crystal clear forehead.

Not being able to add Lin Yi's best friend was a hurdle she could never overcome in her life.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend in the future.

Her idea of adding Lin Yi as a friend is very firm.

"Sooner or later I will add it!"


at the same time.

The castle lords in the dark forest also formed an alliance.

The name of the alliance is very straightforward - [Anti-Angel Alliance].

This directly underlines the core purpose of the alliance.

This alliance was formed by several top castle lords in the dark forest, and the initial number of members was five.

As the masters of the top castles, they were unwilling to withdraw from the dark forest.

If you don't want to leave, join forces.

Within the alliance qun——

"Can we really fight against Lin Yi's angel?"

"There is no doubt about this! Myths and legends exaggerate the strength of angels too much. You must understand that since angels have been reduced to soldiers, they naturally cannot be stronger than mythical creatures!"

"That's right!"

"Since it is a soldier, it can be killed!"

"The five of us are all top-level arms, and then we will develop and accept other castle masters in the dark forest, and absorb them all into our anti-angel alliance. I don't believe that so many castle masters add up. A Lin Yi?"

"No matter how strong an angel is, there is a limit!"

"As long as our dark forest castle lords unite and destroy a Lin Yi, it's just like playing!"

"Lin Yi has been pressing on our heads since he came to the present. I saw that he was not happy! The fundamental purpose of this alliance formation is to destroy his castle power!"

"Once Lin Yi dies, the dark forest belongs to us!"

The master of five top castles, full of confidence.

Because, they are not fighting alone!

"Speaking of which, why hasn't there been any news about the beast tide event? The world announcement hasn't changed, and it's still Lin Yi who upgraded the town."

"Don't worry, the beast tide event will always come!"

"I hope to come later. In the battle of the castle guard this morning, I lost three titan pythons and lost blood!"

"My Eternal Treant Guard also lost one."

"I'm quite lucky. My stone giant is naturally strong in defense. Although one is seriously injured, it is a complete victory!"

Titan Python, Eternal Tree Guard, and Stone Giant are all top arms.

"Wait, the beast tide event is definitely coming soon!"

"Let's work hard to get the only reward in the event, and then it will be easier to deal with Lin Yi's angel troops!"

"When the Beast Tide event is over, go and find out where Lin Yi's castle is!"

"Start early to solve future troubles!"

"That's right, Lin Yi's Angel Legion must never be allowed to develop, that's a huge threat to our Anti-Angel Alliance!"




"It's really lively!"

Lin Yi is also swiping the world chat channel.

He knew that when the angel's secret was leaked, it would cause a big uproar.

I didn't expect it to be so sensational.

The Lord of the castle, before he died, put him together, leaked the angel's secret, and even named him, claiming that the man behind the angel was him, which instantly made him the center of the fishing reel.

Countless castle lords are talking about him.

There are also many castle lords @ him in the world chat channel, I hope he will stand up and respond to this matter.

Of course he ignored it.

In fact, in the final analysis, even the dead castle lord doesn't know if the person behind the angel is him.

Because Lin Yi was not involved in that castle battle at all.

It was the angel team under his command that destroyed the castle.

Lin Yi himself didn't show up, he stayed in Angel Castle all the time.

This can only mean one thing, he is standing too high!

As soon as that person learned the secret that angels are soldiers, he immediately thought of Lin Yi. Regardless of whether he saw Lin Yi himself, he directly sent a message to the world chat channel to expose Lin Yi. Come.

The reason is simple, the possibility of Lin Yi is the highest.

The death of that person is approaching, and there is no time to confirm this speculation, so whether it is right or not, it is right to upload the news.

And other castle masters also hold this idea.

Who made Lin Yi the recognized master of the strongest castle?

Although no one has witnessed Lin Yi hunting with the angel team, he stands at the top of the multi-billion castle lord and is the most famous. If the angel is not his class, who else is it?

It can be said that it must not be!

There are also some castle lords who are also taking this opportunity to unite and form an alliance against him. Try to tear down his mythical monument, trample him under his feet, and then rise to the top.


Lin Yi has become the public enemy of the lord of the top castle.

But this just shows that Lin Yi put too much pressure on them.

See Lin Yi as the biggest threat to the future competition of all races.

Only by removing Lin Yi, a powerful bug-level existence, can they compete fairly.



Lin Yi suddenly laughed out loud.

These people don't even understand how powerful angels are.

When his angel army is formed, the alliance with many castle lords will be nothing but ruins under the holy sword.

Lin Yi immediately closed the world chat channel.

Check out the [Arrow Tower Blueprint] that is being auctioned on the trading channel.

In the world chat channel, countless castle owners are discussing things about angels, but the auction of [Arrow Tower Blueprint] has not been affected, and there are still a large number of castle owners bidding.

After all, the beast tide event could come at any time.

Arrow towers, which can increase the defense of the castle, are very popular.

And it seems that this is the first time someone is selling architectural drawings.

Seeing that the auctioneer was 'Lin Yi', the owners of the castles who were bidding were relieved.

Lin Yi shot, it must be a treasure.

This is recognized.

Up to now, the bidding price of [Arrow Tower Blueprint] has risen to 115 power stones, and it is still increasing.

Lin Yi estimates that the final transaction price of this blueprint should be around 300 power stones.

The price is already very high.

After all, the [Arrow Tower] is only a low-level defensive building.

"It's a pity that no one took the different crystals to participate in the auction."

At the current market price, one heterocrystal is equivalent to one hundred power stones.

And priceless.

It can be seen the preciousness of isomorphism.

Few castle lords would be foolish enough to sell the Variation Crystals, or deduct the Power Stones.

Lin Yi was only slightly disappointed, but didn't think much of it.

He was about to order the angel team to continue hunting.

At this moment, the little angel Syl came to report to him: "My lord, there are a few goblins outside the castle asking for advice. They are your goblin followers in the underground world!"

"What are they going to do?"

Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

For those goblin believers, his approach is laissez-faire, without paying too much attention.

Unexpectedly, a goblin came to the door and asked to see him.

"Let them in!"

Before long, several goblins passed through the walled gate and entered the castle.

Under the leadership of a goblin elder, they bowed down in front of Lin Yi with incomparable reverence.

If it wasn't for the angel's holy sword pointing at their heads, they would all want to kiss Lin Yi's instep to show their fanatical belief in the Lord.

"Almighty Lord~"

The goblin elder shouted: "Please save your humble believers! The evil two-headed demon has invaded the territory of your believers. Please be merciful and send down your boundless divine power to punish those shameful invaders~"

PS: Ask for power stones