Chapter 74 Horror Beast Tide! Dale Is Strong! Combat Power Standings! Lin Yi Will Fall To The Altar?

World chat channel -

[The beast tide is finally here! ]

[f**k! A lot of monsters, at least thousands! ]

[What are thousands of wild monsters? In less than a minute, my castle was surrounded by beast hordes! But I'm not worried at all, I have walls, arrow towers, and top troops to sit in, the beast tide can't destroy my castle! ]

[My castle is finished! Far underestimated the horror of the beast tide! ]

[In front of this beast tide, the battle of the castle guards in the early morning is nothing at all! ]

[The beast tide is coming, I am afraid that more castle owners will be eliminated, and those who survive are elites! ]

[Haha... Fortunately, I was prepared to give up the identity of the castle lord ahead of time and transfer to a ranger! Where I am now, there is no sign of wild monsters at all! ]

[Escaped! ]

[The Ranger gets rough! This is the era that belongs to the Lord of the Castle! ]

[Hehe, what about the Lord of the Castle? Our Ranger Alliance will become stronger and stronger. Sooner or later, not only the local forces, but also the castle forces will be pushed horizontally! ]

[Losers dare to shout? ] [One failure and retreat cannot determine the future! Only the one who reaches the end is the final winner! ]

[The Ranger Alliance will become a paradise for the gods of freedom! ]

[The Ranger is finally a rootless grass, and our castle forces are the masters of the endless continent! ]

[In the future, who knows? ]

The attack of the beast tide, not only did not become the only topic, on the contrary, the castle lord and the rangers first quarreled in the world chat channel.

Clearly, opposing factions have emerged.

I am afraid that sooner or later, the rangers will turn to attack the castles of the castle forces.

It's not impossible.


Lin Yi didn't follow the messy world chat channels.

Because, the beast tide has approached his Angel Castle.

"The Angel team obeys!"

"Clear all wild monsters near the castle! Use the wall as the defense baseline to resist the attack of the beast tide!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"


In an instant, the little angels flew towards the castle in unison.

They flew directly to the wall and attacked the beast hordes that gathered from all directions.

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters...

The beast tide is coming!

All kinds of wild monsters roared and charged like crazy.

There were wild monsters running in front and accidentally fell down, but the wild monsters in the back didn't stop at all, they continued to charge forward, and in the blink of an eye, the fallen wild monsters were trampled into blood cakes.

There are huge monsters in the wild, burying their heads in the charge, ignoring whether there are companions in front of them, but if there are any blocking the way, they will be directly knocked away.

It's so frenetic!

Roaring roar after another.

In addition to wild monsters on land, there are also avian monsters gathering in the sky.

They are faster and more swift.

Like a fighter jet swooping down towards Angel Castle.

Simply horrible!

In all directions of Angel Castle, and even in the sky, you can see wild monsters.

I am afraid that there is only no movement in the ground.

This is the beast tide!

in the castle yard.

Lin Yi wears high-grade armor and holds a super-grade Goblin Chief Sword, and at the same time releases the high-grade defensive magic of the Ring of Forest Giants - the light of nature's blessing to protect himself.

As the lord of the castle, he could not be too cautious.

The only good news is that before the blood moon arrives, the wild monsters are just affected by some mysterious force, lose 963's sanity, become manic and extremely aggressive.

However, the strength of wild monsters did not triple as in the night.

This is good news for all castle lords.

Just at this time.

Three or four weird birds of prey had their eyes on Lin Yi.

They flapped their huge wings and dived straight down.

"court death!!"

Lin Yi clenched the fine iron greatsword in his hand.

His eyes were fixed on the few avian monsters that were attacking him.

He is ready to fight!

bring it on! !

His rank is as high as the late eighth rank, and he is not afraid of a few elite beasts.

Fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters...

In just two seconds, several strange raptors swooped down.

They opened their claws as sharp as blades and grabbed Lin Yi directly, trying to tear Lin Yi to pieces.

puff puff puff...

In an instant, several raptors suddenly burst into blood.

Before Lin Yi could do anything, these avian monsters were killed.

Their corpses fell from mid-air, smashed to the ground, and blood splattered everywhere.


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, it was discovered that the one who killed these avian monsters was a gray figure.


Taking a closer look, it is his angel of death, Dale!

"My lord!"

Angel of death Dale flew closer.

He said to Lin Yi very respectfully: "As your angel of death, killing is my duty! Please give me the monsters that invaded the castle, and I will bring victory to the angel team!"

This is asking Lin Yi to rest and not need to fight in person.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "As the lord of the castle, your lord, I can't stay out of it! My angel of death, don't worry about my safety, no monster can hurt me!"

His words were a bit arrogant.

After all, he is only eighth-order now.

If you really want to encounter a monster of the ninth-order lord level, you still can't do it.

But Lin Yi's words.

It was enough to comfort the Angel of Death, Dale.

Dai Er was not good at words, and after respectfully saluting Lin Yi, she flapped her gray angel wings and turned into a gray shadow and rushed into the sky.

"The Lord said~"

"Killing is redemption!"

"Death is eternal life!"

"Blade of Destruction!"


I saw grey shadows flashing.

The avian monsters hovering high in the sky instantly turned into corpses and fell from the sky.

Whenever the gray shadow flickers, a bird monster will be killed instantly.

Angel of Death, Dale, in the form of Penultimate, moves like a phantom, really like dancing the dance of death in the void, beautiful, and gives people a feeling of horror.

"It's really strong!"

"This is a special angel!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Death Angel Dai'er's initial rank is seventh, but Lin Yi feels that if he fights Death Angel Dai'er with his eighth rank, he is bound to be no match.

The combat skills and divine arts of the Angel of Death Master.

That's all there to kill.

Just relying on combat power, Angel of Death Dai'er can definitely overpower him, and even overwhelm the two-winged angel who has entered the eighth order.

In just a short time, Angel of Death Dai Er had slaughtered dozens of avian monsters, including even seventh-order and eighth-order commander-level monsters.

Dai Ershi (cddg) is so powerful that Lin Yi is speechless.

"Another one!"

A lone avian monster avoids Dale's dance of angels of death and swoops down, targeting Lin Yi again.

"You are the one!"

A monster of the sixth-order elite has not been taken seriously by Lin Yi.

He clenched the sword of the goblin chief in his hand, feeling that he could kill this elite beast with a single sword.

This is the confidence that belongs to the eighth-order powerhouse!

"you are mine!"

Seeing the bird monster getting closer, Lin Yi immediately prepared to act.

But in this moment.

The avian monster several meters long suddenly exploded.

Residual limbs, blood rain, falling from the sky.

However, before falling on Lin Yi, he was purified by a dazzling holy light.

Lin Yi looked up and saw that it was the angel of love, Nina, who killed the avian monster with a magic trick. Worried that the rain of blood would contaminate the Lord's body, Nina even deliberately purifies it.

After killing the bird monsters in seconds.

The angel of love, Nina, continued to release magical techniques, and cooperated with the angel of death, Dale, to clear the avian monsters in the sky.


The first wave of avian monsters that attacked the castle was completely killed by two seraphs.

Only Lin Yi was messed up in the wind.

Twice in a row, his monsters were robbed.

Even in the end, the angel of love Nina and the angel of death Dale directly killed the high-altitude bird monster.

"When will my first drop of blood come?"

Lin Yi stood alone in the courtyard outside the castle, holding a sturdy goblin chieftain sword, surrounded by high-level defensive magic -- a shield formed by the light of nature's blessing...

He was really embarrassed.

As for the outside of the castle walls, there are a lot of monsters.

But Lin Yi wouldn't be stupid enough to run out for the 'first blood'.

That will kill!


At this moment.

The little angels of Angel Castle are all out.

They stand on the fence.

They have used angel warfare and divine techniques to attack the beast tide outside the wall.

In less than half an hour of the battle, hundreds of wild monsters were killed.

Looking around, there are monster corpses everywhere outside the fence.

The blood had already dipped the mud into a dark red. Even the fence that is several meters high seems to be sprayed with a layer of red paint.

In the entire Angel Castle, only Lin Yi and a few castle militiamen who had surrendered before had nothing to do.

Lin Yi can't kill monsters.

Those militiamen have no strength to kill monsters.

However, they are also very brave. They stand at the gate of the wall with weapons in hand. Once a wild monster breaks through the gate and rushes in, they will fight to the death with the monster.

This is the embodiment of a certain level of loyalty.


Loyalty is too low, troops will lose the enthusiasm for fighting.

Below 60 points, there is a high probability of defecting.

Of course, Lin Yi never worried about this.

His little angel, loyalty has been constant at 100 points, die-hard and fanatical.

The loyalty of the militias who surrendered has exceeded 90 points with the addition of various buildings and beliefs, and there is no possibility of defecting.

"It's a little uncomfortable!"

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

As the owner of the castle, and as an eighth-order powerhouse, he has nothing to do in the beast tide.

I have to say, this is very embarrassing.

Of course, this also highlights the strength of his team of Angels.

Up to now, no wild monster has been able to break through the wall and enter his castle.

Even the bird monsters hovering high in the sky were focused on by the little angels, and they were killed immediately.

Lin Yi also found out.

The little angels who are in battle will occasionally emit golden light from their bodies.

That's a vision of promotion.

Especially those angels and holy spirits who were summoned not long ago with the help of the [arms quantity blueprint].

The first to advance in the process of battle.

Their initial level is not high, correspondingly, the 'experience' required for promotion is not much.

Hundreds of wild monsters of all levels were killed, and the 'experience' gained was enough for them to advance to a higher rank.

"No surprises."

"I can also be promoted to the ninth order in this beast tide event!"

Lin Yi is looking forward to it.

The ninth-order life form is already a strong powerhouse.

In the local forces of the Endless Continent, it is also a lord-level existence, qualified to become the chief of a small and medium-sized tribe.

If it is a king rank, it will be stronger.

Lin Yi estimates that at least two little angels under his command will be able to advance to the king rank during the battle of the beast tide.

They are the six-winged Archangel Shirley and the Angel of Love Nina.

They are currently at the peak of the ninth order.

It is only one step away from being promoted to the king rank.

In addition, the six-winged power angel Guy Dess is also very promising. She is now in the late ninth order, not far from the king order.

The only thing that makes Lin Yi uncomfortable is.

Now, he can't kill a single monster.

All were snatched cleanly by the little angels under his command.

Even if there is a single bird monster attacking, it will be killed by the little angels at the first time.

The little angels don't give avian monsters a chance to approach their 'master' at all.

Lin Yi is not a person who likes to fight and is not good at fighting, but this kind of mobs can't grab the feeling, it's still a bit uncomfortable. After all, he was well-prepared, and even the high-level defensive magic, the Light of Nature's Blessing, was released.

Do not engage in combat.

Don't kill some mobs to sacrifice to the sword of the goblin chieftain in his hand.

Wasn't it pointless that he had prepared enough before?

Lin Yi felt that he had to do something, so he shouted, "Daier, put a monster down and let me solve it!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Angel of death Dai Er flew high into the sky, grabbed a bird that seemed to be just passing by, knocked it unconscious with two punches, and dragged its wings to Lin Yi.


Lin Yi looked at the bird that had been knocked out in front of him.

Neither is killing, nor is not killing.

Finally, he let out a long sigh.

A sword stabs out and sends it back to the west.

Angel of death Dai Er blinked, looked at Lin Yi with reverence, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "My lord, do you still need Dai Er to catch monsters?"

"Not for now."

Lin Yi waved his hand: "Go and help other angels resist the beast tide!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The Angel of Death, Dale, saluted respectfully.

Immediately, the figure flickered and disappeared into a ray of gray light.

Lin Yi felt rather boring.

Open the [World Chat Channel].

With the arrival of the beast tide, the popularity of the world chat channel has plummeted.

All castle lords are dedicated to resisting the beast tide.

There are not many castle owners who can be as leisurely as Lin Yi.

Of course, those 'castle lords' who have given up their status as castle lords and become free rangers are not counted.

These people do not have castles, and the beast tide has nothing to do with them.

They can speak freely in the world chat channel.

[It seems that the beast tide is very fierce! ]

[If nothing else happens, there will be another group of castle lords who will not be able to see the sun tomorrow! ]

[Even if they are eliminated, they deserve it! If, like us, I switched to a Ranger earlier, I wouldn't have to worry about the threat of the beast horde! ]

[There are many castle lords who look down on us rangers. ]

[Normal, they think we are losers, timid and cowardly! But don't worry, one day we will tell them with practical actions, rangers can also change their lives by heaven-defying! ]

[That's right! ]

[Look at the combat power standings, great news! ]

[f**k! Lin Yi, the lord of the strongest castle, didn't even make it into the top three? ]


[Isn't Lin Yi's unit an angel? Angels can't even make it into the top three? ]

[What about the angel? Not a god! There are thousands of castle lords with top troops, and they are all frantically collecting points, and it is not so incredible to surpass Lin Yi. ]

[Once the beast tide event is over, the myth created by Lin Yi is bound to be broken! ]

[Once other castle lords rank first and get the only reward of the event, Lin Yi's title of the strongest castle lord will be erased immediately, and he will fall off the altar and will no longer be praised! ]

[Haha... I'm looking forward to this scene! ]

Lin Yi is also swiping the world chat channel.

Looking at this information, he was not angry, but curious.

Immediately, he also opened the combat power standings next to the channel.

[Initial Beast Tide Battle Power Points List]

[First place: Black Dragon Castle, combat power points - 27830]

[Second place: Fire Dragon's Nest, Combat Points - 25700]

[Third Place: The Kingdom of Death Knights, Combat Points - 24560]

[Fourth place: Angel Castle, combat power points - 21490]

[the fifth place...]

[Ninth place: Elf Garden, combat power points - 16790]

[Tenth place...]

[No. 19: City of Gold, Combat Points - 10480]


[100th place: Blue Fatty Castle, combat power points - 7580]


The combat power standings are updated in real time.

Every minute and every second, the points on the leaderboard are changing.

All list points are in the process of increasing rapidly.

The ranking of the castle lords on the list also sometimes rises, and sometimes they are surpassed.

Of course, this is normal. After all, the beast tide has just begun, and the castle owners are killing wild monsters.

Especially the masters of the top castles are even more crazy.

In order to compete for the only 100 reward places, the masters of the top castles did their best.


Lin Yi, who is known as the lord of the strongest castle, did not occupy the first place in the standings in the first time as many people think, but was surpassed by others and is currently only in fourth place.

Fourth place, which is a very high ranking.

If it is the lord of other top castles that are not on the list, it is bound to be very excited.

But when it comes to Lin Yi, it's a bit unsatisfactory.

After all, he is recognized as the lord of the strongest castle, and his troops are the legendary holy creatures - angels.

From arrival to now.

Lin Yi is the leader of all the castles all the way, standing at the peak of the castle power, no one can stand above him.

Many people think that Lin Yi should be in the first place.

But now, there are three castle lords who are ahead of Lin Yi.

This surprised them.

There are also some people who are gloating at the misfortune, thinking that Lin Yi's title of "the most powerful castle lord" is a vain name, and the angel is indeed not as powerful as the legend after he became a soldier.

The myth created by Lin Yi is about to become a thing of the past.

This is what many people think.

After all, the ranking of the standings is there, which is the most real embodiment.

As for Lin Yi himself, he didn't pay much attention to the standings.

He didn't have the slightest concern or worry about his position in fourth place.

The beast tide activity has just begun. A momentary lag doesn't mean anything.

However, Lin Yi paid some attention to the castle forces on the standings and took them to heart.

The achievements of these castle forces in the future are absolutely extraordinary.

worthy of his attention.

"Black Dragon Castle, Fire Dragon's Nest, Country of Death Riders..."

Lin Yi also suddenly understood why he was behind.

These three castle forces are good at war and group attack.

The dragon's breath, the death knight's charge...

Facing the first few waves of wild monsters with weak strength, it is easy to cause large-scale massacres.

However, when powerful high-level wild monsters appear, similar massacres will not occur, and it will be difficult for these three castle forces to continue to earn points.

By that time.

The high-ranking advantage of the Angel team will be reflected!

Afterwards, Lin Yi checked the point mechanism again.

It is found that the points obtained by killing monsters of different ranks are different.

First grade points.

Tier 5 elites get 100 points and Tier 6 elites get 200 points.

The seventh-order leader is 500 points, and the eighth-order leader is 1000 points.

3000 points for the ninth-order lord.

If you kill a king-level monster, you will get 10,000 points directly, which is equivalent to killing a thousand first-level monsters.

"Wait for the middle-level and high-level monsters to appear."

"It's when my Angel Castle is chasing the list!"

Now Lin Yi is not in a hurry at all, he has the confidence to compete for the first place in the power standings.

As for the ridicule in the world chat channel, he did not take it to heart.

The only reward is destined to belong to him! !

PS: Ask for power stones