Chapter 99 Shocked Elf! It turned out to be Lin Yi! The air is suddenly quiet! Got trapped!

"Kill the enemy and improve your rank?"

After hearing what Lin Yi said.

Erica and the other two elf elders were stunned.

This way of promotion makes them feel horrified.

Isn't this the same as the undead in the evil camp?

It is said that the undead can kill other undead, devour their soul fire and soul power, and then quickly increase their rank.

This is also the fundamental reason why the growth rate of the undead can be so terrifying.

And now.

The elves of their tribe can also improve their rank by killing enemies...

This made them tremble violently.

I felt both panic and excitement inside.

Terrifying, because this ability is so terrifying that it can turn the peace-loving natural elves into mad slayers, who will lose their elves' nature and move towards an unpredictable future.

Excited, but also because this ability is so terrifying!

Who among the creatures in the world does not want to have great power?

Even an elves dream of being promoted to gods and gaining immortality!

"Really, is it really possible?"

Elf elder Becky said in a trembling voice.

Erica and another elf elder on the side also bit their lips lightly, their expressions tangled, and it was difficult to answer this question from elder Becky.

They also hesitated and struggled.

On one side is a mad slayer, on the other a mighty force.

They have a hard time making choices.

Lin Yi sat on the back of the golden griffin, looked back at the three beautiful elf elders, and said with a smile, "Why do you think so much? Since you have joined me, then you are my troops! Everything you do is obey my orders!"

"I ordered you to hunt wild monsters, and ordered you to attack that castle power..."

"Can you refuse?"

"Of course, it can't be refused!"

"So, just take it as I force you to order!"

Lin Yi smiled brightly and didn't mind being the 'evil god' who bewitched the elves.

"Lord Lord..."

Erica and the two elf elders all flickered.

They were moved to the extreme.

"It shouldn't be like this~"

Elder Becky took a deep breath and said: "If Lord Lord bears everything for us, then we as elves will be a failure! Since we choose to join Lord Lord, we should accept our future destiny. !"

"even though..."

"Become the slaves of strength, we are also willing!"

Erica and another elf elder nodded.

This is their destiny, and they have already embarked on this path, so there is no reason to back down.

Killing is not in line with the nature of elves.

However, it is in the interests of the lord.

As the elves under the Lord Lord, they are obliged to guard the Lord Lord and guard the Angel Castle.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "In the future, when you become the elf god of my Angel Castle, I believe you will not regret what you said today! Death is not the end, and killing can also be redemption!"

"Praise you, my lord!"

Erica, Becky, and another elf elder all saluted respectfully.

Seeing that in the dense forest below, the 977 of the elves continued to shine brightly with golden light, and their mood was also excited.

The strength of their elf tribe is rapidly improving in a way beyond their imagination.

This is the 'opportunity' they have been waiting for for hundreds of years.

What reason do they have to refuse?

Although, they did not understand the meaning of Lord Lord's last sentence, "Death is not the end, killing can also be redemption".

On the contrary, the angel of love Nina and the six-winged archangel Shirley around Lin Yi understood very well.

They are angels.

The best thing is redemption.

Redeem the soul of the enemy by killing.

They believe that the souls redeemed by them will go to the kingdom of God and gain eternal life there.


"Sisters, I have been promoted to the seventh rank!"

"Fantastic, I got promoted too!"

"Woooooo... My aptitude is very low. I have been trapped in the seventh-order peak for five or six years. Today, I finally broke through and was promoted to the eighth-order. I am so happy that I want to cry!"

"Many sisters at the pinnacle rank have been promoted!"

"Sister Susan, when I killed an Earth Demon Bear just now, I felt a pure energy entering my body, which enhanced the natural magic power in my body! The shackles of my rank that had been stagnant for a long time have finally begun to loosen. !"

"I feel it too!"

"What kind of energy is that? Why has it never appeared before!"

"This energy is too strong, the effect is even more amazing than the water of life!"

"Why does something like this happen all of a sudden?"

"Yes, it should have something to do with the lord!"


In the dense forest, dense elves are shuttled.

Wherever he passed, he left the corpses of wild monsters all over the ground.

Elves do not like to kill, so there are a lot of wild monsters near the elf tribe, and even wild monsters often go out to harass the elves.

Even so, the elves just banish them.

Now, following Lin Yi's will, the elf turned the killing blade toward these wild monsters.

They killed all the way.

Sweeping the entire jungle, no wild monster is the opponent of the elf army.

I don't know how many wild monsters fell at their feet.

The blood has infected the exquisite armor on their bodies, and the elven swords in their hands are also dripping blood...

The beautiful cheeks of many elves were faintly pale.

They panic inside.

Also inexplicably excited.


Finally, the elf troops passed through the dense forest of more than 20 kilometers.

arrived at the destination.

A few hundred meters ahead was their target.

It was a castle standing in a dense forest, tens of meters high.

There are open spaces around the castle, and there are many two-headed demons guarding around the castle, which are very conspicuous.

The visit of the elf troops has already attracted the attention of the castle owner.

After all, the elf troops came all the way.

Not much movement.

The two-headed demon armies that were out hunting were urgently recalled.

Defend their castle!

"What exactly happened?!"

On the balcony on the top floor of the castle, the young man looked at the figure appearing in the distant jungle with a horrified expression.

Densely packed, countless.

He roughly estimated that the number of figures was at least one thousand.

They are all elves!

What terrified the young man was that the elves were more or less stained with blood, and the murderous aura was so strong that he seemed to feel it from a distance of several hundred meters.

"Are these elves crazy?" "Aren't the native elves of the Endless Continent a peaceful race?"

"How could they be so crazy?"

"The most important thing is that they also surrounded my castle. What are they trying to do?"

The youth trembles.//Trembling.

He could think on his toes that something bad was going to happen next.

There may even be a disaster on his head.


"It doesn't make sense at all!"

The young man couldn't understand why the troops of the elf tribe wanted to surround his castle.

Since the brief contact a few days ago, he has restrained the double-headed demon troops in his castle, not to provoke the elves, and even the direction of hunting is opposite to the direction of the elves.

The young man really wanted to grab a few elves by the way before evacuating this area.

However, this is just an idea after all.

He hasn't put it into action yet!

Since he didn't do it, there is no offense to the elf tribe.

So why did the elf tribe besiege his castle?

He didn't understand.

As if thinking of something, the young man immediately summoned the most powerful unit under his command, the eighth-order peak double-headed demon commander, and asked angrily: "Tell me! Did you provoke the nearby elves when you were hunting wild monsters outside? "

He suspected that it was the ghosts of the two-headed demons under his command.

Because, the two-headed demon has two heads, two thoughts... and they often get nervous.

"Lord Lord, calm down!"

The two-headed demon commander hurriedly said: "We obeyed your orders. Since the last incident, we have never taken the initiative to provoke the elves! Even if we met in the jungle, we left quickly and did not dare to touch the elves."


The youth frowned.

The two-headed demon commander respectfully said: "Don't dare to deceive the lord!"

Seeing this, the young man became even more puzzled.

It's not him, nor is it the two-headed demon under his command, who would it be?

Seeing the elf army approaching, the young man hurriedly shouted: "Beautiful and kind elves, why did you invade my castle territory? I believe there must be some kind of misunderstanding!"

in the jungle.

A ninth-order peak elf came out.

She is an elf hunter by profession, wearing light armor, leather boots, carrying a quiver, and holding an emerald green longbow in her hand.

The elf responded: "On the order of the lord, to clear the castle forces in the surrounding area, your castle is only one of them!"

"Lord Lord?"

The young man was stunned.

His expression changed immediately.

This f**k, there is a castle lord behind the scenes!

Obviously, the elf tribe surrendered to a certain castle lord, and under the order of the castle lord, they assembled a large army and came to attack his castle power.

But how is this possible?


In the elf tribe, there are holy-rank elves, as well as many king-rank elves.

And just looking at the size of the elf army outside, it means that the strength of the elf tribe is very terrifying, and it is not easy to mess with.

Who can conquer such a powerful elf tribe?

Youth believe.

Even Lin Yi, who is known as the lord of the strongest castle, cannot suppress the elf tribe.

Wait, Lin Yi? ?

The young man's eyes widened instantly.

He had deduced earlier that Lin Yi's Angel Castle was in this area, not far from the Elf tribe and his castle. This is also the fundamental reason why he is ready to evacuate.

Since Lin Yi is here, the biggest suspect is him.

"Really Lin Yi?"

"Lin Yi's castle power is already strong enough that Admiral can suppress the Holy Spirit Spirit?"

In a trance, the young man raised his head.

Looking to the distant sky.

There were several figures there.

Three elves, two beautiful angels flapping their snow-white wings, and a huge golden griffin.

We could vaguely see a young man standing on the back of the golden griffin.

"Lin Yi!!"

The young man cried out.

He couldn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, the person behind the elf army is really Lin Yi.

What I didn't expect was that Lin Yi came here so quickly.

Even brought (cddg) is not his initial unit angel, but the elves from the elves tribe.

"Lin Yi conquered the elf tribe!"

"The two-headed demon commander told me before that the number of elves outside the castle has surged. It turned out that it was not to monitor my castle at all, but a prelude to Lin Yi's intention to attack my castle!"

"It's Lin Yi, eyeing my castle!"

The young man's face turned green in an instant, and he shouted loudly: "Boss Lin Yi, don't do it, I will immediately evacuate this area with the heart of the castle! Even leave the dark forest and never come back!"

"If you want to live, you can!"

Lin Yi's voice was transmitted under the influence of magic.

"I allow you to leave alive, but all the supplies of your castle must be kept! Except for the heart of the castle and your initial troops, nothing else can be taken away!"

"it is good!!"

The young man nodded.

He was very distressed about the materials in the castle, after all, it was his hard work for so many days.

Now, once he has returned to before liberation, he is naturally reluctant.

However, as long as he can survive and has the heart of a castle, he can still make a comeback.

It's nothing more than a little castle material, life is the most important thing!


"How can Lin Yi's castle power be so pervert, and even conquer such a powerful elf tribe!"

The youth cursed.

Inwardly jealous.

You know, that is the tribe of elves!

The elves living inside are not elves recruited by the castle lord, but native natural elves.

He held on to those elves for a long time.

As a result, now, Lin Yi has been swept away.

Don't be too envious of him!

"Forget it! Life is still important!"

The young man said to the two-headed demon commander beside him: "Pass my order to summon all the two-headed demons inside and outside the castle, don't bring anything, and immediately evacuate! This area no longer belongs to us!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The two-headed demon commander respectfully answered the order.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly asked mysteriously, "Lord Lord, don't you want to catch a few elves before leaving?"

Two-headed demons are also intelligent races, with high intelligence.

However, due to the fact that the two-headed demons have two heads, one big and one small, they often have confusion in their brains, and their speech is often out of the control of the brain.

The two heads of the two-headed demon commander remembered that the lord was thinking about catching a few elves before leaving.

It was time to evacuate now, so he blurted out the question.

The young man immediately turned green.

Is it possible to say this?

What frightened him the most was that at the moment when the two-headed demon commander's voice fell, he had a keen sense that the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

The whole world became silent.

"It's over!"

"Lin Yi must have heard it!"

"The elves outside the castle must have heard it too!"

The youth trembled all over, he felt very cold, and a suffocating chill enveloped him.

I'm afraid the air is suddenly quiet!

His most powerful two-headed demon commander gave him a perfect assist.

Just at this time.

The young man found that the elves around the castle began to approach again.

He knew that this must be Lin Yi's order to attack!


That damn, stupid two-headed demon commander, with just one sentence, sent him into the gate of hell with his own hands.

The young man was terrified and shouted towards Lin Yi who was high in the sky: "Boss Lin Yi, misunderstanding! I never thought of catching the elves, don't listen to this two-headed demon, I was wronged!"

"But, Lord Lord..."

"To shut up!"

The youth roared at the two-headed demon commander.

The two-headed demon commander shook his head and did not dare to say more.


Lin Yi's reply was simple.

Immediately, a large number of elf hunters raised their elven bows and arrows.

They aim at the target, draw bows and shoot arrows.

In an instant, the densely packed elf arrows rose into the air, drawing perfect parabolas, falling towards the youth's castle.

puff puff puff...

In just an instant, a large number of double-headed demon units were shot and killed.


Batch after batch of elven arrows rose into the air.

Soon, inside and outside the castle, everything was pierced by elven arrows.

The corpse of the two-headed demon that fell to the ground was shot into a hedgehog by the elf arrow. Hundreds of elf hunters, pulling bows and shooting arrows together, just three rounds of projectiles killed the youth's double-headed demons. Even the elites of double-headed demons and the seventh-order commander-level double-headed demons couldn't resist this. Multi-elf arrows.

On the contrary, the eighth-order peak double-headed demon commander is quite powerful.

He waved the giant mace in his hand and knocked down the flying elf arrows one after another.

boom! !

At this moment, a green elf arrow pierced the air.

Fly straight.

The young man responded quickly, and immediately hid behind the two-headed demon commander, while screaming loudly: "Boss Lin Yi, don't kill me! I am willing to rely on you, sign a notary agreement, and become your affiliated castle force. As long as you let me go, I..."

Puff! !

The two-headed demon commander was powerless to resist.

Shot through by green elven arrows.

Because this arrow came from a ninth-order peak elf hunter, which contained terrifying natural magic power, which was not something that the two-headed demon commander could resist.

At the same time that the two-headed demon commander was shot through by the arrow, even the young man behind him was also affected.

The powerful impact brought the two of them back.

Finally, the green elf arrow nailed the two-headed demon to the castle wall.

The young man was caught in the middle, screaming again and again.

"Go away!!"

The young man shouted, and it took a lot of energy to push the two-headed demon commander away.

He was in excruciating pain, as if he had been smashed.

When he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was as pale as paper.

He ignored the dead two-headed demon commander who fell in a pool of blood, and hurriedly checked his body, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the two-headed demon commander with a height of several meters.

He was too short, and the arrow pierced through the mouth of Yuexiong, the commander of the two-headed demon, but did not hit him.

He survived by luck.

But at this time.

Another elf arrow came flying, fast as lightning, and without giving the young man a chance, it knocked him flying and nailed it to the castle wall.

The young man's eyes widened.

I can't believe that I will die one day.

Moreover, dying so 'unjustly'!

He felt that he was completely killed by his own troops.

Very wrong!

He looked up at Lin Yi, who was standing high in the sky.

Beside Lin Yi, there are two angels guarding and three beautiful elves following...

He was envious and jealous.

In the end, he closed his eyes reluctantly.

However, when his consciousness was dying, he opened the [World Chat Channel], and a message was posted.


"Are there casualties?"

"Report to the lord, the elf troops are unscathed!"

The strength of this castle is too weak.

The number of double-headed demon arms has not added up to more than sixty.

In the face of three rounds of arrows thrown by hundreds of sharpshooters (elf hunters), the two-headed demons inside and outside the castle could not even dodge, and they were shot to death one after another.

The young man and his most powerful eighth-order peak double-headed demon commander were also captured by a ninth-order peak marksman with two arrows.

from start to finish.

All the marksmen of the elves are performing.

Those elf warriors, elf magicians, and even Druids had no chance to appear.

"That's good!"

Lin Yi said to Erica, "Send the order, destroy the heart of the castle, and clean up the battlefield!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

At the same time, the [World Chat Channel] also shook because of a message from the youth.

PS: Ask for power stones , ask for support! ! .