Chapter 106! What Is A Surprise? All Promotion! Big Gain! Dark Treasure Chest! Terrified Great Spirit!

[Your unit kills the ninth-order peak flame dragon, energy value +1000, energy stone +100]

[Your unit kills the flaming dragon in the early stage of the king, energy value +]

[Your troops kill the flame dragon at the peak of the king rank, energy value +]

[Your troops kill...]


A series of information prompts appear.

Make Lin Yi smile.

Under the suppression of the holy elf Erica.

These flaming dragons, the highest of which are not at the peak of the king rank, have no resistance at all, and their vitality is also swallowed by the domain, and they are powerless to resist the attacks from the little angels.

The powerful angel combat skills and divine arts are enough to break through the dragon's scale armor.

Accompanied by a dazzling sword of holy judgement, it descended from the sky.

The lives of the flaming dragons were ended.

Soon, more than ten flaming dragons were killed by the little angels.

at the same time.

The little angels in the sky also gained a huge amount of 'killing monster experience'.

The six-winged angel Irene, who had already stepped into the king rank with half a foot, took the lead in breaking through the ninth rank peak and was promoted in one fell swoop, becoming the fourth king rank angel under Lin Yi.

After being promoted to the king rank.

Irene, who was originally only about 1.2 meters tall.

It also jumped to about 1.5 meters, comparable to Guy Dess, Nina, and Shirley.

Has a height of one meter five.

They also looked like grown-up angels.

A few little angels, all of them are beautiful, and their postures show the perfect golden ratio. Even Lin Yi sees more beautiful angels and beautiful fairies, and thinks they are very amazing.


Soon after.

The first batch of cherubs born, Searle, Vic, Todd, Duru...

These two-winged angels at the peak of the ninth rank have also completed the promotion and entered the king rank.

at the same time.

Guardian Angel Mia broke through two ranks in a row, from the peak of the seventh rank to the early stage of the ninth rank.

The three Hailan Seraphim sisters also broke through the eighth order and entered the middle stage of the ninth order.

other little angels.

With the blazing dragon being killed, they started to advance one after another.

For Lin Yi.

The flaming dragons attacked by these groups are completely experience babies, and it can even be said that they are a copy of experience. They are here to give experience and heads to him and the little angels under his command.

It's not just the little angels who have harvested a huge amount of energy.

"Nine Seven Seven" as the lord of the castle.

Although Lin Yi did not participate in the battle, he was able to share a batch of energy points.

With the help of a considerable amount of energy, his rank also jumped into the peak of the ninth rank, which is not far from the king rank.

"Great harvest!"

"Each flaming dragon has given a lot of energy and energy stones."

"All the little angels have been promoted, and many little angels have been promoted from the ninth rank peak to the king rank!"

"In addition, most flaming dragons also exploded with different crystals!"

And Lin Yi also found that the explosions were not just power stones and different crystals, but even blueprints.

What is a surprise?

This is the surprise!


high altitude.

The killing continues!

Under the control of the great elf Erica, her holy domain can bind and suppress the flaming dragon, but the little angels are free to move, and the release of angelic combat skills and divine skills will not be affected.

Gradually, more and more flaming dragons were killed.

Finally, a flaming dragon couldn't hold it any longer.

The ultimate potential erupted in despair and fear, roaring: "Don't kill me, I surrender!"

"Me, I surrender too!"

The rest of the flaming dragons are still alive and have lost their courage.

Seeing that there was a dragon leading the surrender, they also opened their mouths, expressing that they were willing to surrender and did not want to die.


Seraph Angel Guytis looked at Nina, the Angel of Love, and asked for her opinion.

The angel of love, Nina, is an upper-level angel of the eight-wing level, and is also responsible for spreading the Lord's faith, so generally in such a situation, the angel of the six-winged right, Guy Tiss, will choose to seek her advice.

Angel of Love Nina glanced at the collected power stones and different crystals.

Power stones are not important.

The Lord said that at least seven different crystals need to be exploded.

After counting, the angel of love Nina said: "There is still one different crystal!" "Yeah."

Seraph Angel Guytis nodded.

Immediately, the other little angels once again aimed their holy swords at those flaming dragons begging for mercy.

one, two...

Finally, when the third king-rank flame dragon was killed, the seventh different crystal burst out.

"That's it!"

Angel of love Nina nodded slightly.

Calm eyes, watching those terrified flaming dragons.

There were a total of 29 flaming dragons who came to attack Angel Castle this time. They killed a full 22 of them, leaving only seven flaming dragons shivering in fear.


"Be a believer of the Lord and you will be redeemed!"



There was a flaming dragon roaring, and he refused without hesitation: "We can surrender, become the captives of your castle, and fight for you until the clansmen come with treasures in exchange for our freedom."

"However, we will never become believers in the God of Faith!"

"I won't believe in castles from Otherworld..."

Clang! !

A dazzling holy sword was slashed around its neck.

The sharp blade intersected with the scales of the flaming dragon, rubbing sparks like metal colliding.

The one holding the holy sword is the six-winged angel Irene.

Now, she has broken through the peak of the ninth rank and was promoted to the king rank.

With her Master's angelic combat skills and divine skills, coupled with the bloodline suppression of high-ranking beings on middle- and low-ranking beings, it is enough to compete with the flaming dragons in the later stages of the king's heyday.


Erin's beautiful cheeks showed indifference.

Holding the holy sword, she slashed across the neck of the flaming dragon, sparking a series of sparks.

"I'll give you one more chance to answer well!"

"Don't kill me, I surrender!"

The flame dragon quickly lowered his head, showing no temper or hesitation, expressing his willingness to become a believer.

The other flaming dragons also twitched all over, and they all became soft.

Believers are believers!

After all, it's better than losing your life.

"You cowards!"

Among the dragons, the king-ranked fire dragon Rael said angrily: "The pride of the dragon family and the dignity of the five-colored dragon have all been thrown away by you!"

"To shut up!"

There was a flaming dragon screaming, even more angry.

When staring at the king-level fire dragon Rael, its eyes spurted hot flames: "Damn Rael! If it wasn't for you, would we be here? You harmed us!"

"That's right!"

"Rael, you are the disaster star, you killed Sidon, and even more harmed us!"

"No matter what we become, it's all your fault!"


The angel of love Nina spoke softly.

The flaming dragons, who were still roaring and noisy, immediately closed their mouths and became very well-behaved.

The king-rank fire dragon Rael was also silent.

At first, it was just because it felt that one dragon could not destroy the human castle, so it brought these clansmen, and after the victory, they would share the results together.

It never thought that the expedition would fail.

It never thought that its clansmen would be slaughtered by a group of creatures with snow-white wings.

It feels remorse.

It is it that brought disaster to these people of it!

"Do not!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I can't die here! I want to avenge the dead clan!"

Fire Dragon Rael is roaring.

At the same time, a terrifying magic power also erupted from its body, and the fiery dragon flames shot towards the surroundings, almost shaking the holy domain of the great elf Erica.

"This is, are you going to be promoted?"

Erica flew in the air and looked at the mutated King Fire Dragon Rael.

Its rank was originally the peak of the king rank.

Now, the aura on it is skyrocketing wildly, heading towards the Holy Rank. And the fiery dragon flames around it also have a faint trend of forming a Saint-order domain.

All signs indicate.

The king-order fire dragon Rael burst into super potential in desperation.

About to be promoted to the Holy Rank!

The Angel of Seraph asked: "Ms. Erica, can you suppress the flaming dragon after being promoted to the Holy Rank?"

Erica was taken aback.

It was the first time anyone had called her that.

She smiled and said: "Of course, beautiful angel! My rank is the late stage of the holy rank, and the domain is stable. Even if Fire Dragon Rael is promoted to the holy rank, it is only the initial stage, the domain is not fully formed, and it is not my opponent."

"That's good!"

The angel of six-winged power turned to look at Nina, the angel of love: "Wait until it is promoted to the holy rank before saving its soul!"


Angel of Love Nina nodded.

Erica asked curiously, "How to save the soul?"

"The Lord said~"

"The dirty body will be purified."

"Only pure souls are worth saving!"

The void trembled, and the angel of death Dai Er came out of the void and said, "For heretics who blaspheme the Lord and are unwilling to believe in the Lord, only death can redeem their souls!"

"Angel, the sword of the Lord!"

"Killing is redemption!"

"Death is eternal life!"

The little angels whispered in unison and made a gesture of prayer to the Lord.

this moment.

Erica, the great elf who is a powerful late-stage saint, felt inexplicably cold sweat.

do not know why.

These beautiful angels terrified her.

Even the dimensional demons her mother always mentioned for her did not give her this feeling.

Angel of Love Nina said: "Ms. Erica, after it has been promoted successfully, please suppress it! Just leave it to our angels to redeem heresy!"

"Okay, okay!"

Erica's stiff reply.


She didn't even dare to look at the holy and beautiful cheeks of Nina, the angel of love, and turned her head hastily.

As for those trembling flame dragons.

After hearing the words of the little angels, he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

"What kind of creatures are these?"


"Second only to the legendary dimensional demon!"

"Angels? Such a race has never appeared in the Endless Continent. They must be evil creatures from the Otherworld, comparable to demon-like creatures!"

"Why am I here!"

"I regret seeing Rael, he killed us!"

The flaming dragons are trembling, and they dare not speak. They can only communicate with the dragon's essence and mysticism.

the other side.

The king-rank fire dragon Rael is in a state of promotion.


After hearing the conversation between Erica and the little angels.

Trembling all over, he almost failed to break through.

But in the end, it still stabilized, wanting to break out the strongest power at the moment of breakthrough, break through Erika's holy domain, and then escape from this nightmare land.

As long as it returns to the Dragon's Nest, it is safe.

It can even ask the patriarch to send an army of giant dragons to expedition to Angel Castle.

Fire Dragon Reel believes.

As long as the entire army of the Dragon Nest goes out, they will be able to conquer Angel Castle and destroy this evil castle force. Even the great elf Erica and the elf mother tree have to die.


Time passes gradually.

The imposing manner of Fire Dragon Rael is also getting stronger and stronger.

Don't know how long it took.

Finally, its momentum climbed to the limit, breaking through in one fell swoop, and being promoted to the Holy Rank.

almost simultaneously.

A terrifying dragon flame gushed out from its body.

It roared out the dragon language and released the dragon language magic of the holy class - the meteorite fell from the sky.

In an instant, hundreds of huge meteorite fireballs fell from the sky.

Some smashed into Erika's Holy Land, while others smashed into Lin Yi's Angel Castle.

Not only that.

The fire dragon Rael also exhaled the fiery dragon breath.

Carry the newly derived domain power to attack the surrounding green light curtain.

This green light curtain is Erica's holy-order domain barrier. As long as it is broken, it can escape.

"How could it be possible for you to do so!"

"The elf goddess, Ying Zan!" The great elf Erica waved the magic wand in her hand and directly released the forbidden spell of the elf family.

in an instant.

Horrible natural magic sweeps the world.

The dragon flames on Fire Dragon Rael's body were all extinguished, and the dragon's breath flames were directly wiped out. Even the meteorite from the sky that fell from a high height was also blown up by the powerful natural magic, turning into countless flame fragments and flying to the dense forest in all directions.


"Erica, why are you always against me!"

Fire Dragon Rael is roaring.

It was only a matter of time before he succeeded.

Its dragon breath, which contains the power of the domain, has penetrated the green light curtain, and it can escape immediately.

But before it had time to act, the green light curtain resumed.

Not only that.

The forbidden spell of the elves—the terrifying natural magic power carried by the [Elf Goddess Yong Zan], also cooperated with Erica's domain power to trap it even more firmly, and it couldn't break free even if it struggled desperately. …

It's over!

Even if it is promoted to the holy rank, its strength is far less than that of the great elf Erica.

It's doomed to die here.

Fire Dragon Rael raised his eyes again and looked in the direction of Angel Castle.

It expected the extraterrestrial meteorite it summoned to destroy that human castle.

Even if it dies, it won't make that human feel better!

However, it disappointed again.

A number of extraterrestrial meteorites that fell to the Angel Castle were blown up by thick branches when they were still hundreds of meters in the air, and not even a single meteorite fragment could hit the white castle.


Fire Dragon Rael's eyes widened.

It saw the huge tree with lush branches and endless starlight.

I saw the girl in the green dress standing at the top of the giant tree.

She, Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, the guardian of the elf tribe, can be compared with the peak powerhouse of the dragon nest patriarch!

Even she is here!

Descend in person to guard the White Castle.

Plus the big elf Erica.

The two saint-level powerhouses of the elf tribe all appeared.

Such a powerful castle force, how can it and a group of flaming dragons that are the highest but only the peak of the king rank can break through?

This expedition, which spanned thousands of kilometers, was doomed from the start!

"I surrender!"

Fire Dragon Reel decisively gave up the struggle.

Because no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't escape the holy realm of the great elf Erica.

Moreover, it was trapped more and more dead.

I can't even flap my wings so far.

The magic power in its body has been completely suppressed by the forbidden spell [Elf Goddess Yong Zan], and even the dragon breath cannot be sprayed out.

It had no choice but to surrender.


"It surrendered!"

Erica looked at Nina, the angel of love.

In her opinion, the value of a holy dragon captive is very high.

Whether it is collected as a pet mount, or to be redeemed by the Dragon Nest, it is very beneficial to Angel Castle.

The angel of love, Nina, turned her eyes away.

Respectfully look at Lin Yi in the castle.

She is asking for the oracle of the Lord.

Lin Yi simply shook his head.

Since the beginning of the rookie period, the fire dragon Rael has repeatedly shown hostility to his castle.

Now, he has brought more than twenty flaming dragons to attack his castle.

How could he simply let it go?

What's more, it's just a holy flame dragon, it's no big deal.

Because among the other flaming dragons that surrendered, there were also two or three flaming dragons at the peak of the king rank.

When these flaming dragons become his arms, he can improve the ability of 'experience' by killing the enemy.

It won't take long.

They can be promoted to the Holy Rank, aren't they more fragrant than Fire Dragon Rael?

One more point.

Lin Yi's own rank has reached the peak of the ninth rank.

Just one step away from being promoted to the king rank.

He believed that by killing Fire Dragon Rael, he would be able to advance.

"Killing the holy flame dragon should be able to explode a lot of good things!"

With Lin Yi's own voice.

Angels of Love Nina, Six-winged Archangel Shirley and other little angels, without hesitation, released powerful angelic combat skills and divine techniques to attack Fire Dragon Rael.

"Do not!!"

The siege lasted a full minute.

Fire Dragon Rael finally let out an unwilling roar and was killed by the little angels.

This can also be seen.

How powerful the creatures of the Holy Order are.

Even if there is no resistance, let the enemy attack, it is very difficult to kill it.

But in the end, Fire Dragon Rael still fell.

At the same time, golden light appeared on the bodies of a number of little angels.

And Lin Yi's body also has golden light emerging.

It wasn't until a long time later that the golden light disappeared, and Lin Yi was successfully promoted to the king rank.

He immediately checked the kill information prompt.

[Your troops kill the flame dragon in the early stage of the holy order, energy value +]

"Various crystals, 3.6 blueprints, and even treasure chests..."

"Sure enough!"

Lin Yi smiled brightly.

When Fire Dragon Rael died, he not only advanced to the king rank, but also exploded a thousand energy stones, plus a different crystal and a blueprint.

And, even the treasure chest exploded.

From arrival to now.

The units under Lin Yi's command killed nearly 100,000 wild monsters.

But none of them ever burst out of the treasure chest.

In the wild, Lin Yi also found no trace of the treasure chest.

The only thing he knew was that little Loli in the underground world got a treasure chest and opened a black dragon egg from it.

After counting the time, the black dragon egg should have hatched.


high altitude.

With the fall of the fire dragon Rael.

The remaining six flaming dragons didn't even have the courage to resist, and they didn't dare to lift their heads.

They were afraid that they would be killed by those creatures with snow-white wings just because of one look.

Even Rael, who had entered the Holy Rank, was not recruited.

They didn't think they had much value in the eyes of the castle lord.

Don't say anything else.

Be obedient, be obedient, and you might be able to live.

"Lord, have mercy on the world."

"The world should believe in the Lord and worship the Lord..."

"Almighty Lord, who created the world and created all things..."

"Love, selflessness, compassion..."

The soft voice of Nina, the angel of love, sounded at this time.

At the same time, endless rain of light fell from the void, trying to merge into the bodies of those flaming dragons.

Some flaming dragons felt the danger and wanted to resist, but they were directly put on their necks by a holy sword, so scared that they did not dare to move, and let the light rain enter their bodies.

"Lord, shelter his followers!"

"Believe in my Lord, and your souls will be immortal!"

"Even if you fall, you can still gain eternal life in the Lord's kingdom of God..."

Gradually, the golden vertical pupils of the flaming dragons became confused.

They didn't wake up until a long time passed.

Under the shocked gaze of the great elf Erica, the flaming dragons were crawling high in the sky, bowing their heads respectfully, and uttering human words: "Praise the Almighty Lord! Believe in my Lord, and you will have eternal life!"


this moment.

The big elf Erica really felt chills all over her body.

I even shivered uncontrollably!

PS: Ask for power stones