Chapter 117 The Dark Elf Is Here! Is He Strong? Mighty Dwarf! Miss Sister Is Very Beautiful~

Next to the Rebirth Pool.

The eighteen-winged angel statue emits a soft holy light, covering the Seraphim Guytis.

Her heart became extremely peaceful and quiet.

Not disturbed by external things, nor affected by inner fluctuations.

After a moment.

The [Advanced Arms Evolution Blueprint] dissipated from her hand.

Then it turned into a rich golden light to wrap her around, forming a dazzling ball of light.

Guy Tis's perfect figure was vaguely visible at the beginning, and finally became completely invisible, completely enveloped by the ball of light.

"I hope Guy Teas can make it once!"

Lin Yi whispered to himself.

There are only four evolution blueprints in total.

One high-level evolution blueprint and three low-level evolution blueprints.

If Guy Tis succeeds directly after using the advanced evolution blueprint, then the remaining three low-level evolution blueprints can be handed over to Death Angel Dale to use.

Maybe in the end.

Both of them can achieve bloodline evolution.

Of course, this is the ideal situation and what Lin Yi is most looking forward to.

No matter how bad it is, there must be someone who succeeds.

If the Seraph Angel Guydis failed to use four evolution blueprints in a row, then Lin Yi would probably vomit blood.

"Advanced Evolution Drawings~"

"Special effect - there is a chance to achieve super evolution!"

Lin Yi is curious to know what this hyper-evolution is.

Is it to evolve more wings and have a higher limit of growth potential?

"If nothing else, this should be super-evolution!"


"The probability of achieving bloodline hyper-evolution is extremely low."

"I'm afraid I don't need to look forward to it this time. When more advanced evolution blueprints are released in the future, I can look forward to trying my luck!"

Lin Yi shook his head.

There is only one advanced evolution blueprint, and the probability is extremely low.

If Guy Dess is lucky enough to achieve super-evolution, he will not be afraid to laugh three times.


While Lin Yi was waiting for the end of Guy Des's evolution.

He noticed that a friend had sent him a message.

When you open it, it is the little Loli of the underground world.

Little Loli: "Big, Elf sister is coming to my castle again! I am very happy to hear that we are willing to trade equipment with her~"

The dark elf?

Lin Yi looked up at the sky.

The blood moon was in the sky, and the entire earth was shrouded in darkness.

Do dark elves like to haunt at night?

But he immediately shook his head again, thinking about what to do with this, is there night and day in the underground world?

Lin Yi: "That dark elf agreed to our terms?"

"Hmmmm~" 23

Little Loli: "Sister Elf said that you can trade with power stones and different crystals. Although they don't have many power stones and different crystals in stock, they will find a way."

"If the number is really insufficient, they can only exchange wood, stone, and iron for our equipment."

"Great, Elf sister also said that she will ensure a fair and just transaction."

"It won't let us suffer!"

fair and just?

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing.

Dark elves, one of the most famous evil races in the underground world.

Their popularity is even higher than the races of dark and evil forces such as human-faced spiders, cyclops, and evil eyes.

in the surface world.

Dark elves are notorious.

Beautiful appearance, enchanting figure...

But it does not affect the local forces in the surface world to blacklist them.

Lin Yi: "For the specific transaction, let the old dwarf sitting in the dwarf palace talk to the dark elf. Don't interfere, lest the dark elf be trapped."

Little Loli: "It's great, Yaoyao knows."

Lin Yi: "Did you tell me about the dragon's corpse? Are the dark elves not interested?"

Little Loli: "Yaoyao asked, the elf sister said that they are not interested in the corpse of the giant dragon, but they can help you contact a undead magician living in the underground world."

Lin Yi: "What rank is that necromancer?"

Little Loli: "Well, the elf sister didn't say it, just told Yaoyao that the undead magician is a human empire from the surface world, and it is very powerful!"

Lin Yi pondered.

Necromancer, this kind of 'creature' is not easy to deal with.

In terms of the degree of evil, I am afraid that the dark elves are not comparable to the necromancer.

They have always been good at dealing with corpses, undead, and dark, evil creatures.

In case the undead magician involved has set his sights on Little Loli's castle of gray dwarves, Lin Yi is equivalent to harming Little Loli.

Lin Yi: "What did the old dwarf say about the necromancer?"

Little Loli: "Wait a minute, Yaoyao go and ask the dwarf grandpa..."

rub rub...

After a while, little Loli sent a message: "Great, the dwarf grandpa said don't worry about the undead magician, unless he is promoted to demigod lich. Otherwise, he will be very polite."

? ? ?

Lin Yi was a little confused.

This old dwarf, the heifer is flying!

He directly raised the height of the enemy that he could face up to to the level of a demigod.

"Could the old dwarf be a demigod?"

"It shouldn't be. Little Loli said before that the title of the dwarf Xavier to the old dwarf is the saint. The saint, the powerhouse in the field of the holy rank! This shows that the rank of the old dwarf is the holy rank."

"As it looks now..."

"The specific rank of the old dwarf should be the peak of the holy rank."

"If the old dwarf didn't brag, then he must be the most powerful type of person in the peak of the holy rank, known as the invincible of the same rank. That's why he ignored other holy rank powerhouses and only paid attention to the existence of demigods!"

"In this case..."

"You don't have to worry too much!"

Lin Yi sent a message to little Loli: "I still have a long sword of the undead tribe. If the dark elves or the undead magician are interested, I can sell them."

Little Loli: "Well, the elf sister is still in the castle, Yaoyao tell her! It's so powerful, even the holy artifact, worship the little star (expression)!"

Lin Yi replied: "It exploded after killing a holy rank Skeleton King."

Then Lin Yi thought about it and sent another message: "In this way, I will forward the dragon corpse and the undead holy artifact to you. If they are interested, you can make a deal with them directly."

Little Loli: "Okay, big~"


Underworld - Castle of Grey Dwarves.

In the spacious castle courtyard.

In addition to the gray dwarf who was working, there was an old dwarf in a gray robe, an elf with a tall body, exaggerated curves, and a beautiful face.

In addition, little Loli is among them.

It is worth mentioning that the elf's skin is grayish-white, and there are dark red lines on the right side of her delicate face, giving people the first impression that she does not belong to the good camp.

But this time.

There was a smile on her face.

Especially when she looked at little Loli, her smile was very coquettish.

Little Loli said to the old dwarf, "Grandpa Mu'er, I have sent the corpse of the giant dragon to Yaoyao, and there is also a sacred artifact of the undead tribe. Ask the elf sister if she wants it?"

The old dwarf Moore said in surprise: "The Holy Artifact of the Undead?"

The dark elf on the side also raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Princess Yaoyao, is the strength of the castle lord very strong? Not only the corpse of the dragon, but also the sacred artifact of the undead!"

"of course!"

Little Loli held his head high and said proudly: "Lin Yi is the most powerful castle lord, and all castle lords are not the opponents of Da Da!"

The dark elf chuckled.

She was a little skeptical of the veracity of this statement.

Because of the attitude of little Loli, it is completely like a crazy admirer.

in the eyes of admirers.

Any exaggerated adjective can be applied to the admired.

The dark elf changed the subject and said, "Your Highness Princess Yaoyao, can you show me the holy artifact and the corpse of the giant dragon? I want to know the quality of the traded items before I can talk to the undead magician. "


Little Loli nodded.

For little Loli, there are generally no bad people in the world.

Only Lin Yi's enemies are bad guys.

As for the dark elf sister, she looks so beautiful and sounds good, how can she be a bad person?

But little Loli listened to Lin Yi very much.

She left all the matters of the transaction to the old dwarf Moore.

Because Lin Yi has said a lot, the elf sister may cheat her. Although she felt that the Elf sister would not do such a thing, she still listened to Lin Yi more.

What Lin Yi says, she does what she does.

There is nothing wrong with what you say.

Little Loli thought.

Immediately, the bodies of more than twenty flaming dragons appeared in the courtyard of the castle and piled up directly into a mountain. Both the dark elf and the old dwarf Moore took a deep breath.

Although for both of them, the strength of these flaming dragons was not very good, and it could even be said to be weak.

But they are dragons after all.

There are only three high-level intelligent races in the endless continent.

It was also very shocking to them that so many dragon corpses appeared at once.


"All are flaming dragons!"

"Who killed them?"

"What a mighty Longwei!"

In the courtyard of the castle, many grey dwarves were frightened by the dragon, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

They are all native grey dwarves who have come to take refuge, and they will fear the might of the dragon from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the gray dwarf troops recruited by Little Loli did not take Longwei seriously. For the arms, things like Longwei can't scare them at all.

"Grandpa Moore."

"That should be the sacred artifact of the undead race!"

Next to the dragon corpse, a large black sword was on the ground, exuding an extremely powerful aura of evil and undead.

Seems to be affected by it.

The corpses of the giant dragons next to them are all rotting.

"A very powerful piece of undead sacred artifact!"

The old dwarf Moore grabbed in front of little Loli, took the [Skull King Ryan's Sacred Blade] in his hand, and turned to little Loli and said: "Don't approach it, Your Highness, its evil and undead aura is too strong, it will hurt to you."

"From a nightmare, to a undead creature!"


Little Loli was startled and quickly backed away.

The old dwarf Moore looked at the black big knife in his hand and said: "This holy artifact comes from a holy rank Skeleton King named Ryan. It is extremely powerful, and the powerhouse of the undead family deserves it."

The dark elf looked away from the pile of dragon corpses.

Looking at the black big knife, he frowned and said, "Is there a master? Then the value will drop a little."

Little Loli said quickly: "Sister Elf, don't worry, I told Yaoyao that the owner of this sacred artifact has been killed by him, and now he has no owner."

The dark elf was silent for a moment, and then said: "The value can rise!"

"In addition, these dragon corpses..."

"Also rare and complete!"

"It's like there is no resistance in front of these flaming dragons, obediently waiting to be killed..."

After staring for a moment, the dark elf's eyes suddenly lit up.

"There is actually a corpse of a holy flame dragon, beyond my expectations! The strength of the castle lord is indeed not bad!"

"The dragon corpse is indeed complete!"

The old dwarf Moore nodded and looked at the dragon corpse that was nearly 100 meters long.

"It's a pity that he was beheaded when he first entered the holy rank!"

"However, it can be seen from the scars on the corpse that this holy-rank flaming dragon should be trapped by a powerhouse far exceeding its strength, and then was killed by multiple enemies when it was unable to resist!"

"On the corpse..."

"There are still natural magic and divine magic left!"

"Natural magic? That qun hypocritical nature elf?"

The expression of the dark elf suddenly became indifferent, full of killing intent.

The old dwarf Moore said: "It may be a natural elves, or it may not be! After all, it is not only the natural elves who master the magic of nature."

The dark elf snorted.

The murderous aura on his body gradually disappeared.

She said: "The corpses of these giant dragons are very good, the undead magician should like it very much! As for the sacred artifact of the undead race... I don't know if he likes it or not, after all, he is a magician."

The old dwarf Moore said with a smile: "He will love it."

The dark elf thought for a while and agreed.

Necromancers generally do not hold melee weapons and charge into battle.

But under its command, there must also be undead creatures who are good at melee combat.

This undead sacred artifact, even if the undead magician does not need it, the undead creature under his command can also use it.

A holy artifact.

And it is a holy artifact nourished by a holy-rank Skeleton King with his own soul source.

The power is very powerful!

For undead creatures, this holy weapon is a big killer.

Being able to get [Skull King Ryan's Holy Sword] will greatly increase the strength of that undead magician.

The dark elf said: "Since it's been negotiated, then I'll take my leave! Three days later, when your castle is ready to build the equipment, I'll bring someone to trade!"

The old dwarf Moore said: "In three days, is there enough time?"

The dark elf nodded.

She knew that the old dwarf Moore was referring to the matter of contacting the necromancer.

The dark elf said: "The undead magician is not far from the city of our dark elves. We occasionally cooperate with him and can contact him soon."

"That's it!"

The old dwarf Moore paused slightly.

Then he said: "Generally, we dwarves will not contact people from the undead camp, but since it is the order of Princess Yaoyao, we can't refuse. Tell him not to attack the idea of the castle of gray dwarves, this castle Protected by our orthodox dwarves!"

Hear this.

The dark elf's expression became a little cold.

"Is Your Excellency also warning us about the dark elves?"

"You can think so!"

The old dwarf Moore nodded calmly.

The dwarf family, one of the powerful races in the endless continent.

The clan qun forces spread all over the world, and were derived into branches such as gray dwarves, cave dwarves, black dwarves, mountain dwarves and so on.

All branches are headed by orthodox dwarves.

The powerful family of dwarves did not know how many dimensional demon gods they killed in the ancient times. There are still legends and myths about the strong dwarves in the mainland.

Whether it's a dragon, a titan, a natural elves, or a human...

The dwarves are not wrong.

Not to mention the dark elves who were banished to the underground world?

Seeing the slightly contemptuous expression on the old dwarf Moore's face, the dark elf was quite unhappy.

But she didn't have a seizure.

Their city-state of 993 is currently at war with the tribe of human-faced spiders.

I don't want one more enemy.

The dark elf smiled, reached out and touched the delicate and lovely face of little Loli, and said, "such a lovely and well-behaved Princess Yaoyao, how could our dark elves be enemies of her?"


Little Loli nodded and said seriously: "Elder sister is also very beautiful! She is the most beautiful sister Yaoyao has ever seen."


"Ha ha..."

The dark elf laughed quiveringly.

In terms of age, she can almost be the grandmother of little Loli.

Still, she liked the new title.

"Princess Yaoyao, see you in three days."

"Okay, sister, walk slowly, pay attention to safety~"

"Ha ha..."

The seductive laughter gradually faded away.

Finally disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

Seeing that Little Loli was still beckoning there, the old dwarf Moore's face twitched, and he solemnly reminded: "Your Highness Princess, dark elves are born evil creatures, you should be more careful when dealing with them in the future."


Little Loli nodded his head and said with a smile: "Grandpa Moore, don't worry, he also reminded Yaoyao, Yaoyao remembered it!"

Do you really remember?

Old Dwarf Moore was a little skeptical.

But he didn't say anything more.

He glanced at the [Skull King Ryan's Holy Sword] in his hand.

He looked at the giant dragon corpses piled up in the yard again.

These 'treasures' seem to be exchanged by Princess Yaoyao with only one unit of food.

The old dwarf Mu'er wondered: "Princess Yaoyao, does the castle lord named Lin Yi trust you so much? He actually entrusted such precious things into your hands. Of course, I'm just curious, absolutely not Questioning the character of Her Royal Highness."

The naive little Loli wouldn't think so much.

She said very happily: "Grandpa Moore, of course you believe in Yaoyao!"

The old dwarf Muir said, "Is Your Royal Highness so sure?"


Little Loli squinted his eyes, and his delicate face was full of happy smiles: "Because Lin Yi is Yaoyao's protector, and Yaoyao is also a big follower!~"

The old dwarf Moore's face twitched slightly.

Then he whispered: "Your Highness Princess, you are the patron of the goddess of luck!"

Little Loli smiled and said, "Yaoyao can be the patron of the goddess of luck, and at the same time be a big follower. You shouldn't be angry with Yaoyao~!"


The old dwarf Moore was silent.

Is this something that the castle lord will be angry about?

Obviously, the goddess of luck will not be angry!


Angel Castle -

The eyes of Lin Yi and the little angels were fixed on the ball of light suspended in mid-air.

The Seraph Angel Guytis in the light ball is in a state of evolution.

Of course, it is uncertain whether it can evolve successfully.

"Pray for Guy Tears to make it!"

"Almighty Lord, protect Guy Dess, she will succeed and be promoted to the power angel of the eight-wing level!" "Praise the Lord~"

The little angels were whispering.

They are praying for Guy Tears.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, the golden ball of light began to tremble, and a crack gradually appeared.

at the same time.

A powerful and astonishing breath exudes!

As the eight-wing-level able angel Angelia and the angel of love Nina, they all showed surprise.

"It seems~"

"This is not the breath of an eight-winged angel!"

PS: Ask for power stones , ask for support.