Chapter 122 The Elf Army Is Coming! Huge Gain! Erica's Excitement! Zodiac God Angel!

When Lin Yi finished washing up.

After breakfast, we walked out of the castle.

Suddenly, a large number of figures gathered in the courtyard of the castle.

More than 200 large and small angels gathered around the eighteen-winged angel statue and prayed.

Not far from the gate of the Holy Light Temple, are the troops of the Light Legion and more than a dozen golden griffins of the ninth order. They are also praying solemnly.

the other side.

Under the tree of the elf mother tree.

At a glance, all of them are elves.

There are more than 1,000 of them, and all of them are very beautiful and in excellent shape, just like they came out of a movie.

In addition, there are more than a dozen tree people with a height of nearly 20 meters.

to be frank.

It was the first time Lin Yi saw the tree man.

It's actually pretty much the same as in the movie.

The tree people are upgraded from ancient trees. The thick trunk is their body, the roots are their feet, the branches are their hands, and there are sparse green leaves on the top of their heads.

Their faces are hidden in the main trunk.

When they open their eyes and speak, it gives a magical feeling.

"The elf army has arrived!"

Lin Yi looked at the fully armed adult nature elves.

A distance of more than 100 kilometers is actually not far away.

At the speed of a little angel, you can fly from the castle to the elf tribe in at most ten minutes.

Although most of these natural elves do not have the magic of master flying, but they are the darlings of nature, walking on the ground in the forest.

one night time.

Enough for them to climb over the mountains and reach the Castle of Angels.

Moreover, Lin Yi also found that the natural elves also brought a large number of wild monster corpses, all of which were fresh and should have been hunted on the road.

At this time, the bright nun and the bright hunter are in charge of collecting and disassembling.

"My lord~"

Ten-winged main angel Guy Teas came over.

She respectfully saluted: "There is news from the goblin tribe that they have assembled 1,500 elite goblin warriors, stationed in an underground space about three kilometers away from the Twin Mountains, waiting for your war orders at any time!"

Lin Yi was taken aback.

In this war, he did not call the goblins of the goblin tribe.

It's not that they don't trust them, it's that their participation in the war doesn't make much difference.

There are not many archers in the goblin tribe, most of them are warriors, and it is difficult to threaten the flying troops flying at high altitudes.

Lin Yi has reason to believe.

Once the goblin tribes are involved, their casualties will be high.

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Tell the Goblin Legion to evacuate the current station! They don't need to participate in this war, they can immediately go to the Goblin Kingdom and wait for the next war!"

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The ten-winged main angel Guy Teas flickered.

Disappeared in a dazzling holy light.

This is her Master's teleportation magic, which can be directly teleported to the place where the believers have the Lord.

When Guy Tis was still an angel of Seraph, she still needed to recite the divine language. Now that she has evolved into a ten-winged lord angel, she can teleport away in an instant without even reciting the divine language.

However, this can only transfer her alone.

If it was legion-type teleportation, Guy Dess still had to rely on the power of magic.


Guy Teas returns to Angel's Castle.

And reply to Lin Yi.

The Goblin Legion has received the Lord's order and set off for the Goblin Kingdom, which is more than 800 kilometers away.

In the underground world, there are underground safe passages and magic rail cars established by the Earth Elf Kingdom. With the help of these two things, the Goblin Legion can quickly reach the vicinity of the Goblin Kingdom.

The goblin army will also be there, waiting for the arrival of the main army of Angel Castle.


Lin Yi called softly.

Not long after, a beautiful figure came out of the void.

It was the Angel of Death, Dale.

Upon receiving Lin Yi's call, she immediately returned to the castle and appeared in front of Lin Yi.

As the only angel under Lin Yi's command with the ability to travel through the void, Angel of Death Dai Er is tasked with monitoring the movements of the anti-angel alliance coalition forces.

"My lord~"

The Angel of Death, Dale, saluted respectfully.

Lin Yi asked, "What's the situation on the Twin Mountains now?"

Angel of death Dai Er respectfully said, "Reporting to my lord, after a whole night, the number of castle lords assembled in Twin Mountains has reached nearly 400 people and more than 30,000 flying troops."


"Most of those castle lords and their troops are very weak."

"Some even have only two levels."

"The most powerful is nothing but the ninth-order peak."

Dale said: "Obviously, the main force of the Anti-Angel Alliance has not arrived yet!"

Lin Yi nodded slightly and said, "Continue to monitor! Once the main force of the Anti-Angel Alliance reaches the Twin Mountains, pass me immediately! I will give the Anti-Angel Alliance a head-on attack as soon as possible!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord!"

The figure of Angel of Death, Dale, disappeared again out of thin air.

Apparently, he went to the Twin Mountains again.

With her speed, coupled with the void shuttle, it doesn't take a minute to reach the vicinity of the Twin Mountains.

There is the Angel of Death, Dale.

Lin Yi can learn about the situation over the Twin Mountains anytime, anywhere.

As for the [Sky City], it is still empty, there is no angel stationed, and it does not have the ability to monitor. At most, it can only open the core Divine Rune, and lock the energy fluctuations of the king-rank, holy-rank and other ranks.

Energy fluctuations below the king rank.

The core Divine Rune of Sky City is difficult to perceive.

Because it is too weak.

So Lin Yi could only send the Angel of Death Dai Er.

After all, Dale is professional in this area.


"Lord Lord!"

The big elf Erica came over and handed over a lot of loot to Lin Yi.

"These power stones, different crystals, and blueprints are the harvest of the tribe warriors these days!"


Lin Yi did some statistics.

A total of energy stones.


Lin Yi had a big smile on his face.

Because the loot handed over by the elf tribe is too much.

gave him a surprise.

"As expected of a tribe with a full two thousand natural elf warriors!"

"The battle of the legion is really extraordinary!"

Of course, Lin Yi also understands that the harvest can be so large, not only because of the army's battle, but also directly related to the abundance of wild monster resources in the area where the elf tribe is located.

Before, nature elves did not like to kill.

For those wild monsters gathered around the tribe, they did not pay too much attention.

This makes the number of wild monsters in that area very large.

Now, the elf tribe has a legion-scale hunting operation in that area, and the harvest is naturally so great that Lin Yi is a little surprised.

Nearly 8,000 energy stones, a full seventy-six different crystals...

It seems that the capture of the tomb of bones guarded by the holy-rank Skeleton King has not achieved such a big gain.

"No wonder the ranks of those elves have risen so fast!"

"When I first took over the elf tribe, the general rank of those elven warriors was still at the elite level, with a few commanders and very few rank nine lords."

"As for the elves of the king rank, there is not a single one other than a few elves elders."

"but now..."

"The natural elves that were deployed, the weakest are the seventh-rank commanders, the eighth-rank in general, and a large number of ninth-rank lords! There are even several king-rank natural elves."

"It's just two or three days!"

Lin Yi sighed with emotion.

It can be seen from the ranks of those elves that have increased sharply.

They have killed so many wild monsters in the past two or three days that now, their beautiful faces still have a coldness that can't be eliminated for a while.


Lin Yi stored all the power stones and different crystals.

Power Stones: 28224.

Different crystals: 145 pieces.

"Judging from the current reserves of power stones and different crystals, it is possible to upgrade the elf mother tree to level five!"

It needs to consume 10,000 energy stones and 100 different crystals.

He has now met the resource requirements for the [Elf Mother Tree] upgrade.

However, Lin Yi hesitated.

He originally planned to store up energy stones and different crystals to upgrade the Angel Reincarnation Pool in the future.

If you upgrade the elf mother tree, then correspondingly, the upgrade from the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is farther away.

"Forget it, let's give the elf mother tree a chance!"

"After all, to upgrade the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to level six, it takes a full 100,000 energy stones and a thousand different crystals."

"Such a large amount of power stones and different crystals, there is definitely no way to get them together in a short time."

"It's better to upgrade the elf mother tree first."

"Every day, more natural elves can be bred."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi also made a decision in his heart.

After he has also raised the [Elf Mother Tree] to level 5, he will store all the power stones and different crystals he harvests in the future, only to prepare for the upgrade of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

One hundred thousand power stones, one thousand different crystals.


He didn't even dare to think about pushing the Goblin Kingdom away.


Immediately, Lin Yi looked at the blue blueprints again.

All show unknown and need to be identified.

Lin Yi is also skilled and natural, identifying them one by one.

Finally, you will get one [Wall Construction Blueprint], one [Watchtower Construction Blueprint], two [Army Evolution Blueprint], and two new blueprints [Little Garden of the Elf].

[Wall Drawing]As usual, it was sold in the trading area.

[Watchtower] Drawings are useful to keep.

Two [arms evolution blueprints], one low-level and one intermediate, not bad.

The last two are [Little Garden of the Elf].

[Architectural Drawings - Little Garden of the Elf]

[Grade: Intermediate]

[Available times: ten times]

[Effect 1: Increase the loyalty of the elves in the castle]

[Effect 2: Increase the friendliness of the native elves in the endless continent, and increase the probability of the native elves taking the initiative]

[Construction requirements: 3,000 units of wood, 800 units of stone, 100 units of refined iron]


"The elf Little Garden is a residential architectural blueprint similar to residential houses and noble houses!"

"However, it applies to elves!"

After thinking about it, Lin Yi came to the open space near the castle, and chose a blank area near the mother tree of the elves to build the elves' Little Garden.

Soon, twenty extremely delicate elves, Little Garden, appeared.

It adds a bit of beauty belonging to nature to Lin Yi's Angel Castle.

"Wow! It's the garden of our elves~"

"Lord Lord built Little Garden for us, it's great!"

"I like the lord~"

"Yeah, me too~"

"Praise the Lord~!"

Under the tree of the elf mother tree, a group of elf looked at the rows of elf gardens that suddenly appeared, and their big eyes were shining.

Compared to Little Garden.

The cabin they built in a hurry is simply too ugly.

The elves were so excited they wanted to move in right away.

As for the big elves from the elf tribe, they were not too excited.

In their tribe, there are many such gardens, and they also have their own small homes.

However, Lin Yi received a message prompt.

After the construction of the Elf Little Garden, the loyalty of the great elves from the Elf tribe has been improved, and it is almost ninety.

Obviously, they are becoming more and more recognized and loyal to Angel Castle.


Lin Yi smiled and said to Erica, "The cabins under the elves' mother tree can be demolished, and the elves will live in those gardens in the future."

"Okay, my lord!"

Erica asked suspiciously, "Lord Lord, did you also use blueprints?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "There are many kinds of blueprints. Just now, that is the architectural blueprint - the Little Garden of Elves. It can be built directly at the cost of consuming materials such as wood and stone."

"It's amazing!"

Erica said with emotion: "Before the Lord of the Castle came, we didn't know what the blueprint was, and we never saw the blueprint!"

Lin Yi was taken aback: "Have you seen the blueprint?"

Erica shook her head: "No, when killing monsters in the wild, you can only harvest power stones and different crystals. As for the blueprints, they have never been released."

"Is that so?"

Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

He knew that Erica wouldn't lie to him.

After all, the other party didn't even know that the [arms evolution blueprint] could enhance the growth potential (aptitude) before, and he was very excited to learn of the existence of the [arms evolution blueprint].

Obviously, what Erica said was true.

Before the arrival of the Lord of the Castle, the creatures of the Endless Continent could not explode the blueprints.

Or it could be said.

Without taking refuge in the Lord of the Castle and becoming a castle arm, the creatures of the Endless Continent will never be able to explode their blueprints.

Since that is the case...

The Grey Dwarf Castle in Little Loli.

Where did the holy-rank old dwarf who lived in the [Dwarf Palace] get the [Advanced Refining Shop] blueprint?

Little Loli once told him that the dwarf grandfather gave her a blueprint of [Advanced Refiner Shop], which can support a hundred dwarf blacksmiths to make equipment together at the same time. (PS: Chapter 89)

"That's a little weird!"

Lin Yi thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out.

However, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it.

When going to the small Loli Castle in the future, it would be good to ask the holy-rank old dwarf in person. Anyway, he didn't think it was an important matter, so he didn't care too much.

Immediately, Lin Yi took out the two [arms evolution blueprints].

One low-level and one medium-level.

After thinking for a moment, he handed the [Low-level Arms Evolution Blueprint] to Erica.

"Lord Lord, this is..."

Erica seemed to think of something, Linglongjiao//The body trembled involuntarily.

The expression on the extremely beautiful cheek also became excited.

Lin Yi said: "This is the blueprint for the evolution of the troops you want. Although it is only low-level, it is enough to help you complete your bloodline evolution and gain the growth potential of a demigod!"

[Low-level evolution blueprint]

For a demigod-level two-winged angel, there is a fifty percent success rate of evolution.

And Erica's growth potential limit is the pinnacle of the Holy Order, which can only be compared to the top arms.

So her success rate will be higher.

If it weren't for the great elf Erica's hard work and hard work since she surrendered, and she is the most powerful natural elf in the elf tribe, Lin Yi would really be reluctant to give her the [arms evolution blueprint].

But in general.

If the great elf Erica can be promoted to a demigod or even a true god, it will be of great help to Lin Yi.

Because Erica is a native nature elf.

Her identity means that she has great strategic significance for Angel Castle.

Lin Yi said to Erica: "You can try to perceive it first and see what the success rate of using the Evolution 993 blueprint is. I believe it should not be too low."

"Good Lord~!"

Erica hurriedly probed into the [arms evolution blueprint] with her own mental power.

Soon, she excitedly said to Lin Yi, "Lord Lord, the success rate I perceive is as high as 80%, which means that if I hadn't been too unlucky, I might have successfully evolved!"

Lin Yi nodded.

The 80% success rate is indeed very high.

When the Angel of Love Nina used the [Low-level Evolution Blueprint] to evolve, the success rate was only ten percent. Fortunately, Nina, the angel of love, used two blueprints in a row to successfully evolve and be promoted to the eight-wing level.

If Erica has such a high success rate it fails.

Lin Yi didn't know what to say.

He glanced at the elemental elf Evangelin standing beside Erica.

For this fire element elf, Erica is very precious, she takes it with her wherever she goes, and she also cultivates the element elf Evangelin in a way that surpasses other elf.

Today, Evangelin has been promoted to the eighth level.

Only one step away from being promoted to the ninth-order lord level.

Her height was also about one meter two, and she was wearing a fiery red dress, which was very beautiful.

"Lord Lord~"

Seeing Lin Yi's gaze.

The elemental elf Evangelin hurriedly saluted with a respectful attitude.

Like those bred elves, her loyalty to Lin Yi is 100 points, and she is always loyal.

Lin Yi looked at the last remaining piece of [Intermediate Soldier Rank Evolution Blueprint], smiled and said to the Fire Elemental Spirit: "Work hard to improve your rank, and after you become a demigod, I will consider helping you improve. your growth potential."

"I know~"

The elemental elf Evangelin said happily and respectfully: "Praise you, my esteemed lord!"


Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Then, he came to the vicinity of the [Angel Reincarnation Pond].

The Angel Holy Spirit who conceives the new day.

[The Angel Reincarnation Pool is full of energy, does it breed the Angel Holy Spirit? ]


"Give birth!" Lin Yi didn't hesitate like yesterday.

Very simply chose to conceive.

The next moment, the rays of light bloomed in the Reincarnation Pond, and balls of light flew out one by one.

Soon, the balls of light shattered.

The angels and the Holy Spirit appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes one by one.

Lin Yi also observed the wings behind the little angels as usual.

Soon, his eyes sparkled.

Locked on the target at a glance!

Because that angel was very dazzling, wearing a golden armor, holding a golden spear and golden shield, and exuding golden light all over his body.

"What a special angel Holy Spirit!"

"And it's still an eight-winged angel!"

For Lin Yi, this was an absolute surprise.

Before this eight-winged angel appeared, he had only four angels above the eight-winged level in total.

Love Angel Nina, Death Angel Dale, Eight-Winged Angel Angelia, Ten-Winged Lord Angel Guydis.

among the four angels.

Nina, Dale, and Guy Tis all evolved.

Only the eight-winged angel Angelia was born directly.

This shows how difficult it is to breed an eight-winged angel.

For Lin Yi, the appearance of this eight-winged angel was the biggest surprise for him on a new day.


He immediately clicked on the message of this 'special' eight-winged angel.

The next moment, his expression froze.

[Zodiac Angel - Angel of Aries God]

[Current growth status: Holy Spirit]

[Strength level: ninth order]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete body - the eight-winged zodiac Aries palace god and angel of the pinnacle of the lower true god]

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support.