Chapter 124 The little female dragon becomes a human? How fat is that! Excited members of the Anti-Angel League! A letter from a friend!

Chapter 124 The Little Female Dragon Becomes A Human? How Fat Is That! Excited Members Of The Anti-Angel League! A Letter From A Friend! (For Automatic Subscription

Chapter 124 The little female dragon becomes a human? How fat is that! Excited members of the Anti-Angel League! A letter from a friend! (for automatic subscription

The dragon roared.

Six flaming dragons 60 to 70 meters long swooped down from the sky.

It is the little flame that is protected in the middle by them.

Soon, the giant dragons returned to the castle and gathered near the Temple of Light. They did not dare to approach the [Angel Reincarnation Pool], nor did they go to communicate with the elves under the [Elf Mother Tree], but crawl next to the Legion of Light. .

Same as the Legion of Light.

The dragons bathed in the light of the [Holy Light Temple] and prayed silently.

under the influence of the power of faith.

Their loyalty is rising fast.

When they just surrendered, the loyalty of the dragons was between ninety and ninety-five, but now they have broken through ninety-five and are approaching one hundred.

It is like Abra, the flaming dragon at the peak of the king's rank.

Its loyalty to Lin Yi reached 100 points for the first time, and it was always a die-hard.

It didn't take long to think about it, the loyalty of the other adult flaming dragons could reach 100 points, and they were loyal to Lin Yi and believed in Lin Yi.


After returning to the castle.

Xiao Huo was very excited, and with footsteps that shook the ground, he ran towards Lin Yi with a bang.

The high probability is related to the fact that she was hatched from a fire dragon egg and was hatched in Angel Castle. Her initial loyalty is as high as 100 points, and she is extremely dependent on Lin Yi and wants to be close to him all the time.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes.

He stretched out his right hand and held it against Little Flame's huge head.

It stopped Little Flame from wanting to rub his trouser legs.

After a lapse of about twenty hours, with the help of six adult giant dragons, Little Flame's rank has been raised from the initial third rank to the seventh rank commander. Complete the task that Lin Yi gave her and return to Angel Castle.

As the rank increases.

The size of Little Flame also skyrocketed.

When she was just born, she was only two meters long, and after eating the eggshell and egg liquid, she was only a little over four meters long.

Now, Little Flame has stepped into the seventh step, and his body size has reached nearly twenty meters.

For human beings like Lin Yi.

The small flame, nearly twenty meters long, can be said to be a behemoth.

With this body type, you still want to rub his trouser legs?

With his head down, he was the size of his entire body.


Xiao Huo was rejected by Lin Yi, and suddenly, like a newborn puppy, he made a grievance sound and shook his tail vigorously towards Lin Yi.

But she is also smart.

He immediately realized that he was too big to rub against the owner's trouser legs, so he was pushed away by the owner.

She was aggrieved and very sad.

Yan Baba retracted his wings and lay down in front of Lin Yi.

From time to time, he gently touches Lin Yi's palm with his head.

It wasn't until Lin Yi patted her head comfortingly and touched a golden dragon scale under her neck that she snorted contentedly, squinting her golden vertical pupils to enjoy.

Lin Yi also glanced at Little Flame's golden scale.

It grows below the neck of Little Flame, near the mouth of Yuexiong.

He thought it was the inverse scale of the dragon.

However, after 993, it was discovered that the same part of the flame dragon Abela did not have golden scales, and several other flame dragons did not have such golden scales.

Golden scales, unique to small flames.

Obviously this is not the Dragon's Reverse Scale.

Moreover, both the little flame and the flaming dragon belong to the western dragons in the novels and movies, and are regarded as the "flying lizards" by the big elf Erikabi - the lizards that fly in the sky.

The dragon of the west is not the dragon of the east.

It's normal to have no inverse scales.

"What scales are these?"

Lin Yi was a little curious and rubbed the golden scale.

The little flame purred twice, and seemed to feel very comfortable.

Lin Yi invited the flame dragon Abra to ask.

However, Abra told Lin Yi that it did not know why such golden scales appeared on Her Majesty the Red Dragon Queen. And it also claimed that none of the dragons in the dragon's nest had such golden scales.

in the dragon's nest.

There are also golden dragons that belong to the Metal Dragon series.

They are golden all over, as if they were made of gold.

But the scales of the golden dragon are not in this shape, and the aura it exudes is also different.

"Go back!"

I can't see why I can't ask.

Lin Yi let the flame dragon Abela go down.

And he was there alone to study the golden scales of Little Flame.

Little Flame is very smart. Whenever Lin Yi patted her, she would change her posture, sometimes holding her head up, sometimes lying directly on the ground, so that Lin Yi could study its golden scales more easily.

"Do you know what this is?"


Little Flame shook his head.

Her neck was thick and short, and her eyes, like all dragons, were on both sides above her head, and there was no way to see the golden scales below her neck.

She could only perceive the presence of golden scales.

Lin Yi asked, "What did it appear?"

Lin Yi can be sure that when Little Flame was born, there were no golden scales on her body.


Little Flame tilted his head for a while, then got up.

Then, using her hind legs as support points, she stood up like a human, and finally sat down on the ground.

Lin Yi didn't understand what she was going to do. But the next second, he was stunned.

He saw that Little Flame stretched out two thick and fat front claws towards him.

The front claws of the dragon have three claws.

The two front paws add up to six paws.


Lin Yi wondered.

What does it mean.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and said, "Did the golden scales appear when you were promoted to the sixth rank?"


Little Flame shook his head again.

He looked down at his two fat front paws and expressed his dissatisfaction with a low growl.

Then, she started to try.

Until a long time later, she was sweating profusely and succeeded.

One of the six claws was forcibly bent to the limit by her.

Then, she hurriedly handed the two front paws to Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi sweated (cddg), and finally understood: "Golden scales appeared when you were promoted to the fifth-order elite."


Little Flame nodded his head sharply.

Then, as if he had lost his strength, he slumped softly beside Lin Yi, and fiddled with Lin Yi's trouser legs with his paws from time to time.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

It felt like such an exhausting conversation.

He summoned the flaming dragon Abela again and asked, "When will you dragon family be able to speak?"

The flaming dragon Yara respectfully said: "Return to the almighty Lord, the dragon can speak human words when he is promoted to the king rank. After being promoted to the holy rank, the initial Master's ability to deform. If it is promoted to a demigod, it can be Complete Master Transfiguration."

"What is Transfiguration?"

Lin Yi asked suspiciously, "What do you want to become?"

The flame dragon Abra said: "The ultimate purpose of transfiguration is to become human!"

"I heard that in the central area of the world, there are demigod-level powerhouses in our giant dragon family who have become human beings and live in hiding in the human empire world."

"Become an adult?"

Lin Yi looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, the dragon of the Otherworld actually wanted to cultivate into an adult.

He glanced at the little flame that was crawling on the ground.

Will this little female dragon in the future become a human?

How fat is that! !

Lin Yi looked at Abra, the flaming dragon, and said, "Why do you dragons seek to become humans, isn't the dragon bad?"

"Return to my lord!"

"The body of the dragon is not bad."

"On the contrary, the combat power in the dragon state is stronger!"

"After all, that's our body."

The flaming dragon Abel said respectfully: "In fact, it is not just us dragons, other races in the form of animals are also seeking to become human. Because after becoming human, there is more hope to touch the truth!"

"Truth is the hope of the endless continent creatures becoming gods."

"In order to be promoted to True God and gain immortality, the dragons don't mind keeping themselves in human form for a long time."

In the past, the flame dragon Abra had such pursuits and dreams.

Become human, pursue truth, and be promoted to god.

But now.

It has stopped chasing the truth.

The Most High Lord, sheltering it, has stepped on the threshold of eternal life.

Even if it dies now, the Almighty Lord will resurrect it.

What is truth?


Except for those true gods, no one knows.

For the current flaming dragon, Abel, faith is everything. It has been bathed in the glory of the Lord. The power of faith fills its whole body, and it always feels that it is invincible.

"never mind!"

Lin Yi waved his hand and let the flaming dragon Abra retreat.

In the end, he didn't figure out what the golden scales that appeared on Little Flame were and what they did.

But he believed it.

With the improvement of Little Flame's strength rank.

The role of the golden scales will gradually become prominent.


time flies.

The various camps and arms of Angel Castle are all ready for war.

On the twin mountain side.

There are still only three or four hundred members of the Anti-Angel Castle Alliance gathered, and there is no obvious increase in the number.

However, those castle lords had bright smiles and high momentum.

Because they have already received the news that the main force of their alliance is about to arrive at the Twin Mountains, and the main force will appear in half an hour at most.

"Brothers, prepare to fight!"

"In half an hour, the main force of the alliance led by the bosses will arrive!"

"When the time comes, we will gather to besiege Angel Castle!"

"Don't give Lin Yi a chance!"

"Great! I can't wait to kill it!"

"I don't do anything else, I just want to capture the elf tribe and catch two elves back!"

"It's all the same, who doesn't like the native natural elves? But don't worry, when Lin Yi's Angel Castle is destroyed, the elves of the tribe will naturally belong to our anti-angel alliance!"

"Thousands of elves, each of our alliance members can be divided into three or four!"

"Ha ha..."

"My broadsword is thirsty!"

"By the way, there has been no movement from the Angel Castle, and no angel has been seen! Could it be that Lin Yi is so stupid that he hasn't found us until now?"

"Lin Yi must have known we were coming!"

"Then why didn't he run away?"

"The reason is very simple. He is quite confident and thinks that the entire army of our alliance cannot be the opponent of his angel team! So even if he knew that we were coming, he did not run away."

"I suspect that under Lin Yi's command, many angels of the royal rank have appeared!"

"Angel Wangjie, this is his confidence!"

"Heh... Lin Yi underestimated our anti-angel alliance. There are only a few dozen angels. What if he has ten king-rank angels? He really thinks he can defeat our tens of thousands of flying troops?"

"Speaking of which, if Lin Yi really has ten king-ranked angels, then even if we win, the loss will probably not be small!"


"We have troop buildings. Even if the troop is completely wiped out, it will take a few days to recover! In this expedition battle, no matter how much we pay, we will kill Lin Yi and tear down the heart of his castle!"

"That's right!"

"With troops built, are you still afraid of loss?"

"With Lin Yi eliminated, the entire dark forest is ours!"

"Now, just wait for the bosses to bring the main force!"

At the top of the Twin Mountains, there are many castle lords gathered here.

The sky and the ground are full of their flying units, all over the mountains and plains, and there is no dead angle in defense, so they are not afraid of encountering a sneak attack.

At this moment.

They were quite excited and eager to try.

The main force of their alliance has more than 800 castle masters and more than 50,000 flying troops of various types. In addition, there are nearly 400 castle lords here, and more than 30,000 flying troops...

A total of more than 80,000 flying troops have gathered!

What is the concept of more than 80,000 flying arms?

It can be called an army of 100,000!

Not to mention fighting and killing, even if it is a pile of life, it can kill Lin Yi's angels.

They never thought they would be the loser!

What's more, in the Alliance of the Gods, there are many top-level castle lords secretly supporting them, providing them with hundreds of top-level foreign aid.

If such a wealthy war is lost.

They couldn't imagine how strong Lin Yi's Angel Castle was.


Suddenly, the owner of the castle shouted: "Which stupid B stabbed the matter of our army's gathering in the Twin Mountains on the world chat channel? Isn't this making us trouble?"

"real or fake?"

"Damn it! It's true, the world chat channel is directly blown up, and everyone is talking about when our Anti-Angel Alliance and Angel Castle are about to go to war, and there are still people who want to vote for which side can win..."

"By the way, who is so stupid!"

"Flying Eagle Castle? Which one is this... rub! The castle lords whose arms are eagles will stand up for labor and management. I want to see which stupid B is doing things!"

"There are many castle lords with eagle troops. There are not a hundred but eighty here."


no way.

Eagle arms belong to a large group of flying arms.

What's more, [Flying Eagle Castle] is just a name. It is basically impossible to find out who the Lord is through the name. After all, what if the family's troop is actually a sparrow?

"Exposure, just expose!"

At this time, a very prestigious middle-aged man stood up.

He said with a smile: "Don't be angry, everyone, I believe that person is not malicious. What's more, exposing our assembly site has no effect on this upcoming war."

"The main force of our alliance is less than 100 kilometers away from the Twin Mountains."

"In another twenty minutes, we can definitely arrive!"

"In such a short time, Lin Yi has no chance to escape, let alone kill him! Because once he leaves the castle and takes the initiative to attack, he will die faster!"

"So don't be nervous!"

"Moreover, the exposure of the world chat channel will also increase the popularity of our anti-angel alliance..."

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "Look! Countless castle masters and rangers are talking about our alliance! Wait for us to push the angels away.

Castle, we will be famous all over the world!"

"Old Chen is right!"

"Haha... Indeed, now our Anti-Angel Alliance is more famous than the Alliance of Gods!"

"There will be more to join us and join our castle lords in the future! Our anti-angel alliance will not only be the strongest alliance in the dark forest, but also the strongest alliance in the entire castle force!"

"As long as we have enough people, the alliance of the gods will be suppressed by us!"

After hearing the analysis of the middle-aged man.

The members of the Anti-Angel Alliance also became excited.

Even they have left messages in the world chat channel, expressing their determination to win this war.


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi received the news from little Loli at the first time.

Little Loli: "Great, I saw the information on the world chat channel. Are there really many castle masters gathered in the Twin Mountains, ready to besiege your castle? Will it be very dangerous?"

Lin Yi: "Well, they assembled yesterday!"

Little Loli: "Wow, what should I do? Da, you will be fine, right? Yaoyao is very worried about you!"

Lin Yi: "It's okay, I have even killed the Skeleton Kings of the Holy Order, what are those castle lords? Don't worry, I didn't do anything yesterday, I just wanted to kill them all!"

Little Loli: "Really big? You must not lie to Yaoyao!"

Lin Yi: "No, the good news is waiting for me!"


Little Loli: "You must be careful~"

Lin Yi: "Yeah."

Just about to turn off the friends column.

His other two friends, Feng Qing and Yi Xue, sent another message.

Fengqing: "Lin Yi, are you ready? In about 20 minutes at most, the two armies of the Anti-Angel Alliance will be able to join forces and gather at the Twin Mountains. They will not stay any longer and will directly attack your angel. castle!"

Yi Xue: "God-tier, if you can't resist, then retreat strategically?"

Lin Yi replied separately.

——Fengqing: "The Twin Mountains will become the tomb of the Anti-Angel Alliance! In addition, I tell you members of the alliance that anyone who secretly supports the Anti-Angel Alliance will compensate me with five hundred energy stones and five different crystals, otherwise they will never die. !"

——Yixue: "It's okay."

After sending the message, Lin Yi turned off the friend column.


inside the castle.

The army camp under Lin Yi.

The angel team, the light army, the natural elves, the flame dragon team, and the golden griffin team are all ready for war.

"The Anti-Angel Alliance still has about twenty minutes to complete the assembly!"

"Wait for a signal from afar!"

"At that time, the angel of Master's teleportation of magic will be responsible for teleporting the troops in the castle to the Twin Mountains to eliminate the remaining hostile forces!"

"Whether it is the lord of the castle, or the troops under their command."

"Clean it all up!"

"Not a single one left!!"

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord (Lord Lord)!"

Castle troops, all morale is strong.

The eight-winged zodiac Aries god angel - Abigail, wearing holy armor, holding a holy spear and holy shield, covered with golden light, said solemnly: "The zodiac god angel, guard the glory of the Lord, treat the enemy from Not kind!"

PS: Ask for power stones, ask for support