Chapter 144 Big Surprise! Twelve Winged Angels! All Evolve! Go To The Underworld! See You Little Loli!

Hear Guy Tears whisper.

Lin Yi's heart also trembled.

The twelve-winged angel, that is the third-level angel.

It belongs to the top angel in the orthodox angel faction.

The orthodox angel faction is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Among the upper three levels, the strongest is the fourteen-winged seraph, which is the evolutionary terminal of the ten-winged main angel Guy Dess.

The second is the twelve-winged wise angel and the twelve-winged angel.

These three kinds of angels can be said to be the highest governing angels in the orthodox angel faction.

Because the sixteen-winged angel above them is already the archangel, who rules the army of angels one after another. Further up is the eighteen-winged archangel, who governs the entire angelic world.


Angels in the upper three levels are already the top managers of the orthodox angel faction.

Lin Yi didn't expect it.

In this evolutionary mutation, the twelve-winged angel appeared unexpectedly.

Absolutely super evolution!

Lin Yi knew that the [Advanced Troop Evolution Blueprint] had a very low probability of being able to super-evolve the castle arms.

At the beginning, Guy Dess used a blueprint for the evolution of advanced arms to realize the super-evolution of the bloodline gene, which directly evolved from the six-winged power angel to the ten-winged main angel.

This time.

He handed over three evolutionary blueprints of advanced arms to the eight-winged angel Angelia and the angel of love Nina.

Lin Yi guessed.

It must be one of them who achieved super-evolution and became a twelve-winged angel.

Thinking room.

Lin Yi glanced at the holy artifact suit [Blessing of the Nature Spirit].

Could this suit really bring him luck?

In other words, he transferred the luck of using the [arms quantity blueprint] just now to the evolution of the three sisters Angelia, Nina, and Haitian Angel.

the result~

It's that he was unlucky just now, and now his luck has exploded.

"Luck is such a thing."

"Mysterious and mysterious!"

"No matter what you say, no matter what you say!"

Lin Yi shook his head.

Don't think about luck.

Only focus on the evolutionary results of the five upper angels.


as time goes by.

There are more and more cracks on the giant photosphere.

The angelic breath released from it is also getting stronger and stronger.

And in addition to the breath of angels, there is also a very terrifying magic power emitting.

Even Lin Yi felt depressed.

The fluctuation of this magic power has far exceeded the initial stage of the Holy Order where he is located.

At this moment.

A figure appeared beside Lin Yi.

He turned his head and saw that it was the extremely beautiful Elektra.

She looked at the giant ball of light that was constantly cracking, and her expression and eyes were full of envy.

Lin Yi said, "What's wrong?"

Erica said, "Envy!"

Lin Yi: "??"

Erica said with emotion: "Reporting to the lord, I have practiced for hundreds of years before I entered the peak of the holy order! And the angels under the lord's command only took 20 days to enter this realm, which made me very happy. envious!"

"Is it the peak of the holy order?"

Lin Yi sensed the aura emanating from the ball of light and said, "No wonder the intensity of the magic power is so amazing, dozens of times stronger than the initial stage of the Holy Order!"


He smiled and said to Erica: "It was also thanks to the help of the evolutionary blueprint that he was promoted so quickly!"

Erica sighed: "Lord Lord, after I used the evolution blueprint, I only got a slight increase in magic power, and it is still a long way from being promoted to demigod!"

Lin Yi looked at her.

As soon as his mind moved, Erica's message also appeared in his field of vision.

[Erica - Nature Spirit]

[Identity: Great Elder of the Dark Forest Elf Tribe]

[Current growth status: adult]

[Rank: Peak of the Holy Rank]

[Loyalty: 100 points (die loyal)]

[Limit of Growth Potential: Demigod-level Natural Elf]

[Special reminder: After successfully obtaining bloodline evolution, natural elves have a certain probability to evolve into ancient elves]


last night~

With the help of Olivia, the spirit of the elf mother tree, Erica used the low-level evolution blueprint.

And successfully achieved bloodline evolution.

For the troops with the potential of the holy class, even if it is only a low-level evolutionary blueprint, the probability of success is as high as 80%. So Lin Yi is not surprised by Erica's successful evolution.


In the process of evolution, Erica failed to become an ancient elf.

If she can become an ancient great elf, Erica's strength and the limit of her growth potential are likely to increase accordingly.

can be final.

Erica wasn't so lucky.

It is still a natural spirit.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Don't worry, now your growth potential limit has entered the demigod realm. As long as you kill enough enemies and are strong's very easy for you to become a demigod."

While speaking, he thought of Olivia.

Then he added: "It will not be like your mother, in order to ignite the divine fire and break through the demigods, it takes hundreds of years and hundreds of failures to succeed."

"Wait for the energy value obtained to exceed the limit of your current holy rank peak."

"It's very easy to light a fire."

"You can easily be promoted to a demigod, have a longer lifespan, and become more powerful!"


Erica nodded and said respectfully and gratefully: "This is the favor from the Lord, praise you!" Lin Yi waved his hand.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the super-giant light ball.

Large and small cracks have covered the entire ball of light.

Countless streaks of golden light shot out from those cracks, making the ball of light extremely dazzling.

After a long time.

Finally, the ball of light was completely broken and shattered.

Five beautiful angels also appeared in Lin Yi's field of vision.

But the next moment.

Lin Yi's expression froze.

The first is height.

The Angel of Love, Nina, has not changed much, and is still about 1.7 meters.

The other four, the eight-winged angel Angelia, who was originally in the king's rank, and the three sisters of the Haitian Angel, were all about one meter five in height, but now they have grown to about one meter seven.

From the change in height, you can also intuitively feel the progress of their strength.

Second is rank.

The five high-ranking angels all skyrocketed.

(cddh) The three sisters of the Haitian Angels have been promoted from the late king rank to the early holy rank.

The angel of love, Nina, has been promoted from the early stage of the holy rank to the peak of the holy rank, which is very exaggerated.

Even more exaggerated is the eight-winged angel Angelia.

She was at the peak of the king rank before, and after her successful evolution, not only was she promoted to the holy rank, but she also broke through several small realms in a row, reaching the same peak of the holy rank as Nina, the Angel of Love.

That is to say.

Angelia has completed a breakthrough in a whole realm!

The one who has improved the most is her.

Finally, there is the number of angel wings.

The three Hailan Angel sisters have stepped from the six-wing level to the eight-wing level. They are the eight-wing power angel Hailan Winnie, the eight-wing power angel Hailan Vader, and the eight-wing energy angel Hailan Agatha.

It is normal to successfully achieve bloodline evolution and add a pair of angel wings.

The focus is on the back.

Nina, the angel of love, has two more pairs of angel wings behind her, becoming the twelve-winged angel of love.

Eight-winged angel Angelia, with two more pairs of angel wings behind her, became a twelve-winged wise angel. It can be said that it is one step to the sky, stepping into the upper three angels of the orthodox angel faction.

The twelve-winged angel breath that Guydis sensed just now.

Not from an angel.

But from Angelia and Nina at the same time.

Because the two of them were both promoted to twelve-winged angels.

"Two twelve-winged angels!"

"That is to say, Angelia and Nina have both achieved the super-evolution of the bloodline gene with the help of the advanced arms evolution blueprint! They have been promoted directly from the eight-wing level to the twelve-wing level!"


Lin Yi's heart was shocked to the extreme.

He originally thought that it would be good for one of Angelia and Nina to achieve super-evolution.

Unexpectedly, both of them succeeded.

A pair of twelve-winged angels!

Moreover, the three sisters of Haitian Angel have also become eight-wing angels.

"This time evolution~"

"It went well beyond my imagination!"

"It even gave me a big surprise!"

Lin Yi had a big smile on his face.

Now, with the addition of the newly promoted twelve-winged wise angel Angelia and the three sisters of Haitian Angels, he has twelve holy-order angels under his command.

Among them, the most powerful are Angelia and Nina, the angel of love, the peak of the holy order.

Followed by the ten-winged main angel Guy Dess, the middle stage of the Holy Order.

An evolution, his castle strength skyrocketed again.


"Praise you, Almighty Lord~"

Five beautiful upper angels appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Reverent and fanatical salute.

Especially the angel of love Nina, very excited.

When she was first conceived, she was only a six-winged angel of love, but now the number of angel wings behind her has doubled, becoming a twelve-winged angel of love.

Whether it is strength, status of the angel class, future growth potential...

She had a huge breakthrough.

All of this comes from the grace of the Lord.

She believes in the Lord and is even more grateful to the Lord~

At this moment.

Lin Yi's eyes also fell on Nina, the angel of love, and Angelia, the twelve-winged angel.

[Angel of Love Nina (Twelve Wings)]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: The Peak of the Holy Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete Body - Angel of Love at the Peak of the Median True God]


[Twelve Winged Angels - Angelia]

[Current growth status: growth period]

[Strength Level: The Peak of the Holy Order]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Complete Body - The Twelve Winged Wisdom Angels at the Peak of the Median True God]


Behind Angelia and Nina are twelve wings.

Among them, three pairs are snow-white angel wings.

The other three pairs are larger, more dreamy energy wings.

Their six pairs of twelve-winged wings are perfectly symmetrical, giving people a refreshing feeling. At a glance, you will be instantly amazed and attract attention.

Even Lin Yi couldn't help but want to touch it.

But he finally held back.

Although he believed that his touch would be blessed by Angelia and Nina, there were so many angels, elves, and the future Red Dragon Queen Little Flame around him, who stared blankly at himself. Also feel a little embarrassed.

So he decided to touch it when he had the chance.

"What happened just now?"

Lin Yi asked, "Why are your evolutionary light balls fused together, and what's going on inside?"

Several high-ranking angels peeped at each other.

Apparently they didn't understand why.

The twelve-winged angel Angelia respectfully said: "Returning to my lord, in the process of evolution, I only felt that energy was injected into the evolutionary light sphere where I was, and then I found that our evolutionary light sphere was fused."

"But soon, I noticed that the energy of evolution was rapidly decreasing, so I could only choose to use all the evolution blueprints!"

"Me too."

"Me too..."

The three sisters, Angel of Love Nina and Angel of Haitian nodded.

They also felt the reduction in energy, so they did not dare to hesitate, and quickly used up all the evolution blueprints in their hands.

This barely maintained their evolutionary state.

In the end, they were very lucky to complete the bloodline evolution.

Lin Yi frowned.

The evolutionary mutation this time is a bit strange.

It can be said that it happened suddenly.

Neither him nor the Angel of Love Nina and others knew what caused this evolutionary mutation.

Lin Yi once again looked at the holy artifact suit [Blessing of the Nature Spirit] that he was wearing.

He doubted.

It was a purely accidental lucky event!

As for whether this is the case or not, next time when the number of evolution blueprints increases, we will know by experimenting again.

thought here.

He didn't look into it any further.

Although the evolution of the five high-ranking angels has consumed all the more than 20 high-level, medium-level and low-level evolution blueprints, the rewards are still very rich.

Totally worth it!

Lin Yi didn't feel the slightest bit of distress either.

What are drawings?

Where are the two twelve-winged angels important!


"The Castle of Gray Dwarves has built a space teleportation array!"

Lin Yi began to roll the call: "Angelia, Nina, Dale, and Erica, the four of you will go to the underground world with me. The size of the Angel Castle will be managed by Guy Tears."

"Follow your orders, Almighty Lord (Lord Lord)!"

Angels and elves saluted respectfully.

After that, Lin Yi took them to the space teleportation magic circle of the castle.

Come to the vicinity of the teleportation array.

Lin Yi entered the crystal marker that Little Loli gave him.

Then start the teleportation array.

Suddenly, a terrifying force penetrated the space and quickly set up the space channel.

When Lin Yi and others walked into the teleportation array.

Their figures disappeared instantly.

There are five people on this trip. Among them, the Angel of Love Nina, the Angel of Twelve Wings Angelia, and the Great Elf Erica are all the pinnacles of the Holy Order.

In addition, the initial stage of Lin Yi's holy order and the early stage of the death angel Daer's holy order.

A total of five saint-level powerhouses.

The strength of their small team is absolutely terrifying.

The strength of the five of them alone is enough to destroy a native power like the Goblin Kingdom.

So Lin Yi is not worried about his own safety.

One more point, even in the face of an impossible crisis, he can summon Olivia and the army of Angel Castle to his side.


Castle of the Grey Dwarves.

In the castle yard, little Loli raised his little head and stared at the teleportation array with big eyes without blinking.

There is a sense of lust.

Little Loli muttered: "Grandpa Moore, why haven't you come over yet? Is there a problem with the space teleportation array built by Yaoyao? Or is the crystal mark wrong?"

The old dwarf Moore's face twitched a few times.

Some helplessly said: "His Royal Highness, you have said the same thing twenty-five times! Don't worry, I checked the teleportation array eighteen times, and Jingbiao repeated it fourteen times, and there is no problem."

Little Loli muttered again: "Then why didn't you come here?"

The old dwarf Moore's old face twitched again.

Little Loli repeated this sentence thirty-three times.

The dark elf on the side also rubbed her temples helplessly. Little Loli kept repeating the same words in her ears, and her head hurt a little as she said it.

"Sister, do you think you don't want to see Yaoyao anymore?"


The dark elf's mouth twitched slightly, and he repeated the answer not long ago: "How come, Princess Yaoyao is so cute, he must like it! It may be delayed temporarily."


Little Loli nodded his head.

Continue to look eagerly at the teleportation array ahead.

In fact, the dark elves were not impatient at all.

Except for the dwarf Xavier...

The old dwarf Moore, the dark elf sister, and the undead magician strange uncle, all three of them are strong in the holy class.

Not to mention waiting for an hour or two, even just waiting for a day or two will not shake their mood.

For the holy-rank powerhouse with thousands of years of lifespan.

This time is nothing at all.

Every now and then, little Loli rumbles in their ears, and asks them the same question dozens of times, which makes them a little bit overwhelmed.

Just at this time.

A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the teleportation formation in front.

see this scene.

The three saint-level powerhouses from different camps breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally here! !



Several figures appeared in the teleportation array.

The leader was a young man in a silver and white suit.

A holy artifact-level suit [Blessing of the Nature Spirit] perfectly highlights Lin Yi's handsome appearance and slender figure, and also greatly improves Lin Yi's own 'charm' - the suit comes with its own effects.

And behind Lin Yi.

There are three beautiful women.

Angel of Twelve Wings Angelia, Angel of Love Nina, Great Elf Erica.

Their combination is even more dazzling for the leader Lin Yi.

As for the angel of death, Dai Er, who was sent together, she entered the void world at the moment of her arrival. With her current strength and rank, even the peak Saint-rank powerhouse cannot perceive her existence.

Only after being locked by her will there be a sense of crisis.


Little Loli's gaze.

The first time fell on Lin Yi.

Her surprise scream, before she could say it, suddenly turned into a trembling whisper.

The eager waiting just now has turned into a moment of anxiety and unease, and there is a little nervousness, and she is a little afraid to approach.

After all, this was the first time she saw Lin Yi.

Very strange.


Lin Yi also saw little Loli.

Wearing a small leather coat, her face is delicate and beautiful, her hair is neatly combed, and she has a few small braids, but it is a little messy and asymmetrical, it should be the little guy who did it himself.

During this time, little Loli has been learning to build equipment with the old dwarf Moore.

The little face was gray from morning to night.

After knowing that Lin Yi was coming.

Little Loli was in a hurry and cleaned himself up from head to toe, trying to leave a good impression on Da Da.

Hear Lin Yi's call.

The timidity and unease on little Loli's face quickly turned into surprise.

The big black eyes instantly burst into light.


Little Loli exclaimed in surprise.

Without hesitation, she ran towards Lin Yi, hanging on Lin Yi like a koala.

That strange feeling is gone.

In its place is a familiar feeling.

"Great, Yaoyao finally sees you!"