Chapter 147 Sister Angel is so fragrant! Really lucky goddess! Urgent Muir Saint! Take little Loli back to the castle!

"Are you going back so soon?"

Little Loli held Lin Yi's hand reluctantly, looking pitiful.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I have already sent you the crystal marker of the teleportation array. When you go back, you can enter the crystal marker into your castle's teleportation array, and you can come to Angel Castle at any time."

"Come whenever you want."

"I have a lot of beautiful angels, elves, and unicorns in my place!"


Little Loli's eyes widened.

Shui Lingling's big eyes shone brightly.

Unicorn eh~!

She still remembers a unicorn throw pillow in her former small bedroom.

The pink one is super nice.

Lin Yi rubbed her head and said with a smile, "Otherwise, you can go to Angel's Castle with me. Anyway, the teleportation array has been set up, so it's easy to come and go!"


Little Loli nodded sharply.

She desperately wanted to see a living unicorn.

Of course, she also wanted to go to the big castle for a few days.

Well, such a happy decision!

The old dwarf Moore on the side was a little hesitant, worried that little Loli would be in danger when he went to the surface world.

Lin Yi saw what he was thinking and smiled, "Don't worry, she will be fine in my Angel Castle. Even if a demigod-level powerhouse attacks, there is only one way to die!"

"Lord Lao help to take care of Her Royal Highness Princess!"

The old dwarf Moore was not helpless either.

Her Royal Highness wanted to go to Angel Castle, but he couldn't stop it.

And he couldn't go with him, because he wanted to stay to guard the castle of Her Royal Highness and the palace of the dwarves.

As for the dwarf Xavier, in the middle of the king rank...

If Her Royal Highness is really going to be in danger, Xavier is not going to help.

So he could only silently pray for the safety of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

In fact, the old dwarf Moore is completely concerned about chaos.

Once the teleportation array is passed, the Castle of Angels and the Castle of the Grey Dwarves can be said to be neighbors. Isn't it a very simple and easy thing to have a door between neighbors.

If there is a real danger.

A powerful enemy has invaded Angel Castle.

Lin Yi can also use the teleportation array to instantly teleport Little Loli back to the Castle of the Grey Dwarves.

"Yaoyao, go and play with Angelia and the others for a while."

Lin Yi suddenly remembered something and patted little Loli on the head.


Little Loli released Lin Yi's hand.

Very happy, they ran to the three angels Angelia.

"Angel sister!"

Approaching the front, little Loli suddenly stopped.

She raised her head and looked at Angelia, the twelve-winged wise angel, her big eyes filled with hope: "Sister Angel 23, can Yaoyao hug you?"


Angelica Twelve Wings was silent for a moment.

Then, she picked up little Loli stiffly.

The dazzling holy light from the angel's wings shone on Little Loli's delicate face, causing her to narrow her eyes comfortably.

Suddenly, she said in amazement, "Sister Angel's body smells so good~"

Twelve Winged Angel Angelia: "..."

The angel of love Nina and the great elf Erica on the side covered their mouths and chuckled.


The old dwarf Moore asked suspiciously, "I don't know if the lord is looking for me alone, what is your order?"

Lin Yi took the little Loli away.

He took him aside again, obviously having something to say to him.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Sage Mu'er is very polite, I just have a question that I don't quite understand, and I want to ask Saint Mu'er for an answer!"

The old dwarf Moore said quickly: "Lord Lord, please speak!"

Lin Yi said, "When Sage Mu'er just came to the Castle of the Grey Dwarves, he gave Yaoyao an architectural blueprint for a high-level refining shop. I'm very curious, how could Sage Mu'er have a blueprint in his hand?"

Don't wait for the old dwarf Moore to speak.

Lin Yi continued: "Erica told me that before joining the castle power, the intelligent creatures of the local power could not reveal the blueprint when killing the enemy. And before our castle power came, You don't even know what drawings are."

"Since the blueprint cannot be revealed..."

"Where did the drawings in the hands of Saint Moore come from?"

Lin Yi has been trying to figure this out.

Before, there was no chance.

Now that he sees the old dwarf Moore, he naturally wants to ask in person.

After hearing what Lin Yi said.

The pupils of the old dwarf Moore shrank slightly.

Then he said with a smile: "It turns out that the lord doesn't know about this matter. Before I came to the castle of the gray dwarves, I met a castle lord who gave me the blueprint for the refining shop."


Lin Yi smiled and said, "I don't know what the castle lord's name is? Sage Mu'er should know that there are unconventional means of communication between our castles, and I would like to buy a few similar drawings from him. "


The old dwarf Multon was stunned.

Lin Yi added: "High-level architectural drawings are very rare and precious blueprints! The castle lord can give blueprints to Sage Mu'er. It's impossible for Sage Mu'er to know his name, right?"

The old dwarf Multon wanted to make a random name.

But then he gave up again.

Because he does know that there is a very magical means of connection between the castle lord and the castle lord.

Their Highness Princess often used this method to chat with Lin Yi, who was far away in the surface world.

The old dwarf Moore thought.

Lin Yi can easily find out the authenticity of the 'name'.

thought here.

The old dwarf Muir also smiled bitterly and said, "Why does the lord have to know?"

Lin Yi said, "Just curious!"

The old dwarf Moore took a breath and said, "Lord Lord, please forgive me, I can't tell you too much! I can only talk about it briefly. That blueprint is a gift from the gods."

The gift of the castle lord is false.

God's gift is real.

Lin Yi was also shocked when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, a mere high-level architectural drawing was actually related to the gods.

Lin Yi asked: "The true god of this world, can kill the enemy and explode the blueprint?"

The old dwarf Moore shook his head and said, "I don't know this. I only know that the blueprint was given to me by the gods, and then handed over to Her Royal Highness the princess."

Lin Yi asked again: "Which god? What does he want to do?"

The old dwarf Moore shook his head.

This time, he didn't answer at all.

Lin Yi was silent.

Then a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly said, "Didn't the goddess of luck fall?"

"Of course not, Your Majesty the Goddess..."

The old dwarf Moore answered blurtedly.

Before he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yi in horror.

Seeing the expression on his face, Lin Yi sighed, "I've always said that little Loli is favored by the goddess of luck, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Confirmed at this time.

Lin Yi was still very shocked.

Old Dwarf Moore: "..."

He was helpless and never thought that Lin Yi would not play cards according to the routine.

Lin Yi added: "It seems that in the age of ancient gods, not all the gods of faith fled the endless continent, and there were always lucky gods who survived and stayed in this world."

The old dwarf Moore remained speechless.

lucky god~

Isn't that the goddess of luck?

Among the gods of thousands of beliefs, which god can be more 'lucky' than the goddess of luck?

It is normal for her to survive the ancient battle of gods.

Lin Yi asked: "What does she want to do? Develop little Loli into her followers? Also, the dwarf forces behind you have also begun to believe in the goddess of luck?"

The old dwarf Moore said with a serious expression: "Don't worry, Lord, the goddess will never hurt Her Royal Highness! In addition, our dwarf family believed in many gods in the ancient times..."

"God of War, God of Blacksmithing, Goddess of Luck, God of Titans!"

"They were all the gods of our faith!"

The Muir Sage informed Lin Yi that the goddess of their tribal dwarves' belief was the Goddess of Luck.

From ancient times to the present age of truth.

It has always been so.

Their faith has never been lost nor changed.

Because of the brilliance of the goddess of luck, it has always enveloped their tribe.

Lin Yi frowned, "What does Lady Luck want to do?"

The old dwarf Moore said: "The thoughts of the goddess are not something we believers can spy on! But I believe that the goddess will not hurt the princess!"

When he said this, his expression was very firm.

Lin Yi was noncommittal. However.

There is no way he can kick the goddess of luck away now.

After all, that goddess, who has lived from ancient times to today, is at least a few Ten Thousand Years old.

Even a pig is strong enough to pervert after so many years of practice.

Lin Yi even doubted.

His sky city may not be able to kill the goddess of luck.

Of course, if it is a higher-level Sky City, it will be different.

He heard the ten-winged main angel Guy Teas say that the most powerful sky city of the angel family can even threaten the existence of the main god-level terror. Even a vast Divine Kingdom can be shattered in one go.

Next, Lin Yi didn't ask any more questions.

Nothing more was said.

After all, he is now the goddess of luck.

When he can get the goddess of luck, everything will be easy.

Moreover, at least for now, the goddess of luck has no ill will towards little Loli, and she also 'helps' little Loli again and again, which seems to be a good god.

As for later.

Take your time~


Just at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The old dwarf Moore was taken aback.

She looked at the angel of death, Dai Er, who came out of the void with fear.

With his perception, he was unable to perceive the existence of this beautiful angel.

It made him feel incredible.

after all.

This angel, who looks like a creature of the dark camp, is only at the beginning of the Holy Rank, but his rank is as high as the peak of the Holy Rank, and the difference between the two is several small realms.

"Almighty Lord~"

Death Angel Dai Er respectfully said: "According to your instructions, I have found the hiding place of the undead magician and marked it! With the ability of the main angel Guy Des, I can send the army there at any time."

"I see!"

Lin Yi nodded.

Turn around.

Then he found that the old dwarf Moore was looking at him with a strange expression.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Just make preparations in advance, in case you need it!"

The old dwarf Moore said: "I saw the lord let the undead magician Theodore leave safely and did not intercept it halfway. I thought you were really making a deal with him."

Lin Yi said: "Of course I really did a deal with him!"


The old dwarf Muir was puzzled: "Then you are..."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "A deal is a deal, and a war is a war! Having made a deal doesn't mean I won't lead the castle army to attack his faction."

The old dwarf Moore was silent.

This castle lord from the surface world is really one yard to one yard.

Saint Moore said solemnly: "Is the lord ready to do it now?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Saint Mu'er also wants a share of the pie?"

The old dwarf Moore said sincerely: "With the help of the evolution blueprint of the troops given by Her Royal Highness, the limit of my growth potential has been raised to the demigod realm, and I also want to kill some powerful enemies, so as to ignite the divine fire and become a demigod! "

"I see!"

Lin Yi was stunned.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry!"

"Wait until the time is right."

"I will dispatch the castle army to this underground world!"

"Whether it is Theodore, the undead magician, or the state of the blood moon where the dark elf Carrera is located, they are essentially the targets that our castle lord wants to capture!"

"This, Saint Moore should also see it!"

The old dwarf Moore nodded.

Not only him, all indigenous intelligent creatures know that the local forces and the castle forces are enemies, and they are irreconcilable.

for this.

The undead wizard Theodore knew it too.

The dark elf Carrera knew it too.

But they also all believed in one thing, that is, although Lin Yi's strength is strong, and he has many powerhouses at the peak of the Holy Rank, his castle power is in the surface world.

The surface world and the underground world are different.

The underground world is filled with countless dark and evil creatures.

Saint-level powerhouses, demigods, evil true gods...

Pens are all!

Lin Yi's castle power in the surface world has not yet developed, so how could he have a hand in the underground world?

Therefore, Theodore and Carrera regarded Lin Yi as their partner.

Willing to do business with Lin Yi.

Unbeknownst to Theodore and Carrera, Lin Yi had been eyeing this dark area a long time ago.

Now that the teleportation formation has been established, his first step can be considered a step forward.

If you want to attack this area later, it is just a matter of order.

"The time is ripe..."

The old dwarf Moore seemed to be more looking forward to the coming of war than Lin Yi.

He asked: "Dare to ask the lord, what does it mean when the time is ripe?"

Lin Yi gave him a strange look and said, "After I capture the Dark Forest and establish the Angel Dynasty, I will consider launching a war against the Blood Moon State and this area!"

The old dwarf Moore sighed: "That seems to take a long time!"

Lin Yi said: "It doesn't take too long, at most a month or two, maybe even shorter!"

The old dwarf Moore said in amazement: "Is the lord so confident? It is not that easy to rule an area and establish a dynasty!"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Saint Mull will know when the time comes."

Hear this.

The old dwarf Moore didn't say much.

But he was very skeptical.

Can Lin Yi really build a dynasty in a month or two?

Which of the local dynastic forces in the Endless Continent did not build up in dozens or hundreds of years?

Even the lord of the castle has a very terrifying and unique advantage.

There's no reason to be so scary!

He doubted the authenticity of Lin Yi's words.


Now that the Angel of Death Dale has returned.

Lin Yi didn't stay long either.

He took a group of people and returned to Angel Castle with the help of the teleportation array.

However, in their group, there is an exquisite and lovely little human Loli.

"Great, is this your castle?"

After exiting the teleportation array.

Little Loli narrowed his eyes and looked around at the scene of Angel Castle.

Soon he said with envy and admiration: "The big Angel Castle is really beautiful! There are such big and white castles, such tall and tall glowing trees, such beautiful elf huts, and many more. A lot of beautiful angel sisters and elf sisters..."

The little guy was intoxicated breathing the fresh air around him.

The air of Angel Castle is filled with the magic of light, holiness, nature and life, making little Loli feel warm all over.

Compared to the dark, damp, cold, underground world full of darkness and evil.

The big Angel Castle is really comfortable!

Just like Neverland!

At this time, little Loli suddenly stared.

She took Lin Yi's hand, and pointed at a group of silver-white luminous creatures walking not far away with her jumping feet, and said excitedly, "Da Da, are those unicorns?"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

"Go play with them!"

"Hmm~ thank you so much~"

Little Loli cheered.

Immediately excitedly, he ran towards the unicorns.

Lin Yi looked at her cheerful back and smiled.


Free down.

Lin Yi glanced at his power stone and metamorphic reserves.

Power Stones: 118,300.

Different crystals: 3145 pieces.

"That's it!"

"Now, whether it is a power stone or a different crystal, all of them meet the needs of the Angel's Reincarnation Pool to upgrade to level six!"

Lin Yi is quite urgent.

Heart is also excited.

At this stage, many top-level castle masters are only level-4 arms buildings, and it can be said that castle masters with level-5 arms buildings are very rare.

Lin Yi asked Fengqing yesterday.

Knowing that her troop building [Golden Lions Home] is only level 4.

There are still more than a dozen different crystals before the fifth level.

Today, Fengqing's troop building should be able to rise to level five.

But it's only level five.

You must know that Feng Qing won the tenth place in the Wood Expulsion name in the Beast Tide event, which shows how strong she is. But even she has just built her arms to level 5. It is conceivable what level the arms of other castle lords will be.

Lin Yi doubted.

Not ten days and a half months. It is impossible for those top-level castle lords to upgrade their troop buildings to level six.

That is to say.

Lin Yi was at least ten days ahead of the top castle lords.

Ten days, seemingly not many, passed in a blink of an eye.

But know.

The castle power came to the Endless Continent, and it was only twenty days.

Ten days was enough for Lin Yi to summon hundreds of more angels to raise his strength to another level.

This is the difference between the top castle lord and Lin Yi!

His current strength is no longer simply a top-level castle lord that can compete with, and it needs an alliance to be able to fight against his castle forces.

"If I send Olivia."

"Even the holy angels, elves, and flaming dragons in the castle..."

"I'm afraid those castle alliances are not my opponents!"

"After all, I have a demigod and eighteen holy rank troops!"

Lin Yi grinned.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the Angel Reincarnation Pond emitting holy light.

[Whether to upgrade the unique unit building - Angel Reincarnation Pool? ]



Without hesitation, Lin Yi chose [Yes].

Immediately, the Angel Reincarnation Pool was enveloped in a dazzling golden light.

Even the statue of the eighteen-winged angel was shrouded in dazzling golden light...