Chapter 150 Upgrade The Main City! A Monster With A Dragon Head! Big Surprise! Reward Godhead! World Announcement!


Lin Yi just came to the castle hall.

The blushing little Loli rushed towards him.

Give him a big hug.

Little Loli obviously didn't have Lai chuang, but got up earlier than Lin Yi-.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "How did you sleep last night?"


Little Loli squinted his eyes, raised his head and looked at Lin Yi, and said, "Yao Yao slept soundly, never slept so well! The big castle is really nice~"

Lin Yi rubbed her little head.

"If you like it, you can live here. It's convenient to come and go anyway. A teleportation will go to your castle of gray dwarves. If something happens, Saint Mull will send someone to come and find you."


Little Loli smiled happily.

There are angels, elves, and unicorns in the big castle...

Last night, she also made some good elf friends, singing and dancing together...

It's like Neverland in the anime.

She likes big castles so much!

In comparison, her gray dwarf castle is in the underground world, dark and damp, and there are often some particularly terrifying monsters, which is really scary.


Little Loli hesitated again.

He raised his head and said to Lin Yi, "Da, Yao Yao would like to go back during the day and stay in your castle at night? In the big castle, Yao Yao is not afraid of anything when he sleeps~"

"Anything will do."

Lin Yi nodded with a smile.

Then he wondered: "What are you going to do during the day?" Little Loli said, "Yaoyao is going back to learn how to build equipment with Grandpa Mu'er~"

This is a very important thing.

Little Loli has always been in my heart.

She never forgot to build an artifact for Lin Yi.

She believes that she will be successful!

Lin Yi didn't expect her to insist so much, so he said, "Learn to make equipment, but don't hurt yourself! Besides, besides the Holy Muer, my castle also has experienced blacksmiths."

"Her name is Ieta, an elf blacksmith."

"The holy artifact on my body [Blessing of the Nature Spirit] was made by Ieta."

"You can go back and learn from Ieta."

"If we can combine the equipment-making technologies of dwarves and elves, there may be unexpected gains..."

Lin Yi said a lot.

After stopping, I found that little Loli was looking at him with adoring eyes with big watery eyes.

Little Loli said with great admiration: "Da, you are really amazing!"

Lin Yi said with a smile: "I don't know about equipment building. What's so great? In the future, you'll have to consult the two master blacksmiths and study it yourself..."


Little Loli nodded.

He said confidently: "You must believe in Yaoyao, Yaoyao will definitely become a super powerful blacksmith and create the most powerful artifact for you!"

"Ha ha..."

Lin Yi suddenly laughed.

Naturally, he wouldn't put his hope of obtaining an artifact on little Loli.

But as long as little Loli is happy, that's fine.

With little Loli around.

He won't get bored either.


After having breakfast with Lin Yi.

Little Loli greeted her elf friend enthusiastically, and then used the teleportation array to return to the castle of the gray dwarves.

She was reluctant to leave, but she was stubborn.

Lin Yi also let her go.

In this world with no internet, no cram schools, no games, and no other entertainment, it's good to be able to find something to do that interests you.

"Should I also find something to do?"

Look at the figure of little Loli disappearing into the teleportation array.

Lin Yi also began to think about this issue.

Little Loli can find one thing to do that can keep her busy from morning to night, and what he does every day is to browse the world chat channel and the hyperspace trading channel.

Nothing else really.

It made him just like an otaku, boring and uninteresting.

But what.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi didn't think about what he could do.

Like little Loli, learning to build equipment? Forget it, that's not what the Almighty Lord should do.

Learning from Olivia, day and night retreat? Forget it, he doesn't have that patience, and he hasn't found a meditation technique that suits him for the time being.

Go out hunting with the castle troops?

forget it!

He didn't want to take the risk and fight the enemy to the death.

In case of "unfortunate" death in battle, even if he is resurrected by the guardian angel Mia using the [Guardian Halo Magic], that would be miserable enough, he didn't want to suffer such a crime.

So, what to do?


never mind.

Lin Yi doesn't have a headache anymore.

He has more important things to do.

He turned to look at the castle warehouse not far away, and opened an information frame.

[Castle Warehouse]

[Capacity: It contains a small different-dimensional space, and the size of the space will increase with the improvement of the castle level. ]

[Reserve materials—]

[More than 10,000 units of food, some monster materials, some gold coins, gold and silverware, gems, and noble accessories. ]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Special reminder: If the heart of the castle is destroyed, the different-dimensional space of the warehouse will collapse, and all the reserves will fall, becoming the spoils of the hostile forces. ]

[Please protect the heart of your castle! ]



Lin Yi looked at the number of supplies stored in the castle warehouse.

All smiles on face.

Tens of thousands of pieces of equipment, thousands of sets of advanced equipment, including dozens of sets of king-level equipment...

The sale of the sale, the auction of the auction.

All sold out overnight.

In total, more than three million units of wood, stone, and refined iron were harvested.

Plus his original material reserves.

He now owns a total of more than 10,000 units of timber.

Another overnight riches!

the most important is...

After just one night, his castle could break through again.

"Attack the kingdom's forces, it's really a big profit!"

Lin Yi had to sigh about the wealth of the kingdom's power.

With the equipment sale this time, and the materials directly seized in the Goblin Kingdom, he has harvested more than 10 million units of materials in total.

A goblin kingdom has allowed him to harvest so many materials.

Can you be rich?

At least, compared to those large, medium and small local forces, the goblin kingdom is really rich.

"Upgrade Angel Castle from a high-level town to a primary main city..."

"You need to consume 2 million units of wood, 1 million units of stone, and 500,000 units of refined iron!"

"With my current resource reserves, it is completely sufficient!"

Lin Yi didn't hesitate.

Immediately open the upgrade information prompt for the castle.

[Do you want to upgrade the castle? ]



Lin Yi's voice fell.

A dazzling golden light appeared instantly.

The castle of Angels, which is nearly 100 meters high, is completely shrouded.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light began to spread, and quickly enveloped the buildings in the castle and the entire direct territory of the castle.


The entire Angel Castle was completely shrouded in golden light.

Lin Yi is very familiar with such an upgrade process.

He's been through it many times.

However, Lin Yi can still feel the difference from the past, that is, the upgrade of this time, the change of the castle is still drastic.

His castle is growing like crazy.

The castle's direct territory is also expanding wildly.

Even the city wall he built just yesterday is crazy wide and tall!

The change in the city wall was something Lin Yi did not expect.

Because of the many upgrades of the castle before, the [Wall] has never changed.

But this time, the defensive building [City Wall], which is one level higher than the wall, has changed accordingly.

Lin Yi guessed.

This should be related to the promotion of Angel Castle to [primary main city].

After all, this time the upgrade is over.

His castle is no longer a town, but a real city!


Time flies by.

When the upgrade of Angel Castle is not over yet.

About a hundred kilometers away from Angel Castle, a figure appeared on the top of a big mountain.

This is a human figure.

But what is very strange is that the head of the figure is the head of the dragon.

That is, the human head.

It stands on the top of the mountain, just like a human being, with its hands on its back and its golden vertical pupils looking in the direction of Angel Castle.

Even if it is more than 100 kilometers away, it can still see the dazzling golden light.

"Break through again!"

The monster with the head of a dragon speaks human language.

The tone was dull and solemn, and it looked very bad.

The powerful dragon nest is suppressing the entire dark forest. Which local force dares to refuse? Even the power of the kingdom was trembling under the deterrence of the Dragon's Nest and the Dragon Legion.

But what~

Suddenly, a large number of otherworld castle masters appeared in the dark forest.

Among these castle lords, another super pervert guy appeared.

Not only conquered the elf tribe, but also captured the goblin kingdom hidden in the underground world.

What makes Dragon Nest most dreaded is. In this castle force, there is also a demigod-level powerhouse!

Olivia, once the spirit of the elf mother tree of the elf tribe, broke through the realm shackles that had plagued her for hundreds of years not long after she joined the castle power, and was promoted from the peak of the holy rank to the demigod realm in one fell swoop.

This is what makes Dragon Nest most fearful.

"The development of this castle force is too fast!"

"If we don't check and balance, sooner or later my Dragon Nest will be captured by the Lord of the Castle!"

"But if there is a war..."

"A large number of giant dragons will die in the hands of Olivia. After all, the power of a demigod cannot be underestimated!"


"Just hope everything goes well this time!"

The voice fell.

A figure emerged from the monster with a dragon head.

This figure, which looks almost exactly like it, is like a clone of it.

This is its energy consciousness!

Condensed from pure energy, and then controlled by spiritual consciousness.

Then, its energy consciousness flew high into the sky and flew straight towards the Angel Castle more than 100 kilometers away.

It was obviously afraid of the body's past and was slaughtered by the owner of Angel Castle.

That's why the energy consciousness is used.

Because even if the energy consciousness body is exploded, it will lose at most a little energy and spiritual consciousness, and it will be able to recover after a day or two of rest, without fear of encountering danger.

However, how does it know...

Its figure has long been discovered by the [Sky City] located at an altitude of hundreds of thousands of meters.

As the [Sky City] absorbs more and more energy from heaven and earth, and its functions become stronger, the area that its core Divine Rune can monitor is also growing.

Castle in the Sky has no interest in beings of the king rank or below.

Because it's too weak!

The core Divine Rune of Sky City cannot perceive such subtle energy fluctuations.

The lowest is the holy order!

Back then, before the great elf Erica had taken refuge, she approached the Castle of Angels alone, and was discovered by [Sky City] on the spot. Then Lin Yi didn't say a word, activated the holy magic cannon, and directly locked the big elf Erica.

Now, the same is true of this monster with a human and dragon head.

Its rank is also a holy rank.

It has reached the minimum monitoring standard of [Sky City].

So as soon as it appeared, it was monitored by the core Divine Rune of [Sky City].

Whether it is its body or its energy consciousness, it is controlled to death. Lin Yi only needs a command, and the city in the sky will use the holy magic cannon to blast it down.

It thinks it is more than 100 kilometers away from Angel Castle.

And hide the main body, send out the energy consciousness...

very safe.

In fact, it's only a foot away from cooling off.


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi also received a reminder from [City in the Sky].

Moreover, the core Divine Rune of Sky City also projected the figure of the invader in front of him.

This is a sign of a gradual recovery of function after the energy reserve has increased.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

Not to mention this.

Just saying that Lin Yi was shocked when he saw that figure.

human body.

Dragon's head.

What the hell is this?


When he saw the monster for the first time, he was really shocked.

But soon he reacted again.

It is speculated that the owner of this figure should be a giant dragon of the holy class.

Because Abra, the flaming dragon, told him that their native dragons can speak human language when they reach the king rank, the holy rank can be easily transformed, and the demigod-level dragons can be completely transformed into human beings. appearance.

This monster with a dragon head.

Obviously it is a semi-finished product of the Transfiguration of the Holy Class.

Similar to this semi-finished product, the flame dragon Abra, who has been promoted to the holy rank, can also be changed.

But it has never had the opportunity to display.

And in unnecessary circumstances, the dragon still prefers its own body.


Lin Yi waved his right hand.

The projection dissipated.

He ignored the holy dragon.

Since its target is the Castle of Angels, it will naturally appear later.

He is waiting for the upgrade of the Castle of Angels to be completed.

"It's almost over!"

It didn't take long after Lin Yi's voice fell.

The upgrade golden light really subsided quickly.

Totally missing in the end.

What appeared in front of Lin Yi was the brand-new Angel Castle.

After upgrading to the main city level.

The main castle of Angel Castle does not look like a castle at all, but more like a magnificent palace.

It is directly over 200 meters high.

There are many large and small affiliated castles around.

At the top of each castle, there is also a statue of an eighteen-winged angel.

The castle has changed so much!

For a while, Lin Yi felt a little strange.

In addition to the main castle becoming 'castle qun' and 'palace qun', the territory directly under his castle has also become wider.

According to Lin Yi's visual estimation, its diameter is probably 50 kilometers.


The direct territory with a diameter of fifty kilometers is very huge.

As a result, Lin Yi, who was in the center of the territory, could only see a black line when looking at the city wall in the distance.

compared to before the upgrade.

The city wall has actually become taller, thicker and more spectacular.

The previous city wall was only tens of meters high, but now it is nearly 100 meters high and more than 20 meters thick, which is very majestic.

However, the distance is too far.

Looking at the past is the same thing.


[Angel Castle]

[Current Level: Primary Main City]

[Ordinary buildings: warehouses, residences, noble houses, walls, watchtowers, refining shops...]

[Special buildings: Angel Reincarnation Pool, Elf Mother Tree, Holy Light Temple, Faith Altar, Space Teleportation Magic Array, Bright Monastery]

[Upgrade requirements: 5 million units of wood, 3 million units of stone, and 1 million units of refined iron. ]

[Next level: Intermediate main city]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Current Faction: Bright, Good, Lawful]


at the same time.

After the Angel Castle upgrade is complete.

Immediately afterwards, a message prompt appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle! ]

[Your Angel Castle has been upgraded to a primary main city, the territory directly under the castle has been expanded to 50 kilometers, and the sphere of influence of the castle has been increased to 500 kilometers! ]

[The defense value of the heart of the castle has increased tenfold! ]

[Your Angel Castle has greatly increased its influence and prestige in the endless continent! ]

[Special reminder 1: The Dwarf Kingdom has greatly increased the friendliness of your Angel Castle! ]

[Special reminder 2: The forest giant kingdom has greatly increased the friendliness of your Angel Castle! ]

[Special reminder 3: Dragon Nest has greatly increased the hatred of your Angel Castle! ]



"The castle's direct territory is fifty kilometers away!"

"The sphere of influence has reached a full 500 kilometers!"

"When I was still in a high-level town before, the elf tribes that were not brought in by my sphere of influence have now been included in my castle's sphere of influence."

Among the remaining information prompts.

The only thing Lin Yi should pay attention to is the defense value of the Castle Heart.

Rising to the main city level, the defense value of the castle lord has increased tenfold.

This is the highest multiplier boost ever!

Obviously, even if foreign enemies invade Lin Yi's Angel Castle, it will be very difficult to destroy the heart of his castle in a short period of time.

Just then.

The message prompt strikes again.

[Congratulations, Lord of the Castle, your Angel Castle is the first to be upgraded to the [Main City] level! As the first castle lord with a main city among the billions of castle lords, you have opened a new chapter in the castle era! ]

[Congratulations to the Lord of the Castle, you have led the way for the castle forces! ]

[Your credit is Penultimate and great, the castle lords of the world should applaud you! ]

[Congratulations to the owner of the castle, you get a random reward! ] [Rewarding randomly...]

[Congratulations to the lord of the castle, you have obtained a non-attribute godhead, do you want to extract it? ]



Don't wait for Lin Yi to react.

Another world announcement is coming to the world chat channel.

[World Announcement——]

[Congratulations to the castle owner Lin Yi, who took the lead in raising the Angel Castle under his command to the main city level, opening a new era of castle power! ! ]

[This will be the era of dynasty power! ]

[Celebrate the whole world, congratulations! ! ]

[In view of Lin Yi, the Lord of Angel Castle, Penultimate contribution to the castle forces...]

[Special reward Lin Yi has no attribute godhead! ]

[This godhead is sealed for one month and cannot be used during this period! ]

[During this period, kill Lin Yi and you will explode! Destroying Angel Castle will give you the opportunity to reveal the architectural drawings of the "Unique Arm Building - Angel Reincarnation Pool"! ]

[Do your best! Lord of the Castle! ]

[The door to eternal life has been opened for you! ]

[The time to change your destiny has come! ! ]

PS: Ask for power stones