47.Learning From Lower Ranks

Even with the tax, they still got a lot of money because the materials they get from the C-Rank monsters are still worth a lot. The profit for each person is enough to live decently for a few months, but it still won't be enough to buy decent gears, especially for S-Ranks like Indra and Dewi.

Well, it's still their first pay from doing a hunter job, so it still feels satisfying to have. There are a few things they want to buy with this money, but for now, they need to get ready for the 2nd raid. They will raid the other C-Rank dungeon tonight, so they need to get ready first.

Just like before, they become the main attackers while the other C-Rank hunters just stay behind. The C-Rank hunters are not the ones going with them in the 1st raid. But this group also looks at them with awe and envy when they use their abilities, which is normal.

They are fighting red wolf-like monsters called Jackals. The monsters aren't strong individually, but they move in packs and they are fast. Still, they are no match for Dewi even though she doesn't get any buffs and they don't get any debuffs either.

Indra just watches at the back while protecting the C-Rankers with his barrier that won't get broken by the Jackals. The C-Ranks ask if it's fine to let Dewi fight alone, so he tells them that he can cast a barrier for her anytime if she is in danger to calm them.

Unlike the previous group, there's no one telling Indra and Dewi information about the monsters or any other things at all. That male Mage was smart and talkative because he knew that as newbies, Indra and Dewi still need to learn a lot of things about this job.

Also, there's no one with high potential here. The highest is the Tank that has the potential to be a weak B-Rank while the others are stuck at C-Ranks. It's too bad, but hidden gems are hard to find no matter where.

The profit from this dungeon is less than the previous C-Rank dungeon raid because while the Jackal's pelts are also valuable, their prices are lower than the Blue Gorillas' pelts. Also, the Blue Gorillas' bones are highly priced because they are big and sturdy while Jackals' bones are rather weak and light because they are speed type monsters, so the bones don't have that much value.

Nevertheless, it was a good experience for both Indra and Dewi. Indra has fought a ton of monsters, but he still learns quite a lot of things, especially about Dewi's fighting style. It will be very useful for when they raid dangerous dungeons together in the future.

The next day, they are raiding the B-Rank dungeon with 10 B-Rank hunters. Unlike yesterday, Indra and Dewi want to see how a real raid team fights in the dungeon, so they ask the 10 B-Rankers to fight first. They are fighting insect type monsters that look like white praying mantis and have sharp metal sickles.

The team is composed of 3 Tanks, 2 swordsmen, 1 assassin, 2 archers, 1 mage, and 1 healer. They're quite heavy on the melee side, but they are actually working pretty well. The 3 Tanks are not just focusing at the front but also on the sides.

The melee attackers only attack monsters that have been taunted by the Tanks and the assassin is moving around even to the back to protect the long-rangers, especially the healer. The healer is staying in the middle with the archers that shoot the monsters that are too far to get taunted by the Tanks.

As for the healer, she uses her spells sparingly to avoid running out of mana. Even when the Tanks or the melee attackers get hurt, she won't heal them if they still can move well. She is using her own judgment to see if they really need healing or not.

"Hmm, I guess mana management is a very important aspect for healers. She doesn't even use buff spells on them because the monsters aren't too strong yet."

"Does she plan to save her mana for the boss fight?"

"Most likely yeah."

"Even though we are here?"

"Well, we asked them to show us how they usually did it, so they did."

"Oh, right."

The team finally kills all the monsters in this first group. Now the healer finally starts healing her teammates.

"Do you always heal them after you're done with the monsters?"

"Yes, I always heal them after battles so they will be ready for the next battles. We will rest for a while to restore our energy before continuing. If we just keep rushing, we can run out of energy and it will cost us our lives, so we need to be careful."

"Hmm, I see. But how do you judge who needs healing during battles?"

"Well, I guess it's based on experience? We have been a team for months, so we know each other quite well. I will know if they need healing from their movements and they usually just ask if their injuries are too much to handle but I don't realize it."

"Hunter Indra, I know you are an S-Rank Healer, so you must have a lot more mana than our B-Rank Healer. But always remember to keep as much mana as you can until the raid is truly finished. Our team has paid a heavy price for ignoring that in the past. We never know what can happen in the dungeons, so we always need to be careful."

The leader who is also a Tanker says it very seriously, so Indra and Dewi know that someone or some people must have died because the healer ran out of mana in the past so she couldn't heal them. Indra knows that he isn't invincible even though he is an S-Rank, so he is very thankful for their advice.

After that, Indra and Dewi finally do the attacks on the monsters. Dewi has seen how these mantises fight, so she knows how to fight them by now. She is a great fighter and fast learner when it comes to physical activities including battles, after all.

Her only problem now is getting used to her new power and abilities. It hasn't been long since she awakened, so she's still not too used to her power and has a bad control of it. She sometimes breaks things because she uses too much power and sometimes she uses too little power when fighting so the monsters don't die.

That's why Indra lets her go on a rampage so she will have a better understanding of her power. He also doesn't use buffs on her because she needs to understand her original level of power. Indra only takes care of the monsters that slip by her.

Dewi's power and abilities shock the B-Rankers who have never seen any S-Ranker's power. She literally destroys some mantises in one hit when she uses too much power. Their profit will be reduced, but they care more about the amazing show of power in front of their eyes now.

This is their first time and may be their only chance to see S-Rank hunters' power with their own eyes. They never thought an S-Rank's power would be this overwhelming. It captivates them and makes them ignore the damage Dewi makes on the monsters' precious materials.

They don't have any chance to witness Indra's real power because he only uses his Magic Barrier to protect them. He doesn't need to heal or buff Dewi and he doesn't even debuff the boss because Dewi wants to try fighting the boss as it is with her own power for experience.

Indra also wants to understand more of Dewi's power and abilities, so he only observes her. His main role in his raid team will be support, so he needs to understand his members' abilities, especially his sister's.

"Sis, I think you need to use your legs more. You have very strong legs, maybe because of your Moon Rabbit power. Rabbits have strong hind legs, so your legs also become very powerful. But you don't use them well and focus too much on using your arms."

"Hmm, I think it's because of my habit. I prefer using punches than kicks, after all."

"Then try using your legs more. I'm sure you can exert more power with them. You can even jump from wall to wall to attack the monsters if they are too tall with those powerful legs."

"I guess you're right. Seems like I am still limiting myself too much because I kept comparing my current self with myself before awakening."

Both of them are reviewing Dewi's battles while the B-Ranks don't understand anything because everything looked very strong to them. But anyway, it's a good raid and they get a lot of experience.