59. S-Rank Raid

While the top 11 S-Ranks agree, the average S-Ranks aren't. They don't want to admit that they can't do anything against the Red Dragon, so they are protesting. Their pride and ego are so big that they don't want to admit the truth.

"So annoying. Sis, push them back into the same place."

Dewi grins as she transforms into her Moon Rabbit form. It's the first time she transforms since they came to the USA, so it surprises everyone a bit.

"*Whistle* Wow, a bunny girl."

Thomas makes a light joke, but he shuts his mouth really fast when he sees what Dewi does. Dewi moves at a very high speed and grabs the average S-Ranks before throwing them to a rather far location.

"You still want to join?"

Indra asks his teammates who shake their heads quickly and retreat by themselves. Only Il Hwan stays because obviously he was one of the few who withstood the Red Dragon's Roar.

In a short time, Dewi already threw all the average S-Rank to the ground a few hundred meters from the Gate. Indra then creates a barrier to block them from going anywhere.

"Stay there like good boys. We might still need your help later, especially the healers, mages, and archers. So save your mana and get ready to fight anytime."

Indra says that before gathering with the other 10 top S-Ranks.

"Are you sure we will need their help later?"

"We never know what will happen. If any one of us gets injured, then it's better if other Healers use their magic than me so I can always save my mana. If we need more attack power, then the mages and archers can help us by attacking from the back. But most importantly, I want them to shut their mouths by saying that."

"HAHAHA! I'm sure that last reason is the main reason."

"Enough of that, let's go."

Reed tells them to stop playing around and they quickly get into formation. 2 Tanks at the front, 3 swordsmen, a Brawler like Dewi on the left, Dewi on the right, 3 Mages and Indra at the back.

The Tanks are USA's Thomas Andre and India's Shiddarth Bachchan. The 3 swordsmen are China's Liu Zhigang, Korea's Sung Il Hwan and Norway's Ragnar Lothbrok. The Brawler other than Dewi is Brazil's Jonas.

As for the 3 Mages, they are USA's Cristopher Reed, Ghana's Kwasi Wale, and Egypt's Dina Fayek. Indra is the only healer in this elite S-Rank team.

He quickly buffs everyone in the team based on their classes and main abilities. They don't need to tell him their main abilities because he can see them with his Appraisal skill.

The team charges at the Red Dragon that looks at them hatefully. It prepares another Fire Breath attack, making Thomas and Shiddarth stop to raise their shields.

But suddenly, the Fire Breath preparation gets canceled and the Red Dragon looks flustered. Indra is casting multiple debuffs on it, causing its spell to be unstable, so it cancel the spell.


The melee fighters spread in different directions to attack the Dragon from different sides. But the Tanks stay there to protect the Mages and Healer.



Thomas and Shiddarth run straight to the Red Drago. Their every step is leaving a deep mark on the ground because of the power they put in every step.

"Should we attack now?" Asks Egypt's Dani.

"No, let the Tanks get its attention first or it will target us." Reed quickly answers it, he doesn't want to be attacked even if there is Indra's barrier.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Indra suddenly shouts in surprise.

The Mages ask what happens and he tells them that the Red Dragon has removed the debuff spells he cast on it a while ago. His buffs never got dispelled since he achieved S-Rank power.

He has also gotten much stronger now, so he never thought that Kamish would be able to dispel his debuffs.

'So Dragons are at least this strong, huh? And they are still nothing in the face of Monarchs, especially the Dragon Monarch. I thought I had gotten strong enough to face the Monarchs' soldiers alone, but it seems I still have a long way to go. I really can't compare my level with Jin Woo's level when he still had the system. He received his power from a Monarch, unlike me who absorbs the power of monsters. His level 100 and my level 100 are not the same.'

Indra knows he is still not at the level of Monarchs, but he didn't know he is still just at a Dragon's level or maybe still weaker than a Dragon.

After all, his raw power is still lower than the Dragon in front of him. But he is confident he won't lose in a fight because fighting isn't just about raw power.

Still, it will need his all to defeat this Dragon in a 1 on 1 battle. If the Monarchs' armies invade now, then he will still be crushed quite easily by them. Well, he is still stronger than any hunter here, but that's not enough.

'Your magic power, I'll take as much as I can.'

Indra looks at the Red Dragon that looks back at him. It wants to attack him even though Thomas and Shiddarth almost arrive to use their Taunt skills on it so it won't attack the others.

The Dragon almost flies, but then black chains come out of the ground around it and grab its legs, preventing it from moving.

Thomas doesn't know whose spell this is and he doesn't care. He quickly jumps and punches the Red Dragon's neck as strong as he can. Then Shiddarth uses his Taunt skill to shift the Dragon's attention to him.

It succeeds easily because all his abilities have been enhanced by Indra's buffs. Now the damage dealers can attack the Dragon as much as they want.

They come from all sides and start attacking the Dragon using their powerful attack skills. The Mages also shoot powerful spells to the Dragon.

Reed and Kwasi are Fire Mages, and Dina is a Wind Mage. They are shooting their most powerful spells.

"Eh? What?"

The 3 Mages are surprised because the fire spells are absorbed by the rotating wind as they fly. They thought the spells would break apart, but instead, they merged into 1 attack.

A massive rotating fire drill that hits the Dragon's face. The melee hunters retreated when they saw the abnormality of the spells, so they were not hit.

As for the Red Dragon, it gets thrown back by the super spell. It was being ganged by the melee hunters while it couldn't move due to the black chains and Shiddarth's Taunt skill that made its mind focus on Shiddarth.

The impact of that attack is really great. A large pit is formed on the spot where that spell hits the Dragon. So they think that the Dragon must've been seriously injured.

It doesn't.

The Dragon received some injuries, but only some scratches and chars on its scales.

"Damn, what a tough body."

Indra can't believe that powerful attack still can't injure this Dragon seriously.

'It doesn't make sense how this Dragon got defeated by just 5 people in the original timeline even if those 5 are the top among S-Ranks.'

But then Indra remembers that the Dragon was only killed after destroying almost the whole West Coast area.

'It has gotten too tired and run low on mana after destroying some big cities. So most likely its attacks have gotten much weaker and it couldn't defend itself well enough.'

Indra is thinking if they need to tire the Dragon first. But it's impossible seeing how much mana it has. They will be the first one to run out of mana in a battle of endurance with a Dragon and there's no way they can sacrifice many humans to drain this Dragon's energy.

'Seems like we can only use our best attacks to chip its health. Then when it gets weakened enough, I can absorb its magic power to finish it faster. If it still doesn't work, then I'll reveal my true power.'

Indra is brewing a plan again, but will it work?


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Uploaded on Patreon: Chapter 89. New Invention Again

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