Chapter V Looking for a ghost

And the zombie found someone attacking it and immediately turned around looking for a new target.

Lin Ping hurriedly retreated backwards to avoid zombie attacks.

In the back, other candidates, armed with weapons, began to attack.

Lin Ping - kan found that three people could not deal with this zombie at all.

First, the weapon doesn't take advantage of the hand, one candidate is taking the peach sword, which is very effective against the soul - like ghost, but it is almost no use against the zombie, the ghost without the soul.

Another candidate's black donkey hoof is a good place, every time you touch a zombie, you trigger a burst of skin's wit.

But you still can't kill zombies.

Long Aokian cursed a word : "Waste."

He rushed up with a barn, and he stabbed him in the back of the zombie.

This time you can see the strength of Long Aokian, and the army stabbed all the stings, leaving only a little bit of a knife handle outside.

It's obviously more effective than Lin Ping's just outing.

The zombie yelled, turned around and pounced on the dragon haokian.

Long proud sky a short body, flash past the zombie's front pounce, and from the side of the stab.

The other men were also armed, and after another busy, we finally wiped out these four zombies.

Now even Longao Tian, also began to breathless.

"Ye Jinxuan, what do you do, deal with a zombie waste for so long." Long Aokian obviously think of himself as the leader boss, began to train people everywhere.

"And you, Lin Ping, didn't you eat? This force, with the army thorn can't pierce zombies, what kind of plane. Long Aokian stood up and was reprimanded." How can I be in a test site with you."It's a bad luck. If we had a group of three, we would have done this."

Lin Ping - kan paid attention to look at the girl named Ye Jinxuan. Her face was very difficult to look at.

It's uncomfortable to call around and drink.

"If we can't find the soul, we're going to open all eight doors. Wake up, fight. Otherwise, today is your bogey day." Long proud sky still scolding.

At this time, Ye Jinxuan said, "Our college entrance examination is about looking for a ghost, not a ghost killing thing. Soul, this thing, it's very hiding. I don't think opening the door is a good choice, but we should be looking for a ghost."

Long proud sky cold humming : " That's where the soul can hide?

"Maybe in the classroom, maybe in the rooms that just opened." Ye Jinxuan obviously is unwilling to be overwhelmed by the momentum of Longao Day, still stubbornly said, "Soul can curl up, best at hiding scary. Maybe we missed somewhere, and the ghost was hiding there."

'Well, I need to rest now anyway. You go find it, I'll see how you find the ghost. " Long Aokian sat down and rested.

YeJinXuan also looked up, negative said :" I look for me to find.

She pushed open the entrance door and went in, and began to rummage around.

Lin Ping - kan did not hesitate, also followed in.

There was a hum of Dragon's pride and disdain behind him.

After going into the exam field, Lin Ping said, "I think you're right about classmate Ye Jinxuan. The difficulty of this question is only simple. You don't need us to deal with so many ghosts. Looking for a ghost is the key."

YeJinXuan strange look at Lin safe, no talk.

This look makes Lin Ping feel that there should be a intersection between himself and Ye Jinxuan.

Let her look so weird.

It's just that Lin Ping doesn't know what's going on.

It's a headache for the transverser to keep the world's memory.

Seeing Ye Jinxuan looking through in the desk, he looked at the window and said, "Ye Jinxuan, do you say, can we go out through the window?" YeJinXuan stopped hand action, she quickly walked to the window, opened the window, looked out.

But immediately she closed the window again : "No, there's a hanging ghost out there."

Lin Ping - kan looked through the window, and did not know when the sun had disappeared and replaced it with the starlight of the sky.

There are many white sheets in the starlight, and the same things fly around, and they look very scary.

Lin Ping - kan only read the list of ghosts, he didn't know this kind of bed sheet - like ghost thing.

"Hanged ghosts, E - levels, better than zombies and skeletons. You can't go down from the window."" There's a candidate who's in shock.

"The ghost should be in the classroom, it can't be out there." YeJinXuan continued to look through the classroom.

The whole classroom was rummished through, and there was no presence of a ghost, and Ye Jinxuan turned his head again to the rooms that had just opened next door.

Lin Ping also followed to another room.

He insisted that opening the door one by one by force was obviously the dumbest way to do the answer.

Since it's a simple topic, it's impossible to give such a difficult answer.

Walking into the first room behind, there was a lot of clutter piled in.

There are famous celebrities hanging on the wall.

Lin Ping - kan took a careful look, and one of the words and painting read :

There's also a word that says : We have to take our fortunes firmly into our own hands.

It's normal to have this kind of inspirational stuff in school.

Lin Ping also did not have too much research.

He looked through a pile of items.

Influences by Ye Jinxuan and Lin Ping Ping, Most candidates have joined the ranks of looking for the soul.

Only Longao Tian still disdain, he sat on the ground resting, restore strength.

After looking through a room, Lin Ping Ping was ready to go to the second room when Long was suddenly shouting : "Don't waste time, fighting is the right answer. Everybody, get ready, I'm opening the fifth room."

Lin Ping hurriedly touched out of the army thorn, ran out of the house, stood in the hallway.

In his experience, he saw that Long Aokian was an extremely conceited guy.

He said he wanted to drive, so he really did.

Not ready, really getting dragged to death by this guy.


The door opened.

This time out of five zombies, bouncing around and coming for everyone.

Because the preparation is inadequate, everyone is busy.

It's good that there are many people, a small number of zombies, after a rush, and everyone still steadies their feet, separating five zombies and starting to fight.

After another busy period, five zombies hoarse and fell.

It's just that almost half of the candidates sat down tirelessly.

YeJinXuan some complained : "Dragon proud sky, what the hell are you doing. You're gonna drag everyone to death like this." Long Aokian sneered : "You just said that this is a simple topic, it can't be so hard. I'm telling you, that's the simple question. It's hard for everyone to cope now, that's because, so far, no one has awakened to talent skills."

Long Aokian sat down and rested : "If we all woke up to our talent skills, it wouldn't be easy to deal with these ghosts."

He had a hard face : "Now we're just short of a bit of pressure. If all eight zombies are released, some people are forced to wake up their talent skills in the first test."

It seems very reasonable to say this, and for a while everyone hasn't spoken.

Only Lin Ping felt wrong.

These cycles, his biggest concern is about awakening talent skills.

Most people can awaken their talent skills in the college entrance exam.

But almost all focused on exams after the second.

The first language exam is basically to adapt everyone to the environment and familiar with the thrilling world.

The first one awakened the skill of talent, and there was little.

And the sooner the awakening talent skills, the lower the hierarchy.

High - quality talent skills, they only wake up long after entering the world of thriller.

As for the reason, it seems that something that thrills the world can awaken human potential and thus stimulated talent skills.

The longer you spend in the thriller, the more the potential that wakes up.

Chinese questions, the first test to enter the thrilling world, at this time everyone immersively immersed, and there is little chance of awakening talent skills.

Long Aokian stood up and patted his ass and said, "Well, we're almost rested, and then open door six."

A lot of people are in a hurry :'Captain, don't rush, let's take a good rest.

"Oh, don't rest, put some pressure on you, and wake you up soon." Long Aokian held the army thorn, and a handle caught the door handle of the sixth door. "As for me, it is impossible to wake up so quickly. But you guys, it's time to be."

He rushed out six bared zombies at a time with a tough doorman, jumped his feet one by one, and reached out to the chaotic crowd.

This time, the hallway really can't open.

Lin Ping - kan was very interested and returned to the classroom.

An accident, his body hit the examiner.

Let's click.

The examiner's arm was knocked off by Lin Ping - kan.

She grinned and exposed a creepy tooth.

A smell of corruption fluttered from her mouth, and almost didn't fainted Lin Ping.

"Is the exam still going well?" The examiner asked gruffly.

Lin Ping - kan took a deep breath, as a middle - aged uncle, he could not admit his urge in front of ghosts, and he squeezed a smile : "It's okay. But you're not sad to watch your own kind killed," he said. The examiner seemed to laugh, revealing his black throat : "I don't have the same kind, the ghosts are lonely."

With that, she stopped looking at Lin Ping - peace, but concentrate on how to put her arms on.

Lin Ping felt that opening the door to release ghosts was not the right choice.

There should be another answer to this question.


Two zombies were pushed into the exam field by classmates.

It's instantly turned into a new battlefield.

Lin Ping, holding the army and stabber and rushed up, he must help kill the ghost together.

It's about his safety.

After another rush, six zombies finally fell to the ground.

But everyone's strength is at its limit.

Thirty candidates, seven or eight of them were injured.

Some of the injuries aren't very light.

There was a candidate who broke his leg and couldn't walk.

Longao sky face began to not look good.

He also saw that against six is the limit.

No more, there will be a large number of casualties.

It could even affect himself.

What makes him most uncomfortable is that no one still wakes up talent skills.

Ye Jinxuan shouted at Longao Tian : "Don't open the door again, and we can't handle seven more zombies."

Long Aokian didn't speak, his face became increasingly ugly : "A bunch of waste, all a bunch of waste."

"If you have the good thing, you go to door seven alone, keep yourself in it, and deal with seven people alone." YeJinXuan this time not let, tit - for - tat.

Long proud sky humming, found a place to sit down.

The broken candidate moaned, sat on the ground in pain, and couldn't move.

Lin Ping - kan took a little rest and stood up, and walked out with the army.

YeJinXuan eyebrow flash, also with military thorn followed out.

Seeing Lin Ping pushing open the sixth door in front, she asked curiously, "Are you looking for a ghost?"

Lin Ping nodded : "My instinct tells me that it's not about killing all zombies and skeletons to find the soul, but another way."

With his words, he pushed the door open.

A smell of corruption came, let Lin Ping An involuntarily fan air, seems to be this can dispel this smell of corruption.

The light was dim in the house, there was no light outside the window, but Lin Ping was able to see what was in the house.

It's still a classroom with a clutches of tables and chairs.

There's nothing else. The same set - up of several other rooms.

Lin Ping - chiang lifted the desk cover one by one to see if there was a ghost hidden inside.

Ghost is a kind of soul - like ghost that can be curled up and foldable.

Lin Ping - kan learned a little bit from the list of ghosts.

The book is the most read by Lin Ping - kan after he crossed.

After all, knowing more about ghosts can have more hope of living.

Only, there are tens of thousands of ghosts recorded in the list of ghosts, which makes Lin Ping feel heep and shone.

YeJinXuan also did not idle, also looking through the desk.

Because the only thing that can hide the soul in the whole classroom seems to be these desks.

But look through, there's still nothing.

Looking at Lin Ping and Ye Jinxuan, Long Aokian smiled coldly : " Did you find it? Can we borrow your blessing and pass straight away?

With that, he laughed dismissively.

Ye Jinxuan is no more.

She's been looking for nine classrooms that have been opened, and there's no ghost.

To find a ghost, the only way to do that is to open more rooms.

Lin Ping suddenly asked : "Ye Jinxuan, how did the soul produce?"

He's just had a rough read about the Soul, and he doesn't know in detail.

YeJinXuan glimpsed Lin peace, eyes seems to have a lot of content.

After a while, she said, "People die in extreme resentment, and they may create a soul. It's also the lowest grade ghost. Without lethality, it's just a little scary."