Chapter 9, Good News is Born AgainThe bad news seems to be going to another world

Jiangning First High School.

High School 3 May Class.

It was about 5.50pm.

Parents outside the classroom had to leave.

For another five minutes, the entire campus will enter the thriller space.

Walking around the campus at that time, it would be possible to lose your life to some evil creature.

"Son, remember, being alive is more important than anything else," Lin's father said.

For three hours, his father said the word at this juncture.

Lin Qi understood his father's mood.

This is the father's most real idea.

Compared to what other parents tell to achieve good results, to show their ability, play their strength, a good future such encouragement, more real.

"Rest assured, Dad, I will survive," Lin said earnestly.

His father turned around and left in a hurry.

When Lin saw his father turn, his back seemed much older.

It turned out that he was really worried about me.

This was Lin's last thought.

Parents quickly dispersed, leaving only the group of students in the classroom.

The school is a class according to the date of birth.

The Third May Class is the class for all students born in May.

All students here turn eighteen in May and are about to take one of the biggest tests of their lives: the thriller exam!

Everyone in this world, at the age of eighteen, takes a thriller exam.

This exam will determine the future and fate of a person.

Someone gets a big reward in the thriller exam, and when they come out they will be fancied by the companies and hired directly.

A lifetime of food and clothing, still high.

Or a direct awakening of some superhuman talent, poached by the army.

Being a human being.

However, this is a minority.

Most people, but not so good luck.

Half of the people will pass the exam, forever disappear in the thriller exam, no more whereabouts.

To be able to come out alive is to be lucky.

Lin's achievements were the same, so his father told him to come out alive.

However, the usual achievements do not represent everything.

There are also a lot of people, usually general grades, but after entering the thriller exam, but awakening superhuman talent, fighting power straight up.

Before entering the thriller exam, everything was unknown.

"Ask the candidates to sit," said the headmaster's voice in the announcer.

Lin tidied up his mood and went to his seat.

Before Sun Xiaoqiang turned: "Lin, how to choose the equipment?"Test takers, everyone at the beginning, can choose three props.

These props, each useful.

Well chosen, can provide great help.

Bad selection, probably died directly in the exam.

A dagger is a must. Other, you choose black dog blood and ash, I choose black donkey hooves and flint, so we can work together to deal with some more ghosts. "

Sun Xiaoqiang is a little nervous: "No, if we separate? There are several groups, and the probability of us being together is very low. "

"We are sure to get through the first hurdle, and the second hurdle we may come together," Lin said.

Sun Xiaoqiang nodded, "Line, that's it."

Lin Qiao looked up at the time, now on May 31 at 5.59pm.

In a minute, the thriller exam will begin.

The atmosphere in the classroom was inexplicably tense.

Tick, tick...

The sound of the wall clock passed clearly into everyone's ears, making the nervous group of students more nervous.

"Hahaha, a bunch of cowards. Not a group of thrillers, there is something to be afraid of. "A voice breaks the tension.

This is the voice of Ding Yu-ting, the best in the class.

"Lin: You're not afraid of diaper pants, don't you?" Ding Yu-ting sat at the desk with his ass, and took out a spot of smoke.

Ding Yu-ting belongs to the kind of other people's children.

The results are top, long and as good as the little meat on TV.

The ability to fight and run is also at the top of the school.

Such a person, if the awakening of a retrograde talent, until the passing of the thriller exam, at least the main enterprises to compete for the object of excavation.

Ding Youting is obviously directed against Lin Qiao, the reason Lin Qiao also knows.

Just yesterday, in the school apparatus, Ding Yu-Ting wanted to tug the flowers of Mu-ling, and also moved, but Lin Fai was broken.

Muilin fled by air.

This makes Ding Youting very uncomfortable.

So, today he will be dedicated to Lin.

Other students in the class laughed and the atmosphere was relaxed.

Lin Qiangang wanted to fight back, and the bell rang out in a hurry, which was the beginning of the countdown.

Lin took back his heart and sat steadily.


As the countdown began, everyone's hearts were strained.

Even Ding Yu-ting, who had just been shown to care, sat down honestly.

Thriller exams, no one dares.


The surroundings changed at once.

The whole classroom began to distort, deformed, there were many partitions between desks and desks, and the stiff split a classroom into dozens of rooms.

Lin Qiao looked up at the wall, the original snow-white wall is now defiledA stained look.

There are marks, like blood, like an unknown liquid.

Even the new desks are broken.

The thriller exam started!

Open the desk, under dim lights, and see that there are several items in the drawer.

There is also a manual on the prop.

Please read the exam notes carefully:

1, each candidate can carry only three props. Otherwise, you cannot go out.

2, this exam grade is grade E.

3, the number of teams is important.

4, each panel has an opportunity to vote internally. One can be chosen to be a thriller and never return to the world.

5. You must not kill.

6, the first question: in the classroom there are a group of headless ghosts wandering, kill them, dig out the ghost eye, put together nineteen, can pass the customs. (Note: All team members are required to complete the task in order to open the classroom door, open the second question. This question has a time limit, the specified time to complete the task, or the conditions to complete the task cannot be met, the classroom restart, need to restart the answer.)

Friendship Reminder: You can view your properties in any mirror.


There is a strange word in the examination.

The conditions for completing the task cannot be fulfilled. What does this mean? Lin Qiao has no understanding.

Only after a slow fumble.

Put down the exam notes, Lin Qi turned around and looked around.

There is a very small mirror on the wall, but it is full of smudges.

The stains look suspicious, sticky, dark yellow and look like a mixture of snot and mouthwash.

Very disgusting.

Lin did not find a tissue.

After entering the thriller exam, everything on her body disappeared, leaving only her clothes.

Unable to hold back the nausea of his heart, Lin Qiaqiao used his hand to pull down these sticky things, revealing the mirror.

A figure appears in the mirror, and there is a string of data on the figure:

Name: Lin Ji.

Rank: 0

Experience: 0/10

Power: C -

Speed: C +

Agile: C

Talent: Bravery.

Note: Bravery, rank F. Add two levels of power to use. Cooling time of one hour.


Lin was a little disappointed.

Although he awakened to talent, he was the most junk F.

Their first hurdle is the E-level topic.The first problem is the E grade, not the most common F level, which shows that this thriller exam is difficult to get through.

It's not easy to go back alive.

However, a closer look at his own bravery, Lin Qiao began to have a glimmer of hope.

Although it is a Class F talent, it is the most practical power talent.

In earlier topics, power was an important part.

Early thrillers were weak, and power was important.

Raising two levels of power should be useful.

Just as he was about to go out, Lin found his talent level behind the description, and a few small words.

The word was too small to be seen.

Note: Braveheart, Grade F (Fusion).

The fusion type of three words is very small, Lin Qiao has changed a long time before recognition.

This left Lin wondering.

Because, it seems, there's never been a talent for fusion.

Some talents have a special nature, such as growth, and are a talent that can grow with the grading.

There is also a storm type, there is a certain probability of temporarily raising the talent to one or two levels.

There is also a build-up type, which can be used for long periods of time and then released at once.

Regardless of the type, it is extremely scarce.

However, Lin Qiao is the first to see this fusion, and has never heard of it before.

I don't know what's going on.

Drop the distractions in your heart, open the drawer, and take all the props in front of the mirror.

Dagger: The most commonly used tool, without special additional effects, is useful for any ghost.

Black Donkey Hoof: Black donkey hoof specimen that works surprisingly well against zombie-like ghosts, but does nothing for other ghosts.

Flintstone: Can ignite flammable substances, against vampires, shadows and other ghosts have a certain effect.

Ash: There is some restraint on most ghosts.

Gossip mirrors: copper mirrors with runes, have a restraint effect on demons, have a certain anti-charming effect.


In these props, daggers, black donkey hooves, flint, ash, and black dog blood are fixed and appear in every exam.

And gossip mirrors, peach branches and other props are random.

Lin Qian had wanted to choose gossip mirrors and peach branches.

But he had spoken to his friend Sun Xiaoqiang, and chose black donkey hooves and flintstones.

He also did not know with Sun Xiaoqiang is not in a group.

So you can't eat.

Taking a dagger, a black donkey's hoof, and a flint, Lin reached out and pushed open the door of the room.It's creaking...

After an unpleasant sound of disrepaired wooden doors, Lin Qiao appeared in the corridor.

The light was gray, and there was looming blood on the walls.

I don't know if it's human blood.

There was a rotten and bloody smell floating in the air.

It's terrible to be quiet around.

Such an atmosphere makes people wonder.

"The wrong way is narrow, and I see you again." There was a cold sound in the hallway.

Lin Qiao did not turn back, and he knew that it was Ding Youting.

He's also uncomfortable with this guy.

However, Ding Youting should be strong, with such a group of people, may improve the survival rate.

"Ding, you're in our group, too." A door opens and a fat face emerges.

This is Ding Yu Ting's ass, Lin Qi one of the most amazing classmates Zhang Ruishuan.

And there were three doors open, and three girls came out this time.

Ding Yu Ting's eyes are lit: "You are also in this group, Ha Ha, follow me, to ensure that you complete the answer smoothly."

When Lin turned his head, he saw Banhua Muilin.

Mu Yi's look is a bit strange, and I do not know whether to be happy with the strongest Ding Yu Ting in a group, or because to Ding Yu Ting in a group is uncomfortable.

Very Good, Very Good...

There was a sudden sound of terror in the deep corridor ahead.

A few people instantly got nervous,

Although there have been legends of all kinds of ghosts, there has long been psychological preparation.

But when it comes to the real face, everyone is still very nervous.

Even Ding Yu-ting took out the dagger and prepared his hand.

Very Good, Very Good...

The sound is getting closer.

An elongated shadow appeared at the corner of the deep corridor.

"The headless ghost."

This shadow has no head, fat body, fertile limbs, only empty head, just a small pile.

This shadow is very long and huge.

This frightened several girls: "This headless ghost, how big."

But the next moment, everyone relented.

Because, this headless ghost went into the hallway and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Where there is so much, it is only the magnification of the shadow.

True headless ghost, only one dwarf of body size.

The headless ghost was covered in mucus.Liu Ziyi spat at once, another girl also crouched down wow vomiting.

Even Zhang Ruishuang covered his mouth and turned his body.

Lin did not turn around, and he felt sick, but he could not see it.

To his surprise, he usually loves clean, hygienic Muilin, did not turn his eyes, but has been watching Ding Youting every move.

Ding Yu-ting's hand stirred, and it was half a day before he took it out, holding a round slimy thing in his hand: "A ghost's eye. Next... "

His hand reached in again, and this time it was quick, and soon a ghost eye came out again: "Well, the two came together. With 17 to go, Lao Tzu can answer the questions. "

Ding Yu-ting stood up and scraped the slime off his right hand with a dagger in his left hand.

Watching the rotting slime scrape off the top of his arm, Muilin pinched his nose and held back the nausea, asking, "Don't you feel sick?"

Everyone else looked at Ding Yulting.

Because, this Ding Yu-ting and everybody's impression of the tall handsome brother is too big a gap.

Ding Yu-ting is the school's most famous school grass, born into a magnate, outperformance, excellent education, and at least on the surface looks stylish and polite, very polite.

It is a bright star that many female students pursue.

Dressing is also very important, always clean, spotless look.

It's too far from the image that's now scraping mucus on your arm.

It is even doubtful that this was not their classmate Ding Yu-ting.

"Hey, disgusting?" said Ding, looking at the five classmates behind him, with contempt. "It is because you have not undergone patience training."

"Patience training?" Liu asked in surprise.

Ding Yu-ting scraped the mucus on his right hand almost, and then said, "Now tell you that. In order to meet the thriller exam, I have been training since birth. "

"People say that a rich child wins the starting line when he is born. Do you think I can learn easily at school? He also takes regular leave. "

"Hey, that's an illusion. Because of that little thing in school, I learned it at home. Our family hired one of the best-known educational specialists to tailor the learning program to me. "

"It's not just math, language, ghosts, but a lot of practice. This patience training is one of them. "

"Don't say the headless belly, even the excrement of all kinds of animals, I can all touch without hesitation. "Ding Yu-ting kicked away the dead body of the headless ghost, Step forward, "don't think of relying on the thriller exam to achieve your flip dream."

"Only a well-prepared person like me can get a good result in the thriller exam." Ding Yu-ting's voice came from the aisle, "The poorer the poor, the richer the rich."

Lin Qian default.

He found that the gap between himself and Ding Youting was enormous.

Rich people have the money to give their children the best school, please the best tutor, give the best learning conditions.

So the better the children of the rich, the more the less the children of the poorIt's getting further and further away.

This is the truth of the world."What else to do, hurry to finish the task. Everyone in our group had to find nineteen ghosts to answer the first question. "The voice of Ding Yulting awakened everyone in the distance.

Lin Yi drew a dagger and held it in the heart of his hand.

Although there are gaps, Lin Qiao will not give up easily.

"The hallway was gone, and it seemed that the headless men were in each room. Headless ghosts are less aggressive, and you each find a room to go inside. "Ding Yu-ting has become the leader of the group," and whoever affects me to complete the answer will vote for him.

Zhang Ruixuan with a dagger, hurry to find the room, ready to try to find the ghost eye.

Everyone else is separated.

Lin Xiaqiang decided to go first to see Sun Xiaoqiang that compartment, to see what the inside look like.

Sun Xiaoqiang is still not in it.

"Hello, what are the two weapons you have?" Muilin turned and looked at Lin.

"What are you?" Lin did not tell her directly, but asked the other way.

Many people have said that in thrillers, sometimes people are horrible than ghosts.

Muilin, though beautiful, is an uncompromising class flower, but Lin Qiao is not a licking dog.

His relationship with Muilin was also shallow, coupled with his encounter with Ding Youting and Muilin in the instrument room yesterday.

He was so wary of Muilin.

"Gossip mirrors and peach branches," Muilin said, quite frankly.

This makes Lin feel a little guilty again, as if he is too wary of it.

After all, Muilin seems to be unsuspecting.

Gossip Mirrors.

Peach branches, to some of the shadows are curious and effective.

This is what Lin Qiao would have chosen.

"My black donkey hooves and flintstones."

"Good, complementary to me. If we don't have anything to deal with, we can help each other. "

"Yes," Lin said, turning to the cubicle of Sun Xiaoqiang.

"Oh, yes, thank you yesterday."

"What?" Lin was surprised to turn, but saw only a far back.

Lin is a little confused.

He thought that Muilin and Ding were dating yesterday.

But Ding Yu-ting's movement was great, and the speed was fast.

Now, it seems that the two do not seem to be dating, it is like Ding Yu Ting's heart.

Intentionally working on Muilin in the instrument room, the result was hit by himself.

However, these two things have nothing to do with Lin.

Now your mission is to find the headless ghost, the search for the ghost eye is true.

After entering the thriller exam, the entire classroom grew much larger.Each compartment is a dozen square meters in size.

When the six men dispersed, they quickly could not hear the movement of the others.

There always seemed to be strange sounds coming from the deep hallway.

The light is dim, and the smell of decay is floating in the air, all of which makes people nervous tight.

Around a large circle, Lin Qi finally came to Sun Xiaoqiang's desk corresponding compartment.

A broken wooden door was half-covered, and looked through the wooden door, but could not see what was going on in the house.

Lin Qian lifted the dagger in his hand and gently pushed the door open with his left hand.

The headless ghost belongs to the common ghost, and the black donkey hoof and flint have no gain on it.

The best thing to do is a dagger.

Squeak Ga, Squeak Ga.

The door makes a heartwarming sound and Lin feels extra quiet around.

For a while, Lin's eyes adapted to the darkness of the house.

There was a black shadow in the corner.

From the back, do not know the headless ghost or other things.

Although the task is to kill the headless, it is not only the headless.

Thrillers There are several categories of thrillers in the thriller space.

The most common are common ghosts, vampires, demons, zombies, shadows, dead bodies, etc.

And there are different levels.

Most headless ghosts belong to Grade E ghosts.

Instead of the lowest level of F.

This added a lot of difficulty to the thriller exam.

Moreover, there may be high-level ghosts.

The best way to get away is if there is a Class D-aggressive ghost.

The dark shadow of the earth slowly rose up, then turned quietly like a ghost.

Lin was calm a lot, a headless ghost.

Look at the size, but also the Grade E ghost.

Lin Yiwang rushed up, the dagger to the headless ghost of the green belly.

Lin Fai remembers that the essence of the headless ghost is on the belly.

However, where it is, Lin can't remember it.

The dagger is on the green belly, but it only bursts a little bit into the tip of the knife and does no serious damage to the headless.


The headless ghost waved his fist, hit Lin Qiao on his body, and knocked Lin Qiao down all at once.

Lin Qiao only discovered that when he saw Ding Yu-ting kill the headless when so easy, not the headless ghost good deal, but Ding Yu-ting is too strong.

Lin dared not to dare, climbed up, dodged the headless fist, took up the dagger and a blast.

But it's still just getting into the tip of a knife.

This is a sign of lack of strength.It seems that killing a headless ghost requires more than C.

He wants to kill the headless, only to find its soft rib knife.

Escape from the headless ghost's fist, Lin Qiao and the headless ghost's body a knife.

It's still just a knife tip.

The next moment, Lin Qiao found himself facing a desperate situation.

The headless ghost had forced him to the corner of the wall, and he could no longer hide.

At a critical moment, Lin thinks of his talent - bravery.

One thought, he started his talent skills.

The next moment, Lin Qiao felt full of power.

He picked up the dagger and stabbed it.

This time the headless belly was poked without effort.

Braveheart force is time-bound, Lin Qian again pull the knife, stabbing, pulling the knife, stabbing, pulling the knife, stabbing...

He did not know that several times, until the headless ghost fell to the ground, he stopped.

There was a sweat on his head.

His heart beat very hard.

This is the first time a ghost has been killed and the first time a ghost has been confronted.

To say not to be afraid, that is false.

However, after killing the first headless ghost, Lin Qiao gradually became more calm.

Ghosts, not scary.

Lin looked down at the body of the headless ghost, who was truly dead.

The green belly looks very disgusting.

However, you must complete the next task, which is to find the ghost eye.

Learning Ding Yu-ting, Lin cut the green belly of a headless ghost, held back the nausea, and reached into his stomach.

That feeling, like the whole arm into a jar full of snot bugs, nausea, sticky, I hate to chop my hands.

The finger touches a round, somewhat elastic thing.

Feel it out and see that the person is not like a person, the ghost is not like a ghost fish eye, this is the ghost eye.

Then he reached in again, and again, he touched a second ghost's eye.

Lin Qiao did not push down the door again.

He saw that, without the bravery of this talent, he could not do well to die here.

Living, more than anything else, Lin Qiao will not take risks.

He took out the dagger and alternated his hands with the sticky liquid on his arm.

These snot-like things stick to your hands very uncomfortable.

After all this, he found a clean place to sit quietly on the ground, waiting for his talent cooldown to pass.

In the house, the dead body of the headless man lay on the ground, not less than a metre away from Lin.

Now, however, Lin is no longer fearful of this thing.

Headless ghosts belong to the weakest category in the list of ghosts.It is only because of its thick skin that it is Grade E.

An hour later, Lin Qiao felt that the talent of bravery could be used again, and he stood up.

Push open the next door, behind the door is another headless ghost.

Lin Qiaoxiao to the headless ghost is a moment of jab, want to find the headless ghost's soft ribs.

Like the first time, five or six knives were stabbed, none of which found the headless ghost's soft ribs, but was trapped by the headless ghost.

Lin Qian once again used bravery to kill this headless ghost.

What follows is the search for the ghost eye by the nauseous.


Three hours passed before Lin killed three headless ghosts and got six ghost eyes.

There was a cry from Ding Yulting in the hallway: "All came to the podium, ready to submit a reply."

Lin frowned, and he had six ghost eyes, and took what to submit.

Hesitant to come to the rostrum, Ding Yu Ting watched people come, he put a bag on the table, poured out a bunch of ghost eyes: "I gave you enough time, you should have finished the number? Look at my, 28. "

Others looked awkwardly at each other, which made Ding feel bad: "How much are you, Zhang Ruishuan?"

Zhang Ruxuan took all the ghosts out of his pocket and put them on the table: "I was agile enough to find only 12."

"Waste, I want you to vote, let you be a ghost here," Ding exclaimed.

His eyes turned to Liu Ziyi.

Liu Ziyi hard scalp took out the ghost eye: "I... 10."

"It's all waste."

His eyes turned to Muilin.

Muilin also took out a bag and put it on the table: "I am 20."

The last girl, Wu Zhifeng, hesitated to take out her own ghost eye: "I eight."

"Waste." Ding Yu-ting, who has always been culturally polished and visually attentive, is now completely devoid of grace, "and another waste.

After that, his eyes turned to Lin Qiao.

Lin took out his six ghost eyes with a hard scalp.

Ding Yu-ting wide eyes staring at Lin's ghost eye, "What is this? Lao Zi is not wrong with you, it is a waste, worse than all girls, only six. "

Zhang Ruixuan relented, except for Muilin, he was the best.

This is the right time to step hard on other people and please Ding Yu-ting: "I have long known that Lin can't do it. The whole thing is a scavenger. "

Wu Zhifeng also hurried down the plane, so that she would not be apparently useless: "I am not enough strength, I did not think Lin Qiao is worse than I."

Liu Ziyi also opened up: "I suspect that Lin Qiao is deliberately dragging his legs."

They are self-sustaining emergency response.

Concentrate your fire on Lin and save them from being scolded by Ding Yulting.

It also allowed Lin to recognize the faces of these people.

Ding said angrily: "What is the use of leaving you this waste? Let's vote and leave him here as a thriller.""Yes, cast him."

"I agree."

Man is like this, once someone is unlucky, others in order to protect themselves, will fall under a stone push.

This voting rule is a sword that hangs over everyone.

Only by casting a person out will everyone be safer.

Lin was nervous.

If you really start voting, you really can't get back alive.

Muilin, who had never spoken, opened his mouth: "Listen to me, it is clear from the examination that the number of people is important. We are a team and it should be useful to keep the number of people and not to lose people so easily. There are so many other topics that may have something to do with numbers. Otherwise, the exams will not be deliberately written down to remind us. "

Ding Yu-ting frowned.

It was at this time that the walls around them suddenly shook, and it became apparent to everyone that there had been a change around them.

"What about the ghost eye? "The ghost eye is gone!" exclaimed Liu Ziyi, looking everywhere for the invisible ghost eye.

Others looked at each other, and went subconsciously to see the ghost eyes that had piled up on the rostrum.

But there was nothing on the podium.

The ghost eye disappeared.Ding Yu-ting cursed: "Don't look for it. Time is up for a fresh answer. "

He drew the dagger, and said to everyone, "This time, no one should drag his legs, especially you, Lin."

After that, he was ready to start answering again.

Everyone else is scattered.

Muilin turned and prepared to leave, and Lin whispered, "Thank you."

Mui turned and said, "Thank me for what I do, so you can kill more headless people and complete the answer."

Lin felt a little guilty.

He's basically an hour to kill, and that's a bit inefficient.

But he had no good way.

After all, your talent is too garbage to cool down for another hour.

I can't think about it.

Lin turned and pushed open a door, ready to start his answer again, behind the voice of Muilin: "Headless ghosts have soft ribs, these soft ribs are random, but it's just five parts that you think about."

Lin Qiancheng, this is Muilin reminds himself.

He has the bottom in him.

The room, again, was a headless ghost.

The headless ghost saw Lin, rushed forward with his hands, and grabbed him at Lin.

Reminiscent of Muilin's account, Lin Qiqiao began to try to find the soft ribs of the headless ghost.

Three hours later, Lin's harvest was a little more, and more importantly Lin's knowledge of the five places where the headless underbelly might exist.

As long as you seize the opportunity to try, you can kill the headless without using bravery.

However, it is simple to say and difficult to do.

The Headless Ghost is a Class E ghost and is very aggressive.

Get it on and you'll be bruised.

If you are trapped by a headless ghost, you may lose your life.

"It's almost time, come out," said Ding, another cry from the podium.

Lin felt a little ugly by touching ten ghost eyes.

In fact, he already had a heart, but just spent a lot of time looking for headless ghosts.

This classroom is separated by dozens of rooms.

In the last hour, a headless ghost was not found, and time was wasted.

"I'm 28, and others are reporting."

Muilin: "22."


Liu Ziyi: "12."

Wu Zhifeng: "12."

Lin was in a tight mood and did not think he was the last: "10."

"Waste, all waste," Ding Yu-ting bounced like a thunder.Tired, how can I finish the answer? "

Zhang Rexuan again targeted Lin ("Lin"), how do you mix, only ten. It's better than a woman. "

Muilin said unhappy: "What's wrong with the woman? Are you more than me?"

Lin Qiaoling seemed to be helping himself, and he looked at her with gratitude.

But she didn't seem to see it.

"Time is running out, and we need to answer the question again. Ding Yu-ting, would you teach you a little experience? "Muilin shifted the subject.

Ding Yu Ting hummed: "I don't teach waste, I want to teach, you teach."

Muilin also did not deduce, saying, "This time is not enough, and when you answer the question again, you must hurry up. I teach you a trick, with five soft ribs on the headless ghost, whose heart is in one of the five places. The stabbing will die. "

"In addition, the headless ghost appears randomly in his stomach and his eyes are blocked because he has no head. So don't fight them head-on, avoid them and attack them in a flexible way. The Headless Man is slow to turn around, and you can turn around continuously, so that you can keep exporting attacks. "

Lin Yiqiao suddenly realized.

His phantom record class was too poor.

It was thought that the course did not have much effect.

Because the whole book introduces more than 50,000 ghosts, who can remember so many.

Moreover, no one knows which kind of ghost will appear when the test is taken.

Now think about it. It's important to learn this book well.

The surroundings changed again.

This shows that time is coming again.

This time, Lin ran out of faith.

A few hours later, Ding Yu-ting called everyone to meet again.

"This time I am 24, you guys." This time it was not a good one, which depressed Ding Youting a little.





"I am better this time, 16."

Ding Yu-ting hummed: "Fart. There are still three passes. Next time, I'll do enough to kill. "

The walls around them changed again, which showed that the new exams were starting again.

"Hurry, don't waste in a minute or a second, don't rest, don't be lazy, hurry," said Ding.

Another round of searches began smoothly, with Lin killing six headless ghosts and finding 12 ghosts.

But the back did not go, several doors opened in a row did not find the headless ghost.

Unwittingly, Lin went to the back door of the classroom.

He went subconsciously and pulled a back door.

He thought the back door could not be pulled open.

You can't get out of the classroom because you don't answer papers.

But strangely, the back door was open.

Is this a bug?Lin went in with surprise, but at the next moment the sweat on his back rose.

The back door was a compartment, and there were two ghosts inside.

One is a short headless ghost, the other is a zombie.

Although the most common zombies, but also rank higher than headless ghosts.

Besieged by these two ghosts, you will die here.

Seeing Lin Fai come in, the headless ghost twisted, and the zombie jumped straight over, his hands outstretched, straight to Lin Fai's throat.

Lin Qian hid a flash and picked up the dagger, but the dagger ran into the tip of a knife.

This shows that zombie defense is a higher level than headless ghosts.

Lin Qiao quickly launched his bravery.

With his knife, he stabbed a few at the zombie.

But the zombies don't care at all, and still grasp Lin's neck straight.

Lin was astonished, and he hurried out of his black donkey hoof.

Seeing the black donkey hoof, the zombie stepped back.

Lin took the opportunity to retreat to the door, opened the door and fled.

"How did you go out, Lin?" asked Muilin in astonishment.

"This is not an exit, it is a room," said Lin. There are zombies in there, and headless ghosts, but I can't. "

Muilin was a little surprised, and then mused: "I go in and see."

When he saw Muilin go in, Lin Qiao hesitated, and went in.

It should be easier for two people to deal with two ghosts.

When he saw that Muilin had taken out a black donkey's hoof, Lin was at large.

This girl, not simple.She clearly told herself that she had a gossip mirror and a peach branch in her hand, but now she had a black donkey hoof.

This is deception.

However, Lin immediately reclaimed his heart and threw himself into battle.

The zombie is too high to be harmed by the black donkey hoof.

All of a sudden, Muyi's body becomes very fast and her power becomes powerful.

Lin understood that she should have used her talents.

And look at this talent, should not be below level C.

After an unheard roar, the zombies suddenly turned into a cloud of ash and scattered on the ground.

Mu Yling looked at the forest sweatingly, and killed the headless.

This is the gap in strength, and Muilin is very relaxed to kill this headless ghost.

No wonder she's doing so well every time.

She removed two ghosts from the headless belly and said, "Go out."

When she came out of the door, Lin wanted to say something, but she did not speak.

Muilin saw what he thought, and she put the ghost eye into her pocket and swept the forest: "Yes. I take the same thing as you, black donkey hooves and flintstones. "

Lin is speechless.

He could not understand why Ealing was fooling himself.

This girl, not as sunny as her looks.

"In this exam, people are more insidious than ghosts. I will not expose my cards like you. "Muilin glanced at the forest," How much are you? "


Muilin turned his eyes, apparently dissatisfied with Lin's achievements.

Suddenly, the walls around them moved again and became more eerie.

Muilin and Lin looked at him, and they touched their pockets.

Sure enough, the ghost eye is gone.

Repeat the thriller exam again.

In the distance came the roar of Ding Yu Ting: "What the hell is going on? Time is not there yet?

Lin Qiao also felt bad.

As a matter of experience, it is about an hour before the end of time.

Even now the re-examination began, which revealed a hint of strangeness.

Is there any rule in this exam that is not mastered?

Mu Yling suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin.

This time the eyes are strange, seem to have a touch of compassion and compassion, and looking at Lin Qiao is like looking at a dead man.

This glance has been seen before.

When I drowned as a child and struggled in the water, I saw a woman on the shore who could not swim.

It was a compassion, but a powerless eye.

A vision of a man about to die.

Muilin did not speak, and turned away.

Lin was confused by Muilin's eyes, and he thought bitterlyAnd that's it.

Want to know what it's all about.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

He found that he really didn't understand the rules of the thriller exam.

I didn't know what to know about the exam.

His situation is very dangerous.

Probably, he's going to die.

It's going to be left here.

He could not live the first exam without trying to change his situation.

Because, this is an exam that cannot be completed at all.

Except for the first time, the number of ghost eyes found in the last two times is a hundred.

This is not a coincidence, but the whole classroom, the entire exam room, only fifty headless ghosts, that is, a hundred ghost eyes.

So, you can't get through all the classrooms.

Time is up for the exam to restart.

Everything starts from scratch.

And just before the time to restart, it was because Muilin had just cleared the backdoor.

In other words, there were fifty-one headless ghosts and one hundred and two ghosts.

But there were six candidates in the exam room.

Each person needs a minimum of 19 ghost eyes to complete the answer.

Six people need a minimum of 114 ghost eyes.

There are now only 102 in total, so there is only one possibility to get the answer done, which is to vote out one person.

At least five people will be able to meet the conditions for submitting the paper.

The number of people is important.

This means that it is not important to keep the number of people.

It is a reminder that there are more people.

Only five people or less will be able to complete the answer.

The back of Lin Qiao is cold.

If you vote now, Ding will certainly ask everyone to vote for themselves.

Zhang Ruixuan is Ding Youting's walking dog, Liu Ziyi has also been moving closer to Ding Youting.

Wu Zhifeng also fell on his own rock.

These four are sure to cast themselves.

The only one who may not cast himself is Muilin.

However, if everyone else voted for themselves, Muilin would certainly vote for himself.

As long as someone understands this and initiates a vote, Lin Qi will surely be eliminated by their vote.

Lin Qian is now in a dangerous position.

If you can't figure out a good way, Lin Qiao is really dead.

"All of me, this time I must finish the answer." Ding Yu-ting's voice echoed in the classroom, and he did not know where he spoke.

But Lin Qiao can not mention the spirit at all.

Now a few people don't know the mystery of this exam.

Only Muilin has figured out the truth.But looking at Ding Yu-ting's performance, Muilin should not have told him the truth of the exam.

So, Lin has time to see if he can figure out a way to turn things around.

It's just that it won't be too long, and Ding Yulting is a clever man who will sooner or later see through the mystery of the exam.

Lin Qiao did not have the mind to continue to find the ghost eye, he has been wandering at the back door, thinking quickly.

Only now did he really understand what his father meant: being alive was more important than anything else.

Because, in this thriller exam, it's too hard to be alive.

In a minute and a second, Lin was unable to figure out a way out of trouble.

Even if he went to Ding Yu Ting now, Ding Yu Ting would not ignore him.

It seems like a death.

It is not known how long ago, the corridor came a sound of footsteps, Lin Qiao looked up, Wu Zifeng.

As she walked, scraping the mucus from her hand, she apparently just killed a headless ghost and found two ghosts.

Seeing Lin, she said, "Lin, how?"

Lin asked unconsciously, "How are you?"

Wu Zhifeng happily raised his pocket in his hand: "This time, well, I found eighteen ghost eyes, and a headless ghost, and I can complete the task."

Lin Qiao looked at Wu Zifeng, his heart suddenly raised an idea.

This could be a lifesaving solution.

He said to Wu Zhifeng, "What props are you taking?"

Wu Zhifeng did not have the wariness of Muilin, and she said, "Peach branches and gossip mirrors. It didn't work at all. "

Lin was happy that his plan could succeed.

Wu Zhifeng, is his own replacement for the dead.