Chapter 11Attacks from the shadows

It seems that Lin's attempt to escape has succeeded.

Because whether Zhang Ruixuan or Liu Ziyi, look at Lin Qiao's eyes have become a bit dodgy.

This is the world of students.

As long as there is anything ruthless, can attract respect and awe of the students.

Even Muilin and Ding Youting saw that Lin's eyes had changed.

In particular, Ding Yu-ting did not look at the beginning of contempt and abandonment.

This is Lin Qiao in exchange for a meal.

However, the stomach is really supported.

"The answer to the next question is in the auditorium, and we go." Ding said nothing more and picked up the pace.

Lin Xiaqiang looked at the canteen again, still did not see the appearance of Sun Xiaoqiang.

Nor did he know whether Sun Xiaoqiang had yet to complete the first two exams or what had happened.

It can be said that the only thing he believed in was Sun Xiaoqiang.

It was from childhood to big iron buddy.

There is a distance of several hundred meters from the auditorium.

Walking along the road signs on the campus, there was an eerie atmosphere.

However, the sky seemed to reveal a little white fish belly, signaling the light of the sky.

Thriller exams are not consistent with outside time.

The outside time should be early in the morning if it is calculated by time.

From time to time, there was a strange cry or two on the deep campus, and it sounded very breathtaking.

However, everyone has been in the thriller space for so long, for these calls began to be somewhat paralyzed.

When he went into the auditorium, Lin was happy because he saw the man he had been looking for: Sun Xiaoqiang.

As soon as he wanted to go and say hello, he heard an icy voice in the auditorium, "The fifth group arrived and sat down in your place."

What was said was still a ghost.

As long as you enter the thriller space, you will no longer meet living people other than candidates.

Keeping order, examinations and inspections are all ghosts.

This ghost has a black face, round tusks, and a vicious appearance.

"It was time for the judge to announce the results of the previous examinations," Ding said in a whisper, then went to the position marked with the fifth group and sat down.

Everyone else sat down.

Lin Xiaoqiang greeted Sun Xiaoqiang, Sun Xiaoqiang was very cautious to respond, but did a shut up action.

It is also clear that casual speech is not allowed here.

Lin saw others, and most of the class were here.

They also took the opportunity to keep their eyes shut.

Lin also closed his eyes.

Since Sun Xiaoqiang was still alive, his biggest concern disappeared."How did the first group have only two people?" the voice of Muilin came from the ear.

Ding Yu-ting hummed: "Mostly dead."

Lin was startled at the darkness of his heart.

The first group, Sun Xiaoqiang's group, was left with only two people, which was bizarre.

What the hell happened?

He opened his eyes again and looked at the first group.

There are really only two people.

This means that everyone else is dead.

In addition to Sun Xiaoqiang, there is a classmate, a male classmate called Yin Ju.

The schoolboy, who was called Yin Ju, was as cold and lonely as his name.

Learning achievement, whether theoretical or physical, is generally in the middle and lower reaches.

However, the appearance of the present, but the feeling is very hot, and not close.

After ten minutes of being closed again, five people came in.

"The last group eight arrived and found your place to sit and announce the results of the first stage of the examination immediately." The magistrate went step by step from the gate of the auditorium to the main stage.

His pace was heavy, and every step of it gave him the feeling of shaking the mountains.

"What is the rank of the judge," said Zhang, looking at the judge's momentum and asking, with some fear.

The magistrate is also a ghost who is bound to appear in every thriller exam.

But he's also the only ghost that doesn't have a rank.

"It must be above the anomaly anyway," Liu said.

The five candidates who came in finally found their place to sit down.

The magistrate also went to the main stage, and he sat down and scanned all the men, saying, "Now publish the results. First, Group I is called Group I. Each person is rewarded with 100 banknotes. The second is named Second Group, each getting 50 banknotes. The third is called the third group, and each person gets 20 banknotes. "

With one hand, several little ghosts came out with trays, and handed them out to everyone.

"Individual results are published below. Number 1, nine secluded, 83 ghostly eyes. "Reward 100 banknotes." The voice just fell, and everyone looked up in shock.

83 ghost eyes, which means that all but Sun Xiaoqiang's 19 basic numbers, the ghost eyes fall into the shady hands.

It also indirectly proves that the four others of the first group died.

What happened to the first group?

Why is this happening?

"Second place in the individual race, Ye Yifeng, Ghost Eye Number 26, rewards 80 banknotes," the judge said.

Lin Yiqiao saw Ding Yu-ting viciously looked at Ye Yifeng.

The relationship between these two students has always been very bad.

It's all tit-for-tat.

Yifeng's home is also the city's top 10 rich family, the background is also strong.

These two people, almost anywhere, will pinch the frame.

Seeing Ding Yu Ting's gaze, Ye Yifeng arrogantly raised his chin, directed Ding Yu Ting Yang, a sense of contempt unfolded.Then arrogantly raised the banknote in his hand and waved it at Ding Youting in a demonstration.

Ding Youting only bit his teeth and endured.

"Third place is..."

... "eighth place, Ding Youting. Ghost Eye Number 22, Reward 50 pussy banknotes. Ninth place, Muilin, Ghost Eye Number 20, reward 50 banknotes. No. 10, Zhang Ruxia, Ghost Eye Number 20, Reward 50 banknotes. "

"Eleventh place, Liu Ziyi, Ghost Eye Number 20, reward 50 banknotes. Twelfth place, Lin, Ghost Eye Number 20, reward 50 banknotes. "

Hearing his name, Muilin, Zhang Ruishuan, Liu Ziyi and Lin Qiandu relented.

Lin was a little more down-to-earth.

The idea came out of itself and was good for everyone in the group.

His weight in Ding Yu Ting's eyes should be a little more heavy.

It should be a little better to impress Ding Youting.

In this way, you may have the opportunity not to be targeted by Ding Yu-ting when you meet someone who wants to be eliminated.

The rest of the group looked at it.

Clearly, they also understood the strategy of the Fifth Group.

Ye Yifeng, in particular, showed an uncomfortable expression.

It seems that Ye Yifeng won, but Ding Youting's group received more rewards, which was very helpful to the overall strength of the group.This is what Ye Yifeng does not want to see.

"The eighth panel, the last to complete the first question, now goes to the polling room and selects a person to stay in the thriller space forever."

The five men of the eighth group rose up and went into the polling room next to the auditorium.

The vote was long, and by the time they came out, only four of the five had been left.

The cruelty of the exam slowly unfolded in everyone's eyes.

"The team leaders came to me to get the test notes for question 4," the judge said.

After taking the examination, Ding frowned: "You all beat me up. Don't drag Lao's back leg, or die. "

Lin Qiao took the exam, read carefully.

Each question's test notes hide the trap and must be studied.

Test Notes:

1, the fourth question: Five kilometers of cross-country race. Location: School playground. (Tip: There have been all kinds of ghosts in the playground)

2, this title is grade D.

3, inside the runway is a safe zone, outside the runway is a dangerous area, once in, may lead to powerful ghost attacks.

4. You must not kill.

5, the faster you run, the less you encounter ghosts.

6, rewards rules: team rewards, the last group to reach the performance count, the first full received 100 banknotes. The second member received 50 banknotes. The third member received 20 banknotes. Last place, choose a person to stay in the thriller space forever.

Personal rewards: personal first 100 banknotes, second 80 banknotes, third to tenth 50 banknotes.

This time there were only ten prizes, two fewer than the first.

The biggest headache for Lin Qian and others is the difficulty level D, one level higher than the first. And the third question is a hierarchy.

According to the rules, most of the ghosts present in this exam are also D-rated.

The difficulty doubled from the first question.

"Ten minutes later. Now, free action! "

Lin Xiaoqiang hurried to Sun Xiaoqiang.

When he saw Sun Xiaoqiang, he cowered.

He stood up, limping, and pulled Lin to the side, and kept watching for the motions.

It was clear that he was very fearful of the shadow.

"What's wrong with your legs?" Lin asked.

Sun Xiaoqiang turned his head and looked at the gloom, and turned over his body very softly and carefully, saying, "He was beaten by the gloom."

"Why did he beat you?" Lin was surprised.

Sun Xiaoqiang said, "We had six people in the group, and it was normal at the beginning. But once it was restarted, the secret of the subject was discovered. He took a very hot shot, and all of a sudden he gave away the hands and feet of the other students, and threw them into the room, so that the zombies and the headless men would kill the students. "

"I go, and this operation?" Lin Yiwai was rocked by this yin.

They were classmates studying in the same window, and he went down.However, Lin Qiao thought of Wu Zifeng again.

She is also Lin Xie's classmate, but in order to survive, he had to use the zombie's hand to kill Wu Zifeng.

This is where this exam is the cruellest and most testing of humanity.

"When I was scared, I hid in my room and dared not come out. He found me later, but didn't know why, didn't kill me, just stabbed me in the leg. "

Lin Fai understood: "He is afraid that your group will fall to the last place, so pull you back. If your group loses, he will knock you out. "

Lin Qiao said here, looking at the gloom nine secluded.

The gloom had just turned over, and the eyes were cold, dehumanizing, and even colder than the ghosts.

It is hard to imagine that this is an eighteen-year-old student should have eyes.

"What can I do about this?" said Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin tapped him on the shoulder: "What about me? We're brothers, I won't leave you. "

But Sun Xiaoqiang could not laugh: "Alas, Yin said, this exam is more difficult than any one. We were close to fifty candidates in one class and may have survived less than one or two. How can I get through this? "

"The meal should be eaten at a bite, step by step. Later things, then again. Besides, the pubic bill can be replaced with the pill. Some of the pills work well and can cure your leg injury for hours, "Lin said.

However, his brow frowned.

For the word of Yin and Yin is the same as that of Mu-Yi and Ding Yu-ting.

This thriller exam is more difficult than ever.

The pass rate is only about five percent.

Of this group of students, only a few survive.

Lin saw these familiar faces around, and most of them died here.

He now understood the profound meaning of the last word his father had left for him to come back alive.

"Time is up, ready to go." The judge's voice reappears.

The candidates walked out of the auditorium and came to the playground.

However, the usually familiar runway is now very awkward.

The entire runway is dark enough to see only about a dozen meters in front of you.

A little farther away, all in the dark or in the mist.

No one knows, there is something waiting for you.

"Mao Xiaojie, you know each other, don't drag our hind legs. If you, our group is last place, you know, it's only you who are voted out," said a schoolmate whispered to Mao Xiao.

"I will not drag my legs," said the thin little fur, biting his teeth tightly.

Lin Yiqiao looked at the hairy little jump, her back is still blurred flesh and blood, do not think, all know the pain is severe.

I didn't expect this thin girl to be perseverance.

"Question 4, start the answer now!" A group of people rushed out at the judge's order.

Even the small jump of the hair, also quickly rushed out.

I didn't expect this thin girl to have such a strong desire for life.Sun Xiaoqiang, however, was inconvenient to move, relying entirely on Lin Xiaqiang to run him fast.

Good in Lin Qiaqiao Hall of the backrest chair removed one, made a simplest stick for Sun Xiaoqiang.

However, Sun Xiaoqiang's speed was still affected by the leg injury, and he was thrown off by others.

"Go first, Lam: No," said Sun Xiaoqiang, nervous.

Lin shook his head: "All right, five kilometers ah, they ran so, and their strength must not keep up. We can catch up with them as long as we keep up enough speed. "

However, after a few minutes, no one else could be seen in front of him, and even the voice could not be heard.

And all the darkness around, but from time to time, there are all kinds of ghost cries.

to tighten the nerves.

Class D ghosts, that's life.

Sure enough, before he went out a few steps, he saw a corpse lying on the ground, and there was a ghost on the side of the corpse biting the corpse.

The hand of the ghost was drawn from the belly of the corpse, holding something up, laughing at Lin Qiao and Sun Xiaoqiang.

Blood came down from his hand, red and red.

And the hand holding something, is banging, impressively human heart.

The ghost exposed a fangs, a fierce bite on the heart, blood splashed, terror abnormal.

Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Xiaqiang were scared to feel that their legs were soft and could not move.

To Lin's shock, in particular, the body seemed to be Muilin.

Just don't know why, the face is not very clear.Lin Qiao boldly took the dagger and started his talent skills, but this start-up skills seem to be useless, he still feels powerless.

The ghost grinned, with sharp teeth and blood pots: "Stupid man, you are only my prey."

"In my eyes, you are a group of mole ants who have no resistance."

"Take Your Life."

"Sun Xiaoqiang, pour black dog's blood on it."

Sun Xiaoqiang is also nervous to die: "I have no black dog blood, I only flower dew and gossip mirror."

Lin Qiaichi, not saying good, Lin Qianwei black donkey hooves and flint.

Does he take black dog blood and soot?

Why take the flower dew and gossip mirror?

However, he could not think more.

The ghost swooped over and reached out to Lin.

The next moment, Lin Qiao was horrified to find that his half arm was gone.

Half of his arms were in the hand of the ghost, and it opened its mouth with blood pots, and his arms were tucked into his mouth, creaking and chewing like beans.

"My arm, my arm..." Lin yelled at him in horror, but he could not move at all.

Sun Xiaoqiang Bi Lin was still bad, and the whole man was paralyzed on the ground.

The ghost pounced up and bitten on Sun Xiaoqiang's thigh.

Sun Xiaoqiang fell to the ground, screaming loudly, but could not resist the attack of ghosts.

A thigh is bitten by a ghost, and like eating beans, creaking and chewing.

Lin Qiao's head was confused, I didn't think this was just beginning, he was going to lose his life here.

And it is impossible to expect anyone to save him.

There are only ghosts, except ghosts.

Even Ding Yu Ting, I guess, can't fight this ghost?

Suddenly, Lin felt something wrong.

Muilin set out with the army.

And with Muilin's strength, will certainly be in the first echelon.

The first echelon is the strongest.

If this ghost could kill Muilin, all the men of the First Echelon would have died.

If even the strongest die, isn't the exam over the top?

That's not right.

If the death is Zhang Ruixuan or Liu Ziyi, Lin Qiandu may believe.

But it is Muilin who is to die, and Lin Yih is not to believe.

Muilin, in particular, is clever and unscrupulous.

This is evident from Muilin's help in pulling himself up the door, so that Wu Zhifeng died under the zombie.

She is smart, strong and hard-working.

How could such a girl have been eaten so easily by this ghost.

Thinking of it, Lin saw the body again.It is still Muilin's appearance, but the face is as blurry as it is clear.

Lin has the bottom in his heart: "Sun Xiaoqiang, take out your flower dew."

Sun Xiaoqiang is still screaming miserably, there is no free access to Lin.

Lin slapped him in the face: "Take out the flower dew!"

Flower dew has the effect of alerting the mind, and it is useful to deal with the psychotic attacks of some ghosts.

Sun Xiaoqiang dazed and immediately understood.

In thriller exams, there are often some psychic attacks.

And flower dew, just to restrain such attacks.

Sun Xiaoqiang took out the flower dew, but did not hand it to Lin: but he opened it and gave it to Lin.

Lin Yu took over and sniffed, a strong scent straight into his mind.

All at once, God was refreshed, and the world His eyes saw was completely changed.

Standing two metres away, a dry ghost shaking his hands.

Ghosts, Class D ghosts, are good at creating hallucinations and weak attacks.

If one does not recognize the hallucination of a ghost, one may be frightened to death step by step, or frightened to death, and eventually sucked away from the soul by it.

Lin Qiao looked at his arm, sure intact, all illusions.

There are two kinds of spiritual attacks, one is hallucination and the other is magic.

Hallucinations arise in the brain, and the real world does not exist.

The magic is a ghost, visible to the naked eye.

Hallucinations are low, and hallucinations are more advanced.

The hallucination of ghosts and ghosts, among psychic attacks, belongs to one of the lowest levels.

Lin Yih drew a dagger, and ran up in an arrow, puncturing the ghost's neck.

The spirit attacks the ghost is weak, and even the power of Eilin C- can easily kill it.

An ugly head fell on the ground and rolled away.

At this time, Sun Xiaoqiang came limping, and saw that the ghost was dead, and his face was full of regret.

Obviously, Sun Xiaoqiang also wanted to kill this ghost.

Pick up the easy crutches, Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Qiao continue to drive.

They were far behind the army and had to speed up.

After walking some way, Lin Fai remembered and asked, "Don't we say, I take black donkey hooves and flint, do you take incense ash and black dog blood?"

Sun Xiaoqiang took out the gossip mirror and said, "The mirror can see personal attributes, and with the gossip mirror, you don't have to look around."

He looked at Lin: "You're not so stupid, don't you take the gossip mirror?"

Lin Qiaichi, he thought only with Sun Xiaoqiang appointment, but did not expect the gossip mirror also this benefit.

No wonder people don't look for mirrors everywhere, only they are stupid.

He took out the gossip mirror: "I did not take the gossip mirror, I still took the black donkey hoof and flint. However, when I was lucky and super dead, I got someone else's gossip mirror. "

The two men spoke and made their way.Just, although Sun Xiaoqiang explained his reasons, but Lin Qiao still felt uncomfortable, strange.

"What skills are you?" said Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin Qiqiang wanted to tell Sun Xiaoqiang that his skills can be fused, but to the mouth, but the ghost made God poor: "It is an F-level talent skills, pure strength, cooling time of one hour, quite pull the crotch."

"It's a bit of rubbish, I'm also an F-skill. But my comparison is useful, it's speed-based. The cooling time is forty minutes. It is by this skill that I have escaped the vagaries of chasing, if I, like you, were also powerful, died long ago. The dark, mighty dreadful. "

Lin Qiangxu queried: "Yummy results have always been only ranked in the lower middle?"

"Hello!" said Sun Xiaoqiang, resentful. He must have concealed his strength. I think his strength should be no worse than Ye Yifeng. A few of them joined forces, though. "

The fog in front grew stronger, and Lin Qiao helped to hold Sun Xiaoqiang's arm: "Let's go together and don't disperse. There should be a problem with this fog. ""Have you just killed a Class D ghost? Should you get a lot of experience?" asked Sun Xiaoqiang, with some envy.

Lin Xiaoqiang this to understand, why Sun Xiaoqiang just so sorry.

Because he failed to kill the ghost, he did not have experience.

"How much experience?" Lin asked.

"Yin Jiujiu said that killing an F-Class Ghost can get 1 Experience Point, killing an E-Level Ghost can get 2 Experience Points. Kill a Class D ghost, experience value can double again, that is 4 points experience value. "Sun Xiaoqiang limped away, while gushing.

"I don't know the monkey year," said Sun Xiaoqiang.

The temperature in the fog is getting lower, the view is getting more and more blocked, gradually Lin Qiandu can not see Sun Xiaoqiang people.

If the hand was still on his arm, the two men were now estimated to be scattered.

"There is a problem with this fog, Lin: Don't you have a flint, see if it works?" said Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin Qian took out the flint, and took out an invalid test note to ignite.

At the next moment, the fog soon dissipated.

"Sure enough, it is the cloud and fog, and the fear of light." Sun Xiaoqiang's theoretical achievements are better than Lin's, and he knows more about ghosts than Lin's.

"We went fast, and I felt the injury was not so bad now," said Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin went behind, and did not rush to catch up.

He took out his gossip mirror and looked at it.

Sure enough, the gossip mirror can also view properties.

There's no need to look for mirrors everywhere.

He looked at his attributes and was surprised.

Name: Lin Ji.

Rank: 1

Experience: 114/100

Power: C -

Speed: C +

Agile: C

Toughness: C -

Spirit: C -

Talent: The Power of the Flood.

Remarks: Power of the flood, grade E. Add two levels of strength to use and an additional 20% -100% effect. Cooling time of one hour.


One more property than the last time I looked in the mirror was the spirit.

Just still as bad as ever, only District C-.

However, Lin Qiao was most shocked by his experience, which turned out to be 114 points.

It's strange.

Last time, it was only 10 o'clock.

Just killed a ghost, that's 14 o'clock.

Where did it come from?He first raised the rank and loaded a property point with toughness.

He began to feel a little bit better.

Name: Lin Ji.

Rank: 2

Experience: 14/200

Power: C -

Speed: C +

Agile: C

Toughness: C

Spirit: C -

Talent: The Power of the Flood.

Remarks: Power of the flood, grade E. Add two levels of strength to use and an additional 20% -100% effect. Cooling time of one hour.


The grade was raised, but the problem arose.

If you want to upgrade, you need two hundred experience points.

Killing a ghost is only 4 points, which kills 50 to rise to level.

It's a little too difficult.

"Sun Xiaoqiang, I inexplicably more than a hundred points of experience, do you know what is going on?"

He saw a glimmer of envy in Sun Xiaoqiang's eyes.

"How many dishes did you order in the cafeteria?" asked Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin Qiaichi: "The whole point."

"Did you eat it all?" asked Sun Xiaoqiang in astonishment.


"Don't you feel sick?" asked Sun miraculously.

"Stinky tofu, screw powder, I can eat, this is something," Lin said.

"Can this be the same? There are maggots in there, beads of eyes, and mouths, and you eat them, "said Sun Xiaoqiang.

"I'm not a picky man," Lin said without heart.

Sun Xiaoqiang again jealously looked at Lin Qiao: "You have no heart and no lung to find the big cheap. He also got 100 experience points. "

"Who?" Lin saw a figure standing in the darkness ahead at a glance.

I don't know if it's a ghost or a candidate.

The man slowly came out of the darkness, and stared at Lin with a pair of cold eyes in his hood.

Lin Yi felt a chill, and he held the dagger in his hand.

"Why don't you grab the first place?" asked Sun Xiaoqiang curiously.

There was no talk, and he came slowly.

Suddenly, the gloomy shot, the dagger in the hand of the fierce stabbing Lin Qian's leg.

Lin was on guard early on.

Lin Qian was alert to him since he knew that he had cut off the hands and feet of several classmates.

One sideways, he hid from the past, and the next moment, he had to activate his skills.But the yin stopped, and Sun Xiaoqiang quickly separated the two men: "What are you doing, the yin?"

Lin also shouted: "The examination must be clear, can not kill, what do you want to do, violation?"

The Lord put away the dagger in his hand, and looked at the forest cold: "Break your legs, not murder."

Sun Xiaoqiang understood all at once that he was protecting the forest, saying loudly: "Yin Jiu, I know you want to break Lin Qiao's leg, and then make their group last. So you're safe. But I tell you, dream. If he breaks his leg, my back will turn him over the finish. "

"You're not afraid to die?"

Sun Xiaoqiang Yitang, he looked at Lin, and said, "I am dead, and I cannot let my brothers die."

This sentence makes Lin feel much more comfortable.

This is the brother.

The yin and cold eyes were swept again from Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Xiaoqiang, before saying, "Good. I'll let him go. I'll give you a chance, and you'll fight, don't fall in the last place, or you'll die. "

The voice fell, and the shadowy figure quickly disappeared into the night.

"What does it mean for him to give me a chance?" asked Sun, with some doubts.

Lin shook his head, and he was still a little frightened.

If he had not been on guard, he would have been kept in the dark.

This guy, it's really cold-blooded.

All of them are classmates in a class.

Moreover, this guy also fully understood what the exam should mean.

Although Article 4 states that no one shall be killed, it does not say that no one shall be injured.

He's playing with the rules.

He did not understand the creative opportunities of Yin Jiu.

Certainly, however, it is no means of brilliance.

On the way again encountered a Class D ghost, Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang join forces to kill the ghost.

The last knife was killed by Sun Xiaoqiang.The low defences of the ghosts present here are an important reason why both of them can kill them without using their skills.

"Then the ghosts here seemed to be less powerful," said Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin Yiu looked at the runway, and suddenly his soul was going to fall away.

A pair of cold eyes were staring at them in the deep playground.

A seemingly powerful ghost stands outside the runway with cold and cruel eyes.

This is a werewolf, at least above grade B.

The werewolf himself was a power-type ghost, and with such a high rank, it was estimated that a facet would kill him and Sun Xiaoqiang.

Sun Xiaoqiang also saw the werewolf, the words swallowed immediately.

He did not dare to look at the wolf, bowed his head, and sped his way.

In the distance, the werewolves stared fiercely at them until they were completely hidden from the darkness.

"It just seemed like a werewolf," said Sun Xiaoqiang.

"I have heard that among the ghosts that the candidates face, it seems to be the werewolf who is the hardest to deal with."

The list of fifty thousand ghosts appeared in the past examinations of about forty thousand.

But there are many high-ranking ghosts that appear as orderlies, like judges and capricious.

Not a ghost that candidates can kill.

Among the most powerful and difficult ghosts to deal with, there are werewolves.

"Now I feel a cold sweat on my back." Sun Xiaoqiang's apparent walk accelerated a lot.

Not far out, a strange figure blocked the way for the two.

Needless to say, this is another ghost.

The shadow appears to have no head, but is larger than the headless ghost.

In the fog, it was very strange.

"Special, there are many ghosts that fall behind." Sun Xiaoqiang cursed.

Lin Qiao did not say much, the ghosts that appear here are mostly Grade D, and the two of them can barely cope.

Added to the talent skills are not yet useful, Lin Qiao a bit of confidence.

Even if you don't kill, you can run away.

It was close to the ghost that it was discovered that it had been seen and seen in the restaurant.

This is a headhunter.

It had no head on its shoulders, only a cut of stubble.

The head is in its hand.

Holding the ghosts in hand, a pair of eyes thieves sneak at Lin Qian and Sun Xiaoqiang, very dexterous.

"Fresh human flesh, come to the bowl." The mouth on the ghost's head is one-in-one and looks frightening.

Lin was in a tight mood.

This is a ghost with general wisdom.

The List of Ghosts says that a ghost below Class D has no wisdom but instinct.A Class D ghost possesses low intelligence, which is equivalent to that of an animal or child.

This ghost can speak clearly and should be a Class C ghost.

It's hard to deal with even lower-class ghosts in Class C.

"Class C ghosts, be careful," Lin Yih pumped out peach branches and daggers.

A headlord should be a kind of evil creature, and the branches of peach trees have a good restraint on this creature.

But it's hard to say how much it works.

The headlord sees the peach branch at a glance, and instinctively resists: "Hated humans, hated branches."

Lin Qiaochi a little bit relaxed, on the one hand, the wisdom of the ghost is not high, mostly C grade products.

Moreover, the ghosts were visibly resistant to the branches of peach trees.

A peach branch is useful.

From the beginning of Class C ghosts, there are three things.

Equivalent to C-C, C-C +.

If it's C +, they don't have to fight and run away.

C - There's a fight.

"Kill!" Lin Qiao's dagger stung out fiercely, the head of the ghost was sensitive, and all at once dodged.

The headlord held his head in one hand and grabbed it towards Lin.

Very fast.

Lin went out of hiding after a tumble.

The headliners continued to chase, and Lin went on a tumble, unwittingly, to the edge of the runway.

Lin Qiao suddenly felt the cold hair on his body, he looked back, a ghost who did not know his name, standing behind him, the face of the grim, vague people.

Lin Qian was scared of a cold sweat.

If he were not still in the runway, the ghost would have apparently eaten himself.

The headliner caught up again.

Lin was afraid to roll back again.

But there's no way to go.

At this time, Sun Xiaoqiang stab a knife from behind.

"Ah!" The headlord turned and slapped Sun Xiaoqiang on his body, knocking him out.

Lin Qiao mentioned the dagger on, to the headlord is a knife.

Although he felt a hard skin, his knife stung in.

Obviously, headliners are also aggressive, defenseless ghosts.

The headlord cried again, turning and grabbing back to Lin.

Lin was at large: "Attack its back, it can't be seen behind it."

Sun Xiaoqiang was still trying to escape, hearing Lin Qi say so, immediately with a dagger and came over, fierce to the head of the back again a knife.

The headlord was angry and turned to Sun Xiaoqiang.

Sun Xiaoqiang limped off, but the other side was too fast, his legs were inconvenient, but he could not hide.

He will catch Sun Xiaoqiang, and Lin Xiaoqiang is very nervous, but helpless.

He can't save Sun Xiaoqiang.Just then, Sun Xiaoqiang's speed suddenly became extremely fast, and he evaded the past.

Lin Qi understood that this should be Sun Xiaoqiang used the talent skills.

Lin took advantage of the opportunity to take out the peach branches and beat them hard on the back of the headlord.

It's a shit.

A cloud of smoke came from the back of the headlord, and an unpleasant smell drifted out.

The headlord sent out a dismal scream, trying to escape, but was caught up by Lin Qiaqiao, again with a peach branch ferocious beating past.

The headlord had eluded him with great sensitivity.

As long as the front face the headliner, it is difficult to attack the other side, which must be two men before and after the attack.

"Sun Xiaoqiang, you draw his attention from behind."

Sun Xiaoqiang hesitated, but when he saw Lin's eyes, he dared to come up again and stab a knife.

The headlord turned again.

This time Lin Qiao did not hesitate to launch his talent skills.

The force of the flood broke out, and the knives and branches of the hand took turns attacking the ghost.

A few screams continued, and the headlord fell on his knees, and his head fell from his hand, and rolled aside.

Glasses on the head turned the eyes.

It was obviously dead.

"Congratulations on killing Class C ghosts, digging out ghost eyes and redeeming prizes," said the elf's little assistant once again.

Lin, carrying a dagger, dug out the ghost's eye from the uncomfortable head and lost one to Sun Xiaoqiang, leaving himself with one: "This thing is a baby and can be redeemed for prizes."Sun Xiaoqiang grinned open the bandage on his legs, blood on his thighs.

Fighting just now makes the wound worse.

Re-wrapped the bandage, Sun Xiaoqiang with the help of Lin Qi again stood up, the two continued to set off.

Falling behind doesn't seem to be a bad thing, at least killing more ghosts in exchange for some rewards and more experience points.

However, to think back, two people are not willing to fall to the end.

If you are last in the group, you will certainly not complete the answer to this question.

Most are going to die here.


Suddenly, on the hazy road ahead, a figure appeared.

The shadow was limping, and it was tough to walk.

"Is it a ghost?" said Sun Xiaoqiang.

The shadow paused, made a guarded appearance, and held a dagger in his hand.

The figure is thin and looks familiar.

"Mao Xiaojie?" Lin Yiqiao recognized, which was in the restaurant, drastically pumped by the white two-skin flagellate hair small jump.

But now Mao looks a lot more confused than when he started.

When she first set out, Mao leapt with blood on her back, but she was fast.

It didn't take long for her to get hurt in the leg.

Mao leapt cautiously at Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang, did not see the enthusiasm and excitement of classmates.

Seeing Mao jump so alert, the two men did not say much, directly beyond her, fast forward.

"Do you feel a little strange when you jump," Lin asked. "Her legs seem to be hurt, heavy, and blood is flowing all the way."

Just after Mao Xiao jumped around, Lin saw a long trail of blood on the ground.

The hair jumped on her lap, entangled in her top, and the blood was soaked in her clothes.

I can see that she was very hurt.

"She doesn't care about us. Then again, with her bottom, we will not fall in the last two groups. "Sun Xiaoqiang stepped up the pace.

But going out a dozen steps, the two men suddenly screamed tacitly: "Sleeper."

They now understood what Yin and Yu had just said.

This is the opportunity for Sun Xiaoqiang to create.

Yin Jiuzhu had tried to hurt Lin Qiao's leg, so that he could not catch up with Sun Xiaoqiang.

But Sun Xiaoqiang stopped it.

Yin and Yu clearly set the target on the thin little jump.

Just, all three years together in the same window, how did he go down?

This exam is really a test of humanity.

The two men became silent.

No wonder Mao small jump so cautious, so alert.It turned out to be all of them.

"Heck!" Sun Xiao stopped vigorously.

"What happened?"

"It was too fast to go, and the injury was worse," said Sun, sitting down, breaking the bandage around his leg and revealing his bloody wound.

Because the steps were too fast, the originally clotted wound bleeding again.

Lin Yih looked carefully at the bandage around his legs and found something familiar, and he wondered, "What are you using?"

While re-entangling the wound, Sun Xiaoqiang said, "What else can be torn from the school uniforms of the students. It's a dead thing, but it's better than not. "


There was another sound of footsteps behind the dark runway.

It's very fast and fast.

Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang quickly took out the dagger and made good guard.

Lam and Sun Xiaoqiang put down the dagger until the shadow appeared.

This is a small jump.

She was wearing only a thin fit, and her coat was tied to her legs.

His head was covered in sweat, apparently holding back the severe pain in his leg.

And it's fast.

Just a blink of an eye, she crossed them and stormed into the dark night.

Lin couldn't help but admire the girl.

Suffered a much stronger leg injury than Sun Xiao, the back was white and fierce two-skin whip, the back of the clothing is all rotten, blood blurred.

But she was driving with great perseverance.

A thin body contains so much energy that it has to be looked down on.

However, this is very bad news for Sun Xiaoqiang.

"Go, we catch up with her."

On the deep runway, the three men were on a chase.

However, Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Qiao were pulled further and further by the tenacious girl.

In particular, there are constant ghosts coming out of the attack, Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Qiandu have no immediate experience, both have been together to kill the ghosts.

But Mao did not fall in love with each other, and after getting rid of the ghost, he moved on.

It was clear that what she wanted was not an empirical value, but not a final place.

For her, falling in the last place is also dead.

"Lam: No, I can't end up in the last place, or I will die." After chopping down a ghost, Sun Xiaoqiang found out that he had lost the trail of Hao's little jump, and he felt panic.

The fourth question is a group match.

The last person in the group will choose to stay in the thriller space forever.

In accordance with the rules, a direct showdown is required for a panel of only two people.

Sun Xiaoqiang did not have any hope of winning.

Sun Xiaoqiang will die.

Likewise, the days of Lin's escape are not good.He didn't have enough voice in the group.

If Lin Qian chooses to be last place, he must be targeted by Ding Youting.

Zhang Ruixuan and Liu Ziyi will also follow Ding Youting to vote.

As for Muilin, seeing the trend, and not Pauline, will definitely follow them in the vote.

Lin Qiao is dead.

So neither of them can lose.

They must transcend one person.

The easiest person to overtake is the Little Leap.

"We hurry up," Lin said.

Sun Xiaoqiang held back his leg pain and sped up again.

Ten minutes later, still can not see the figure of the small jump.

The thin girl, with such perseverance and determination, is really underestimating.

"Lin: What do we do if we can't catch up with Mao Xiaoqiang?" asked Sun Xiaoqiang.

Lin Qiao did not answer directly, and he took Sun Xiaoqiang's hand to keep the force, which was more tired than he was walking alone.

"I can't be the last. "I don't have a chance to win," said Sun Xiaoqiang. "You are much better than me. After all, there are five people in your group, and your rank is second. By strength, you should also be safer. Your group won't knock you out, will you? "

Sun Xiaoqiang looked at Lin.

But Lin Xiaoxian did not speak, but only a strong pull Sun Xiaoxing.

He understood what Sun Xiaoqiang meant, but he could not agree to Sun Xiaoqiang's request.Although the group had five people, as long as Lin Qiao fell to the end, it was certainly Thalin.

"Don't think so much, we must be able to catch up. Not just a small jump, our class still has a number of poor people, don't see them running well now, this is five kilometers, the front of the physical strength is consumed, the back will not move. As long as we don't give up, there will be hope. "

"Yes, yes, you are right. We do not give up, there is hope. "Sun Xiaoqiang no longer complains, but bites his teeth forward.

There was a sudden sound of fighting ahead, and Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang looked at it and saw hope.

A few minutes later, he saw five people.

The leader is Ye Yifeng.

All five were also in the second group.

And the ghosts they were dealing with were obviously very powerful, and the five were very fierce.

Sun Xiaoqiang pulled Lin, and the two hurried through, and rushed to the front.

"Absolutely a Class C ghost. Kill a Class C ghost and get eight experience points. And the Class C ghosts above, killed with extra rewards, no wonder they would kill the ghost, "said Sun Xiaoqiang, looking back at the rear.

Lin Qiao pulled a handful of Sun Xiaoqiang: "Go soon, little life matters."

But without going far, there was a messy run behind him.

It was clear that they had just killed a Class C ghost and were starting to make their way again.

Lin Zhiqiang pulled Sun Xiaoqiang, two men holding a dagger, vigilantly watching Ye Yifeng several people come.

Ye Yifeng stopped, took a scornful glimpse of Lin Qiao and Sun Xiaoqiang, and said, "You two are really good friends.

The other girl in the second group, Yan Chuang, said, "The boss, there is a little leap ahead, and we go and catch her."

Ye Yifeng put away the daggers, and ignored them, and ran away at an accelerated pace.

When all five men ran past, Lin Qiao, then pulled Sun Xiaoqiang to go fast again.

When he went several hundred meters away, he saw a figure lying on the ground.

Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang carefully held the dagger and looked closer.

It was a small jump to find the ground lying.

Her hands and feet were tied and she fell to the ground.

A dozen metres away in front of her, her dagger was thrown.

The little leap, apparently not given up, was squirming on the ground, trying to climb to the edge of the dagger and loosen itself with a dagger.

Sun Xiaoqiang saw clearly: "This must be the good thing Ye Yifeng did. Let's go! "

But Lin Qiao is not a taste in his heart.

Ye Yifeng Their intention to bind Mao to this place was obvious, that she would fall to the end, so that they would have time to kill more ghosts in exchange for experience.

Because, it is a rare question to gain experience.

The ghosts that appear are easier to deal with.

It is just that between the students who live together on the Eve, this Leaf Yifeng, apparently not like his appearance, is a sunny big boy.His heart was also dark, and his means were poisonous.

It's not much better than it is.

One exam shook the demons and demons of these students.


A sound came from behind, and a thing sprang up a dozen meters in front.

Lin Xiaqiang looked back, it was Sun Xiaoqiang dagger again a bit.

Sun Xiaoqiang also wanted to kick the dagger a little further, Lin shook his head: "Don't delay time, hurry up."

In the present state, when she moves to the dagger and then unwinds the rope, a great deal of time will be wasted.

Coupled with her leg injury, it should be impossible to catch up.

They should be safe.

Sun Xiaoqiang looked back at the still difficult wriggling hair jump, which continued to rush.

This is a very difficult road for Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang.

This is much more difficult than the usual five-kilometre cross-country exercises in schools.

It was not known how long it had passed, and the sky finally had a little light, and the field of view widened from a dozen meters and twenty meters to a few dozen metres away.

Even a few hundred meters away, you can see something bewildered.

Looking through the faint light of the sky, we found that we were not running around the runway.

The entire runway, which seems to stretch far, is a straight runway.

No wonder no one has put Lin Qi and Sun Xiaoqiang in the loop.

"The end is near," said Sun Xiaoqiang.

In the forefront, there is a vaguely red glow.

Under the lights, vaguely see that there have been a lot of classmates in the rest, it is clear that they have completed the answers.

Unlike expected, Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Xiaqiang did not encounter many more ghosts along the way.

Lin is still wondering, but when he sees the five Yifeng Yifeng men in front of him besieging a ghost, he understands that this second group of people, who have apparently given up the idea of competing for the top of the group, are trying to grab experience points.

So they packed up the ghosts along the way.

So that Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Qiao on the road did not encounter any ghosts.

This is also clearly a form of response.

It seems more cost-effective to forgo the award for more experience.

The five of them are now besieging a skeleton.

Skeletons are Grade C and are moderately powerful among Class C ghosts.

The Skulls were flexible and were besieged by five men, who would take the Skulls for a while and a half.

In the dim light, see a skeleton bouncing flexibly, Lin Qiao feeling very strange.

Not only that, but outside the runway, there is still a layer of fog.

But in the faint mist, there are all kinds of ghosts loitering.

There are not only werewolves, vampires, but also dementors in the sky.Seems ready to pounce and hunt these candidates.

These ghosts, most of them B-rated, can do a spike for these candidates.

Had it not been for the protection of the runway, the students would have died.

"Hurry up, we go to the finish," Lin said.

Sun Xiaoqiang grinned, and the wound in his leg cracked early, and now he pulled it, and let the blood flow out again.

"Well, that little leap of hair was so tenacious that it came again," said Sun Xiaoqiang, looking backward.

Lin looked backward and was put down.

I saw that Mao had caught up in a limp jump.

And it's fast.

Her legs had become blood, and there was a long trail of blood on the ground.

Even so, it did not affect her speed at all.

Even, she had signs of starting to run.