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A Vote for the Pen of God

"Second vote:..." the judge's eyes were strangely swept, "... Ding Yu-ting."

Ding Yu Ting Yingtang, immediately pointed to Lin Qiqiao, "Haha, you are a fool, actually cast me? If you do, you have a little chance. You have the wind in your head and you should throw it at me. "

Lin looked at Liu Ziyi, but Liu Ziyi's head was lower.

"Quiet." The judge opened.

Ding Yu-ting did not speak, and sat down angrily.

He was obviously very unhappy with Lin.

"The third vote... the judge looked up again strangely," Ding Yu-ting.

Ding Yu-ting's forehead of the blue ribs burst, apparently really gas.

He apparently did not think that he would be voted on.

And it's still two votes.

Lin let loose his breath, and he looked again at Mu Yi, but Mu Yi still kept the movement around his neck, motionless.

Ding Yu Ting jumped up: "Who, who dare cast me? Crazy? "

Ding Yu Ting's eyes were swept from a few, and finally fell on Muilin: "I know, you are. The last time I was here, Lin Qiao the kid helped you get through the siege, so you're ready to repay him, right? Haha... "

"I would have seen you in a good way, ready to save you until the end. I didn't think you dared to collude with Lin. Muilin, although you are beautiful, but I decided that the next exam, Lao Zi, you will die. And let you, like that little leap, die full of grievances, and finallyFor a grievance. "

He looked like an emperor who could dominate the life and death of others.

But Muilin did not have any movement, and hung his head, and said nothing.

Lin Qianchi peeked at Liu Ziyi and found that her face was heavy, and she did not speak, and her head was hanging, and she could not see any expression.

This left Lin panicking.

"Quiet, clamor again, remove you directly," the judge said.

Ding Yu-ting sat down with his anger.

Obviously, being voted twice made him very uncomfortable.

And there was a glimmer of unease.

He felt implicitly that there was a conspiracy against him.

"The fourth vote:..." the judge took the penultimate piece of paper, and his eyes glanced over everyone.

Lin was very nervous.

This fourth vote is very crucial.

The situation is now largely clear.

Muilin understood what she meant, so she voted Ding Yulting.

Lin also cast Ding Youting.

Ding Youting is two votes now.

Ding Yulting certainly voted for Lin, which is not to say.

This is also the result of the three votes currently announced.

There are now two people whose votes have not been released.

One is Zhang Ruixuan.

Zhang Ruixuan is Ding Yu Ting's walking dog, and Ding Yu Ting again told everyone, to castWhat the hell is it?

The sight of Lin Qiao looked past Ding Youting, Zhang Ruishuan, Muilin and Liu Ziyi.

But several people were surprised, and they didn't know who was acting and who was really surprised.

And now the situation, become a bit confusing.

But in a detailed analysis, Lin also understood the reason for the vote.

Also know who voted for Zhang Ruishuan.

It is now certain that Mu Yling cast Ding Yulting, and Lin Qi cast Ding Yulting.

And Ding Yu-ting voted for Lin.

The results of the vote of only two people are now unknown.

One is Zhang Ruixuan, one is Liu Ziyi.

Zhang Ruixuan cannot cast himself.

So to be sure, Liu Zi Yi is Zhang Ruishuan.

The reason why Liu Ziyi will vote like this should be the result of Liu Ziyi's meticulous planning.

Now everything is in Liu's hands.

In accordance with the voting rules, a second round of balloting is required if the results of the vote are tied.

In the second round of balloting, those who voted flat will not be able to vote.

The other three could only vote equally for two people.

In other words, Ding Yu-ting and Lin Yi cannot vote as long as the votes are flat.

They will be voted on by Mu Yling, Zhang Ruixuan and Liu Ziyi.

It is up to the three of them to decide Ding Yu Ting andLin's life and death.

Because of this, Lin Xian suddenly understood the real reason for Liu Ziyi Zhang Ruixuan.

And have to admire Liu Ziyi this ticket is God's pen.

The reason why Liu Ziyi will invest in Zhang Ruishuan is in fact a very safe way.

If Muilin really joined forces with Lin Yu-ting, then, in the second round, she would join forces with Muilin and throw Ding Yu-ting to death.

If Muilin did not join forces with Lin, Lin would have been eliminated directly, and she would not have offended him by casting Ding Youting.

In this way, she was able to attack, defend, and not guilty on either side.

This little girl is very insidious and cunning.

It turned out to be the best vote to put yourself in an undefeated position.

Usually not humming looks like a good girl like Liu Ziyi, the heart is also very cunning and dark.

Liu Ziyi, through this vote, determined her importance.

She is to show everyone that she, decided Ding Youting and Lin Fai's life and death.

This hand, really is no.

Originally thought that Ding Yu Ting took advantage of the first opportunity, Muilin is also smart and spicy.

Now, the most insidious is Liu Ziyi.

Without moving the look of God, he took over the limelight and established himself as an important person.

"Vote now: one vote for Lin, two votes for Ding Youting and one for Zhang Ruixuan," said the judge, shaking the last note in his hand.The judge's voice became strange: "The sixth vote: Ding Yu-ting."

Lin stood up, and as a result, he never expected it.

Zhang Ruixuan actually cast Ding Youting.

Why is this?

Ding Yu-ting was stunned to stand up, he reached out, pointed at Zhang Ruixia, and could not speak for half a day.

He never expected to be like a licking dog with the side of Zhang Ruishuan, in a plot to kill himself.

He suddenly launched his gifted skills to kill Muilin.

But he had just taken a shot, and the judge came to him.

The judge's hand pinched his neck and kept him from moving.

"Safe zone, not to kill." The magistrate carried Ding Yu Ting like a chick, then said to the others: "The result came out, and Ding Yu Ting three votes, eliminated, will always remain in the thriller space."

His hand worked hard, and Ding Youting's neck broke, and the whole man fell soft to the ground.

Looking at Ding Youting's body, Lin felt like a dream.

He looked at Liu Ziyi and found that Liu Ziyi was more confused than himself.

Lin Qiao and look at Muilin, Muilin gently turned his head and Lin Qiao looked at, a relaxed smile.

Lin Yiu all understood in an instant.

Muilin had long wanted Ding to die.

So, at the outset, she plotted to use the vote to weed out Ding Youting.When Lin Xie went to find Mu Yling, Mu Yling intentionally said some vague words, but deliberately woke up Lam.

And she herself, secretly convinced Zhang Ruishuan.

Why Zhang Ruixuan is willing to cooperate with Muilin is also understandable.

No one in this world wants to be a lick dog, a dog leg.

No one wants to fart.

The reason why you want to be a fart is because your fist is not hard enough, strength is not strong enough, there is no real power, there is no voice.

Ding Yu-ting was high, the boss of the fifth group.

He had to take Ding Yu Ting's fart.

Now there is an opportunity to weed out Ding Youting and, with his strength, to occupy the right to speak in the group, and this account, whoever counts it over.

To get rid of the best of the group, he is the most powerful of the group.

So he joined forces with Muilin to get rid of Ding Yulting.

To be sure, Zhang Ruixuan and Muilin are definitely aligned.

So the two of them will come together.

The two of them also hold the voice of the group.

It is for this reason that Muilin was not so eager to send a signal to Liu Ziyi.

Ridiculously, Liu Ziyi, is now clever and clever.

She thought she was clever enough to cast Zhang Ruishuan, but at once she put herself in the worst position.

She cast Zhang Ruishuan, and she was offendedZhang Ruixuan.

Her ticket was different from the others, so she cut herself off from the others.

Now, it is the natural allies of the three people who cast Ding Yu Ting.

And she, instead, became a passerby.

She was the father of Zhang Ruixuan, but now she is the greatest loser.

She became a fringe figure in the group.

Liu Ziyi apparently also understood this truth, she went out in a trance.

Lin Qiao did not think, a vote, there should be so much fighting, there are so many inversions.

And the originator of all this is Muilin, a beautiful, harmless goddess who looks sunny.

Lin shivered.

Zhang Ruixuan, Liu Ziyi and Muilin, no fool, no one is good to provoke.

Muilin, in particular, is a cunning figure.

She took everyone as a pawn and played it in the palm.

And, still in the apparatus room this place, revenge itself.

Ding Youting wanted to bully Muilin here, and Muilin wanted his life here.

People like Muilin must be vigilant.

Lin Fai remembered the famous words, the more beautiful the girl, the more dangerous.

This is the truth.

When I got out of the instrument room, Lin FaiThinking of a question, he asked in his heart: "Little assistant of the elves, this Ding Yu-ting also died of me, can I blend his gifted skills?"

Lin was disappointed by the answer from the Elf Little Assistant: "This person's talent skill is level B, more than your grade, so he can't blend."

Lin was very disappointed.

B-level talent skills, this Ding Yu Ting is a personal talent.

If he can pass the Thriller Test smoothly, he will be signed by the big companies.

Unfortunately, he is now dead here.

Lin Qiao now really understands why some people say that in the thriller exam, people are more terrible than ghosts.

Strength is not the only thing that can survive.

Out of the apparatus room, Sun Xiaoqiang kept out of the door, obviously he was still a bit weak-hearted.

Seeing Lin go out, he relented, and limped up, saying, "I will say, You must be fine. Five people in your group, you are only one-fifth as likely to be eliminated. It's so easy to die. "

And he said, "We, our brothers, together, will be able to reach the end."

Lin raised his hand and was supposed to give the guy a punch.

Suddenly, he thought that Sun Xiaoqiang's talent skills were F-level, but also speed-based skills, is his much-needed skills.

For Sun Xiaoqiang, Lin Qiao will not take him as a good friend.

And his skills are exactly what Lin Qi can fuse.

A thought floated: To find a way to kill Sun Xiaoqiang, put his talentCan grab it.

Don't blame me for your insensitivity.

This is your death and I live the thriller exam.

For the ungrateful Sun Xiaoqiang, even if killed, Lin Xiaqiang has no sense of guilt.

He had a smile on his face: "It was my death. You know, it was Ding Youting who was eliminated. "

It looks as if the relationship between their two friends is back.

But only Lin Xie knew that he was only paralyzing Sun Xiaoqiang.

Sun Xiaoqiang's speed-type talent skills, he will be determined.

In the distance, Muilin watched Sun Xiaoqiang and Lin Xiaoqiang shoulder-to-shoulder walking together, shook his head slightly, obviously to Lin Qiao very disappointed.

Liu Ziyi quietly approached Muilin, and whispered, "Oh, why don't you all come to Ding Yu Ting and tell me, knowing that I also voted with you."

Mu Yling glanced at her, and a sincere smile appeared on her face: "I thought Lin had spoken to you?"

Liu Ziyi looked at Lin and whispered, "Lin did not make it clear. I thought he wanted me to vote. I don't know, Zhang Ruixuan and we are all the way. "

Liu Ziyi deliberately emphasized us both words.

Muilin certainly understood Liu Ziyi's meaning, she was trying to get closer.

Muilin appeared to have a very sincere smile: "We are all the way. Next, we work together to make sure we don't end up. "

"Well," Liu Ziyi also appeared on his face that seemingly sincere smile.

It's just what she thinks, who doesn't.You know.

These two girls are really false about false intentions.

The bell rang after class.

The sky is already lit.

The ghosts on campus also dissipated.

First day of exams, end.