Punch of justice

Everyone stopped as they heard a loud scream.

Who is that? Everyone wondered as they slowly looked back.

Their jaw dropped as they saw from far away how Ian was screaming in pain.

Ian quickly crawl away from the moving Lazer, his face was covered in tears as he witnessed how his right hand was cut.

His blood dripped and got mixed with the sand, but he still continue to crawl forward face down.

Then he noticed someone's foot steps approaching him, as he looked up, Nathan hurriedly grabbed his arm and quickly help him stand up.

With his left hand on Nathan's shoulder, Ian's pace slowly got faster.

And soon after they caught up with everyone.

Others looked him with empathy but they got no time to check on him properly, so they continue to run.

How much longer? Nathan wondered as he looked forward.

"What's that?" Jhane point forward at something.

They noticed something not too far from them.

"Is that a flag?" Jhane continue. "Let's hurry"

Others picked up their pace.

As they got closer and closer they noticed something approaching the flag.

"Oh no!" A shaky voice coming from a girl named Mae.

"Is that a Lazer?" Jhane asked.

When they arrived at where the flag is located they were shocked.

And a thought suddenly popped up on their heads "All this time the Lazer is circle?"

The Lazer was in the shape of circle and approaching them in every sides.

As everyone panicked a calm voice spoke up.

"Look below us"

Everyone looked at Nathan and shortly after they alter their attention to the ground.

A red circle was drawn around the flag.

Everyone then compressed so they can fit inside the drawn circle.

But the circle isn't big enough for all of them to fit in.

"What should we do?" They spoke in sync.

As they continue to think for a solution, the Lazer got closer and closer.

Then Mae grabbed Jhane's arm aggressively and pull her out of the circle.

"There! Now everyone's good to go" she looked at everyone with a smile on her face but others looked her with disgust.

She sat on the ground and started laughing. Her voice was loud but clearly full of despair, her eyes was cloudy because of tears. And on that moment she got everyone's empathy.

"Let's try again" Nathan spoke.

Before Nathan stepped in, he picked up Ian and placed him on his back.

"There, now everyone's gonna fit in."

Everyone followed Nathan, and finally they fit in perfectly.

Everyone stand next to each other and after that they stare directly at the Lazer and it's movement towards them.

As the Lazer got closer, everyone compressed themselves more.

I can't let it touch me they're all determined.

And their distance got even more closer until a foot.

They knew that even a slight extension of hand can end up in a tragedy.

Then as they watched the Lazer in silence a quiet laugh was heard.

Who laughed? Everyone wondered.

Then all of a sudden, their jaw dropped as they saw a girl fall off face first towards the Lazer!

The girl didn't even made a sound as she slowly turned into ashes.

Their eyes widely opened and trying to comprehend was just happened.

Jhane silently cried and covered her mouth because there are only two girls on their group and she knew it was Mae.

They just closed their eyes and waited the Lazer to disappear.

And after a while it was finally gone.

Nathan dropped Ian safely on the ground and everyone else sat on the ground and not a single soul spoke as they feel empty inside looking at the ground, then Jhane cried loudly!

Everyone else's tears also began to fall.

On the other hand, Nathan ripped a piece of his shirt and approached Ian.

He slowly wrapped Ian's wound to make it stopped bleeding intensely. Ian covered his eyes as he cried in pain of losing a hand.

"You pushed her!" A voice full of rage caught everyone's attention.

"I saw you!" Reno aggressively grabbed Marque by his shirt's collar.

"You saw me? But you didn't stopped me?" Marque laughed as he was amused by the expression on Reno's face.

He stares Reno right into his eyes and Reno didn't respond.

Someone ran towards them coming from Reno's right side.

Then he stopped and punched Marque right into his face! And Marque got knocked down.

"You've done enough!" Vincent looked directly and pointed at Marque.

Marque sat down and looked above as he was trying to stop his nose from bleeding.

"You guys don't understand anything" he laughed while wiping the dripping blood from his nose. "Her brain began to fog and she can't think straight, I've did what I have to do"

"What do you mean?" Jhane asked.

Marque just smile as a reply.

And after that everyone went silent and rest.

Then the dusk came and the night time.

"We should make fire to warm us up" Jhane spoke as she looked at everyone.

Everyone agreed and split up and walked around to find dried woods.

Only Marque went solo.

"You feeling better?" Nathan asked Ian while walking.

"Yeah, thanks for asking"

"You know after we survive this, you can't share your opinions and no one will listen to you. You know why?" Nathan stopped walking and looked at Ian.

"Why?" Ian replied with a serious face.

"Because you don't have the right." Nathan wink and smiled at Ian.

"Hey that's not funny" Jhane interrupt Nathan.

But Ian laughed "That's a good one"

They continue to walk around while laughing. And after some time everyone gathered again.

Everyone still didn't said anything while dropping their haul in the middle.

Then they arrange it properly to start a fire.

"Anyone have a lighter or a match?" Nathan asked.

"Here" Marque handed his lighter while smiling.

Then finally they made a fire.

Everyone sat around the fire to feel it's warmth, and watched how beautiful the sky is that night.

"You guys can sleep, I will stay up and alert you guys if something will happen" Nathan spoke while extending his hand towards the fire palm first.

"Okay, wake me up when you're sleepy and we'll take turns." Vincent replied.

Then others laid down and closed their eyes except Nathan, Ian and Jhane.

After everyone was asleep, Nathan picked something out from his pocket.

And handed it to Ian and Jhane.

"Thanks!" They replied after receiving chocolate bars from Nathan.

Then they started eating,

"Nathan" said by Jhane while looking at the sky.

"Yes?" He replied.

"The moon is beautiful isn't?" He didn't respond and the two went to sleep except for Nathan.

After some time everyone fully went to sleep. But someone silently stood up,

"Can't sleep?" Nathan asked him.

"Yeah" he laughed.

The two just sat there and stares at the fire.

Only the whispers of the wind was heard, and the noise coming from different animals.

"I saw everything" Nathan broke the silence between them.

"She tried to push you first right?"

"Yeah" Marque laughed silently.

"I think she slipped or something, I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew she's gone. I tried to help her but I'm not no hero so I didn't fully reach her out."

"You're truly a good guy, I can fell that." Nathan looked at Marque pass through the fire.

"And I know that you're smart" for the first time marque looked serious.

"Why you're trying to be the bad guy?" Nathan replied.

"They say when you're not served love in a silver spoon when you're young, you would learn to lick it from a knife. And i know that sometimes doing a good deed is not always right." Marque smiled genuinely.

After he said that, Marque suddenly fall.

"Can sleep finally huh" Nathan thought.

After some time Nathan felt weird and dizzy.

I messed up he thought as his vision began to darken.

"Where am I?" A voice spoke.