Agent Victor

"I've cleared out the headquarters, but I see a mini power plant on the port. Moving onto it."

Jamie informed his communicator, looking out a hole in the wall at the port, along with the seemingly infinite ocean behind it. It was hard to believe that it was artificial.

Prime flew out the hole in the wall and hovered, waiting for Jamie to board him. Once he was safely perched on Prime's back, the mecha immediately fired almost all the missiles he had at the headquarters, blowing it sky high.

"It's almost over, big guy." Jamie patted the top of Prime's head before they landed, now in front of the mini power plant.

He had Prime punch the gate open, and he saw that the whole area was just generator after generator, and there were a lot, too. He would have to destroy all the ones here and the ones at the far back.

"Time to get to it."

Prime punched the first generator, destroying it. The tesla coil stopped spitting out sparks, which gave Jamie confirmation that just punching each one would be enough.

They started destroying the generators one by one, and Jamie fought boredom by reminding himself how important his current task was, and by looking at the ocean, wondering what the other sectors were like.

"Jamie?" His communicator buzzed to life.


"Jamie, is there anyone with you in the area right now?"

"Right now?" Jamie frowned and looked around, spotting someone in the distance back on the port. "Yeah, there's one cop in the distance, I'll go kill him."

"Wait! What does he look like?" Beck stopped Jamie, sounding worried. The man in the distance kept walking, slowly decreasing the distance between him and Jamie.

"Uh, from where I'm standing, he's got blonde hair, pretty tall, and his coat is all white, no blue streaks." Jamie squinted as he listed the features he saw.

"Damn it!" Beck roared, making Jamie put the communicator far from his face.

"What is it?"

"Jamie, that's-Bzzt!"

Just as Beck tried to explain, the communicator glitched, giving Jamie an electrical shock.


He dropped it on the ground, while the communicator still had Beck trying to say things through the static.

"All white - Bzzt! - Agent - Bzzt! - un! - Bzzt!"

While Jamie shook his hand, the man finally covered enough distance to speak to Jamie, who noticed the man had yellow eyes.

"Hello there." He greeted Jamie politely.

"Uh, hi?" Jamie raised an eyebrow. "Are you the chief of Dynamos or something?"

"Not quite." The man shook his head. "My name is Victor, and I'd like to ask you something."

"..." Jamie stayed silent as he felt tension rise between them.

"Are you the intruder I've been searching for this whole time?"

As Victor said this, he released his aura that belonged to a Wizard in the Enhanced Realm, focusing it on Jamie, who immediately felt cold from fear. The man in front of him was stronger than any Wizard cop Dynamos had (which isn't saying much).

Fighting his fear, Jamie looked Victor in the eyes. Usually, he would have denied it, or had a witty comeback, but not today. Jamie didn't know why, but looking at this guy in front of him, it just pissed him off.

Instead, he tilted his head, gazed at Victor coldly, and grinned.

"Yeah, I am."

"Thank you for the clarification."

Victor smiled, yellow sparks appearing and enveloping his body. Before Jamie could see what he was up to, Victor disappeared from his spot.



Back in his office, Beck threw his communicator against the wall. He was trying to warn Jamie about the Agent when the connection cut out.

"We lost him." Beck sat down and sighed in frustration, running his hands through his hair.

Lowe sighed. "I'll start planning our survival."

Beck just grunted, barely listening. An Agent. A damn Agent. They were special Dynamos operatives, straight from the middle class sector, as seen by the all white long coats they wore compared to the white and blue of the average cop.

He'd heard of an Agent's capabilities, and knew that they were outmatched. This one in particular, the Electric Wizard, was especially terrifying. They were winning. Beck was listening to the cheers of his men as they eradicated every cop in the streets.

Until the cheers turned to screams of pain, panic, fear. One man with blonde hair, yellow eyes, and an all-white coat had massacred most of Beck's men in an instant before heading back to the headquarters after seeing the large explosion from it.

The part that scared Beck the most was how fast it was. Most of his people only spoke about seeing the guy through their communicators before screaming and turning silent. He didn't even know how they were killed.

The only thing he could do now was pray and hope. Hope that his investment was better than a Dynamos Agent.

"Please, kid…"


Victor disappeared from his spot. Before Jamie's eyes could even widen, he flew backwards, feeling like he got hit by a truck. He quickly crashed into a generator, blood spilling out of his mouth as he screamed, the generator's electricity shocking him.


Everything hurt. The attack was so fast he couldn't even command Prime to counter it. Jamie could taste blood, and he couldn't feel his arm… his arm!?

"For a Mecha Pilot who broke through Old Orion's shield, you sure are as fragile as everybody else."

Victor reappeared next to Prime, looking the mecha up and down. In his right hand he held an appendage that was dripping red liquid.

"Fuck me…"

Jamie looked down, and sure enough, his left arm was missing, the place his elbow should be was instead a bloody stump, the other half being swung around by Victor.

"Strange model." Victor noted, putting his free hand under his chin. "There's no space for the Pilot. Is this even a real Mecha?"

Seeing him distracted, Jamie acted. A casual hit from Victor was enough to render Jamie into a near-death state, he would NOT survive another attack.

Prime swung his fist, intending to crush the distracted Agent's head. Before the fist made contact, sparks enveloped Victor's figure and he disappeared in a yellow blur, reappearing out of reach.

"Pfft." Victor scoffed and threw the severed arm at Prime before disappearing, the arm bouncing off the mecha and rolling away.

"Where is he?!" Jamie asked, trying and failing to get to his feet.

Victor reappeared in front of him, grinning widely as his arm was in the air, brimming with yellow electricity, ready to land the killing blow.

Jamie grit his teeth and urged Prime to move, but the mecha was never going to make it in time. Completely outclassed and overpowered, this was going to be the end for Jamie Prime.



The communicator burst back to life with static as Victor's hand burst into bloody chunks right before Jamie was pierced. The Agent's eyes widened before he gripped his stump of a wrist and screamed in pain.


Although shocked, Jamie didn't waste a single moment as Prime finally reached them, activating his back thrusters for a boost as he tackled Victor, flying all the way back and slamming him into the wall.

"Jamie, I know you can hear me." Lowe's cool voice entered Jamie's ears from the communicator still on the ground.

He turned to look at it, still shaken by nearly dying.

"I got him back for you."

Far from where Jamie battled Victor, all the way on top of the massive steel wall that was the border between the slums and the wasteland, a purple haired woman lay on her stomach, operating a heavy-looking sniper rifle mounted in front of her, smoke coming out of the barrel. She pulled the bolt back and ejected the bullet casing before loading another bullet in, waiting for Victor to come back into sight.

"Now, I need you to get up, and kill that guy." Lowe's voice continued. "If you can't even kill an Agent, then maybe you were the wrong person to trust."

Jamie grit his teeth in anger as he heard Lowe's harsh words, but he knew he was right. He had gotten in way over his head because of how valuable having Prime made him. This was the second time he had been useless in the face of a powerful enemy, first with Shell saving him, and now with Lowe.

No more.

"...Alright." Letting out a yell of pain, Jamie got to his feet, ignoring how much his insides hurt. He tried not to think about how much blood he was currently losing.

As he had lost attention for a moment, Victor was able to free himself from Prime's grasp, gathering tons of energy in his intact fist and striking the mecha, sending Prime flying and bouncing off the port floor, leaving a dent in his chest.

"Victor! I got a question!"

Jamie called Victor, making him step forward and narrow his eyes, incredulously, wondering why this boy still wanted to talk.

"What?" He spat out, taking another step forward, unknowing stepping into the woman's scope.

"Got you." She mumbled from the top of the wall.

Jamie smiled at him with his bloodstained teeth.

"What level are you?"

Asking his question, Jamie immediately bolted deeper into the power plant, stumbling along the way. Not understanding what Jamie meant, Victor growled, bending forward to give chase, sparks enveloping him the same time a trigger was pulled.

This time, his left side got a hole put in it, stopping him from chasing Jamie.

"Damn it all!"

He yelled as he moved towards the headquarters for cover. Get shot once, shame on Lowe. Get shot twice, shame on Victor. He turned into a yellow blur once again, but his movement was now visible to the eye, courtesy of being slowed by his injuries.

As Jamie moved away, he heard footsteps fast approaching. He had to use everything he had at his disposal.

First, he had Prime fly over to him and activate smokescreen, covering the area in smoke. Victor came to a stop as he lost track of Jamie, wary of attacks from behind in the smoke.

[Overdrive Function has been activated. Time limit: 5 minutes.]

As Jamie read the notification, he felt a rush enter him. He felt hyper aware of Prime's different abilities and how to use him. It felt strangely good, like he was high or something.

"That's right, his Attributes are tripled and his abilities evolve. Alright, 5 minutes."

Jamie made his way to the back of the powerplant, finding a cage. Not willing to split his attention right now, he simply leaned against it and focused on controlling Prime, hoping he doesn't bleed out before the fight ends.

"Let's do this."

Back on top of the wall, seeing that neither Jamie nor Victor were in sight any longer, the purple haired woman stopped looking through the scope. Her earpiece buzzed.

"We've done what we can. It's all up to Jamie now. If he wins, great. If he loses…

we'll go with Plan B. Get out of there."

The woman simply listened before nodding, getting up from her spot and disassembling her rifle. She packed it into a briefcase next to her and approached the edge of the wall, where a rope was prepared to safely get her down.

She slid down the rope and escaped into an alley, having successfully followed orders. It was all up to Jamie now.