In his room, Isaiah is meticulously packing his backpack. His older sister's footsteps immediately break the silence of Isaiah filling his bag. She walks towards his room and then stands in his doorway. 

"C'mon, kid, Mom already called you twice. You almost finished or what?" Gwenn says, rushing her younger brother. 

"Almost," Isaiah responds. Gwenn continues to watch her younger brother pack. Once Isaiah finishes packing, he puts his backpack on, looks around his room, and then faces his sister.

             "What will you do without me?" asks Isaiah, smiling and shaking his head.

 "A lot," Gwenn replies, answering immediately. Isaiah raises an eyebrow.

 "Such as?" Isaiah asked curiously. 

 "I'll be enjoying every second of you not being here," Gwenn answers.

 "You're not going to miss me just a little bit?" he asks, losing his smile. Gwenn scoffs. 

 "Why would I waste my time missing you? You're coming back in two days," She says.

 "Maybe because I'm your brother," he replies, being defensive.

 "Yes, and those are some of your comics, and right there is a chair. Do you need me to keep going? There's a lot more I don't care about." Gwenn then says sarcastically. 

Suddenly, a car horn beeps from the driveway, causing them to look out the window. Seconds later, they look back at each other. 

              "Well, I guess this is it," Isaiah says with a deep breath.

  "You're not leaving for the navy, relax." Gwenn says. 

There is a slight chuckle between the siblings. The sound of a car horn honks again, and Isaiah turns to face the window again.

   "Now get out of here before mom has a heart attack," Gwenn says, warning Isaiah. Isaiah laughs. 

The car horn goes off again, longer this time.

    "I'm serious," Gwenn says. Isaiah rushes to the top of the stairs. 

    "Bye!" Isaiah quickly says before rushing to the car. 

    "Later," She says.

As Isaiah rushes downstairs to get to the car, Gwenn watches him. Isaiah slams the front door behind him, causing his sister to run back to his window. She watches him get into the car with his mom and drive off. She then turned around once she saw the car take off. Seconds later, Gwenn grabs her cell phone out of her back pocket. 

"Parents are out, the pest is gone, time to get this weekend started," Gwenn says to herself as she texts rapidly on her phone.