The Exorcism Pt. 2

Thirty minutes later, both fathers return to Isaiah's room for round two of the exorcism. They slowly walk to different sides of the bed, trying not to trigger him. Seconds later, Father Matthews prepares again for the ritual while Father Miller supervises. After shaping a cross into the air twice, Father Matthews is ready to start round two of the exorcism. 

                                           "Let us pray," Father Matthews says.

He begins to lead the original father prayer while Father Miller follows. During the prayer, Isaiah begins to get more aggressive and angry. His bed starts to shake, and he shouts at both priests, trying to free himself from the straps.                             

                                          "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen." Finally, they finish the prayer. 

After the prayer, Isaiah vulgarly interrupts.

                                         "Bastards, stop!" Isaiah says with rage.

                                         "Shut up!" Father Miller shouts at him. 

Due to Isaiah's rage, his room aggressively shakes, almost like an earthquake in one room. Each Father falls to the floor due to their lack of stability. They try to help each other during this situation but fail to do so.

                                         "Just skip to the last parts of the ritual!" Father Miller shouts while trying to keep up with the massive quake.

Father Matthews nods in agreement as he tries to get on top of the edge of Isaiah's bed. 

                                        "Vanish! In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit!" Father Matthews proclaims, signifying the cross on the left side of Isaiah's temple. 

   As Father Matthews continues to say Minor Exorcism prayers, Isaiah's eyes roll to the back of his head; his eyes are now completely white. The earthquake in his room starts to simmer down tremendously. Blankets rip from over him, and somehow, the straps loosen, causing Isaiah to levitate in the air. The fathers continue to say Minor Exorcism prayers.   

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger." Father Matthews says, opening his holy water again.

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!" They repeat together.

                As both fathers continue to repeat this verse, Father Matthews throws Holy Water on Isaiah while he's still levitating in the air. Mini quakes from Isaiah's room occur momentarily.

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!"

                                        "It is our God, your father, who is stronger!" They continue repeating.

           As they finish repeating themselves, Isaiah slowly comes down from levitating in the air. Noticing he is free, Father Miller rushes to wrap Isaiah's hands in loose straps left on the bed before he gains consciousness. Meanwhile, Father Matthews finishes with the final part of the exorcism prayers. Father Miller then grabs two blankets from off the floor and covers Isaiah. Isaiah settles, and the quakes stop. Both fathers are now at peace without the commotion happening around them.

       With the practice calming down, Father Miller decides to take a quick bathroom break.

                                         "Excuse me, Father Matthews," he says, leaving the bedroom.

Father Matthews nods, watching him exit the room and close the door behind him. Father Matthews is now all alone with the spirit of evil.