🌘 Narrated by Anthe/Luna/Emily

I'm very nervous. Today is my first concert... What if I'm wrong? What if I don't have the talent for this? What if no one comes?

That's what I was thinking as I peeked through the curtain to see the area where the audience was, and I was surprised to see so many people. That gave her a little confidence, but what gave her the courage to go out on stage was to see the guys in the place, they were in the front row wearing blue paint on their nails and some light sticks, and who knows where they got them from.

With growing motivation, she gave a signal to the audience to begin and stood in the middle of the stage with no longer any fear in her or her abilities, just a question running through her head, could he have come?

🌘 Narrator

While our protagonist was getting ready to start the show, in the audience, there was a particular group. For anyone who saw them, they seemed like a normal family, but that was not the reality or not for the young black-haired boy, he was a bit confused about why they were in that place, or better said, why HE was there?

Since Christmas everything had been a bit strange for him, a few days after that mysterious gift arrived, a letter had arrived at his aunt and uncle's house. In the letter, there were 4 front row tickets for a concert by a young emerging model, of which his aunt Petunia was a fan.

That seemed strange to him, but his aunt and uncle didn't question it too much, after all, they were free tickets! Why not go?

The only thing that displeased them was the fact that they specified that the young green-eyed boy had to go to use them, and they reluctantly took him with them.

The boy, as confused as he was, was also excited, it was the first time he had attended such an event, and he couldn't wait for it to start. Just moments later, the curtain was opened, revealing a girl about his age.

She was dressed in a navy blue dress with bare shoulders that reached just above her knees, and her blonde hair was slightly tied back. When she began to sing and dance on stage, he couldn't help but think that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life.

So, without being able to help himself, he began to cheer her on along with the group of boys next to him, who, seeing his enthusiasm, lent him a light stick, and between the five of them began to cheer her up by inventing choreographies.

🌘 Harry Narrates

This was the second-best day of my life, this is the first time I've had so much fun for as long as I can remember. The guys next to me were just as excited as I was, if not more.

At a certain point, she and I inadvertently exchanged glances, which, to my surprise, caused her to smile in a way that I couldn't help but blush, she looked beautiful as well.

"An angel..." - I said barely, to which the boys next to me turned to look at me.

"You're right"

"She's a real angel," - Said the redheads, finishing each other's sentences.

"The most beautiful of all"

"I have to agree with that."

After that, we didn't talk again, as she just started talking as the song ended.

"Good evening, everyone! I want to thank you for being here, you don't know how much this means to me, for as long as I can remember I've always wanted to be a singer, and finally my dream came true!" - As she spoke, the rest of the audience went wild, even my aunt was more than excited. - "And don't forget, my name is Emily Black" - I couldn't believe it. - "I hope I get the chance to sing for you guys again." - She said this before leaving, but before disappearing behind the curtain, she winked at me.

🌘 Time skip 🌘

🌘 Narrated by Anthe/Luna/Emily

It's been a few years since my first gig, and now I'm 10 years old ('9' according to Xeno) and I'm looking forward to the holidays as I feel a bit lonely without the boys who are at Hogwarts. While they are studying and playing pranks, I'm almost 100% dedicated to my work, although I always have free time to practice magic.

My relationship with Pan is good, she is like a big sister. It will hurt me a lot when she dies this year, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Leaving that aside, I found out that legally I am only her daughter but not Xenophilius (who is getting crazier every day), and in her will it is written that if she dies before I come of age, I will be emancipated, which means that legally I am an adult even if I am 10 years old or younger.

I've also been sending anonymous gifts to Sirius, Remus, Bellatrix, and Severus, the first of whom has become my pen pal, which makes me wonder: What the hell with the supposed security at Azkaban? I mean, I could send him a wand if I wanted to!

Azkaban's lax security aside, at the moment I am in our lair with Adam my Tali-friend who is a very cute winged rabbit, and Soren the owl of the now marauding coven formerly called the bean club, I am making more of my joke products to send to the twins and Cedric who have changed a bit to how he is supposed to be in the books, for example, Cedric is more relaxed, joking, and he almost didn't stay in Hufflepud because of what he wrote in his letter he almost messed it up by accident, but I don't think that would have affected the story much, I mean it hasn't changed anything that the twins are in Slytherin or so I think, the only different thing is their mother's attitude but since I've known her she's always been a bitch.

"What are you doing, kiddo?" - Pandora asked as she peeked into the little house.

"I'm trying to create new spells as you do and remembering when the twins got me into Hogwarts, haha."

"I was really scared that day when I couldn't find you anywhere," - She said as if she didn't want to - "Do you think you could help me in a new experiment?"

"With pleasure, Pan" - I said to follow her without knowing that this would be the last time I would see her.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English. 

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).