The Soultaker

At the Hartland, Kur was used as a form of mockery, since he was a human amongst dogs. people would come from far and wide just to see the Human Dog which was the official name that was given to him. The Writters returned to their hut days just to discover how Cara had murdered all the animals in the forest, Cara was nowhere to be found in the forest, and the Writter knew she must have returned to her master which would not be Rahl but the Hartlanders King since he was currently in possession of the black Magic. It took Cara two days before she got to Hartland, the Hartlanders were all scared at Cara's first appearence but the King knew that Cara was his first messenger, the same day Cara got to Hartland was the same day the Hartland Magistrate declared Kur to be sentenced to death, while his accomplice would continue to be jailed for life.

Everything was set for the execution of Kur, Kur was tried upside down while a soldier stood beside him holding a wipe and an axe.

".... I'll give you an offer now, you can save yourself from this mess if you would just take the oath, I won't force you to take the oath just because I can't. But now you have an option to save your friend and yourself. So what's it gonna be? "

"I would rather die than serve you," Kur said aggressively, he was wiped several times. Some of the people who knew Kur took pity on him because he was a good man and someone that doesn't deserve to be treated that way, he was publicly embarrassed and was scrip of his clothes, the soldier then took an axe and was ready to make the final cut, Kur was to be beheaded.

Cara was brought out to also witness this show, although what the king doesn't know is that the real accomplice was his new servant, Kur knew at this point of his life that he had lost everything and there wasn't a going back on it. Just as he was about to be beheaded he cried out loud to the heavens "If heaven is where god dwells then I refuse to be there, I renounce god on this moment...".

Before the axe met him there was a great lightning and the soldier that stood beside Kur passed out. The event took place like a miracle and everyone present was in shock, they had never seen such a thing before, Kur's body was also found on the floor but he had a different mark on his forehead, it was like he was possessed but something but the people and the king felt ignorant about it since Kur was dead. The king and Cara returned to their space ( palace ) and there was a great merriment in the palace.

It took three days and nights for the body of Kur to be in hell. Every individual was expected to go to the fairy tale world where their souls can live but Kur's case was different, it was like god had already cast his judgement on Kur and he was sent to Rahl, the king of hell. " what brought you here son, the Day hasn't come" asked Rahl, Kur still in shock and terrified, it was a well-known fact that everyone that dies goes straight to the fairy tale world where their souls continue to live on till the Day. " where am I? how did I get here? who are you? what are you?" ,

Rahl was displeased with such questions because he never liked anyone to talk about his appearance, the truth was Rahl was an ugly-looking monster, he had two sharp horns and a long tooth, his feet were as big as that of a planet, his eyes were so wide that one would think was sent to monitor the ways of man on earth. " you don't dare speak to me in such manners, your life now belongs to me, you are in my captivities and they are no escape this time" Rahl said angrily, these statements of Rahl made Kur realise he was in a whole new different world, he observes around and he saw the demons that were in the surrounding, just then he knew he was dealing with the devil himself.

" master am sorry, I have found my way to your temple please pardon my manners and let me live among your messengers" Kur humbled himself and pleaded, "You can't live amongst my messengers the world here is hot, you won't survive a day here with this demons, you're just an ordinary boy sent here because of the lack of power to control your tongue"

" then you must save me, I know you have the powers of your own, you can save me. I believe in you " Kur pleaded with tears in his eyes, it was the first time a person would be asking for redemption from Rahl, and as the case may be Rahl had sympathy for him. " if I save you from all these messes what do I get in return, besides I don't have my Black Magic to affirm whatever spell I do to help you"

" well I guess that would be my problem from now henceforth, I'll get you your power back and I'll also multiply your messengers if you can please break the spell on one of your messengers, but she's not here. I need your blood to save her" Kur added to the conversation he was having with Rahl, it was a good offer since he would get his powers back and more messengers would be granted unto him.

Kur was returned to life, Rahl had to make sure Kur wasn't playing tricks on him so he was accompanied by a female Demon Tamra who was his guiding angel.

Ten years have passed and Kur has been keeping to part of his deal, although he hasn't fully completed his tasks he was getting souls for Rahl, Rahl wasn't that impressed with all the souls that Kur was winning for him what he wanted was his Black Magic so he could have another opportunity to challenge a god. well, Rahl who used to be the brother of god was jealous of his brother's power, he couldn't bear seeing his junior brother rule as the superintendent of all universe. One day Rahl and his colleagues planned an attack on god, but god was too powerful for them, he defeated them all but spared his brother and cast him into hell, where he ruled as the king. During his stay in hell, he was able to come up with the most powerful spell the Black Magic, he believed if he attacked his brother with a power he didn't know before then his brother would stand no chance with him. Kur was a successful man with no idea of the kind of job he had, he was rich but not famous, he lived a quiet life and no one saw him until a day you'll need help, he appeared in the shadows to help people in desperate needs and all you need to do is to sign a blood contract of ten years. After ten years your soul goes to Rahl in hell, it was as simple as ABC but one thing people kept falling for was that they never believed him, people would always take his good gesture for granted believing that he was just making those statements just to make them feel scared. Tamra on the other hand kept a record of everyone who made a deal with Kur and she notified him of whosoever deal had expired. it was a simple job but Kur knew he hadn't kept up to his promise, and that was to get Rahl Black Magic back for him and it was going to be a difficult one to handle. One day a man and his wife were stuck in the rain and the man's wife was in labour, they pleaded for help from several cabs to take them to the hospital but it was like their luck wasn't shining. It took thirty minutes of waiting and the woman couldn't bear the pain again, it felt like she was almost giving up the ghost and the world was on her shoulder before a luxurious car was parked in front, the man immediately approached the car like he knew the owner of the car, he knocked on the back sit window but they were no respond, just as he was about to knock the second time a man appeared from the other side of the car and he walked up to him majestically. The sign on Kur's forehead was the first thing that got everyone he approached attention, the mark looked like a hook that was upside down. " please we need your help, my wife here is about to put to bed and we have to get to the nearest hospital" the man pleaded still observing the mark on Kur forehead, was he asking the right person or should he just continue begging from other people, he wasn't sure the next step to take because Kur looked like a wizard with the mark on his forehead, but still people always ignore the mark and would still mark a deal with him. The man took a moment to observe his wife and he saw the pain in her eyes, she was already bleeding and the man could not stand a chance of losing another child after he had lost five.

" ...excuse me do you still want to make a deal, I'd save your wife and your unborn child. I'll also grant you wealth and riches that would last for a lifetime time but you'll only sign a deal here to pay back in eternity" Kur explained the deal for the fourth time to the man, he was confused when he heard the term "....only sign a deal here to pay back in eternity",

" what does he mean by I would pay back in eternity," the man thought to himself, but regardless he didn't have much time to think about it so he requested the document, but as always Kur would bring out a white towel then he uses his sharp nail to make blood come out of his victim's hand, just a pitch is enough for the ritual, once the blood touches the nail it then turns to full red and it burns away. It looked like surprise to the man he saw himself at the hospital and his wife was being attended to, a few moments later the doctor came out to deliver the good news that his wife had just given birth to a bouncing baby girl, he rushed in to see his wife and his child with so much joy, " how did you do it, how did you get the money to settle the bills" his wife asked, in shock and so much surprise "I paid the bills?",

"I asked one of the nurses and she said my husband already paid it all. where did you get such money?"

" yeah, sorry I forgot, I paid the bills already, don't mind me" he answered with so much tension in his statements

" is all okay dear? you sound scared", just as he was having this conversation with his wife, a man walked in and asked if they should go home or if they wished to stay in the hospital, it was a surprise to both couples because the last time they checked they don't have a house manager or any of such. " sorry who are you again?" the husband asked, "I'm your driver, in fact am just one of your drivers" the strange looking man answered. The couples were in great shock, how did they become the boss of people overnight, was it a dream or what was going on here? The couple followed the strange-looking man and he saw the massive crowd that was waiting to welcome him, he then remembered the contract he signed with Kur and he realised that Kur meant every word he said, he tried to search for Kur amongst the crowd but it was too late for him the deal has already been made.

After twenty complete years of Kur's progress in his mission, he decided to return to Hartland to get the Black Magic of Rahl from the Hartlander King, by the time he got there a lot had changed, the place looked more civilise than Kur even found it difficult to relate with the roads. He asked a few people how he could get to the King's palace and he was directed little by little, as always he was accompanied by Tamra who was always by his side, Kur was always seen with Tamra. By the time Kur got to the final junction of the palace he needed to ask to confirm if he was at the right place, but to his surprise the last person he saw was Cara, she worked as a Bar Attendant in one of the biggest Bar that was newly established by the new King of the Hartlanders, King Kahlan. He took control of everything his father left behind after his departure eight years ago, he grew up outside the walls of Hartland and these made him exposed to the outer world, it took King Kahlan just eight years to build Hartland to a higher standard, he was a man that loved women and he drinks a lot. People wouldn't say he was that all bad since he met the needs of the people, the only challenge they had was that he picked women randomly both young and old and slept with them, and the old law of strangers taking an oath still stands. He was more notorious than his father when it came to that, and things became worse the day his father handed over the Black Magic to him, he felt like he was almost like a god and no one was above him. King Kahlan was the feared of all kings in the seven kingdoms of Atlanta, King Kahlan married Princess Veta a daughter of another powerful king in one of the seven kingdoms of Atlanta.

Because of his love for alcohol, he opened a very big bar where people from different places come to drink, he appointed an elderly woman to watch after the bar but the stress was too much on her, so he decided to give Cara to the woman so she could be of assistance. Kur didn't need to give the blood of Rahl to Cara before she could be healed, all he needed was for Rahl to free her from his mind and the rest would be a mystery, after Cara's transformation to her real self during the regime of the former Hartlander King she was kept in the palace and different rituals were carried out just to know the source of her transformation, but after the death of the king no one took Cara serious in the palace again, she lived like a ghost in the palace for years until the day she was called up by King Kahlan to join the old woman at the bar.

Cara didn't recognise Kur, but Kur on the other hand recognised Cara, he immediately got out of the car and approached Cara more closely. "I have been searching for you, where have you been? how have you been?" Kur was still in full surprise, Cara was shocked to see a stranger asking her how had she been, she had never been asked that particular question for years now, and even the woman she claimed she worked for was careless of her, "Sorry who are you again?"

"I'm Kur, the guy you saved many years ago, I'm here to save you" Kur whispers into her ears, Tamra was looking in doubt about what was going on between Kur and Cara, Cara didn't look like someone that needed help, so why did Kur get out of the car, so she decided to get down herself. Tamra wasn't sure why she got jealous but she knew she had to intervene in whatever conversation Kur and Cara were having. " Boss we've to move, we're running late, the King's palace is just up ahead we don't need her help anymore" Tamra said with her heavenly demon voice. Kur told Cara that he was going to come back and that he had an important issue to settle in the palace, for no reason Cara just shouted that Kur should be careful and the palace isn't a safe place for strangers to just go in and out. On their way down to the palace Tamra was just talking about Cara's last statement the palace was not safe for strangers, but Kur didn't pay any attention to her, all he could think of was how he would carry out his mission and still survive.

Their arrival was a strange one because the king always informs his guard whenever he expects a visitor, but there wasn't any news about the arrival of a man and a lady, " do you have an appointment with the king" asked one of the guard, Tamra was so quick in casting a spell that would hypnotize the guards and he was just following the instructions Tamra said, the guard was used as their passcode to get free access into the palace without much noise ( been noticed). He took Kur and Tamra to his room where he stayed, Kur and Tamra settled in and the guard was released to return to his duty post. After hours of hiding Kur became uncomfortable with the idea, "I don't think hiding here would pay off, we don't have much time" Kur expressed bitterly, Tamra still couldn't get her head clear about what she saw Kur and Cara whispering, she saw it in Kur eyes that he was into the strange lady they met earlier and he had an undoubtful love for her, ever since when Kur and Tamra had been staying together she has never seen Kur looked at anyone with so much love and care. No one has ever given her a reason to be bothered but for the first time, she felt jealous seeing Kur looking at someone else like that. Kur and Tamra left the guards and headed straight to where the king accepted visitors. They were able to locate the chamber through the aid of the map drawn above the room of the palace, King Kahlan was in a meeting with some constructor and he's the type that doesn't like to be disturbed whenever he is in a meeting like that, Tamra made the guards that were guarding the entrance to pass out. They were able to progress to the meeting room. " who dares enter here without my permission?" King Kahlan screamed,

Kur who was a big businessman in his former life was their slimmest chance of surviving such a situation, " we're here to give you the biggest offer of your life, and am sure you'd like to hear us out" Kur lied just to save them from the wrath of the king. " then you have to book an appointment with my assistant", King Kahlan still sounded upset, " what if I say we've brought you a deal that would make you all superior, you'll be feared amongst all king and you will be truly a god you deserve to be, My King" Tamra added, finally the beg attention of King Kahlan was gotten and he asked the constructors to excuse them, Kur and Tamra were invited to the higher desk where King Kahlan accepts his business visitors.

After their first meeting, King Kahlan and Kur became buddies, and the mission of getting the Black Magic was becoming a success. One day King Kahlan invited Kur to the bar where Cara worked as an assistant, this was the first time Kur would be spotted in public alone, Tamra had to deliver a message to Rahl of the success they were having in their mission, it was part of everything for Tamra to report to Rahl once every six months, which makes it twice a year. King Kahlan and Kur talked about a lot of things and a little about their past, Kur was very watchful of the words he used whenever he talked about his past so as not to draw any attention to himself, although the new king hasn't been born when Kur and his father had their misunderstanding. Cara offered Kur a pint of a whiskey drink and he collected it with a cheerful smile on his face, he kept on smiling even after she had left, "Are we good ?" Kahlan asked, Kur immediately noticed what had happened and he composed himself together, "Sure, we good" he adjusted his sitting position and faced the king fully "So you were saying, you want to be superior and all land should bow before your kingdom" Kur added,

" What I am saying is, I want to be superior, king of all kings, I want to be unstoppable" King Kahlan complimented himself in excitement like everything Kur and Tamra guaranteed him were so sure

" what you're saying is you want to be a god on earth"

" correct, you are reading my mind. I know you were sent by my father to grant me more power, the Black Magic isn't enough, I need more if I want to be superior" Kur coughed as he heard Kahlan mention his father, " you mention the Black Magic, you have the Black Magic" Kur asked pretending he wasn't aware. One of Kahlan's best men came into the bar hurriedly and he was covered in blood, " my king, they have been an intrusion. Our people are been attacked", King Kahlan stood up immediately same as Kur and they left the bar. At this point Cara was beginning to have memorises flashes of her and Kur. Just as Kur was about to exit the door she called out his name, " Kur!!!". But Kur and the king were in a hurry for him to have heard his name. By the time Kur and the King got to the battlefield, the Heartlanders had already lost a lot of soldiers. Lord Raiden one of the most feared kings amongst the kings of all seven kingdoms, the king of Tiria was angry about how King Kahlan enslaved the traders he sent to the Hartland to make a trade on his behalf, King Kahlan made them take the oath and it made them stay back at Hartland not wanting to return home, even after they stated their intention of not staying for long, but they were still forced to take the oath. Lord Raiden heard of the news and he was displeased with how Kahlan had been handling issues so far, it felt like it was time they fought back. " why do you start a fight you can't finish" King Kahlan asked so much confidence, even knowing his men were down, " look around you, does it look like we're here to exchange words. if at all we are to have a conversation then it would be us making the deal and not the other way round" Lord Raiden challenge back. The Tiria men shouted as their King stood up to King Kahlan, and there is not what everyone gets to see every day, King Kahlan stepped backwards and went straight to Kur, "its high time you prove your worth to me, Kill that man" he points to Lord Raiden and gave him a very difficult smile, Kur was surprised but he had to keep his fear inside so as not to make the King see him as a weak person, Kur approach Lord Raiden slowly, he was stopped by the Tiria soldiers but their king said he should pass through, " what's your deal" Kur whispers in Lord Raiden ears, " tell your King to free my people, that's all we want" Lord Raiden also whispers in Kur ears back, " what if I told you you can't get your men back. And no matter how many men you kill here, your people won't still be free" Kur spoke in a way as if he was threaten Lord Raiden.

"Should that be a threat?" he said out loud and it rose the attention of the Tiria soldiers, "I think it high time you told your king what brought us here and we should get over with it" Lord Raiden added, Kur brought out a little dagger out from the big jumpey suit he was putting on and stab Lord Raiden in the neck, the solider of the Tiria tried to save thier king but Kur created a dome that made it impossible for them to pass through, Kur and Lord Raiden was stuck in the dome and it gave Kur more advantages, although Kur wasn't happy doing what he was doing, it was something he had to do just to prove his worth to King Kahlan. King Kahlan on the other hand was impressed by Kur's magic, the magic Kur used was interesting to King Kahlan, and it made him desire it. " how were you able to hold the soldiers off from getting into the dome" King Kahlan asked, Kur could sense the interest King Kahlan had for the power he used, and he could use that to get him if he plays his cards right.

King Kahlan and his men returned home champion of the battle with the help of his new friend, the King's palace had a big feast that night and these time Tamra was present at the occasion. It took King Kahlan weeks before he asked Kur about the Magic he used to defeat Lord Raiden during their conversation a night before he (King Kahlan) would go on a business trip. He wanted Kur to either ways share, give or anyhow so how tell him how to get the power before he goes on his trip so he doesn't return to discover Kur and his assistant has disappeared. Without any hesitation Kur asked King Kahlan to follow him to the dark forest if he desired the power, King Kahlan on the other hand couldn't wait and since he already knew one of the secrets and also one of the most powerful spells which enabled him to retrieve people's power from them and it was fate that determines if the person's lived or not. Kur and the King were alone in the King's Chambers, and this was an unusual activity that King Kahlan did. He has different rooms, the one he uses for different women who enter his trap, and his marital bed just as he calls it, because there's nothing marital about the room, especially the bed, because he has slept with different women mostly young ladies. But this particular room is a room that's always locked and only one person has the key to gain access, every room and chamber in the palace had two or more keys, but this particular room had just one key and it was handled by King Kahlan himself. Just as Kur was about to exit the room to get himself and Tamra ready for the journey thinking that King Kahlan would agree to follow to the dark forest, "Wait!", King Kahlan said out loud, his voice got Kur who had an over-excited face on him already, he had to play normal before he turned back, "what again my King".

"there's just one more thing I need you to do"

"Which is?" Kur already was sensing that their conversation would go sideways and most definitely, King Kahlan was up to no good, he took a step again and tried keeping a distance from King Kahlan, "Why can't you come closer than that, ain't we buddies anymore" King Kahlan heard himself made these statement and it made it look like he was seducing Kur into his bed, which was different from his normal intentions. " how come my standing position mattered a lot to you?"

" what do you mean, i want to have a secret conversation with you. And you know the walls have ears and these words I am about to say are private"

Kur finally came to a conclusion within himself that he was up to something, but King Kahlan wouldn't dare to hurt him if he wanted to get the magic, what could be his intention?, this question was all Kur could think about to the extent he did not even know when he altered these statement...., " what are your intentions with me, you know without me you can't get to the dark forest and also let me remind you that you can't get to the dark forest using a map, since you won't find it"

"Are you scared? can't your magic save you from me? " King Kahlan asked with so much despise in his tone

Kur felt uncomfortable and he had to walk out of the room before things would go bad between him and the King, King Kahlan smiled as he watched Kur exit the room. Kur went to where Cara worked just to have a pint of drink, luckily the woman who was initially asked to manage the place wasn't around, Cara was cleaning the place when Kur entered, " can I have a glass of drink" he took a sit close to the shelf and waited for his drink, later on, Cara brought the drink to him and just as she was about to walk out Kur called out to her, " can we talk?". Kur seemed to be the first person who must have tried to get into a conversation with her after so many years, " yes, you have my attention, what do you want to talk about?", Kur came speechless because they were a little offence in the pitch of Cara's voice, "I don't mind to sound offensive but you can't remember me. You saved my life once"

Cara looked more lost than before, the more Kur tried to refresh her memory the more she continued to seem lost in thought. One would think Cara was playing games with Kur's head because Kur tried his best to remind her of everything they went through together, but the harder he tried the more she seemed to be lost. " then you should remember the Writers, they help once save your life. If you can't remember the life you saved then you have to remember the person that saved yours", well the expression on Cara's was different she immediately had flashes of how she tried to attack them back at the Unchattered Forest, Kur brought out a short shiv and left it on the shelf and left, Cara picked up the knife and she kept it. It was surprising that Kur paid for his drink with a shiv, what was he thinking? or do they sell free drinks here? Cara just had to ignore him since he had refused to let her know peace since after their first encounter at the bar.

 Tamra and Kur have been working all night just to work on how to get Kahlan to follow them without his guards following. King Kahlan is always heavily guarded, he is always accompanied by armed men, wise counsellors and Spiritual men with black magic. No one dares come close to King Kahlan whether you're his subject or not, he was a very restricted King that visitors barely think of the Kingdom as a king. One afternoon Cara showed up at Kur's apartment, she knocked on the door the first time no one answered, she did again the second time and waited if she would get any response but still no one turned up, at this point she was already feeling weird inside her because she never allowed Kur to explain how he knew her, and now she is at his door-step expecting him to have a conversation with her. She picked up the little basket she carried along with her and turned the same way she came in to leave the place, but before she took another step the door made a sound like it had been unlocked, " Cara, come in. My boss would like to talk to you" jealous Tamra was the person who opened the door, "next time you hit the bell" she pointed to where the bell was positioned. Cara followed Tamra inside the apartment, the place was so huge that it would occupy half of the subject of Hartland, and the furniture was very luxurious from head to bottom, from the outside the place would seem small and also hunted but the inside says otherwise, the place looks like a mini- paradise. Cara was asked to sit but she insisted on standing at first but Unfriendly Tamra gave Cara a mysterious look which made her uncomfortable and she just had to harken to the assistant voice. After a few minutes, Cara was asked to take the stairs and head to the office by the right, she didn't waste any second because she was already running late, and by the time she took the last stairs step that led up she stopped to observe the place because the rooms arrangement were unusual. There were a lot of rooms by the left corner while there was only one room door by the right, then she remembered the assistant told her to go to the right, she didn't bother much searching for the right door since there was only one. Cara entered the place and as always the place looked amazing, Kur stood beside the window which was opened, and as he observed his visitor had arrived he closed the window "What took you so long", this didn't sound like the man she knew, Kur never sound mean to Cara ever since when they met at the bar, Cara just stood in doubt whether to get in a conversation with Kur or whether it wasn't the right time, "I asked a question, they's only one door by your right. Or did you steal something from other rooms". The accusation was really strong that Cara couldn't keep quiet anymore, "I just had doubts coming in here, besides you have a very weird place" she complimented. Kur was in doubt about what brought Cara to his place because the last time he remembered Cara didn't want to have anything to do with him she tried to abstain from him, " what brought you here?" Kur asked, "I came to pay an old lover a visit" Cara exclaimed. Kur was surprised hearing these words from Cara, was he dreaming? Where was the statement coming from? Did Cara meant those words she was saying? "I have been having memories of us for the past weeks now, I didn't know how to tell you but I knew it would be of no good if I didn't know why you keep appearing in my dream," Cara said, she took the visitors to sit and sat without Kur's permission, " sorry I didn't offer you a sit" Kur apologises. It was a thing of joy for Kur but one would say otherwise for his assistant who had been eavesdropping on her master's conversation.

 Cara started paying Kur visits and Kur's appearance at the bar was reduced, Cara had nowhere to go so whenever she was given a lunch break she would be at Kur's place. Tamra on the other hand became jealous but she couldn't do anything about it since her boss wasn't in disagreement with Cara coming. Cara was never allowed to go to the left side of the room, whenever she came she was always directed by Kur's assistant to meet him at the office, Cara at first wasn't bothered about meeting Kur in his office but the more she visited the more her anxiety grew, " what is behind those doors" she thought to herself, she got to the place that faithful afternoon, the bar was close because of a fire outbreak the previous day, so the whole area had to go on a shutdown, she decided to spend the day with Kur and by the time she got there no one responded but the door was open, that was unusual she thought to herself then she decided to take a peep inside to know if all was well. On her way to Kur's office, her mind told her to check out one of the rooms on her left, although it was a humph decision for Cara she allowed her anxiety to get the better of her. She skipped the first door and she stopped at the second, just as she was about to open the door, Kur came out of the first door that she skipped earlier and immediately he used his power to make the door hard so she wasn't able to open it, she didn't notice the presence of Kur until he called out her name, "Cara, I thought you knew my office is always by the right and I never changed it". Cara was in so much shock that it felt like her soul should leave her body at that moment,

 how was she going to face him, her anxiety had landed her in a problem, would Kur stop her from coming to his place? At that moment Cara had a lot going through her head, she slowly turned to where Kur's voice came from but to her surprise, he wasn't there, Kur had already teleported to Cara earlier facing position, "Where did he go?" she looked in doubt and fear, "are they a ghost staying here" she kept questioning herself without still noticing Kur behind her. Suddenly there was a blackout in the place, Cara became terrified now, she couldn't locate her way back to the stairs that brought her up, she managed to get to one of the doors then she decided to open it, just as she got in the lights were back on and she discovered she was at the office and Kur was just standing looking at her with a big smile on his face.

 " What!, you have been the one behind all these" Cara exclaimed with a sign of relief on her face.

 "I told you not to go to that side of the apartment, you caused it yourself" he walked slowly and offered his hand to Cara who was down, she looked at him and later on accepted his offer, just as she got up she kicked his leg, " you scared the hell out of me, please don't try that again", she removed her hand from Kur's who was already lost in her eyes…

 " Sorry, you were saying"

 " you must be kidding me, so you haven't been paying attention to me all this time, you are joking. I won't repeat myself but you just try me, you'll know I am not only a bar attendant I was also once a warrior"

 This statement caught the attention of Kur and besides he felt Cara still had a chance to recover her lost memory, "that's what I have been trying to tell you, you are a warrior. You once saved my life from a soldier". Cara wasn't really in the mood to get into a conversation about her past with Kur so she just ignored him and she brought up another topic to the table.


 Tamra became so jealous of her boss's relationship with the stranger they met just weeks ago. One day Tamra thought to herself to report Cara to the King if it would help reduce Cara's presence at their place, and she needed to act fast so she planned it for the next day. She was properly welcome since she was known by the palace as Kur's assistant, they both had lunch together, the king and Tamra, and then later she was invited into the King's chamber after he must have had a very long nap. Tamra was desperate she would take whatever stood in her way between her and master. " so you said you have a very important issue to discuss with me, now you have my attention, what's the problem?" King Khalan asked,

 Tamra cleared her throat, she found it uncomfortable telling the king because it could hinder their mission but it was too late for a change of thought and the king was up already, so it wasn't in her favour to think of another lie and she explains all the recent activities between Kur and Cara to King Kahlan. After the shocking explanation by Tamra King Kahlan was furious and was in so much anger knowing the fact that his worker had been going out with one of his soon-to-be enemies. King Kahlan didn't waste time to make Kur one of his enemies after the incident at his chamber the other night. King Kahlan ordered a group of soldiers to arrest Kur at his place. The soldiers were close to Kur's place and Unfortunately for Kur and Cara, they were both together, although nothing intimate was going on between the two friends the world wouldn't see it the way they did, all Kur wanted was for Cara to recover her memory, and all Cara wanted to know was why Kur was always into her. The Soldier broke down the door, some went up while others stayed down and patrolled the place, Kur emergency alarmed sound and immediately he knew someone has broken into the apartment, he immediately asked Cara who knew no where except his office in the apartment to go hide somewhere, Cara exited the room and peep to see who was it and to her surprise the men were all dressed in red attire which signalised they were sent from the palace and they were carrying a direct order from the King. Cara immediately entered the first door she was able to open as the voice got closer, what she saw in the room was so magnificent that her mouth were open for more than fifteen minutes without her realising it, the place was made of gold, it was like the bricks of the room were made out of gold, her reflection was showing everywhere in the room, " what type of place are these?. what does these young men do?, how come he has so much gold?. Even the King struggles to get a gold chain, but a commoner has it here even more than enough". She glance-by everything she admired once she was able to carry, they was gold sculptures, and Portairts, but the most fascinating item was the clocks that were arranged all over the place, the room had more than ten thousand walls clocking running at the same time, the fact that Cara found funny was the fact that the clocks had different time readings, " what are these clocks used for?" she asked herself as she walks by the shelve, in fact, she has already forgotten the fact that she was being chased by some soldiers. Kur, on the other hand, was in battle with the soldiers, the more he fought the more they came and the weaker he became, he was bothered about Cara at that moment because after Cara left he hadn't seen her and he wasn't sure if she was taken hostage by the soldiers, he managed to pull the soldiers back and he went straight up to the left corner, he kept teleporting from one room to another in search of Cara, he had a feeling Cara must have entered one of the rooms because that was the only safe place available as at the time the soldier broke into the apartment.

 It was difficult looking for Cara in one hundred and twenty rooms, well luckily for him Cara didn't have enough time to run too far before she decided to enter room twelve. By the time Kur got to the twelve room he met Cara with his long-time prisoner Chuk, it wasn't a coincidence that of all the rooms available it was where Kur kept the man that cheated him she got into, fate knew what he was pulling.