14: The Awakening of Ardha Rathi

In the stillness of the night, as the moon cast its silver glow upon the world, Yash found himself enveloped in a whirlwind of memories—a kaleidoscope of images and sensations that flooded his mind with a torrential force. With each breath, he felt the weight of 84 lakh lives bearing down upon him, their memories intertwining with his own in a mesmerizing dance of past and present.

As the memories of his past lives washed over him like a tidal wave, Yash felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins—a primal force that seemed to awaken dormant powers within him. It was as if the essence of every creature that had ever lived and breathed upon the earth had converged upon him, infusing him with a newfound vitality and strength.

With a sense of awe and wonderment, Yash realized that he had inherited the powers of his past lives—a legacy that transcended the boundaries of time and space. No matter how many lifetimes he lived, he would always carry within him the echoes of the creatures he had once been, their essence woven into the very fabric of his being.

But it was not just the memories of his past lives that filled Yash with wonder—it was the realization that he had access to their powers as well. With each passing moment, he felt the dormant abilities of his previous incarnations stirring within him, waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

And yet, Yash understood that these powers were not to be wielded lightly. They were a sacred gift, bestowed upon him by the universe itself, and with them came a great responsibility. He knew that he must tread carefully, lest he unleash forces beyond his control.

As he delved deeper into the memories of his past lives, Yash discovered a secret hidden within the depths of his consciousness—a knowledge that had been gleaned through countless lifetimes of penance and meditation. It was the secret of attaining the realm of Maharathi—the pinnacle of warriorhood in Sanatan Dharma.

With a sense of purpose burning within him, Yash resolved to unlock this hidden knowledge and ascend from Ashvarohi realm to the realm of Ardha Rathi—the fourth level of the warrior realms. He knew that it would not be easy, for the path to enlightenment was fraught with challenges and obstacles. But he also knew that with the powers of his past lives at his disposal, he had the strength to overcome any adversity that stood in his way.

And so, with unwavering determination, Yash embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. He delved deep into the teachings of his mentors, honing his skills in meditation and combat, and unlocking the latent powers that lay dormant within him.

With each passing day, Yash felt himself growing stronger and more attuned to the energies that flowed through the universe. He could feel the presence of his past lives guiding him, urging him onward towards his ultimate destiny.

And as he stood on the precipice of Ardha Rathi, ready to take the first step towards his true potential, Yash knew that he was on the cusp of something extraordinary. With the powers of his past lives coursing through his veins, he was poised to become a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness—a warrior of the highest order, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage, determination, and unwavering resolve.

1 ) Padatik - These were the soldiers who marched on foot or infantryman . The main army comprised of these Padatik.

2 ) Ashvarohi - These are the horseman or equal to 12 Padatik or infantrymen. These were the officers in the army and controlled the Padatik .

3 ) Gaja - These are the soldiers who fight on elephants back and are equal to 12 Ashvarohi. The elephants were well trained for the war and was a main part of the army .

4 ) Ardha Rathi - These are the soldiers who fight on Chariot and are equal to 1 Gaja or 12 Ashvarohi.

5 ) Rathi - These are warriors who are equal to 12 Ardha Rathi .

Yudhishthira , Nakula , Sahadeva , Jayadratha , 99 Kauravas , Shakuni , Upapandavs etc . These are some examples of Rathi .

6 ) AtiRathi – A warrior who is considered equal to 12 Rathis . These were the main officers of the army and lead a small part of troop with them.

Duryodhana , Bheema , Satyaki , Keechaka , Jarasandha , Drupada , Ghatotkacha , Shalya , Vibhishana , Lav , Kush , etc . These are some popular Atirathis .

7 ) Maharathi - A warrior who is superior to all officers in the army and a major portion of the army is under him . It is equal to 12 Atirathis or 24 Rathi.

Bhishma , Dronacharya , Kripacharya , Ravana ( equal to 5 or 6 Maharathi ) , Kumbharkarna , Bhagadatta , Abhimanyu , Ashwathama and etc .

8 ) Ati Maharathi - This is the one who has accomplished all the achievements in weaponry. It is equal to 12 Maharathis.

Rama , Krishna , Balarama , Lakshamana , Indrajit , Hanumana , Parshurama ( all the avatars of Vishnu are Ati Maharathi ) and avatars of Shiva are Ati Maharathi.

9 ) Mahamaharathi - These are the gods who are equal to 24 Ati Maharathi . They are invincible and the best class among the warriors .

Vishnu , Shiva , Brahma , Ganesha , Kumara , Shakti Maata .