Chapter 20: The Poisonous Legacy

Two days had passed since the intense battle between Yash and Karan. The campus had returned to its usual rhythm, but the air still felt charged with the lingering energy of their confrontation. Yash, Aarav, and Gurdeep tried to resume their studies, but something was amiss.

Aarav and Gurdeep had been feeling increasingly unwell. They exhibited symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. Yash, on the other hand, seemed unaffected. This discrepancy puzzled Yash until he began to notice a faint, dark mist that seemed to linger around his friends. It was almost imperceptible, but Yash's heightened senses, honed through his spiritual training, picked up on it.

One evening, as Yash meditated to clear his mind and seek guidance, a memory surfaced from the ancient tomes he had studied. He recalled a passage about a clan related to the Naga clan, an ancient serpent lineage known for their control over venom and poison. The description of their abilities matched the symptoms his friends were experiencing. Yash's eyes snapped open, a realization dawning on him: Karan must be a descendant of this clan, and the black mist he released during their battle was a form of poisonous energy.

Determined to help his friends, Yash delved deeper into the tomes, searching for a way to dispel the poison. He found that the mist's effects could be neutralized by a specific spiritual technique, but it required knowledge that only a member of the Naga clan could possess. The only way to save Aarav and Gurdeep was to confront Karan again and extract the method from him.

Yash steeled himself for the confrontation. The thought of facing Karan again filled him with a mixture of dread and determination, but he knew he had no choice. Aarav and Gurdeep's health was deteriorating rapidly, and time was of the essence.

He found Karan in a secluded part of the campus, practicing alone. The aura around him seemed even darker and more menacing than before. As Yash approached, Karan turned to face him, a smug expression on his face.

"Back for more, Yash?" Karan taunted. "I thought you had enough last time."

Yash met his gaze, unwavering. "I need the antidote for the poison you're releasing. It's affecting my friends, and I won't let them suffer because of you."

Karan's eyes gleamed with malice. "Why should I help you? This is just a taste of the power I possess. You can't defeat me, Yash."

Yash's anger flared, but he kept his composure. "This isn't about power, Karan. It's about saving lives. If you have any honor left, you'll tell me how to dispel the poison."

Karan laughed, the sound cold and harsh. "Honor? You're naive, Yash. But if you want the antidote, you'll have to defeat me first."

With those words, Karan lunged at Yash, the dark mist swirling around him. Yash braced himself, drawing on his spiritual training and the power he had accumulated from his past lives. The battle was fierce, each of them pushing the limits of their abilities.

Despite Karan's formidable attacks, Yash felt a newfound strength within him. The knowledge and power from the ancient Sanskrit tomes flowed through him, guiding his movements and enhancing his resilience. He remembered the techniques to counteract poison and used them to shield himself from Karan's mist.

The fight seemed to last an eternity, but Yash's determination never wavered. With a final, powerful strike, he broke through Karan's defenses, knocking him to the ground. Karan lay there, defeated and panting.

Yash stood over him, his voice firm but calm. "Tell me how to dispel the poison, Karan. Now."

Karan glared up at him, but the fight had left him. With a grudging nod, he began to speak. "Fine. There's a technique—an ancient chant. It neutralizes the poison. But it's not easy. You need to be focused and channel your energy precisely."

Yash listened intently as Karan explained the details. It was a complex procedure, but Yash's training and past life memories gave him the confidence he needed. He committed every word to memory, knowing that Aarav and Gurdeep's lives depended on it.

"Thank you," Yash said, his tone sincere despite the circumstances. "I hope you find a better path, Karan."

Karan said nothing, his eyes filled with a mix of resentment and something else—perhaps a sliver of respect.

Yash hurried back to Aarav and Gurdeep, who were resting in their dorm room, looking pale and weak. He explained what he had learned and began the process of neutralizing the poison. He chanted the ancient mantra, focusing his energy as Karan had instructed. Slowly but surely, the dark mist began to dissipate, and Aarav and Gurdeep's color started to return.

After what felt like hours, the poison was finally gone. Aarav and Gurdeep stirred, their strength returning. They looked at Yash with gratitude and relief.

"You did it, Yash," Aarav said weakly but with a smile. "You saved us."

Gurdeep nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "You've grown so much, Yash. Thank you."

Yash smiled back at them, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. "We have to stay strong and stay united. There are more challenges ahead, but we'll face them together."

As they rested and recovered, Yash couldn't help but reflect on the journey so far. The battles they had fought, the lessons they had learned, and the bonds they had forged. He knew that their path was far from over, but with friends like Aarav and Gurdeep by his side, he felt ready to face whatever the future held.