Learning Quest

It took more than half the day to complete the daily quest entirely, even with breaks for meals. Now, I find myself in my bedroom, stretched out on the bed, with the darkness of night enveloping the room. I've already showered and eaten, feeling a sense of accomplishment for finishing the task.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the daily quest. You have obtained 5 free attribute points to use.]

Seeing this notification brings a smile to my face, but now comes the decision of where to invest my attribute points or whether to save them for later. However, the system reacts and answers the question before I even ask.

[Host, it is advisable to keep these free attribute points for later. By continuing your training, you will be able to naturally increase your attribute points, as well as your skills.]

I nod in agreement with the system's advice before asking it to display my status.

[Name: Jade Smith

Age: 5

Race: Half-human, half-dragon

HP: 500/500 > 900/900

MP: 1000/1000 > 1300/1300

Magic: 15 > 16

Strength: 8 > 10

Intelligence: 24

Appearance/Charisma: 20 > 22

Affinity: Fire

Skills: Cooking (B), Escape (C), Running (C+), Fire Magic (F), Pain Resistance (F) 

Attribute points: 5 ]

"Oh, my attributes have increased quite a bit. But why has my magic attribute also increased when I haven't used any magic?"

[It's normal. The stronger your body becomes, the more magic you can contain within it.]

"I see. Can you display the quest board for me?"

[Daily Quest: Completed]

[Learning Quest:

-Objective: Evolve fire magic to level C.

Rewards: 500 gold coins, skill: Fire Arrow.

Additional Challenge: Reach 20 points for each attribute.

Extra Rewards 500 gold coins, skill: Fire Explosion.]

For now, I see there are two available quests, but I'll tackle them tomorrow as it's getting late already. I close the system tab and prepare to sleep. Fatigue from today's activities quickly lulls me into a deep slumber.

The morning arrived in the blink of an eye, casting a soft glow through the windows of our quaint home. Even though I still felt a bit disoriented in this new world, each day seemed to bring a little more clarity. I rose from my bed, the sheets crumpled in my wake, and went through my morning rituals with a sense of growing familiarity.

As I finished dressing, the door creaked open, and there stood my mother. She approached me with a warm smile, a bandage in hand, ready to tend to the minor wound on my head.

"Did you sleep well, Jade?" she inquired gently, her voice a soothing melody in the early hours.

I returned her smile, a sense of gratitude washing over me. "Yes, Mom, I slept soundly, thank you," I replied, a hint of warmth in my voice.

With practiced hands, my mother carefully tended to my wound, wrapping it in fresh bandages. Together, we made our way to the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast filling the air. I settled at the table, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting soft patterns on the floor.

As I savored my meal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over me. It was a simple moment, yet filled with the warmth of familial love.

After breakfast, I slipped on my shoes. With a quick goodbye to my mother, I stepped out into the crisp morning air, a sense of freedom enveloping me. Alone at last, I reached for the interface of the system, my heart fluttering with anticipation as I saw that the daily quest awaited me once more.

With determination coursing through my veins, I embarked on my daily quest, the familiar interface of the system guiding my actions. The task at hand seemed daunting at first, but this time, fueled by newfound strength and resolve, I approached it with renewed vigor.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape as I set out to complete the challenge. Each push-up, each squat, felt like a step closer to mastery. My muscles strained, my breath quickened, but I pressed on, fueled by the knowledge that victory lay within reach.

As I reached the final milestone, a sense of triumph washed over me. The sweat glistened on my brow. With a sense of satisfaction, I watched as the interface of the system displayed the completion of the quest, a virtual reward shimmering before my eyes.

[Quest Completed:

- Daily Quest: 50 Push-ups, 50 Squats, 2km Run

- Reward: 5 Attribute Points]

With a contented sigh, I closed the interface, feeling a sense of accomplishment swell within me. 

As the morning sun cast its warm embrace upon the land, I found myself drawn to the next challenge awaiting me: the learning quest . With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, I opened the interface.

[Learning Quest:

Objective: Master the Fire Magic to Level C

Reward: 500 Gold Coins, Skill Upgrade: Fire Arrow]

Gazing at the task before me, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. Fire magic? It seemed like a daunting feat for someone who had never so much as conjured a spark. 

"Fire magic," I murmured, the words feeling foreign on my lips. "How do I even begin?"

[Have no fear, dear host. I shall be your guide on this journey. Now, focus your thoughts on the element of fire. Visualize its warmth, its power, and let it flow through you.]

Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to be enveloped by the imagined heat of flames, summoning forth a mental image of dancing firelight. Slowly, tentatively, I extended my hand, feeling a tingling sensation coursing through my veins.

Suddenly, a spark ignited at my fingertips, flickering to life like a tiny beacon of hope in the darkness. With each passing moment, the flame grew stronger, fueled by my newfound connection to the element.

"Amazing," I whispered in awe, watching as the flames danced and swirled in the air before me.

[You're doing splendidly Jade ] 

I continued to focus, feeling the energy swirling around me until a fiery orb materialized in my hand.

[You have unlocked the Fireball technique.]

"Oh, so I can learn techniques like this?" I exclaimed in astonishment. Scanning the surroundings, my eyes settled on a nearby tree, providing a perfect target. With a determined nod, I hurled the fireball towards the tree.

Initially, everything seemed fine as the fireball connected with the tree trunk. However, to my horror, instead of dissipating upon impact, the flames began to spread, engulfing the tree and the surrounding grass.

Panic surged within me as I watched the fire rapidly spreading, inching dangerously close to our home.

"System, is there any solution to this?" I implored, desperation creeping into my voice as the flames neared our house.

[To resolve this issue, there is only one solution: call your mother for help.]

"Are you sure there's no other way?" I questioned, but it was too late. The fire had reached the house, and Lily emerged from within, alarmed by the commotion, only to find part of the house ablaze along with the surrounding area.

Swiftly, she extended her hand, conjuring water to douse the flames I had inadvertently ignited. Before I could utter a word, my mother rushed towards me, her expression stern and disapproving.

"Jade, was it you?" My mother's voice cut through the chaos as she approached.

"No, Mom, it wasn't me. I'm just a child who's never learned magic. How could I have done that?" I replied innocently, hoping to deflect her suspicion.

But my response didn't seem to appease her. In an instant, she struck me on the head, leaving a painful lump.

[Pain Resistance increased by one level.]

"Now tell me the truth, Jade," she demanded, her anger palpable.

"Okay, okay, it was me. But please, don't hit me again. I won't do it again," I pleaded, tears welling in my eyes. It all reminded me of my mother before she passed away, before I transmigrated.

"Fine, if you've learned your lesson. But you're grounded for a week. Now, go back home," she commanded, pointing towards our partially burnt house.

I didn't bother to argue and trudged back home. And so ended my first day of learning magic.