Me, hate you? Never

At that moment, Amelia's facade crumbled, panic setting in as she realized the gravity of her miscalculation. She had underestimated my parents.

"What are you talking about? What's happening, Lily?" Irene interjected, positioning herself protectively in front of Lily.

Sweat began to bead on Amelia's forehead, each drop a testament to her growing fear.

"It appears this girl has the ability to control people by touch. She tried it on me, but fortunately, it didn't work," Lily stated, her voice a mix of seriousness and relief.

"How dare you lay a finger on my wife? Do you have a death wish?" Irene's voice rose, her anger reaching a boiling point.

Just as Irene was about to take action, Raven stepped forward, her presence commanding.

"Mrs. Irene, please allow me to handle this," Raven said, her smile chilling.

Irene seemed to relax at Raven's words, her rage subsiding slightly.

"You're lucky it's Raven dealing with you. Otherwise, you'd be dead today. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty," Irene said, her dark gaze fixed on Amelia.

With a snap of her fingers, Raven conjured handcuffs that clamped around Amelia's wrists, binding her.

"Do you really think you scare me, Raven?" Amelia retorted, her confidence waning.

"Jade, could you open the door?" Raven asked, a sadistic grin spreading across her face.

"Of course," I replied, moving to open the door.

As soon as the door swung open, Raven snapped her fingers again, and Amelia was hurled out of the house, landing a good twenty meters away. But it wasn't over; Raven stepped outside. 

Raven's POV:

Amelia had collided with a tree, the impact leaving her in visible pain. A few teeth had been dislodged, an almost comical sight amidst the tension.

I approached Amelia, and as I did, a sword crafted from shadows materialized in my hand.

"I can tolerate many things, but I draw the line at you harming those I hold dear. Your noble birth gives you no right to mercy," I said, pressing the blade ever so slightly against Amelia's throat.

"Do you think inflicting pain will grant you victory, Raven? Or is this because you're jealous of me, or perhaps because I dared to cross Jade?" she taunted, a twisted smile on her lips.

I withdrew the sword from her neck.

"What do you think? I couldn't care less about your opinions, you deranged fool," I spat back, anger flaring within me.

"And what if Jade and her family came to despise you, especially Jade? What if she ended up with me? Remember, you are nothing. Your family doesn't love you, people fear you," she laughed, her voice echoing with malice.

"Stop spouting nonsense. Jade and her family will never hate me, and she would never be with someone like you," I retorted, my rage barely contained.

"Oh, you are jealous. If you don't believe me, you'll see it soon enough with your own eyes when Jade leaves you for me. After all, I always get what I want," she said, her smile now bordering on insanity.

"You know what? Get out. You're pitiful," I declared, dispelling the sword and the handcuffs from Amelia's wrists with a flick of my hand.

Amelia's laughter rang out.

"You're finally beginning to grasp the truth. Everything you have, I will take."

That was the final straw. With a snap of my fingers, Amelia vanished, teleported to a desert not too far away a lesson she'd not soon forget. Yet, a sliver of worry lingered over her words, quickly overshadowed by Jade's arrival.

"Oh no, I wanted to witness the showdown, and you've already sent her packing," Jade said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

I didn't bother to answer Jade's comment; instead, I closed the distance between us and gently placed my hand on her face.

"Jade, I have a question," I murmured, tracing the contours of her face.

"Of course, you know you don't have to ask," Jade replied, her smile sending my heart into a flutter.

"What if one day I do something wrong? Would you hate me, refuse to see or even speak to me?" I asked, a tinge of apprehension in my voice.

"Me, hate you? Never. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'll be there to guide you back on track. But why such a question? Is something wrong?" she asked, concern etched in her eyes as she clasped my hand on her face.

"And if one day you're in a relationship and your partner asks you to stop being friends with me, what would you do?" I pressed, seeking earnestness in her gaze.

"I would leave that person. If they dared to make such a demand, they clearly don't understand. To me, you're one of the most precious things I have," she said, releasing my hand.

In that moment, I pulled her into a hug, yet I couldn't shake a sense of dissatisfaction. The thought of her with someone else was unbearable—I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't help it.

"Are you sure everything's alright, Raven? You rarely hug me," Jade said, pulling away to look at me, her breath warm against my skin.

Her proximity sent a blush to my cheeks, but the moment was interrupted by the growling of Jade's stomach. Regaining my composure, I gently pushed her back, noticing her cheeks had taken on a rosy hue as well.

"I think it's time to eat," I said with a smile.

Jade nodded and led the way back to her house. As I followed, I wondered when I had fallen for this fool—perhaps it was her smile, or maybe it was because she's the person I care about most in the world. And if anyone tried to take her from me, I wouldn't spare them, especially not that wretch Amelia.

"Raven, what are you doing? Hurry up," Jade called out, turning to me with a smile.

"Yes, I'm coming," 

We entered the house, the familiar scent of home-cooked food enveloping us. Jade's parents were always so welcoming, treating me as one of their own. It was a stark contrast to the coldness of my own home, a place where shadows clung to the walls and whispers echoed through empty halls.

I hoped things would stay this way forever, that no one would ruin the happiness I'd finally found.