You're my girlfriend now

The kiss was soft and sweet, a gentle exchange of affection that left me breathless and wanting more. As we pulled away, I couldn't help but smile, my heart soaring with joy.

"Does this mean we're a couple now?" I asked, a hint of excitement in my voice.

Raven smiled back at me, her eyes sparkling with love. "Yes, you're my girlfriend now," she said, pulling me into a warm embrace.

Our moment was interrupted by a clearing of the throat, and we turned to see Raven's butler standing nearby, his expression serious.

"Raven, your parents are requesting your immediate presence at home," he announced, his tone grave.

Raven's face fell from joy to stoicism in an instant. "I wish I could stay longer," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

"It's okay, we'll see each other tomorrow," I reassured her, reaching out to gently stroke her hair.