I need you

Before I could fully lose consciousness, the system screen reappeared, displaying the ominous message: [The system is under attack by an unknown entity. The system will be put on standby until further notice.] Then everything went dark.

Now, shifting to Raven's perspective...

Fury surged through me as I watched Jade crumple to the ground, unconscious. The sight of her lying there, vulnerable and hurt, fueled the fire of anger within me.

"Why would you do that, Amelia? Are you insane?" I shouted, my voice laced with rage.

Amelia just laughed in response, her twisted grin sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn't contain my anger any longer. I lunged at her, my hand crackling with dark magic, ready to strike. But before I could make contact, she let out a piercing scream and collapsed to the ground.