I want to touch your wings

We lay on the bed, and Raven wrapped her arms around me. Within minutes, she had fallen asleep, but I remained awake. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Why had the system alerted me to Raven's supposed danger when there was none? Did Amelia have the power to control the system? These questions swirled in my mind, but I knew I wouldn't find answers until the system was back online tomorrow.

"Jade, you're not sleeping. It's late," Raven said, stirring awake and brushing her fingers gently across my face.

"I'll sleep soon. Go back to sleep," I replied, running my fingers through her hair, and eventually, I drifted off.

The next morning arrived quickly. When I woke up, Raven wasn't there. A sense of worry crept over me as I wondered if the events of last night were just a dream. However, my thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of the system screen.