We could move in together?

As the evening approached, we lay tangled in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. The soft light filtering through the window cast a warm glow over us, and I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Raven.

"That was amazing," I murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

She smiled back at me, her eyes filled with love. "You're amazing," she said, her voice soft and filled with emotion.

We lay there for a while longer, just enjoying each other's company, before finally deciding to get up and make dinner.

"Come on, sleepyhead," I teased, giving her a playful nudge. "It's time to get up."

With a groan, Raven reluctantly untangled herself from me and sat up, stretching luxuriously.

"Okay, okay," she said, her voice filled with mock annoyance. "I'm up."