Hot springs

We strolled through the village, exploring its narrow streets lined with quaint shops and bustling market stalls. The villagers greeted us warmly, their gratitude evident in their smiles and nods as we passed by.

Raven's eyes sparkled with excitement as she led the way, her enthusiasm infectious. She stopped at every shop window, admiring the colorful displays of goods on offer.

"Look at this, Jade! Isn't this dress beautiful?" she exclaimed, pressing her face against the glass of a boutique window.

I joined her, peering inside at the elegant gown on display. "It's stunning, Raven, but do you really need another dress?" I teased, knowing full well that she probably did.

Raven pouted playfully. "A girl can never have too many dresses, Jade," she replied, giving me a playful nudge.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Alright, but let's try to stick to our budget," I said, already resigned to the fact that my freshly earned coins would soon be spent.