Business trip

Alone in the apartment, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me. I tried to distract myself by playing games on my phone and watching TV, but the hours passed slowly, and there was still no word from Raven.

By the time lunch rolled around, I couldn't ignore the gnawing feeling of worry in my stomach any longer. I made myself something to eat, but the food tasted bland and unappetizing without Raven there to share it with me.

As the afternoon turned into evening and there was still no sign of Raven, my worry grew into full-blown anxiety. I tried calling her, but her phone went straight to voicemail.

Frustrated and scared, I decided to lie down for a nap, hoping that when I woke up, Raven would be home. But when I opened my eyes, the room was still empty, and there was still no sign of her.