I can see what you're doing

We stayed like that for a few moments, wrapped up in each other's arms, before pulling back to look at each other.

"So, what now?" Raven asked, her tone uncertain.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I think we need to talk about what happened yesterday," I said, meeting her gaze.

Raven nodded, her expression serious. "I agree. We can't just pretend like it didn't happen."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "I was just so scared," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "Scared that something had happened to you. Scared that I had pushed you away."

Raven reached out and took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I understand," she said softly. "And I'm sorry for making you worry. I should have called to let you know where I was."

I shook my head, feeling a surge of emotion. "No, it's not just that," I said, my voice trembling. "I'm scared, Raven. Scared of losing you."