Get rid of Amelia

Raven awoke to the soft hum of morning sounds and the scent of fresh coffee wafting through the air. Stretching lazily, she slipped out of bed and padded to the kitchen, where she found Jade bustling around, preparing breakfast and she hummed a tune as she flipped pancakes.

"Good morning, beautiful," Raven said, wrapping her arms around Jade from behind.

Jade leaned back into the embrace, smiling. "Morning, sleepyhead. I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast."

Raven kissed Jade's neck gently, savoring the warmth of their closeness. "You always know how to start the day right."

They spent a few moments in comfortable silence, the sound of sizzling pancakes and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Raven felt a deep contentment, a rare respite from the usual chaos of her life.

"You're spoiling me," Raven teased, as Jade handed her a plate of perfectly golden pancakes.