Abandoned, Marshal's Mansion

A clear and melodious voice, as cold as snow, came from above. Ruan Shu, with tears in her eyes, looked up and saw a young man in a white shirt, but due to the light, she couldn't see his face clearly.

Ruan Shu wiped her tears with her hand, but they kept flowing.

She choked out a soft response.

"I... "I'm fine."

She heard the young man chuckle softly, then he placed a candy in her hand.

"Go find your parents quickly, little one." "Don't wander around."

Ruan Shu looked up at the young man's departing figure. He had the same snow-white hair as her, but it was long and flowing. His back seemed cold and distant, as if he were isolated from the world.

She watched him leave, clutching the candy tightly in her hand.

"The wretched girl can't even keep up with walking." "It's not her legs that are useless; it's her spiritual power!"

Xiao Yuan Yi noticed that the girl had not kept up, so he grumbled and walked back. It wasn't that she was worried about Ruan Shu; nevertheless, she was a member of the Ruan family, and even if she couldn't marry into a wealthy family, she could still gain some benefits.

After expending so much effort, she was still unwilling to give up on her.

Upon returning to their affordable rental house, Xiao Yuan Yi cautioned Ruan Shu against running around, then locked the door before leaving.

She had to contact the Ruan family. This useless child couldn't continue to stay here and burden her. She was still young, and after knocking on the Ruan family's door, she hoped to find someone else to support her.

In the dim and cramped room, she was the only one left, and Ruan Shu had long since become accustomed to it.

She went to the window and pulled back the curtains to let the sunlight in.

The room was filled with trash and empty bottles.

She frowned, her face too delicate and her eyes too exquisite for her age, and she began to tidy up the room.

Ruan Shu was a child who loved cleanliness. Even though she cleaned the room thoroughly every time, it would be messy again the next day.

She collected the recyclable trash in a bag and then started to clean up. By the time she finished, she was panting and sweating.

She was so small that she had to stand on a stool to reach some of the higher places.

After cleaning, she was exhausted and hungry.

Her stomach growled, and she covered it, feeling weak and hungry. She slowly made her way to her dimly lit room where she would sleep.

In the small room, approximately ten square meters in size, there was a small bed and a pile of miscellaneous items belonging to Xiao Yuan Yi.

But it was kept very clean and tidy.

Ruan Shu crawled to the edge of the bed, pulled out a small box from underneath, and carefully took out a tube of inexpensive nutritional supplement.

It had a sticky and unpleasant taste, but she had to eat it to avoid starving.

After a night, the woman did not return.

Ruan Shu initially felt relieved, thinking that she wouldn't be beaten if the woman didn't return.

But on the second and third days, the woman still didn't come back. When she finished the last nutritional supplement, she started to worry.

The door was locked, there was no food in the house, and she didn't have any means to contact the outside world.

Ruan Shu knocked on the door, but there was no response.

"Sob… I'm so hungry."

Her hands hurt from knocking on the door, and the wound from the fall had scabbed over. Her once fair and tender hands were now red from knocking.

She sat down by the door, hugging her knees. Her eyes, which should have been dark and bright, were now lifeless as she stared at the ground.

Was she going to starve to death here?

Was she so helpless that she would perish after only four years in this world?

She was alone in the room, and it felt cold.

Ruan Shu raised her hand, trying to grasp the sunlight shining through the window.

Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked out the window.

She didn't want to die in this cold room. If she had to die, she wanted to do so outside, where she could find a few wildflowers to keep her company. With sunlight and wildflowers, she wouldn't be alone.

Lost in her thoughts, Ruan Shu heard a cracking sound from behind the door.

Ruan Shu, with her almost translucent face, stood up and took a few steps back. Her lips trembled, and her eyes, devoid of spirit, stared at the door.

The door opened, but it wasn't the woman who entered. It was a stranger in a suit.

"Ruan Shu?"

The man saw the small, pale-faced girl lying on the bed and asked.

Ruan Shu looked at him for a moment, then everything went black.

In her dazed state, she seemed to hear a voice. Ruan Shu didn't sleep well, and the intense hunger burning in her stomach woke her up.

Her almost transparent skin seemed as though it could shatter and disappear at any moment, and her thick, black eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, as if they could take flight at any moment.

Upon opening her eyes, the intense light made Ruan Shu feel uncomfortable.

"You're awake, quickly, get some nutritional supplements."

She heard someone speak and subconsciously turned her head to see an old man in a black tailcoat looking at her with affection.

Soon, someone brought the nutritional supplement, and Ruan Shu, famished, eagerly drank it, but she remained weak and sluggish.

It didn't have the cheap plastic taste or the nauseating stickiness in her throat. It tasted like strawberry jelly, the best nutritional supplement she had ever had since arriving in this world.

After drinking the potion, the intense hunger in her stomach subsided, but she still felt weak from the lack of food.

"Thank... thank you."

Ruan Shu softly and weakly expressed his gratitude. She still didn't know where she was.

But it was definitely not the cramped little house.

Because as far as she could see, it was a luxury and grandeur she had never seen before.

Ruan Shu held the small blanket tightly. Her eyes, as clear as a deer's, looked timid and nervous as she gazed at the stranger in front of her.

"Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, miss. This is the Marshal's mansion, and I am the steward here. This will be your home from now on."

The Marshal's mansion. She had heard these three words from the woman's mouth more than once. It seemed like it was her father's home now.

But Ruan Shu didn't feel relieved. Instead, she looked even more dejected.

The steward, dressed in a tailcoat and looking spirited, looked at the small, pale-faced girl lying on the bed with affection.

Seeing how hungry and weak she looked, he scolded Xiao Yuan Yi, the mother who had stolen the Marshal's sperm and given birth to a child but refused to take responsibility.

Such a person didn't deserve to enter their Ruan family. She was dreaming!

Ruan Shu clutched the small blanket, her eyes almost transparent, and her voice was soft and weak as she thanked the steward. She didn't know where she was, but she was sure it wasn't the cramped little house.

As far as she could see, it was a level of luxury and grandeur she had never experienced before.

Ruan Shu clutched the small blanket tightly. Her eyes, as clear as a deer's, looked timid and nervous as she gazed at the stranger in front of her.

"Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, miss." This is the Marshal's mansion, and I am the steward here. "This will be your home from now on."

The Marshal's Mansion. She had heard these three words from the woman's mouth more than once. It seemed like it was her father's home now.

But Ruan Shu didn't feel relieved. Instead, she looked even more dejected.

The steward, dressed in a tailcoat and looking lively, gazed at the small, pale-faced girl lying on the bed with affection.

Upon noticing her hunger and weakness, he reprimanded Xiao Yuan Yi, the mother who had stolen the Marshal's sperm, given birth to a child, but refused to take responsibility.

Such a person didn't deserve to enter the Ruan family. She was dreaming!

Ruan Shu clutched the small blanket, her eyes almost transparent, and her voice was soft and weak as she thanked the steward. She didn't know where she was, but she was sure it wasn't the cramped little house.

As far as she could see, it was a level of luxury and grandeur she had never experienced before.

Ruan Shu clutched the small blanket tightly. Her eyes, as clear as a deer's, looked timid and nervous as she gazed at the stranger in front of her.

"Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, miss." This is the Marshal's mansion, and I am the steward here. "This will be your home from now on."

The Marshal's Mansion. She had heard these three words from the woman's mouth more than once. It seemed like it was her father's home now.

But Ruan Shu didn't feel relieved. Instead, she looked even more dejected.

The steward, dressed in a tailcoat and looking lively, gazed affectionately at the small, pale-faced girl lying on the bed.

Upon seeing how hungry and weak she looked, he scolded Xiao Yuan Yi, the mother who had stolen the Marshal's sperm, given birth to a child, but refused to take responsibility.

Such a person didn't deserve to enter the Ruan family. She was dreaming!