
The steward walked over. "What does the master wish to order?"

"Digestive medicine."

The steward went to get the digestive medicine, and Ruan Xiao coldly said, "Give it to her."

Only two people were present, and it was obvious who the medicine was for.

Ruan Shu seemed somewhat incredulous, her eyes wide as she looked at her father.

The steward smiled and handed her the medicine.

"Miss, after taking the medicine, you can go for a walk in the yard."

Ruan Shu was extremely happy after receiving the medicine. She eagerly looked at the man sitting across from her. He was sitting upright and not paying any attention to her.

"Thank you, Father."

Her soft, sweet voice was filled with joy. Even though the man sitting across from her did not respond, she was still very happy. Her eyes and eyebrows arched, and her mouth curled up, revealing neat and white teeth, with two sharp little fangs that looked particularly adorable.

After taking the medicine, Ruan Shu did not leave but obediently sat in the chair, waiting for her father.

As a military man, Ruan Xiao has always had a large appetite and ate quickly, but his movements were very well-mannered.

He finished his meal without wasting any food, wiped his mouth, and looked at Ruan Shu with emotionless ice-blue eyes.

She immediately straightened up, sitting very properly, and feeling extremely nervous.

Ruan Xiao said nothing and went directly to the study on the second floor.

Little Ruan Shu looked at him eagerly, only turning away when he was no longer visible, with a disappointed expression.

"Miss, don't be sad." "The master has always been like this, even with the young masters," the steward said.

Ruan Shu nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Grandpa Steward."

Regardless, her father noticed that she had eaten too much and even had the steward bring her digestive medicine, which made her very happy.

The little girl was in a very good mood and was about to take her robot nanny, Xiao Mi, for a walk outside to aid digestion.

However, she suddenly remembered something and went back upstairs to get a glass bottle, which she carried with her as she ran to the shoe cabinet at the door.

Inside the shoe cabinet were the shoes of the other family members, including military boots, leather shoes, and sneakers. She couldn't distinguish whose shoes were whose.

Her shoes were placed at the bottom, making it easy for her to reach because she was short.

Among the row of large shoes, there was a line of adorable little shoes, resembling a silly, soft white rabbit amidst a group of fierce beasts.

After changing into a pair of small leather shoes, Ruan Shu slowly walked outside with a pen, a notebook, and a glass bottle, while her robotic nanny, Xiao Mi, dutifully followed behind her.

Her current home is very spacious, featuring a large lawn in the front and back. In the distance, a vast expanse of endless trees is visible.

However, it was strange that such a large garden had no flowers or fruit trees. Although Ruan Shu found it strange, she didn't ask.

Today, with nothing to do at home, Ruan Shu decided to plant some flowers.

Because she was bored at home and couldn't do anything, Ruan Shu asked the steward to find her some seeds. The glass bottle she was carrying contained these seeds.

There were several different types of seeds mixed together, and she couldn't recognize any of them.

But it didn't matter; four seeds in each small flowerpot would be enough!

However, the steward mentioned that not all of these seeds may thrive indoors.

Ruan Shu squatted in the garden, using a small shovel to dig into the flowerpots. After planting the seeds and watering them, her clean little hands became dirty.

Fortunately, her clothes were not soiled.

Ruan Shu carried the flowerpots one by one back to her room's balcony.

After running back and forth several times, she had a bit of sweat on her forehead.

Xiao Mi, the robot nanny, was extremely vigilant.

"Miss, you're tired." "Sit down and rest," Xiao Mi said.

Ruan Shu softly responded, "Okay, thank you, Xiao Mi."

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the study on the third floor faced the garden outside. At this moment, a tall figure stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, observing everything the little girl was doing.

"Didn't you tell her that those seeds might not grow?" Ruan Xiao asked the steward, who was standing behind him.

The steward smiled and said, "The young lady is bored at home." "It's good for her to find something to do on her own."

Ruan Xiao nodded and did not continue the conversation.

"What about finding a school for her?"

"The young lady is a member of the Ruan family, so she can attend the First Military Academy, but... her mental strength level is too low." "I'm afraid she will be bullied in the future."

Ruan Xiao's voice was cold. "My children from the Ruan family should be able to endure such hardships..."

Suddenly, he thought about how easily she had cried after being lightly bumped. If she were truly being bullied, she would probably cry even more.

He realized that raising a daughter was much more challenging than raising a son. He pinched the bridge of his nose while giving instructions.

"Take care of it."


After the steward left, he continued to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched as the little girl sat on a stone pillar, holding a pen and drawing. She was very well-behaved and didn't cause any trouble.

Ruan Xiao turned and left. He didn't have much time to raise a child, especially one who was an unexpected addition to his plans.

Xiao Mi went to the kitchen and brought out some fruit juice.

Ruan Shu, who was earnestly drawing at the table, looked up. She thanked Xiao Mi politely as she held the fruit juice.

"No need to thank me."~"Xiao Mi's robotic voice seemed to ripple like waves."

Ruan Shu looked at it with a smile, swinging her short legs in the air as she drank the juice, then continued with her online classes for the day.

She loved drawing. In her previous life, she had always loved it, but she never had the time or money to learn. She had always taught herself in her spare time.

But now, she had plenty of time. Ruan Shu's beautiful eyes curved as she sat quietly and attentively watching the drawing lessons presented by Xiao Mi.

Sitting with her arms resting on the table, her knees close together, and her back straight, she appeared as a proper young lady. Even a robot like Xiao Mi was charmed by her.

As she studied, she also picked up a pen and started drawing on a blank sheet of paper.

After studying for two hours, she only stopped when Xiao Mi encouraged her to take a walk.

Looking at the figures she had drawn on the paper, she was extremely happy.

If Ruan Xiao were here, he would surely recognize her, even though the drawing was still quite immature without any color.

Ruan Shu carefully put away the drawing and placed it in her small bag, intending to continue the next day.

Now, she had to prepare a gift for her father.

As soon as she went upstairs, she saw a tall man coming down from the third floor.


She called out softly, but the man just glanced at her indifferently and quickly walked down the stairs and out of the living room.

When Ruan Shu caught up, she only saw the small black dot of the floating car as it left.

She stood at the door, eagerly watching the floating car leave, and continued to watch for a long time.

In the car, Ruan Xiao noticed a small figure standing at the door. The figure appeared inconspicuous, gradually shrinking until she was no longer visible.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go to the Legion."

"Yes, the flight route has been confirmed." Marshal Ruan, please take a seat.

At the Ruan family villa, the steward sighed as he looked at the small figure standing at the door.

"The master is very busy." The military probably has something to discuss with him, which is why he left in such a hurry. "Miss, don't worry."